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August 20, 1912 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1912-08-20

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Wanted-Student to work for board at
University Hospital, Catherine St.
Apply to Matron. 21-2-3
For Rent-Fine cottages. for rent,
Whitmore Lake Weidemann Grove.
Address 312 S. Div., Phone 1076-J.
A complete line of coliege songs-
some of which are: Yellow and Blue,
Varsity, Victors, College Days, always
to be found at the University Music
House, Press Building, Maynard St.,
across from "Majestic." tf

All six exposure films developed at
Hoppe's Studio for 10 and 15 cents.
Fine and brilliant prints made for 4
and 5 cents. Remember the place,
619 E. Liberty street, near where the
new studio is being built. 15-16.
The summer is almost gone! And
we have had such a pleasant time. We
had dreaded it so-the long, hot, stif-
ling days, the stuffy class rooms, the
frowning professor, and a dozen other
imaginable fears-and how different it
has all been! But come to think of it,
Jack, I guess you have been the cause
of most of the good times. The conoe-
ing, and dancing, with a lunch a Tut-
ties after makes one of the most pleas-
ant evenings imaginable. At Tuttle's
we can order what we want and when
we want. I told Beth to meet. us at
Tuttles Friday night after the dance.
It is just around the corner, 338 S.
State St.

Sandusky--Cedar Point
Daylight Trips to Cleveland $1.25
Steamer"Pt-in-Bay"(ew) Fourtousand passner
y Ocean steamer chairs, Private arlor sCommodioustdt i
an unch rooms.Fast seel aide-wheelrsteamer rank B
and Cedar Point-World-famous. bathing beaches, historic.
ceives and mammoth hotels. Special trips to Cedar Point from
Detroit every Sunday during my and August. Daily to Cleve-
"Put-is-Bay" eaves Detroit daily'at8:30 at.m .Steamer"Frank
E. Kirby" leaves Detroit daily at5:00 p. m. Round trip fare
to Put-in-Bay, 50 cents on week days; Sundays 75 cents.
O.S.aDustinG.P. A.,Detroit
B "
' .0

(Continued from page 1)
which coign of vantage we could look
across the vast lawns with bright
patches of color where groups of
ladies in summer frocks were as-
sembled leaving between them a broad
lane extending to the crimson square
of the royal marquee at the far end.
Near at hand drawn up in a hollow
circle was stationed the band of the
grenadier guards, and as the king and
queen appeared they struck up the
stirring strains of "God Save the
King." As we uncovered the king
touched his hat for a moment. We
were then each in turn announced and
shook hands with Their Majesties.
Then preceeded by the Lord Cham-
berlin and followed by the members
of the royal household, Their Majes-
ties proceeded down in the broad line
of open lawn to the royal marquee,
where the diplomatists were received.
Here a special marquee had been
erected for the Rajah of Jhalawar,
who because of his high caste would
have been polluted had he mingled
with the other delegates.
Degrees Conferred on Twelve.
Though the official celebration ter-
minated with the Royal garden party,
the Universities of Oxford and Cam
bridge took advantage of the occasion
to invite the delegates either to one
or the other institution. Each uni-
versity had selected six of the more
distinguished of the delegates upon
whim to confer their degree of oc-
tor of Science. Of the twelve men
thus honored two were Americans-
Prof. W. B. Scott, the head of the de-
partment of Geology at Princeton
University, and Prof. E. B. Frost, the
astronomer of the University of Chi-
cago and the Yerkes Observatory. The
ceremony of conferring the- degree is
most impressive, with its medieval set-
ting, its Latin orations, and the gor-
geous robes of the Lord Chancellor
and the fellows. The solemnity of
the occasion is however marred by the
noisy demonstrations and the "rag-
ging" of the undergraduates in the
gallery. Prof. Pavon of St. Peters-
burg, the distinguished physiologist,
was one of the delegates honored with
the degree at Cambridge, and as with
the others he filed in procession from
the room, there were loud cries of
"Pavlow! Pavlow!" and a great effigy
of a dog came down from the gallery,
suspended upon a cord and dangling
about his head.
Inasmuch as the formal functions of
the jubilee were supplemented by
numerous private dinners wherever
an evening was left free, and there was
an overflow into the week, we were
glad when all was over and we could
look back upon the many pleasant
occasions and adjust our impressions
through retrospection.
William Herbert Hobbs.
Paris, July 31, 1912.
Minnesota Professor Visits Us.
Otto S. Zelner, '05 E, professor of
surveying in the University of Min-
nesota, is in town for a short time.
He is inspecting the surveying met-
ods and courses in the engineering
Anti-Saloon Men Busy.
The local branch of the anti-saloon
league, at a meeting held Tuesday in
the Y. M. C. A., decided to set on foot
a movement to rid Washtenaw county
of saloons by an election to be held
next sprnig.
The cub sat snoozing on his job.
"C-a-w-p-y." Te cub sprang for

the typewriter and lit on his featuras.
They are still trying to revive him.
There will be no sporting extra to-
Exit-Woobles, R. U. E.
Capital. ............... $300,000.0
15uypits anda' Undivided Profits.. 100,000.00
Reslces. ...............3,00,00.0
r.nasells a GenerFt HBaning Businesa
3 per cent interest paid on savings Leposits
Your Bnsiness solicited
Chas. U. Glscock, Pres. Mlichael J. Fritz, Csh'r
W. D. Hayriman, Vice Pres. Carl F. Braun,
Ass. Csh'r Wm. Walz, Ass,Cah'r Savings Dep't.

Ye Summer Studes take note
"Legend has it that some of us are not very loose
on the purse strings--we earn the money we part
with-tsouglh said."
"But Betsy there is a mt sth which says "It
is'nt well to be penny wise and pound foolish. "If you
do realize the value of a dollar read on-other-wise
loose the clutch. 'there is a man in this town
whose businest it is to make pictures-and he
knows his business, You can get a grade of work
from him for $8.00 a doz. that would cost you $16.00
in Detroit or New York, and $10.00 grade here
would cost you $25.00 in a large city. The expense
here is less. While you're here why not send the
folks a good Photo.

Tinker & Company
Furnishers and Hatters to University Ment
342 South Slate Street

GRANGER'S Academy of Dancing
Summer Assemblies every Friday Evening--9 to 12

Spend your vacation on the Great Lakes, the most
economical and enjoyableouting in America
No matter to what point you want to go, use D. & C. Line Steamersoperating to
all imesrtant pors.
Gailysaervice between Detroit and Buffalo, May 1st to November 1st. Cit' of
Detroit Ill and City of Clvelasd IIIthe lamgest ide wheel steamers intheworld,
as this divisios Jase 10th tiS eptemsherI10th. Daily terricerhetwseen Detesit
and Cleveland April 15th to December Ist. During July and August two boats
out of Detroit and Cleveland eveySaturday and Sunday sight.
Four trips weekly between Tolrdo, Detroit Mackinac Island and way ports.
Daily service between Toledo, Cleveland asd Put-in-Bay.
Special Steamer Cleveland to Mackinac Island, two trips weekly, June 1-5th to
September 1Oth stopping only at Detroit every trip and Goderich, Ont., every
sther trip.
SpeialDay Trips between Detroit and Cleveland, During July and August
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday out of Detroit; Monday, Wednes-
day, Thursday and Friday out of Cleveland.
RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE:-Tickets reading via any rail line
between Detroit and Buffalo and Detroit and Cleveland will be honored for
transportation on D. & C. Lise Steamersi i either direction.
Send 2 centstamp for Illustrated Pamphlet and Great LakesMap.
Addrets: L G. Lewis, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich.
Philip H. McMillan, Fres. A. A. Schantz, Gen'l Mgr.
Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company
The Ann Arbor
FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor
9:00 Aa Ma to 9:00 P. M.
For Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuesday and Friday fore-
noons for ladies only.
The Pool is Fed with Cool Spring Water
725 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 996-2 rings

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He'll feel more at ease if he does
like the other fellows and smokes
Fatima Cigarettes.
With each package ofFatimasoa
20 for getapnnateopon2s5ofwh
1cure a handsome pen.
15 Cents rnt (102x32>-elcion 4100.

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