THE WOLVERINE Be sure to take the College Music home with you A complete line at the ulnivensity uzic 'W1c PRESS BUILDING, - = MAYNARD ST. ACROSS FROM MAJES"Tic WHITE STAR LINE WIAIRF SFOOT, Olf GRitWOLD iv For a Delightful all Day Outing ont the lieautifuli St. Clar River 0 taketie temrIal t"aymor ig 8:30, Snttdiysio. Fatre returitnog sitetlay: tort Hurn i l atiitsor OitthttttiitPark, Fur an Afternoon Ride to St. ClirFlats, Tatshmoio Pr rPor tt t.' ttHuosiwaypotttsttakethe"City olf Told ot a topan. - t ____ A ZOOLOGISTS _EEl ileIntileoily Shinraiiii, eiin iiiTio1 Nor thoern tieiiinsio In Nin omnoo Woeinod al irni rof i tthe l'i nr o t io+ ii iiiiiolil toot liv :nnny ftro ithe Gorgeshim;:Exio ditiei iteno1ternenisla.ei"Cn- siderbnte01uiationt ititil lren th enavatobe voielithe iili Thiged, Wtt eno i n motliii it es>:ta see re id. Mn. V i athe olecton loinht eoeishIos tanyi nt ere0Osiiii ecIiail.Aifin:s e tsieno solsbecerbas teo n.iAlle fieoes orithe listtilieilelinre- Oferved'to be seiun setingo ittitee niThroonanwooc h uckttreroairii ie the l ltigud eleednict I i tesuit ie to taie iiycolng soil oii bithicishsoonalto en. sFoiiipeeeero tracitsiiweres inquit lietifuisas c o it soocIeis. of ntil ie e- notdingthe vicilinit iteatt liwas hsekOfis seroit,,,triicis itn mull, tt tofughe isiecnofnseirth ie sall- ois.raresebinihe oneie ttyeit threw',otesloigtnieliartety.hoIst i Lac ke aitieitousietinnloriundtihe ollietoictitweis ntaiiinefoittiti. as itnypvdietiesiofiildliecttie1 nc Aontheii oirdn topeieis teengoe idek s owfithotdobttiorofsotas, shoulgh~. apairof avnwl rsev e.Thefossittbirs aenealy itnct r"Theth etiopitinslainl dltnt LaeStupertioadnsortites. Lel exitoneshtoulsdtutumiatettoseneit sod MrittiWid. The fo Illoingis aPistIFofIresults Thealnolletinif eaiintsi eehles btsuttleagselsonditltis beng si- eso ibistaieni totSol en Leitsletat toanti te rnielis sitli isInlittlrate.Swantiti tintale Tie tinlesesofthlel inatmetischoo- baebalegutocliedistoteinlayR bithlis afternotton. Stutherryi Tih fisensedwiluls trtike ldes ini anteni to bietheinotmescwithitnt inothe ittlecg. P at:fn.aa' buliltthislppottloietnigamit Wedntesday. Not mneh ebtinge ni temperaturne. U. OF M AND HU RON RIVER BOAT LiVERPY, Paul G. TessmerI, Prop,, Phomie 656 s7settt t Savi ngUs iank CoonosDoliveredCapil Stoc - - - - $50000O.00 20 N Soto . E. Pkhra,-uooi t Surplits1-A1Prtfilts -- $S75,CCO.CO ~ ~ Magnitiiet Photoplay Kil OFEGYPT a Thrilling Drama in c t a °' ; Two Acts hav 1ieotb p otto. It ithsi i, i jos (it Rz-Sritgilubber oi ftivlylthe gneatttt mttitn picture tier prt Soled Shoo-s. Ci e hlie lie j itnd. Taken it Egypitilner the hitch- onl y itii t Iof t it eii i It S illo ofSt e Cisoptny ofMilan, Italy, ocitto tut41)tililc i J nisttos- ____________________ ilili- ft)t10 t list, nlisp jitobla thinottOREGULAR PRICES--5 and 10c oit liii oltnps, fboiiti etis it - iat le setl li aoi Comling THURSDAY, AUG. 29 MODERN .SHOE REPAIR SHOP ' THE ORLEANS COACH" 6.11 E WILLIAM STREET ' lai;.n ofiiithe b, (tin i l'ie iMELODRAMA tN 3 ACTS er o in An Arbor on Bl uffs ovrek,oing Ihuron River tectlude-tqitan a t in ti thug littanceItolf1th U ierity. Los ha p tt tnywhere, toodt and hoalingtoo. Inqtint JAMES H. McOINILD. Fordi Ilg, Dtronit. 51 will tellitto ts Iw twlk ottand tee lttem IiUNIVERSITY PHARMACY. Goulingtta2 TelitoiitnsBOmtli/fit ltie Otmi li 1219 S. Unosrsin Ave. We deliverlceecream everydaytin Pefniiioletots&Tiettiolls leoe ji srpio, u -pectilty We insist on satisfyinag r ' SPECIAL SALE OF 3lc FOUND 'PER ft 19cLB.-WHILE IT LAStIS ;. CALKRNS'PHARMACY 324 S. STATE ST.. La==e ~ m5~ ~L thr Satisfies There- never wasa thrtthat Coca-Cola couldn't /satisfy. It goes, straight as an ( arrow, to the dry spot. And heides this, IP satisfies to a T the call for something ~5purely delicious and deliciously pure-and f a , wholesome. , y Free Cc-ol idcaina thatoantogalfortthetasking. THE COCA-COLA CO. yo eea , 53-J ATLANTA, GA.tof Co-Cots. I r_--. IM zir zi THE NEW CATALOGUE OF THE U.N'IVERSITY OF MICHISAN is now ready complete information concerning seven departments Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate School and the Summer Session Special cturses in Ftrestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Edcatita incuting Railway Adminisration and Inturance, Architcture, Ctatervation Engineerng, Pedagogy (affilited willhAn Arbor High Schotl Ion Oberiation Study), and a new cttrse for te preparing for the scientific administration tf departments of sanitafion and public heth For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announce- ment or Individual Information address SHIRLE W. SIT H Secretary University ANN ARBOR ______Artsiow rady ua, Noix is ttimeno to otrder yocr Fall antd Wingt r cioltes to gel a full seasn'sss we5 r.A selection moade owswilt bo reserved 604 M&. LIBE Y STftET LYNDON, P.OORPE Ann Arbsr's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies I make a sperialty of Developing,. Printing and Enlargitog foir Amtateus-by moderno methods. This has Ibeen my husiness for eight years and it itas iticreasedl every day-only resnults wviil do this and so whenever you want anything phoogrraptoir look for the sign of the kodac- that's whlere things move. LYN ON.. 719 North University Kodakes for Rent, 10c per day