THE WIOLVERINEI ,EC. h 116 S. Main Bell Phone 166 Shoes Repaired In a way that makes your Itet happy -- JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 E. Williams St. THE WVOLVERINE of a, matter of four dollars a week- ----- ______________ this opinion not haing based, however, The official newspaper of the sum0- on personal experience. And also mer session of the University of msight we venture to inquire whsat is Michigan, published Tuesday, Thurs- the matter of the chiecen in, say, thse day, andl Saturday afternoons. inext yard? WVe undlest and that no Address -The Wolverine, Press Bldg., one taught them Isheways of life by Maynsard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. thse corresp~ondente method, yet ons Office llours-2:00 to 4:30 p. in., daily. tsre whole thsey seem normally healthy Phoies, 960. chickens. We ran vouch for the ____________________________________voic e, untrained as it may seem. Subscription Rtates-Loeal, seventy- This is not a protest against the five cents for the summser; mailed to courses heiisg adoptedl us the tfniver- any address for one dollar. ' sity of Michigan. No, indeeil. l'rac- Advertising Rates-Furnished upon tical instruction is very siesirable, and applications to the Business Manager. a thorough course in poultry raising, with Fine Arts, or French, maybe, on JIohn Ill. Payne, Bnsiness Manager. ttse side, imight seens a desirable and Phone 762-L. comprehensive slams of study tn many. Malcolm Mcfformick-Asst. Mlgr. We mserely venture to state a few ques- Phone 357. tions on thse subject in the hope that Editorial Staff. they may be answered bsy those bet- Efrnest;B..IBurton...ActinigREdor' lequaltified to judge'. Harold '. Scott......News Editor S.amnd it. -F. il. t'hurch ......Athletic Editor Issue Editors. P'II.1lIMACY (411ADi AC'(EPTS J. t'. Thomsas Earl Crossmans CHIRi OF IIXI'TERIOLOCYV, Maside Edwards C. S. Pryor- Reiporters. Chester A. Struhy, '12 PIharsuary F. A Mcarth C.S. Blienerleft Tuesday for his house ini Louis- K. C. Hlavens R. T. Cook ville, Ky. I-fe hs acaepted th cehair :RocoeSpnce C.E.Shafne ,of Bactteriology at Mtercer University, ' Leonardl L. Clinse. Mtacons, Ca., andi will take up Ihis duties ______________________________there nsext: fall. Struhy is a nmensher Temple Theatre SPECIAL FEATURES Every Tues. including PATHE WEEKLY MISS CECIL DIE BRAHM, Contralta Ecery Afternooni Admission - - - 5 cents to all TEMPLE THEATRE MAIN STREET Betsveen Siiamsss & Liberty UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Maynard SI. Alibert A. Stanley, Diretolr Summer Session Eight Weeks Atl Branches Fall Semester witt begts September ... 30 Artist Teachers .. . Send for illustataed catalog Charles A. Sink, Sec. The place we all go Io when in Detroit Pospular priced dicing rsom LIBRARY PARK HOTEL; A. E. Hamilcen, Mngr. Eursopean Pt an 7ie so $2.t0 per slay Cratiot Ave. and Library Ave., DETROIT, MICH. .1-4 off *-ON- TENNIS RACKETS T THIS WEEK Fresh Stack 40 cents eac h H. L. Switzer Co. I SUMMER SCHOOL LAW BOOKS IFOR SECOND HALF- Marlin's'Civil Proocdiure Whiltier's Cases ins Pleading- Beale's Cases in Crimsinlal Law Cooley's Biackscnecu Gray's Cases VOL I B3rewster's Conveysrcing Woodruff's Domestic Re. latious Woodruff s Cases On si-Coam tracts GOOD SUPPLY OF SICOND HAND COPIES WAHS Universtty Bookstore Universal Dry & Steam Cleaning Works In sinew Fire Proof BCdi:. and with the Is test.sicdes n N' iebin cry. Wie are in a position In do aill all kinids of cleanisng: As ladtie fancy dresses, suits, shirt wvaists, clisrspnoec ls ele mes ~vs tc lognl-ens "ehithing of ati kinds. All wvork guranteedl. We- calt fors and deliver'. T. E. Wahl, Mngr. Belt Phoe 877 1 1 19Packard St. Cousins & Hall' FLORISTS Corner of So. Univercity and Twelfth Both Phones 11I5 'i islieii,00'.00l'e rtt s. i .55.C ____Editor___Tod___ ----__ ._31___('1___11_____ THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK]I..i sc ANN ARBOR, MICH. "ale Bnclimgutnlioscseos 'eatmestsstssr, Customerscse ur ath wordii 'LIESD2A UGUtST 2t,1, 912. 3 per cell inerest in air savings deparment tO( tI('' 'i Y' IV AES lIDEAS Dn you want a position ? DD yoantallabeter psition ? O\ S" VII lITNE Nit ( I(('tSl S, We may have Illt the place yia are lilking for. Let en know yer wans; Then le us lane year applicailn.- The Gibb Teachers' Agency, lOshtithed by Rie'et Inttoi-atioais itt 1 75 Westminster Ave, (ttttri'nsl set of Pr'ililntiiiei Detroit, MICH. istitlitiiit. 1-sditor, 'The.'slv 'rim'. DAVIS t . Deiveies Nosecomi's wordtfthst a certainscr- 01-L I N GER Dlvre respoisdencee ehtol hsas issilsided in oi'I its ci irii 'esls corsse in poultry rais- UUJ isis;iiidlalso in ssoviu picture niss- When aliness'operaetin-se Sientusists, 'ducat Promised theatre own-res ithoutl souiibt soinin II(I))1 IIUIIIQUU lissssthe annunciseentwisthsisjoy. JjlY~fl Buiit10ansastiste misdstrtumn thfu- cuslties pr esesnt thsemssetves. In thse 109 hirst pliars', what derees would be E. Washington iconserred? 'Doctos' olfCsickens Eals- PRIN TING Bell 432 .J iisi, or Ilsiehellor of Bovisig Pisciure Mtacineis'Operatinig, toe imncse,sirs' -~~~~~~~~~~ -fa____________sit ascl-wasrd, intl sot 5 xeetliisgty siesthittic. H usto B r s.'iThsensatso it tiss atways been our I-I U L~flpesonal5topinsioni ta toisig pictur The Finest Billiard Room in the State msac hies were operated by youths Cigars and Candies- "'We try to treat you right" laihorinig ssnser whiat. is sometisies eat- letd life's young sdreasm, sat tse salary of the P-hi Desltas Chi fraternmity. Seioisr Medie )hakes NoatGaint, TimsolhytC. Caddligass, '13ms, a vie- tim of the dreaded throat diseaise, is stilt iii a serious cossiitions at the Ussi- versity lhospitssl. IHis conditions is practically uinchasiged. lie appears in he in a, lifs'less slate, but responds feely tInsquestiomns. Ills fatheir mnd sister sri' isith himt constanmtly. CULENDAR. Tuessdasy, August 20.-Tlwelfllh Night. givems.lsy the class in Shakespsearessn Rteadinig. Sarah Casseell Amigell I-lll, 8 p. is. Ws'dnesday, Ausg. 21-Friday, Aug. 23- E.ssmsintiississ in the dearmemnts of Litersture, Science, ansd the Arts, anl of Eniginecerinig, asid Pharmsacy. Spend Satumrday at Whsitmore Lake and dance the evening awvay at the Lake H-ouse. 30 cents round trip frons AmassArbor. f II 3105S. State St. I FLLER & 'CONORSte a n ncht 610 E. William St. Suits Pressed 25c Trousers 10c _- Susbucrilse now anas become a memiber tlist rd' of The Vixiversity of Michigan Aluvmnri sAssoc i eaAion ,Soime flufs': Q, Tie Alsmssms is time largest collrge momotily imitime coummtry~. Q(I t comntaimns thae latest mews aboumtlime University, asic editorial ron aemnt min impotaint eventls. (Q It containis persoral itemss comcernhinmsienmbers of ' our class every msomih. (QI~ A v'oiume of tlie Alumnmus conmtains lime Iisory of time Umivesily for time year. C, It psbishmes a series of well chmosemn pictures e eryvtuonthm. $1*50 year This Way, You-Summer Students-- Come araued Ior a LUNCH that is a LUNCH FCorner of Monroe and' S Thayer Streets A Full Line of Tobacco and Cigarettes High Crade Cenfections and Fruit ENGRAVING! Programis, Iiivitations, Callin g Cards, etc., .ens- graved for iesu qiict ly and corrctly. W1e bave" tise leadii-g brards of scecialS~icrery ardIN-till save you muscay on pound lots or more. we'll gladly senid ye am saastples of paper and tyife facts. Write-or atop inn anmd see uns"whsen in Detrciim5 GREGORY, MAYER & IHOM CO. Printers-Stationers--Office Outfitters-Engrai-ers-- Embossers. WOODWARD & CONGRESS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 109 S. MAIN STREET Best Ice Cream Swe etest Candy Prompti=-Service SUGAR BOWL 109 S. MAIN STREET Phone 967 G. Ho WILD Co. 311 S. STATE STREET The new Fall S yiescare fast ir. Before leaving Summer School call and see the loses1 in woolen fabsrics. Eslcllithgd 1888 All work made in Ibis giy. Go lie WILD CO. 311 5. STATE STREET rThe eroy1e Na1Iil usTrial Order JOUBNAL BUILDING _ °_ DETROIT NIGH. 11