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August 20, 1912 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1912-08-20

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At Your- Door Three Fifteen Hundred Sum-
Evenings a Week 75 mer Session Student

VOn., III.


F OR DEMOCRATCopeRabigOsrtryWl
Domie of Vicinity.
Wilson's Majority of Ri) In Contest of __
Michnigan Daily Bettered in 11AXT. -1 ..., , ,ITIP ,,

U'nivesity 11111 Aceepe.Vocational
I'llits for First 'lfme
'l'isk Fll.

vWolverine Straw Vol.
* Fnal Results in thne Straw Vote *
* Wtlson & Marshall......229 *
o Roosevelt & Johnson...191 *
*Taft & Sherman...........e 0
=Debs & Seidel ............12*
* Chafim & Watkins ..........7 ~
* Total..................399 ~
Michigan students have declared
themselves for Wilson. Row accurate
this is, is, of course, merely- a matter
of conjecture; hut it is reasonable to
suppose that the students make a
fair representation of the expresstion
in their own states.4
Michigan, of course, has the most
votes. Ohio, Illinois, and Pennsylvania
follow. Roosevelt won in none of
these but New York, where his lead over
Wilson is only two. Next to Michigan,
Taft pulled his largest vote, seven,
from Ohio.
The strong showing of Wilson was
in no small measure due to the ef-
forts of the Wilson club. None of the
other parties except the Republicans
had any organization, and the Re-
publicans had hut a slight one.
The majority of the foreign votes
were cast for Roosevelt, as is to e
Besides the vote which was taken on
tthe campus The Wolverine herewith
includes the votes which were taken
at the Mngnieering and Biological
Tom Lovell, the dialected author of
much verse, held an informal prayer
meeting at the Majestic Sunday night.
The affair was well attended, and the
devotees showed keen apreciation of.
Tom's poetical feeling as manifested
in sundry selections given orally by
the author. Tom also rendered sev-
eral hymns of more or less popularity
and the enthusiasm and fervor of the
meeting showed in the burst of har-
mony on the closing cadence of "Pull
for the Shore."
Moe Back from State Encampment.
The affable George Moe, of the ath-
letic association office, is spending his
vacation with the military in camp
at Ludington. George will come home
next Friday to recuperate from his
strenuous work as a participant in
the militias game.
Embryo Librarians Entertain Faculty.
The class in library methods en-
tertained their faculty last night at
the home of Miss Freda Higgins. The
festivities took the form of a "hook
party-each of those guests inmper-
sonating some book, and being a
bibliography for the evening.

these here fellers as' girls dotn' along
Ihere t' nght?"
"They say it's t' took throughcethl'
microscope up to the observationery.
But I don't know. We didnt try t'
side out of it in our(ay, dd we,
A chuckle.
"They do say as how tuey repeope
on them stars that they e'n see
through th' microscope, M'ria. I do
"Joshway! What do I hear you say-
in'? Of course there ain't peope 0n
th' stars. Hose could peope get os
them things?"
"I don't know, M'ria, ut al thens
people cumi' up tonight. An' that
there feter with al them wiskers
you can't say he's -
"Joshway! You can't never tett
what a ianlt do. In my oisiosmess
is all tooishs always-A gasp-same'
as you be"
A chuckle.
"An' they do say as how the mon
is a world same as this here."
"Joshw'ay! that ain't no reason fer
bringin' yer gut out here this ate at
night t' see it. It's atmcst nne! A'
besides it's far sore reasonabe to
blieve th' soon is made of gree
cheese, lite I was taught, than that
it's a world."
For a moment there was sience
then a loud smack caue through te
darkness of the porch on the little
house-whether of dry lips or moist
only the lammock and the ha teesa
As summser session draws to a close
the different members of the faculty
are laying pans in preparation for
their vacaton.
ean Effinger and fanmiy, as soon
as his duties permit, will journey to
the Old Dominion state and will re-
main there until the opening of the
University in the fal.
Professor Kraus, the dean of fle
summer session, wil spend his vaca-
ion with his parents in Syracuse
New York. He eaves August 21. and
will return about the third week is
Registrar Hatl is planning av ake
trip. He intends to visit Dculuth and
tdlewild on the way home.
Professor Van Tyne, who has been
letuing in the University of Cai-
fornia this summer, wilt return in
time to meet Professor Reevs before
the end of the summer session. They
will leave immediatey for the wilds
of Canada for an extensive canoe
Pontius Will Play No More Footteall.
The absence of "Brute" Pontius'
name in the list of invitations issued
to the football candidates has een
noted and commented on by many. The
big fellow nijured his hip last season,
and will never again pay football.



Thee uiversity has auoptedt a new
standard of ectrancsee reqeiremeaets
whichc wilt go itstsfor. elt tecte-
inning of the tomnin school yia.
Applicasnts for aeemissionsssemteeat
least sixteece years old neheve coo-
pletedt teereetiremencts stateebelow.
'ihese re'eueire'mee'cts are' given iteenisis
A unit is tte eeeivalent of slve reI~
taeionsa i vilweek none bahece of stueet
for oce year, amonetceicg icthe seg-
gregate 1tosot less thans 1211 sixty-
minuete hoers icthe' clear ec ,year.
Two or tree' teoer oflatoratoy.
drawing, or shot-ork are aepeteed
as the eqeuivalect0oce hoer o ree-
Class A, fifteen ucnits sre' reueiedl
for admission. These mecst icelede
three eraits of English Coctositioce
acd Literature, two51fca Freig Ln-
guge, one sil each of Algebreeacet
Geometry, aceetocee ecnitocitheeesc-
ecnces (Physis, Cemistry, Btanlecy, or
Zoology),; andcme in cluecn'ot more'
than tree cnis eel vocatioal ok.
The so-catted vocational sebjets sre
draewing, cmanueae traeing, commsercia
branrhes, domestic crts acee sciecce,
and elemnectary agriceltur,'
The subects, vwhich cemy te cosen
tenetthe'numcbeer of eccits aceed inc
Iearl,sare's fellowvs:
tEcng. eComtposiionandceet tterstee, .4
or 13eunits.
Greek, 3 or 2 units.
Latin, 4, 3, or 2 ucis.
French, 4, 3, or 2 ecnit.
Germnc, 4, 3, eec 2 enits.
Speanish, 4, 3, or 2 eccits.
fGeomsetry, Il 1-2 or 1 ui.
Trigononmetry, 1-2 ceci.
Physics, 1'eccit.
Ceenistry, t1tunit.
Rotacny, 1 eec 1-2uneit.
Zoology, 1 or 1-2 unci.
Physioogy, 12 ecci.
H-istory, 3, 2, or I uecit.
Agera, 2, 1 1-2, eec 1 eucit.
Geology, 1-2eunit.
Pthysiograepehy, 1 or 1-2 cei.
G~roupct11.,Vectinali Sbjets.
Agriceulture,, 2 or 1 eecit.
Domestic Sciencee, 2 eec 1 cci.
Draecing, 1 or 1-2 nit.
Maneal Traicning, 2 or 1Ieucit.
Commercial Bracches 2 or 1eet.
Class B, gradueates eelsholsosnse tee
approved list cit the' NotCerirl
Asctaltion oet tesleges secnetSeeoce-
acy Scoolscwitt b.' aeceitee eucoctee
presenutatiocs of aecu enuasliedlrecoin
uendatioce covericngcet ls ttacef111
teecs cnits, of whiech stleast cwlvi
cust eo h'fromseGroute I. Atmissioce eee
this basis of recomendaeeestionsay be
granted also to the graduates of other
especiallty approved schools.
Sunday's cloudburst was ascotter
setback to the tennis toerecect.
Tthere are still tcvo uatches to be
played inthe doebles. Fieblecean atd
Grimcoe play Racnkine and Ewsards for
the ctance to met Soddard secd sBob-
in in te fiuas. T'he' latter taic de-
feated rown and Collete Sterday
morcning, 6-2, 6-3.
x No Balf(Ganme'lToday
As wec are goicg to press, lie'
* lit-law game is called off. Matn-
*ager Brodie forfeited to te'
*e lawes, as teecwas eucatle to eelt
*a tacceiccteed

11,5111 5111 41.1i1t n1TEl'
Fe".l~a z4iea. se-I, Foleecesncancldcccin
Pl'eu e"thet lIe',
'eell! Well! Times-chlaciee. Yeoe
canc hasrdly tell theoedtplice' cis.
Hlecr'soctal see's lave 1laid scri-
ligsiouesthsecds eupon l~ce- oldetincetmeeskI
thee moss cocecedl founetaincst set fclassg
staff, acedcaried it off is saeds eeec
keesesc. No locger'c cilewe gaer-foced-
ly upoec the' oltbroksecn-ncosedt (s-s
serpct-ccc that useedof olt to shte tser
ic tie dasof01our yceuth. No locnger
cittel welsdtbtee oerscasecin it s coot,
simey tbesin, or seek r'e'freshmceetfrome
is tateltee IicciiiNo t'ongeer will
we I(sees stonictis co'mciy bosoenone ser
cisy ieomie'icard Satesredaeynighets feosm
Iee'ยง, obliviossssicthe sereasemestha cede
caessincgly 1dccwn1ourc'coed acndlintoes ie
waeiting l1ocket. "So lice olet order
chaueith, yieldicngtlaece to the' new.c
'eWe stly hleiehiateit weill htea' nice'
qteiett re-stineg lae , ancel lhe'pence'
of the,' just go ccitc it.
('LeSS GIVES IE ~l IGlE('l'lAi
select tees.froeul 'Iccecec '.cecc Pee, cacdi
Rlel'9l'le'scr,.A .lcel'ce
Thecc' lass ice Icte'retaetive' readeing
secve a.e citlcetof cmisce'llaeoees soee-
tionsc, Scetesetcey e'vecnicng, acl 8:111, icc
SarehCale escwellI AngelItlehl.Incasmchcl
as cmaecy osethtee seers breoegtiouet
else' steiksicngeislect,;vie'y we-It, the'
recitalewssai .vercy' tlesois oece.
'lie' three' selectitessdeelicered by
tlteiis 1.i hteee ispicisally cwitt ce-
c'eived; "StirrcesCulsl,''b t h:Hytis Dees,
anee "trossice e Bares,''by 'Tenneysocn,
,iicle icefeificeulties thecbthitpreseent,
evere recuderee tctase';cwhile"T'radt-
ing Joe," ley' tilec', was perihaeps the1

(Ccl ieu ufrot as isscclIue cc
Inete tr oon'cuufc edncesaylc he
el waneltoceufsewtcu er ie
lytee else' 'sedee'eeeecs f e'etiofceot'h-1c
umi berlandelatceSies 1 oasec, 'situed o'l c
else 'faesse scieo i else sile'sfrcecs
l'bearing Crtoss, ece elieis wis teelloed e
iccth elsensisngbtiIe' celicilt lliiecptilc
to the deeteecte's 'ssethlie'hsiles set
13intiieieCsloeesu .le ses oe'oftfte
-totystalsecie'ty. Astshb'eceeoenisn';oas
no1 dete to'e ansy11o'ff1cisal fusccione, a
ececn to Essliis tecotele %ev]e'throwce'
openctleearcieics ccl eelegaesued othec's
eo ftheirslaies. Isn a little'pateayc'of
tess unesr Sirc'iatld eeel Geie's ies-
ore 5 foncdsel 'ice illeelt.seembeth tPal-
else, e l Isfoe' six tsesssele'e'eacrs hse
'ecens lie resiedence'ocite_el'lstI-bishopets
of' C'anetebuc'. Thce archbeishcopadl
hei lciiyclide'the sofeel li oesse
,,arid shosedc so ito te'e'seses. tOne of
lice' messtcnote'cwortihyc'is the'e olleiec
of I octri seiofcthIee losce'lines01 Archl-
bisose unte;efside'bic'sideo e 5'fouer
wcclls ocit.ecasec'bssll, eesc ocrtrait
lece' wocrsof Ianeastercandces n gerally
lice greatle'st fcocceecl iter c'of lets
tisme',seuitefor e'xamcpcle' ss 'l sDytke,
Itll Ieics. Sic' .oshtccss eyneolds, sesnd
'e toecelee nd sein'g i'ith Ssarge'cc,
ewhose pocrtrait oeel ie'pre'se'ct aceeb-
ishopetis acecout eto e'hun1g.Pcotbabtly'
ecowhece' else' is there' pre'serv''e edste
c olect 1n flossel traseeeits of 1teesae
tpe of subetcllt's t' aiccters cf resine
e'mincenc e'in ltceir profesiocc.

meost beumeoroems ofall the selectiocns lieslt 'usnTome rcol, Interest.
givee adiklet1tcc large auedeiecce ice T'he lbraryc'of lie'electace'is a rare
ec. eprirc. vclection of see.ieentetides, eacnein
"Anccnabcee',''bcy1Edcgarc Alce teoneor of ourc'visit, tlice' ratreiacne haee
'se-, wci eycc'wc-ill giencmsbc' Mr.:Hi-ci's- as ut.tsose' ceuriotis exampcle's. Ace
by. erlc' theory thtlea eerthquaecs overe'
Mtr. t'litemde-scr'e .;-ecal menctiocn-Ieeue celliccelen the gromecd, the yoetl-
S'ee tlhe csmn 'leete n cteeelicereel lstRotyatSecietcyhbeadeeciedmlto lest
'Ite-ecll e'-Lincdey Siengs.''es scell icebicpttlieng;ea chare;te' 01 guneocdeer icntc
lle'. M1c olsseclftr lets interplretatiocn ancirose shcellI, scrow-ine.ic~e he' Ie..
oi "'ThecDell of St. Mi cacl." iced 1teeiec iieeean afice cwtileie
'fleose' cc-leoicoke pa rIteeic e recital serrc recs of liisoetllrengeethfeeems-
see th'.lie' 1isses'sBlecek, Tech, adiseIc'"'tei'e ci[1 1'.-ede ciIceewatchIsthe
lscs. e heellceMesse's.Lee', Erckson;rsit. st fcr?;l eslt*."is' Ifom' ourm
Nloetseue, Everest., Aitken, teMachleelans ci tilee iide5teerleech teaele acros
Steeecer,.1 'Sie, Illmesby, Seviscimie, andssensoreeslest toci:siteeicee at the' asice
Flint. igw igs of the'; 'Dcci Seeciety gre Oilt
Issue Ii iiteeestlsilee'o01a, shell lee
('Ccss5'cPrests. "'wlufthc'N in-id ' deereside' use e cese of earcthqueskcs.
Tes-daey nighet, Aug. 21, the'class en fleerecsesceisioni lchatle'thenrd has
Olbaesee'aree eeiadinmg owt11present sadvedieelseeceas55elsewshere is
'leeelfths Night,'' eel 8 o'clockIinsefureteer siren.; isedee whle-cen ve'ac-c
'latil'eCsaselil Ancgell halt. Mtr. 11 1 showne dl -ieee ser eies 5otf dusty incmes.
lsler cwishc' sesc ommoece that loss- Aceeacly eslroeociser e'ierineg erousgIc
muss ch s it isill be eecessary to begina les pdl 'eo~-iscov all seelephtscitte
lesoncllc'at 8oeelc-Is-I. thoeatsteintlse te-noosandcree ntu-cit ci okewcth sttlie
houeldttmeakellseseffort 1to ee sotheir tile I. 'When it is I-ste' shsowen thate
4cas bytih tat timne. lice supsedl-eilephansct is a mouee
____________________wo eobes taken tsp its resicdece-i55tile
112 .A GRitAD) ARRIES telescope, Ihe sincideut is mcude the'
Willass H.Scucoedr, 12 , ~ seebject of a delicioees satire by t;lse
'Iale-sbcsg, cwas msacried in Kalaazoo,.t -o f ldirs
ast Mlondayect10Miss Nina Docle, 5 G(archn lcetiliPar cIt c' eo lcc,
grceeiicte of lime Weestern Staete Nor- TlefsictsofI-'jcle- e-
seed. Thee cyosugcoule cill leave ienaletee ina gardecnpaerty gisven by'
immseediately for California icc whichs Their Majiestics at 'Windlsor Ceaste,
slate Mtr. Schroedecr expects to enteer wcithc ehichI funetion flee Londone seasons
epona the practlice of Isis professioec. came ocially to an endc. This waes
che large'sl receptcons ever givecmct,
First Alceinica ntre c edic ilcl. 1DceseWindsor, ceo less thaen 10,8011 invila-
tDc. Freesces Aeugosta Tenny, '77nm, tuon ssaing botch issuled. Thomugh so
'iedl Sundeay led Kalamcazoo. Dr. Tennyi large, the onely one-sccteually rereiedc
was one methtie first womonen to erced-I in auedience bc Thecir Majesties ciere
ale from clue medical deparetmen.,th edeeleates to thee RocalaScetc
fand the first in Michigan to coake a , Jubilee, and teter a party of slate's-
specialty of surgery. nmen, diplomatisis, and teeroonal
--friends. The aftecnoon s-as showvery
'Puec'l ilelu-g PcctsbecIForw'urcrcl and at once time thrceaeede to spoil
Weocrk on the- tunncel connectimeg the-th~e fine frocks of the ladle's, best onlty
newesauiditoriums is progressing capiedly, a fecw drops tell, end after sonme deleay
it is hsoised soon tisec' witt begine to spenct tee visiting the castle, seerleanly
leeceeset the roadh so thcat ltce whsole will camee'uctl upoen tbe gceat tercrace, fr-om
tee ficnisheedbyctbeubcr. (Conticned o, page 4.)


The following schedule is published
for all students who desire credit for
work done in summer school, or are
desirous of taking examinations for
any other reason whatsoever. It is
for the Literary, Engineering, and
Pharmacy departments.
Mour of Hour of
Recitation Examination
7 ................. Thursday, 2-4
8 ...............Thursday, 8-10
95....,............... Friday, 2-4

10f................Thsursday, 4-6
11----------------..Friday, 8-10
1----------------..Friday, 10-12
2--------------..Wednesday, 2-4
3-------------'PiThursday, 18-12
4--------------..Wednesday, 4-6
Irregular-----------.Friday, 4-6
Permissionc has been obtaiceed frond
thee authorities to change the examsina-
lion in the course' in railroad prob-
ems from Friday afternoon, as sced-
ul~e, to Wednesday evenineg frocm sevens
to nine.

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