THE WOLVERINE The.°'. THE WO,.VERINE FORMER 1IGIIIAN MAN " -. -- -_-__- MARRIIES IN SI',. JOSEP1 Tofficial newspaper of the sum___ mer session of the University of O Thurstday morning last, Mr. John Michigan, published Tuesday, Thers- FacsWra 1,o t oeh I '[ I anSaudayatrnos Michigan, was married to Miss Lilah WIT'fH Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., Curtis Hooper of the samse place. Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. While its the university Mr. Wurtz Office Mours-2:tS to 4:310 p. in., daily. was5 prominsent in campus activities, 'Phosnes, 960. atsd at present he is associate editor ______________________ o__a the St. Josepsh Evening Herald. - - Subscription Rates-Local, seventy- The younJ. couple will reside in St. f ive cents for the summer; mailed In Josephs. any address fur one dollar. ___________ Advertising Rates-Furnished upon vg U E'Y ' application to the Business Manager. Oratory Class to Givec Recital. The class in interpretative reading P LA EJoins II. Payne, Business Manager. will give a publi recital of miscellan- Phone 762-L. costs selection this evening at eight 116 S. Main Bell Phone 166 Malcolm MeTCormi35k-asst. MVgs. ottlock in Sarah Caswell Angell Mall. ___________________-Phone 357. It is free to all, but those who intend Sh e e ardEditorial Staff. hearing the recitals are requested to Shoes Repaired Ernest H. Burton...Actinag Editor be in their seats early, as it is desired hlarold P. Scott......News Editor to begin promptly on time. F. M1. Church......Athletic Editor In a way that makes Issue E ditors. Leave Foe New Positions. your feet happy _- J. P. Thomuas Earl Crossman Miss Wardell, the private secretary Maude Edwards C. S. Pryor ofMr. C. IL. Loos, the purchasing Reporters. agenit, left the university last week to JOHN H. ]LAMBERT F, A. McCarthy C. S. Fliedner aceplt a responsible position with the K. C. Maven 11. T. CooklEvIeritt Motor Co., of Detroit, in their 613 E. Wiliams St. Roscoe Spencer C. E. Shaffner cost departmsent. Miss Woodward, late _______________________- Leonard L. Cline, of the registrar's office of the univer- city has cone Io Br~n Mawr where Cepit ifO$100,000. 0 Suptus.pet50.5 O Editor Today-IL, E. Cressinuan. (she swilt act a, t 'cret. i'y to ftse dean. Undiviaded Prots, 112:,000.00 ______________________ THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK r~t -_ __ ANN ARBOR, MICH. vs Lanaguid Lass ow Forced to Work., sstnaslnkisgadCosrtessTreatmntsaor Exrclseatngtreobei cusnstesis our Wtchnerd SATtURDAY, AUGCUST 17, 1912. Exrclseatagtreobei 3 pe cet iterst n ou saing deartentorder in the lawe department diuring the 3 pe cet ineret inoarnasigs eparmen rest of thse sunsmer sessions. This is Do yu want a psitan?. DD yna want a better posiian? laltS('IltES SI'IIWAY 1IIUItSINO. being done in order that thec students We may have jst thn place tan are looking tar. Let - I uay catchlsisp with their weork. as no ynnour santa; lien let an have yaur applicatian. Piof,'lilden' Tells of Diftillies to lee ____________ The Gibb Teachers' Agency, Overcomae. 1 75 Westninster Ave," Detroit, MICH. Prof. C. J. Tildens in tis lecture en . CAiLENDAR. "Mtodern Sta,-.. ay Constructfoa"s" toke DAVIS & ' almost eat.r' from an1.stern slide..iSafurday, August 17.-Recifal-Mis- 01It NGE Deiveries The lecture ws technuical in siubjectf ustlaneosas Selections, by the class V L NVEsoad ensbrac .10 descripisssf nesarly , in Interpretative Reading. Sarah Made all the snetrus litan subweay systonss. CselAgllHl.830 HeIsp~noks at length on tics New York Monday, Augusct 15.-Visitor's Night I hnsysten'n ad tIlc dit'cuities flint it pre- at the Astrononsical tObeervatory. Promised r etnted to lb-,enginneer. 'The situation loused Ii 'Ieis for July 23 and 24 sewas smlar,' said he, "to thast eon- may be exch'anged at the office of the Inunaoting an army ensgisneer, with th, ESusnmer Session betwseen the hours difference that thcs armyey nn ineer has of 2 anad 4. 109 to moss a large body of organized ana! Tuesday, Augusct 20.-Twelfths Night. SEWashington disciplinesd men in the shortest tim': given by the class in Slakespearean PRINTING Bell 432.- J possible, whits the subway enginee" Reading. Sarah Caswell Angell, has Inoumove a large body o1ftnorganiz- Pall, 8 p. n. ____________________________ed asess in the shortest tins's at their The Fnes ilard B ron heS.atetens YorkhechrateiFeU L L ERei& Cigars mnd Candies the 3 terost up-to-date sod modern sys- 61 0 E. William St. "6We try to treat you right", tem of its kinad in the weorlct today. Temple Theatre SPECIAL FEATURES Every Tues. including PATHE WEEKLY MISS CECIL DIE BRAHM, Contralto Every Aftersnean Admission - - 5 cents to all TEMPLE THEATRE MAIN STREET netween Willass&sLiberay UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Mlaynard St. Albert A. Stanley, Dlirector Summer Session Eighi Weeks Alu Branches Fail Semester will begin Sepiteber . .. 30 Artist Teachers .. an Sesd for illstatelid catalog Charles A. Sink, Sec. The place we all en to when in Detroit iopasir priced disnang roosm LIBRARY PARK HOTEL A. E. Hamilton, Mngr. Eturoeas Plan 56c t5512.ftper dsy Cratiot Ave. and Library Ave., DETROIT, MICH, 14off I-ON- STE NNIS RACKETS- w. THIS W EEK Fresh Snack W.ra D. Tens alls l 40 ceants ea,' I I {! I I i I s SUMMER SCHOOL LAW BOOKS r4OR SECOND HALF IMartian 'sCivil Procetdure Wiittier's Casts in Pleading Beale'S Cases in Crinsinal Law Cooley'a Bie cktce Gray's Cases VOL I llrewter's Convc3 aring Woodraiff's Donnestic Re- lations Woodruff's Casts QenasiCoan- tracts GCOD SUPPLY OF SECONDHAND COPIES AT rfWA HR' S University Bookstore c Univei sal Dry & Steam. Cicaning Works In a news Fire Prosf B'dd;. ansd wvi ta the latestMoeen °acsib- cry. We are in a psition 10 do all all kiisds it cleansing': As'l ins' fancy dtresses, sutl, shitt NV'O-le, cI iutcl s, gloys(,s, etc. A teas i-natlis- nas ctothaincg itt sll kindti. All worik guats ateed. We'salt foir and delivie. T. E. Wahl, Mnlgr. BeliPhopc,577 1i1in9Pcard 5t. i I' H. L. Switzer Co. 3105S. State Si. conus& Hall FLORISTS Corner of So. Univer-sity and T-welfth Both Phones 1 15 i I O'GONNORSteam and French Dry Cleaners Suits Pressed 25c Trousers 10Oc .. I i Saubscribae naow ansi becasmne a ciben tl c rel of The Vrdlve rsity of A ich igarr A I txmzvrni Association Soaaae facts : Q Tine Alanuas is tinelargest college mnonthly atntine countilry. QI It containss tine latest news about thne Unilversity, aid editorisi con nsnst onnimaporanat tectais (IlC It containas personal itemss conacerasiang nennbers of .onar class evsay manahi. QI A xc'inac nsf tl~e Altosans contains tine histor y of tine Univsersity for tlne year. (If. It publishes a series of well cliosean pictures e cry month. $1.50 year SUGAR BOW G. H1. WILD CO. PU K INNM311M 5. SATE TREE 109 S. MAIN STREET 31S.TAETR T Carry the Largest Ilane of Wool-' - 1f ens in ehe city. Satisfaceion tua - ' + h@ Garedo'1@ anteed. We cater en those who . 6. Best lce Cream want the best. MO S w ee tes t Ca n dy SUJMIIER STYLES _ PRiE"JL Prompt .-Service n specialty 0-an _____Esablished 18aAL CLLG All work made in this ciay. 'VOR SUGAR BOWL ________i& Ode 109 S. MAIN 'STREET G. H". IDC * OUNLBIDN Phone 967 311 5. STATE STREET ~ DETROIT MICH. 'This Way, You Summer Students-- Come aroundlor a LUNCH ihat isatLUNCH B mrw A 4 C w &Corner of Monroe and C,, .*5 Thayer Streets A Full Line of Tobacco and Cigarettes High Grade Confections and Fruit ENGRAVING! Programns, In x slatnon (, allia g Ca'rd, etc., en - graved for ) aen qasici., ly an~d corrctly. 'We bare thlneadirg brands of scecial Static aeery ard nil save you nacncy ont poaard lots or amore We'll gladly seand yuana samples of paper ar~d tyre facts. XWrite- e;r slop ins aid seelas ulina in Detroit. GREGORY, MAYER & THOM CO. Printers-Stationers-Office Outfitters-Engrai ers- Embossers.' WOODWARD & CONGRESS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN