t-. _ _ _ _ _ At Your Door Three u ui Fifteen Hundred Sum- Evenings a Wook, 75c nr Session Suden. Vor,. III. ANN ARBOR, MICTHIGAN, SATTUISY, AUCUST 17, 19r12 No. 7. ROYAL SOCIETY: BANQUETS GUESTS 100sisgeiisee Dinerso Represent Many Line's of Secoolarsheip ad Achieveenat. SERVEDtO 1IIARON OF BIEEF," (Continued from last issue.) On Tuesday evening occurred the formal banquet in lhonor of the oc- casion, which by gracious permission o1 the .Lord Mayor and the corpora- tion o1 the city of London was given to the Guild Hall. t is safe to Say that never in the world's history has such a: notable body of scholars been as- sesnbted at a banuet. Covers were Vlaid for four hundred and ninety guests, among whom few lines of scholarship, or of other honorable. achievement werc left unrepresented by distinguished men. On the right of the president of the Royal Society, Sir Archibald Geikic, sat the Prime Mtinister, Mr. Asquith, and on the left M. Lippmann, the president of the Freonch Academy of Sciences. The state was further represented by Vis- count John Morley, the Lord Presi- dent of the Council, by the Lord Chief Justice of England, the Lord Malyor of Lonodon and the Ambassadors of France, Italy and Japan. To repre- scoot the church were Cardinal Bourne, the jrr 'oishop of Canterbury and Yo,. 1and the Bean of Westminster P'rominent among the nobility in at- tendanoce were the Dukce of Northum- berland, Prince Boris Galitzino of St. Petersburg, Prince Ahmed Fouad Pa- sha of Egypt, and the Rajah Runs - 1hawani Siogh of Jhalawar, India. Americans amsong the fifty six at the speakcers' table were Presideot IHad- Icy of. Yule Uiniversity, Br. R. S. Wood- ward of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and Arnold Hague repre- senting the National Academy of Si- eoaces and the Smithsonian Institution as well The fourteen long side tables each represented special groups of scien- tists, though literature was also rep- resented in the personos of Rudyard Eipling loud Sir Gilbert Parker. Possibly because Sir Archibald Geikie, the President of the Royal So- ciety Is a geologist, the geologists aonng the delegates numbered more than the others and extended their wvings into several neighboring tables. Michigan's representative found him- self between Rev. Canon Boncey, the venerable geologist of Cambridge, and Prof. Murr, of Cambridge University, anod vis-a-vis to Prof. Sollas, of Ox- ford Uiversity, all of them past pres- idents of the geological society. Among lbs physicists at the neighboring table were Sir J. J. Thomono,' Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir Joseph Lamar, Prof. Nernst, P'rof. Rutherford, and Prof. Zeeman. The chemists inenuded Sir Henry Roscoe, Sir Williamo Raonsay, Sir Wil- liam Crooke, and Prof. Ostwald, and the mathematicians,'"Sir Beorge Bar- win, M. Picard, Prof. Pierce, and many others; and so the list might be cx- tenoded through cauch branch of mood- ern science. As we entered the ancient hail, our atteoution was at once attracted to two carvers in medieval uniform, who stood in high "pulpits" against the wall, each carver behind an immense "baron of beef" which he was engaged in carving in a most artistic manner. Another relic of the middle ages was fuornished by the two lackeys of the Lord Mayor of London, who are, by antct custonm, made responsible- for lois life, and take all food from the waiters aood pass it to him. So large is the hall that little of the spearking was haeard beyond the near- est tables. Before seating ourselves at the tables, thae official announcer stanoding beside the president raised his orms aoud in a loud voice cried, (Conatinued o,. page 4.) "I LIVE TOMORROW" IS LAYMAN'S CREED Bible t in iiConlie Wieth Sencsse; Laymen's Viewo. s'tsosegenl by Higher' Crtcism. "The Creed of a Layman," the Ic- ture delivered at Sarah Caswell Angell Hlall last Thursday evening, by Prof. W. I). Henderson, was the last of a series given under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Federatioso of Religious Workers. The other lecturers were P'rofessors C. E. Guthe, J. A. C. Hld- ncr and R. M. Weoley. Prof. Heonderson's lecture was es- aentially that of a laymzan, and ii is ex- plained the attitude which every ordi- nary oan unacquainted with the re- sults of scientific investigation, and higher criticisnm, takes toward tec great mystery of life. "In the heart of every huonan being, is somethiong which in somoe way solves the problem of life for him. Science can tell us noth- ing, philosophy can only suggest. But if this be a rational world, I believe, I know, that I am not merely here to eat, drink, and die-l am to live on. God is for me a compassionate God, and the mercy of Jesus doninates the world." Professor Henderson sowed the necessity of creeds in every form or institutions through which human life manifests itel. Science, art, politics, religion, all have their own particular creeds. Creeds have four main char- acteristics: . They ar essentially man-made. z. They come when there is a demand for theom. 3. They must be capabe of change. 4. They omut be in touch, and io line, with the ex- perience of the age, In speaking of the Bible as a book upon which the layman could base his creed, Professor Henderson said, "TIhere are four things which the Bible is not. It is onot ifallible; it is not written to teach history; it is not -writteon as beautiful literature; and it is not written as science The Bible has nothing to do with science, and science has nothing to do with the Bible.- Scence is subject to change; today it is onoe thing, tomorrow anoth- er. There is no conlit between tss two. The essential value of the Bible is that it points out to the laymano the relation of od as a father, adnman as a child. It is this conception of the spirit of God as that of a merciful father which dominates fle world to- day, aud enables nmankind to believe too the creed of fle layman, "I live to- morrow." ORIENTIALS '14) (ROSSLAS Wool's! CITLEAUERS. Chinese 'teasm Wilt leslet Mess Froms 'eoamsWhich. Was IHee LastO Yeor "Bah-terr-ries for tub day's ga-a-me -.N. A. Panhoe, pitcher, aod C. Q Chi, catcha-"No, my dear, his umpss is not sneezing, you hear correctly. The occasion is the fracas betweeno the Chinese Conference teanm and the S. Thomas City Leaguers on Ferry Field, Sept. 3. The bronze Orentals will foregather here during the week of August 30, sod have picked a nine from among their number to repre- sent the Chinese Student's Conference against the city boys. Eight coleges will be represeonted in the Conference loe sp, conmprising mena from Purdue, Illinois, Missouri, Caliorsoia, Michi- gan, Washington, and Leand Stan- ford. Some of the invaders acquired their knowledge of the national pas- time in Hawaii, whsile somoe were among those present on the Chinese team whicha recently toured the Cooited States, playing many of thoe most prominent easferon and western uni-. versities. * RlES (Ills '1OSAT,'IUDAY " Wilson and tMacstrali 114. o Rtoosevelt sod Jothnsono 70. " Taft anod Stoermotnr45. '0Chaffino aud Natkins 7. Debs aood Siede'l 6. SHOPMIEN FINALLY BRING HOME BACON 1gssesrsund re linen ethe 1,40eFivIen Hits; BSletSchoo e'',aocbeeo's Woobles Hunrti, llOItI04.( IL TO 'TH'IM ('40010. Tire o'ngineo'rs, thanrks to ninoo errors by the lits, rompoled thsome oith a00gameu it last; finishoing hatead of thocenreoot- teachers Thrsrday noighut iou a 7 to5 fray. Pratt stayed the seven innionogs for tisc lits, osnd held hie opp~onents to fivc hits, but his suplport lost whorl WILL SOONAWARDr POLLS TO TNCLOSPHES E T A0 Ifr is ', u es ill 000 ootsBrhse''re i- ous'bo' Vosiooe Attrcting C'ns- ni ouney;Sond-in-alesoela ndel slieade' itineinLoarge' liseont', left te11 D ooubes !ob'tlolenif ('osti 'Theo 'toots ri eooennis Torneyooiy toost neing- oasncoutdoood thaot titmr wheii thie vic toes shaltltbe awaorde('( ther pr1i ze'is rbeao'rotatoooold. luIs.fac, the wirer ot the SHuoto s i to thiis ino'eoot brow o. r. is e'. Jaos.A.ylers root staned read odrs eceive 7your silver otti1. Aylers seonotire incals fromor 4tiooota to rise trune of 6-4; 7-5; anduot-4 Th. teompra.ture anodoctn4 of today moee'tcomobination tort.eros altor,-ther rofavorootoe to 'good teronis iryin ;. Coot witho thus toatndicapr Stproatt 00u01pearame'figt.ansdotAyl ers showsediwitho thrt' onusistency'and sipeedt thoothave beeno ciracteoroistic' 00 tos sorik trourgihsotteit ourey 'ttoefaostesitertensor thesinr tk.ir; r.;tlet wcas 50t007 ot yeterday ino the Abyliers-Romkiir ottatoh.'Tire daoy as soaormt, crrohintuo he t,-,'c.Orreroto scotr upt endshosothrirrbest goaine. 'fle i - - i shoutld have bre een 'Soogamoe. I'ot- oro'uu wereeenolyt'maotcedcoandrounrtil calf and Woheat riveidedl toe thonors for th'e cud the ourtceome swaoedcot toohie 1balance. '0ho foost counrt woos 6-4; th nierol iliglv isalso, boot they load a betier east behintud Sirlowoirothe summorary o0 tire siur ttesrickoud ittoo opneotihe i les: Resric an Mito ofene th fist Secoond rolundtBlinurvs. tCraig 510; inntug for the lireto ylohiinug safely. --; --1.Soorsootvs. ''tiilrtooo'o, but a swell doruble piory,-Morse to Cut- tler, to tBird cut bothlo n rodawnvo. lo SmoPrrs9 As o--s-tooolr6o-4'4 the secoond the fussers maraed 'Jto Streto etr,6407 shoe a tally across swhen Lrimomo The dooubireoore noewecloored ntt to openedswittoa0htilandotleter scorood ourttescomr-hotale;thirtrecooloor rooonl a oct14 pitch. Later Baoumtangoton00 berm;rcleoreotuptter0'obo. 'Tesemi~- wheno Cutler doppooled thethritd strike.Soolre'sodoco tbioolyofe- Watgnoer waloked onod a ptiorotocheuldefgsoca afe0 teesel on. .A0ttta t . tiol osttoooo 0and port the ooenointoo o cecino ietiort. boil e riroeewrotl1play010 rliorndorool co TePrat flied.iwaords oanod Stodrd andol oolin swill Teenginueers swectointo10the leraoltoonooatcho Op sitlo 'cero ondClrteitt. Io toie thirdl. Morse rolled too Platt, 'tohaat.to elronrece Piornon ro walkred, bout lBlakse wsosasofewencoherinre lmfnotes \''ilosn oot ndMe B~rodie juggled. Reomington wcas safe Iot re ,L ,07 on a fielders chooice, hot Savagoe dero- ho.Soe16 -,63 toed the lthrow to ltresplote, ooaod tWheaot 1ORISIOT° ) 9NT I talliedl. Metcalf sinogled to reunte,W4t1S I''lSBU IfYHS inog the twso roonos whichs oere ovait- (0.1f1''OA A"'tlII'e tu B irdt anon Fox both flieol to Boau- nanonoshonuoade Itretty eathes, hool- blroeonot, B erer 1 o" 'Stoese l~ses- inng Msetcalf oisl titd. 5est(4te' en inneb's Woreks, 'Thle its moado'another onse toothe Soot IOr. (hisgericln btird, a session full out jotke plays. Rtes- rickw alkred snortsteolesecondetswhile 'lso'fuondamntal 1botis olfWorods- Milton swhiffed. iBrodie layeola, foul wtrth's Ipoetry is ltumano sexperience, along hs first base lioe. Ie stariod tsaitd li. S. tF. CGogerich too the caso 00 eunu it otn, bont seciro'g it waos ooul- of 0 series or thr'ec sorrnoer school side theslioe turnedi troct. Restrickt, lecoeasonthelcgreaot FEsglishoeot swho had gonue to third. honrried bock y'esteedasy atternroon. 'Elerson 000001 to second, and Olen Letoy called thce sidthabot 'oVorolewortis close treaoted chickren a safe tie, onud Cottler thoreswbltlthehmnoooonr to d llcosndwitho cooab- out Broths, woshtad n.'tornoeoito tte 'obutetrust, roodt 001o00tuic pooser of plate to finishr his boot. timmrno was moocory he dwoells poesistently. Wtoords- hit by Mtetealf crud got arouonod to see- wooth thcs woughotmoroe of thte post od, whren Restriek scorerd ot a wild exerienoces of earlie lift inuto tots pitch. Grimm tobok tirothe tila' context ihan crny'othoer'set.tHis I'o- at the plate, and wscooeaoding off thoe cmsace one lonog roll of msemory." bag, when the throw toy Couttler, ovho OBe. Gingerich pointed o000 that to had regainedl the ball, went throuogh coserve and carry corewcrd the heel. Metcalf to thrird, atnd Remooington pick- cxlperiences of the past for tlhe fouture ed it up cord touchred outlGriomn. is one of the prinocipal doctrinses of The enogineecrs scored oo lonere un iu 'tondssoeto."Thoeidea thaot thse eldo the foureth. Cuttler fannoed. Emmonons is ftoher to tire moan iou "The Rtainbowc" lived swhen Jansen dropped the ball, shtow's thacttoo'filt thct thuere ws but ovas 0o0u 000on orse's roller wichlosomeothingtoermneorenot ond endurins. Pratt tosedo to Riestrick. 'flttler iso hoomanity.Pits revereoce Ion thoe nearly maode a doouolc, by a qouick peg chld cause a sense of moysttey, hot it to Jansen, bet nonops clled Miorse safe. tisoo steen;atribote of lots poetry. It Wheat wscoscafe on Rtetrick's doouhle, is the scome reveencee thact teompots anod Mlorse tallied on thoe play. O'ordswcorth to take servanots, peasanrts The lits did not threaten in their and eve~n ooutcasts of society for iris hoalf, but thre archers caeo back with heros. three mere roos ins a bonoch. tGrimmn Memrory, reverence, lose coot affec- presented Remringeton with a free ride tion-thsese give a deepo senoe of the by fumsrblinog. Metcalf bit to righot. saodness of humroanity too Wordervorilo's Bird was sofe when lis offering ovas poetry. lHis poems are illed owith tho" played at the plate 000 Remington, hot idea of these attributes,.tHe preest Savage droprped the ball, ltse runo seer- them with wonuderfunl simnplicity." torg. Metclf gainsed tird, anod scored Br. Gingerich quroted extensively 0n 00solid pitchs. Fox's best wvas a from thbswooks of the' poet too crm- chiecken orhicho trimmn ptickedttop. Cost- iphasizing hlos lotoooanraspoects. He oore- tier sacrificed Bind rotund to the third senooed the scenes of the poet's child- corner, anod he scoreot ohen Jansen hoeod anod later life, portrayinogtots ogain ionsertedt onoe of' his stoocalties. ramobloes cordoserv'atios, crudthoe Thuese Ithree innuinogs saoreali the scorncg sublsequreno imnpressitossvhich woere Coontinueod s oonge' 4) (Constinuted 00010a0e03) 1It P iBCt~sle 31;5'1[to ii(ff If' * ( ) Toft & Sherano D .AotI0CATIC: -0 ( ) Wilsono & Moorsoall ( ) Dte & Siel PROHOIBITION:- ( ) Chinto & Watkioos 11100' ItOSSIhI: - I(I)iRoosevolt &- Joohnsono Noombho of.trleaosrerereceiptl Nam ....o .......... Staote.......... *5m0 :F r y: x .. :s x: 0' lorortos'istbur last toy othebostraoow rote oeridootlose sshoowishoo tevote' coutO shrould easttlim baloseaoo- ly . Theurinlrrletrnros sillho'publs- e tt in Tuesodoy's 'tWolverineu. It is proposed tOto o unositoC(opicsot thoese final "elts to tie nationnal' lot equttroces o thec various p io'r4 aorn foo'l ths reasonrit is odesireolt is tire sot' shouldnotbe tas rresentaie as porsible. 'ITlis 0(,an only horeolizd th 'soery~bord0ytke,paitnttoocte. Todaty anortlFidaty broought outor ge n umbetr of otmsoeons oe; bot to fere to nrootlr or womoen swho hav.c sootd is roouchobelow t t'honumbr worecrenorolled in ho sunmmer ses- sioen. Thoenoumboer of facooty miembes 'sh Isavooe voed is surrsingly smaoll.' 'nO the reception last evooning, a se- citooleffort5wa0s maode to get-Itose to votec wirhodrot as yet aaied temn- selvec theroir opptortunnity cod a lasrge 'nmbr ofoatsoes serecaerrt. Tine Republieano toldd ar entosi- re in' noetlnt Thursdayevening ando 1ecr mtt0ooake a s'stemaosti effot to brieoo htoob Pl ti, rod also tou co u ny olirot 'titt i calr'ramaigns in brk lionict os' otaterflee oboseoeof the oumrroocosessno. 'hbeorar ts tre carryingon 00a00 "enrtic canbaicgn, oinoc fle tariff qurestironoas ta Ottsismond avoidng any' ptterota-1refe resnces. tib tothos timno ne0000'f1thurother thro n r tiresion00tobe ballot have n- oed00' organrizati ono cocon; sounmer socroot stooudnts. S('IEIVLENIS 'JOSIyl, Las, IslHobp eno'ie Jienies fort First Ploce; LIlls YetleeWblis WV L Co. Aerin s ........ 0 1.000 Laws..........1 0 .0011 Eogs......... 1 2 .33 Lts ...........0 2 .000 The last gater of the sumoer ses- 5050 leaguneswitlhocpy ed Ttueday afteronoono at :70ovwhen the tawos and its oill hookt tp too a sevenr bning scrap. If thor bnisters oin, tey wii jumrp into a tie for the top round with obe dectors. The school teachers are ort to wins a game, which wold put them on or sar owithotie shoproen. Rosenthal, of Obe lawsbas called a pmrectice for Mtondy rt 3:30, with on serob gamnouos later. The jurists are greatly srenghened by the ne- tunn of W is, capotaina of last yers summesorr stchool ross'teamn, wooohas beeon ill in S. Josephb IHositol.