WNI ADVISORY COUNCIL HOLDS IMPORTANT MEETING ts Graduate Members for Un- cty Toggery shop, ISeletc Ion Board of Di. 11 rectors. Delegates from the various Alumni Lion Cellars Esco IHosiery Caps, Hats Ties, Gloves All Gents Accessoris All Full Dress Necessities ATTENTIONr TO ALUMNI 1107 So tth vilversity E. J. Lohr, Prop. Associations to the Advisory Council met in executive session yesterday af- ternoon. President H. B. Hutchins ad- dressed the meeting on "The Organiza- tion of the Alumni." Five memberswere elected to the Board of Directors of. the Michigan Union under the provisions of the new Union constitution. The directors chosen are as follows: H. W. Douglas, Ann Arbor; J. D. Hibbard, Chicago; H. C. Bodman, Detroit; E. B. Pabst, New York; and W. F. Carter, St. Louis. The session authorized the appoint- ment of a committee to select and is- sue an alumni button and the resolu- tion will be presented to the meeting of the Alumni Association which will be held in the gallery of Memorial hall at 2:30. today for its approval. Each alumnus has a vote on questions which may be submitted to the meet- ing. The Advisory Council expressed it- self as favoring the installation of Alumni Associations in places through- out the country where the number of alumni warrants it and where none now exist. An appeal is to be made for a stronger support of the Michigan Alumnus. TO REPAIR FERRY FIELD STANDS. Construction of Concrete Stadium Is Postponed for a Year. At a meeting of the Board of Control of the athletic association, held last evening, it was decided to repair the present wooden stands on Ferry field and to postpone any construction of concrete stands for a year at least. There is some opposition. on the, ground of cost to the idea of building a permanent concrete stadium and it is possible that the present style of wooden stands will be continued. HELP GRADUATES TO LOCATE.' Chicago Alumni Association Forms Advisory Body. A committee of twenty-one pusiness men has been appointed by the Chi- cago Alumni Association to advise and help the Michigan men starting out in that city. This advisory body is a per- manent organization and is comosed of men that are actively engaged in business and those who are authori- ties in their particular field. Students and graduates who are intending to locate in Chicago should communi- cate with Secretary Walter P. Olds, 914 Marquette Bldg. Other officers of the advisory com- mittee are, president, W. D. McKenzie, '05, 72 W. Adams. St.; vice-president, E. Lunn, '99, 112 W. Adams; and treas- urer, G. E. Fink, '00, State Bank of Chicago. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT For Rent--Rooms for summer stu- dents at Baptist Guild House, 503 Huron Street, Phone Bell 1028. 3t For Rent-A furnished summer cot- tage for rent. .Les Chemaux Island. $10.00 per week. Enquire of C. S. Cooke, 27 Forsythe Avenue, Detroit. St FOR SALE For Sale-Due bills on the Charlevoix Hotel, Detroit, at 20 per cent dis- count. Address The Wolverine. WANTED Wanted-Students to sell automobile device during vacation. Profits im- mense. Can easily make enough to carry you through next term. Tour- ing seasonopened. Connect with manufacturers. Central Sales Com- pany, Racine, Wis. St Subscriptions for the Wolverine are being taken at Cushing's Drug Store, Dad Skinners, and The Daily office. By mail, 1.00; by carrier, 75c, The subscription includes the Commence- ment Daily issues. BEWARE OF THE "CAMPUS COPS." Fifty Huskies Will Defend the Forty Acre Lot. "Campus Cops," great, calm, silent, dignified defenders of the law, will stalk o'er the forty acre lot Wednes- day night to protect the women and the children and the jack lanterns from the villainous assaults of the blood thirsty mob that promises to de- scend upon the much illumined bit of the universe across State street. A sure far-seeing criminal hating sea- captain, one Sealby by name, will de- ploy fifty campus huskies and lesser lights scouring the earth for wrong do- ers. Yesterday, he and Lieut. J. H. Van Auken swore 'em in with the help of Maypr Walz--fifty, count em. Tomorrow night, resplendent in stars and badges, they will uphold the maj- esty of the law and maybe, well, may- be fifty dollars worth of lanterns will not disappear as they did last year. Full S Charle .Low SEE H. 1 Hard ... 0404 A Ii 1 U 1 K>4'I ', _ ,, .~tp. _~~ - ^ -I Round Trip L Fares4 Y -_Rodto Comfort . , - A vanished thirst-a cool body and a refreshed one; the g sure way-the only way is via a glass or bottle of Ideally delicious-pure as purity-crisp and sparkling as frost. Fre Ournew bookkt' telling of Coca-Cola vindication at Chattanooga, for the asking. Whenever 51-J Demand the Genuine as made by you aean Arrow think THE COCA-COLA CO., ATLANTA, GA. of CocaCola. V .. _ .. KEEP COOL In our comfortable and easy-fitting light- weight arments that we tailor beyond com- parisonin style and fit. For the younger set, a swagger air, imparted by an artful dash of New Yorkishness here and there. For the man of sober taste, simnplicit# with- out severity, fashion without freakishness. Our craftsmen tailor garments to drape perfectly. Our fabrics look well and wear well., Our prices are easy of reach. J. KARL MALCOLM 604 East Liberty St. via NewYorkGnitra Michigan Central--"The Niagara Falls Ticketspon*Sale Daily commencing JUNE 1st Good Returni Liberal stop-over privileges and option of boat tr and Buffalo and on Hudson River between Alba and return and retux New York 7.00 Bo stg Proportionately ow fares to all Eastern Summer Resort dacks, Canadian Resorts, White Mount Poland Springs and entire Atlantic C N ESixtyday circuit tours may be arrange New York and Boston including lake ax w river routes and more extended circuit toum partly by ocean, including meals and bertl on ocean steamers at reduced summer fan For .particu rs consult Michigan Central Ticket Agents FAIYILYBIJOU THEATRE 9Diamond Jubilee Weeke SPECIAL DISTINCT FEATURES COMEDY BARREL JUMlPERS THE STILSONS Jw II Huston Bros. The Finest Billiard Room in the State The Palai Royal 209 E. ; Cigars and Candies "We try to treat you right" .. Soubrette 21 Thousand Feet of )ROTHY HOFFMAN Photo Plays MAJESTIC A BIG FEATURE Elinore and Bartlett COMEDY AND CLEVERNESS A scream--PAUL and PAUL THE DUTCHMAN AND TEE DOLL Poses Plastique: IShine Songs: SADIE WHITING DICK LYNCH Ic -To All Always -10 cOErm WHEN VOV LIKE. STAY TO THE FINISH I' Has just received a shipment of rarest ITALIAN WARE, also a oddities in JAPANESE, CHINA and GERIAN WARE. These nov sold to the "old grads" at a special price. COME AND SEE US 209 E. Liberty St. T Attention! Seniors i -m == i . Photo -Plays de Lux e and 10c COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM DAILY Continuous from 7 P. M. to 10 P.10. Special This Week Derby day at Churchill Life of a Race-Hoose Travels in Belgium Browning's " Blot o' the Scutcheon Egypt In Time of Moses A Nations' Peril Explosion at Sea A Spartan Mother Dicken's " Martin Chuzzlewit " Jack and the Beanstalk And Other Subjects MASTER WILL MULTCHER Trinity Choir Bey BURLEIGH JACOBS Michigan's own Tenor, sing at every show. Organ Reoltals nightly. I and Lyndon will photograph every feature of the 75th Anniversary C bration. We won't have time make prints for immediate deliv but we will take your order and n them later. A Alumni== T . OF M. AND HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY, Paul 6. Tessmer, PropsAnn Arbor, Mich. Jubilee and Michigan Pennants in the Official ( Headquarters for Kodaks and Supplies E ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK ital...............$300,.00.00 plus andi Undivided Profits.. 100,000.00 ources...... . ........... ....3,000,000.00 saets a General Banking Business cent interest paid on Savings Deposits Your Bnsiness Solicited E. Hiscock, Pres. Michael J. Fritz, Osh'r Harriman, VicesPre'. Carl F. Braun, Jsh'r Wim. Walz, AssCsh'r Savings Dep't. iCopitai, $100,000.00 'Surplus, $50,000.00 Undivided Profits, $12,000.00 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Safe Banking and Courteous Treatment of our Customers is our Watchword 3 per cent Interest in our sayings department Lyndon MICHIGAN'S LEADING PHOTO AT THE SIGN OF THE KODAK 719 N. UNIV SI all~ -1 WHITE STAR LINE WHARF FOOT OF GRISWOLD 'WHIE ST R 1 JJJESTREET, DETROIT For a Delightful all Day Outing on the beautiful St. Clair River take the steamer "Tashmo" any morning 8:30, Sundaysh :oo.Fare returning same day: Port Huron $:.oo; Flats or Tashmnoo Park, 50 cents; or Toledo, and return, steamer "Owana" leaves Detroit -very week day 8:15 a~m., every Sunday 8:30 a.m., returns to De- troit 7:15 pan.; fare Sundays 5oc, week days $i.oo. Foran Afternoon Ride to St. Clair Flats, Tashmoo Pavk or Port Furon way ports take the "City of Toledo" at 2:30 p.m . Do you want a position? DO you want a better position? We may have Just the place you are looking for. Let us know your wants; Then let us have your application. The Cibb Teachers' Agency, 175 Westminster Ave. 3 4 S. s