THE WoLv~ftI it~ I. JUNCTION OF DETROIT & CATHERINE STS.& FOURTH AVE. Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152 White [. Our water softening plant cost us $2,CCO. It costs 3cu oath- ing extra to have all hle d\at !agc if lauindry work dune in wrater sa)ft as rain watcr iu-tcad of di.-trt~ctive acids and lbleachtes. The finest lingerie waists stnd d&rrsi s ," ill cc ute back to you likre tea'. Collars acid C uffs like niiw. Try your duids in- our studs. and he convinced. Mark your Fscksge "White "Swtin" antd call our-wagont. No extra charge for call or delivery. WHITE SWAN :LAUN.D.R.Y WllII~ TAR INEWHARF FOOT OF GRISWOLD VHI S1rt LINE STRFFI', DETROIT Y~ For a Delightful all Day Outing onteSoeaitful St. Clair Rivr- h tketxetm tottr '1 o y x-trslig 5 30, Sundays qoo. Fare rernitngtsam.t1 jityPa't ii 00 5.ootts troor'rttolittoork otI, tom0 'i5rCetsi or 1'cr1 itandtreitturSlteamr "Ooantt"leavestDtrttj For an Afternoon Ride to St. Clair Flts, ''rsitintParkto orti Huiitrontwyyport take ite"City sf '1'0t'rtt tt' a noytpitt Oaf-ena BucketK Y filled to the ,brim with 'cold,_ H o""""'clear purity-no such water II nowadays. Bring hack-the' old 4 days with a glass of it makes one think of everyihing than s pretatnd vtrholr- iome and delightful. Brighot, r arkditg, teerin-; with palate joy-i'syortoda.tornt.dinold oaker bucket. 'ittr..iiaitotitg t LI Whenever F eeVtindii n it C a.a n i t-or h sit. Arow think a. THE COC A-COLA CO. 52ofCoaCoaATAN , THE NEW 'CATALOGUE OF THE. U IVERS ITY O F IH is now ready complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate,', Engioering,- Medicin E; Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate School and the Summer Session':.- - Speciat corses in Forestry, Nespper Wrk,, Landsctpe IDesign, igher Commercial Ednatio inctutig Railway Administration aid Insurance, Architecture, Conervaion Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated wit Ann Arbor tigh School tar Ohservation Study), and a new course tar those preparing tor the scientifc administration o1 departments o1 oanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announce- ment or Individual Infordliation address SHIRLEY W S9T Secretary University i ANN-ARBOR -} 0 1 i s VEST l'INDIES I ESII) j -I Ii ILLI'."' SR l) DLE("'Iflfh (Continutet ftroIa it1) contact in thtu'rdaiiy it-is with whtite]t otetn, itn busintess, aind in te mrarkets& -T-fte articty qutotes Rtev,.Sti. Satnuelt- siin as saings tthat oofthe Ht-ltii stuidents here catted upontimto in tis ' absent-i, bt refus-ed to cat withtis tot wife, rot-ri abty bet-oust -"it was be- nesath his dignity to eat witth womian." U. OF M. AND HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY PuTe Tsser Ptp, Pome 656 NV it tat ointysayttat wit tkntw tone ___________________________________________ of us thavi' caltidiuponhitm, nor beeno - ai-- tovttd to ito so; nor unite we ai'P iim Tanyer \eSi r.tJSt oii t i ict t knowtedge o1 hino before tire pobia- Stak & Rihie Props S a e Savings Lan tioti of the atteged iterview with him Ttiatai ttiiyiS-r trito M ROMt The articte icriticises the native phy- Fito Isaitt BaggagliC. 'iciatns ar refusing in numerous cases. CanosDeliverd Capital Stck -$ -- 5000000 to ive any. hep to wihite terons be- 207 N. Ma.1s St. phaies 15 i Srps and Poiatiti -- it((U5J (0 catise of carte distinictionts, We boys,_____________ coiin- from Cacutta and other paesU --___________ of India, kntoaw that the iigh Europeain rofiersth tere i nomtecomrpicated ca- M es givt' preference to thre Hinditoteth- S .- at ra a 0 od of treatment, aind tirtt they are gadlty atteinded to by the Kavirajas, or ___________________ HPitodinphysidiats. The at e Kavitajas, -- Mv, . . t.Ser~ittfCacutta had more (Coming itatts in the liroperir sections than in il , I ' THURSDAY 0i airy eter totninity.I S t Tye article imittis tiha1 the H-indurs, are unigratful for tire services t-ender-M A Q N0 I FlC E N T. ed themr by tine miissiotaies. Insofar PCR E SNTA'ION OF as tis attitude does exist, it is doe targety to a prevaiing prejoaci *I .f -oi against tmissiconaries becaiuse-to -"o quote Rev . T. Sutnderand (father ot A I Professor Sinidtrand 01 the aos de-' l Chuzzlew it partreirt,"tthey' (the so-catted mis sionaries) thave introduced the nmost and a bigOe.Thatsowoat tw - N HEEAT h-ait beenmting oithoerr notoriors crimes amtongst the itno jobr of Re-Solng Rubber cWe adrit that there ' are srtre draw'- Soled Shoes. Wethave the By Charles Dckes bathks in caste systenm, as in atty other ohnae ofth tithit iingm- soial orgaiziatiotn;bht we do not be- chnswihlhitoil5 00 St he foiar carcers incuintg: raM PINC hen ha ay aisinay~n nda s ibteto io a ftst class job sf eUTwelA, sMeRK tAPEt PEtK- tiev tht an otsirary in ndi is this so rt. mistrieated because of caste distinit- Fn ctr ttr olsdo ySIFF, twAITY, ttgtY tiotis any uor than the Hindus themo- F orthe loathen oirdne toby selves. It is hiardlty fair trtquestioin --yoo wilt he grealy p,'arci. Yn u-toe read the book nssee the or htonesty by quoting Kpling _______ohtolay "Whre there ios no eye there is nlo ease, wic, b te ry ha n finr- MODERN SHOE REPAIR SHOP dttiio nit, for, even iiae chose to (Sin1o te iWILIM TRiEroET REGULAR PRICES5 and 10C do no, we cotld tot strictly arry dis -___________________ tictotis into err; ile lar' wteri' swi are cotntinualy in ciotact with Anmer-S m er i tre i nn r o We wondr, if ihec morality ant on Bluffs overio 'dug iluron:River 'hristianity of atry'misfsinary tcai het Seclded qiet ad witin wlkig ditance aftheti iverity ots chap as anifere Mosad r him o epres te setim nt, 'R b hating, lo. Inraife JAMES H, McDINAtO. Fre ifg, Derit He will el fat hw to waif autiand thrse attd their netighbors who rob yo," as ascribed to this pnastr ini the _______________________________________ articti' referred to above. f Cristi- UNVRIYPAMC wdga ceious10416Ionetb- anity does teatit this, we feet ini our UNVRIYPAMC o lk8 itpuieu ti t;ittt tibm hiumoble opiion that e are quite saftein219 S. University An. We defivr ee cream every day in iibeinig Hindias by faict. heCnn oa uon eno awe THE HISNDU STUDENTS. Peroumes, Toiiet Srapo & Tiet Atites _hOEfAOt ILJEOE irec-eiptiioorpei~ti We Insist on saisfyng TO VISIORO~S MONDfAY NIGiH,______________________________________ Next Monday night thte observaory W I N GX SECIAt StE OF 3e PON will ie open to etoicors, if the ieath- PAPHER It Ot t8-WHIE itfLS r iermits. Admission wilt be by PA E CALKINS' PHARVACY tickets otly, wshich mre.y he obtained 24 5S. STATE ST. athe office of (Lie soi1noer Sesion, if - the request is accompatied by' thev treasurers receipt.' Those asho have O F F IC E S p -jo~j-~ not had the privilege of viewitig the 0 iiU I IzS 1 11 IA I - E-s sky throtugh tire instruments aill be *-V fi giveni the frst opportutnity to do so. FO(R 'clo tirkets will be ready tomorrow. _____ PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS - THE WEATHER NEW MAi LCOJL Fair tonight and probably COR. LIB3ERTY C& 'MAYNARD STS. Ftiday. Continued coo. _ d LYND O NPH OTOGRAPH 13R, Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies I make a specialty of Developing, Printinag acid lEnolarginug for Aataaeurs-by omoderno mnetliods. This haas beens my husintess for eight years .and it lhas icteased every day-only results Will do this and no Nwhenever you avant aaaythaing plaoo graphic look for, the sighs -of the kodak - thtat's whiere tins move. LYNI1)ON 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, 10c per day mpg., F