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August 15, 1912 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1912-08-15

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At Your Door Three Fifteen Hundred Sum-
1 Evenings a Week, 75e mer Sessioo Student=



No. 22.

LARGE MAJORITY A STATEOF MIND * Roosevelt and ohnson_47
VChafln and Watkins 6 L
lWoodrowvWilsont (11o1)Plat; tot ightl Proa o IS Smalley Gives (ltooate a - *Debs and Siedel- 2.p
Campao~eign in Straw ote otl I cs o rogressivso oto Le- * 0* 000000* * 0*0*__________________________
A_ 11o 00 * * 00 0* w* 0* "There re a number of mistaken R1EC~IAL OU ORGAN Sorb Pof 11 c Worksro to Ththe r tof
-x- said 1irst. II. S. Smaley in a lectureOl oni aExstonItrmt-
oREPUBHLICAN:- * Wednesday g morning to his class in to ho IDianootled ando Rebutilt "The labors of Lulher's lredec au tof 1 WeAtoiooteo
*- ( )Taft & Sherman 0 torploration Problens, "altlsouglo a foo :ew Adtoriono tsos should be properl reognize. Dlega 0tea i Off i
a *N CATC: a ot deal baa been written and mueb for the ains of fle scholarly works First eet
ha-'CATbeetsf henen swho avemaeLtr'
* isn&Mrhl a enspokens about nrogressi- PROCHAM MIlNIFESIS TALENTo h ad sie
Wlo Masol is to notagroup of policies; it is 0 not_ trtslatiosopossible has not bens
oSOCIALIST:not near;fully apipreiaed" said Professor W Thle following cot
a 1lartisan noovenment; it islot e; Tose who heard the organ recitat loe iohsletr,"Peotea 0Iosorf.V.HII
o ( ) Debs& Seidel 0 nol t is not distnctly political or. by Narl Vincent Moore, Tuesdoay eO Translations of fle Bible,"yelda tosto'brdaf
'poOHBTIN- tlticooomic.Proressivism is toyetra tavlnabodft
PRHBItN: ate olnmind; it is ,n ttitde otcuoiog, o ooer hae any doubt 11at0sfalternoons. the 2fibhsosovrsa
* ( ) Chan & Watkis the pipe-organ is t' "Kiog of lostro- 'When Llter workcd on his versiooc nes o the toya
*hotught toward houmano progress.Sa
O PROGRENSSIV:-- * 'Progres-sivism has three character- sot. twsfo atenet00ofteNa etsosta trboa' repesenotative of tlb
o Itoseelt& Jhnsn s slis. t i sunifetedin dipo-theUtolumianboosorgan in Uiversiy lot t rhips never imagiooed that lis e a 0ofMcbgan will ere
Numbe)Roevt&ssosrcept*itios. totake mnotietedg n for -Hall, which sooto will be dismant'led sire that every city shoosd have 0' lorrtttetl sod
a*dispositifo thatswisressgreceied and rebuilt for the Hill Memorial Au- interpreer of the Bible' would ever a- 5escsnteoorested io lo
*' Na e ..............feuetydiorium. fwin.swortl wideasopue. " lootsIt a xes
t10 re-examtioe with the highest noral I.I sa xed
Stt ..ftsfand.pprve.olices.so.te.lght Although fthe progranm uas notot "Of his version oi the Bible' whchl tocsketch, bttunono
* * * * s * * * t * r'f ecrrent conditions and mdr long it was complee and exceedingly. appeared in Sepenmber, 122, fle Caih- * og is be published
knosoledge as xeloe. mdr well balanced. Front the "Toccata" olic Enyclopedia says, It unfoldeds eta n flos issue; it
Ng n xprec: very near wih'"its bravuras passages and Sormy le affluanoce, clartycuvioofha tsoolbrsgte
Man voos ars ben plle sofursoogesbos issuberbd t th soserush of sound" through fle"Idyl," t'ernan tongue in a mannoer ad sw ih s'sofTs'he Wlt en
ta.Theol-I theoies of coospeition, -
by thzecaceolus politiciaons in lbs straw ahere sle echo sas introduced wih a result that statnds almaost wihout aa
vote of Ilr' st.oteer~s, and Wilson ' .otiv ba>,fowsrntde pleasing effect, to the G m-ior Site, I arllel in the histry of the Germsan
tojrt.Te' orne, assutomed .rbttsotrine, lmited -
Icads tbs;fidlbya;goolaort. sh iaisiy stfuacommotocarriers, crificisms the artst held te closest tattention of literaure.' The influence of the NestT leFibs veW
reooroot I soy lab the faculoby ond bloe'his audiesce. 'Tesfanment onever loss been noresdirec Ts heEdtrTh-
women stsdnts are not exercising',o 1tt, h ardto ftecn "he Dance 01 the Mirlitons," bhan in or oswot secade-for us the es- lthss'akdte
thir ri ht olf rasclise. Several rot- stobortolattdcprnryTcthaikowsoky, a trscriptiono by Mr. sential oe. Wthin the last seven tigslil oih st
cr hv scshdthirblltont Moore, requires acknowledgnent oi years four great literary workrls, basederoIcmpyb°st
er uv aslbe hi alt wib of prsiticntandsenaedtostae -'cts s amnd tly b sell
various remtarks perinent to floe- oc-beo xnisdaodubctdoth the organists diligence anod talent. "In on the harmny of the gospels, are en-fatasdioreios
casion, suochoas those of one rots "tem eoo caatritci ads aradisitom," Duobis ,vgse a fine riching Germoan life. In these worksrpeeoig h 'ov
lMlis-igan ehlofoos us tbat Ster- siintsobetplcstoheet hane Is~ hear the battiful vax ha se see the lopres of fle Septemberigsosth'eebao
nman is "too soft" and casts aspersiost omaana of the echo. n "Sumoer Bible of Luther. anvrayo lef
ofeoeral sveetare. The true progres- R loal Society. Dobtl
on floeomental capacity of Johnson. ' beivs' qta Cr ketcbts," by letoare, Mr. Moore se- "In 148, six montbhs before Lubbr
sor lev eeqa rightsfo all "Irsaxae awar( thatt
The official ballots are rinted dailylar -cilpiiegsfrnne ht ursd too effect entirely in. keepin' birth, appeared the faoous Kobur )oeuioftems
in The tWolverine a nd special ballots with the subeectttndirisilesethtsditnone;fhalesBietotisus oarOrort Br
bloepoblic doosotin should be soninis- wt h tb c od soto b oiino h lbe ttfrnae sci tts oof Geataosi
may be obtained from mseobers otf C 1 b f f 1 fh -breadtht of interprebatios obtainable onicat th anthelo printing of this sa
fLse saff of The Wlverine, or 1tefedote.neboaad at the n this wonderful insrtmentf. "To the preparation oiflohe people for the Lion to it swih peroit
sacrecdness of property rights has ledthiniasFR.Sf
polin platen n Unversity hal, the the Evening Stas," anid "Tannhaeuss r '.adin; o fle Bible; and here is the h ntal .I.S
boo, engineering, and ecoonoics build- o fte opp ression of the moany by the March," Wagsersith their fine e- tost inerestin chapter of history ollRoy7al Socieyb is an hot
few td hr r bu
ings, the Michignn Union, and the office ';a and well-toarked rhythm, were the preluthron translations o1 the ee.'leeaeas
"The third haractristic is a faithfelw manyrsdt
of The Wolverino. Only these b allots . oi fiting climax to fle program. Bible. fbor uil eie
-will be considered, and they mast-bbear mo n d pubar goerosentbrther isno e _H ___________"The cathedrals, such as that atabusmoioote
floe number of fthe treasurers receipt Ile nkebsttupe frfect a idseno- I DlS'I1N''S PiOtt'ES'' Coogtne, are the 1.ng nmonunents sfUnited Kingdonm, anda
ails1h position a
or the signature of tho voter, and the !adequateRS substitootheearesteaifor if Grmaand- oiself- 1
stt nwihh eie.governnent is an inportant mans of the Society tart'e S't.be sonet aih f heGema pa
slt-expression that is necessary for bl.Wetyuete hscterlthe FSoh ciyaremysini
The Woodrowr Wilson club met last the eductaion and development of hu- Statemesott Regarding physieiasand and look upon the altar, and consider
oight at the Union. Plans for the can-Iits aristc excelleonce, then you an CofdSae ehv
man epacries ad poers.iti~isronries ot 1rueigso scieytogth
paignu sere discussed, and if was 11 aaiisad oes liooto Fs.oreiesh Notteihy Trite're n rm h pths atrrpra
agreed ihat if should be fought 0fos' "Allproressires are arrayed emy eeha.'thy Scidenncsesrepra at hoghIh
Iogains bos rtsle, long bolots;,role ion'o the eopleiFraonthesealtar
basis of the tariff, and not on a per- ,tbe saaoyby the fesw. They favor d- Nodioe IWolverine:-Will yo kindly were preached powerfol sermons, not teAorco hbs
sonal ne thu doingaa with' in loatin, but in Germao. Also se at Phiadelphia are ea
onukrakiosg tactics. Also if was de- r somsioations and the reeenu ubish blos letter of poetaainsius ntot forget tefloe nce of the prtheb etksow toN
ided to enmphasize thc importance of Rc garding- mtantyother pracical pli- he article which appeared iso last Sat- great moystery plays nor the nmasterthsbeerkonf
the strawt vote conducted by The Wol- ccsnbathtaifrealwoa rdo'sAnAbrToesNtsrea-sitgers. All thia shows that the people
vei h euto htcnutdsuffrage, and so forth, there if a great ing to the recent discrimination o'helreIcte ne h ewts he celebration of the
doal o disareement amotog progres- aainst Hinoduostudens at the unI- of te Royal Society w
by The Mchigass Daily was mention- sss.. tmsest better than the people of our
ses This is due to the fact that iersity, and purportinog to be an iner- notable occasion and
ed in a nmessage1 o e legislature b ' fo larger riies inthlis enlightened age
5e0 6 t ,progresaivism is not a Iparty nove-,ew iethtil a refturned mtssonary fo known scientific bodi:
floe governor, and this one of the pres- inentf. Neither is ifOs new movement P'usroht We, the Hindu students at °9.."tisaolteycrin htte ties troughou the st-s
et summer session may have tefri a copne vr othehettiesfy ontsihIopo etent aoflutelers taioftharliher
feit a copne vr eomteuiestd o iht rvk to send each a deeg
soesgiiac.Imovesent in the hisory of the world. a qtarrel upont. this onater, but simoply vrinhabengatyudrei-insitutions ike the F
Nor is it confted to politics: it is to correct errrs of at appeariotg in med. Du ha enrediytostegreosife snting svral. The
WEt NISIm~~~lb) nanifested ini religion, art, law, ed- tat article, whlicho sight lead Is nis- tebleigshlr th aet h incuded many men w
iI LC'S'I'ICATl' )LEC(lTURE cation and science. ondertansoding by ls readers. tebleigshlr h aet h household words thro
"Sm epeare opposed by sature too geoeral, the article seeoms to b pe thev sinsftherBitongue."ei part of the civilied wo
.r Ha ou'ohebes Girapholically otlithy to progressiviss, others by training, based upon the experiesne of one mno hrtnge"Of fle fourteen Amoe
Charatoeritic FloFar Iunaoo, ando still others because of special in- in Horooto, which is not a part of In-- ties to participate, V,
ad Social Custoooto terests in sthlich they are involved. The dia, ard not the hone of Hindus. The St'MMER~l SESSION S'T UDiENTIS Princetono and bennsyty
bbance of fleIeople re progressive. Burnmroe differ entirely in race, relig- IVIL lRE GIVEN RECEPTION, resented by their pre
Nunmerous interesting stereopticaso "Progressivism is a turbulent move- io, education, customs, and coltre son; the others by p
views were fle asis of a lecture en- cent. Issoues muost be forced on the froon fle H-indus. Thasf te indus The faculty will fender a recepin known boo he fied ofs
titled "The ''ravels of a Botanist in attention of the people. The functitoon would sot think of bathing iso the to all students of the summer session Pomp~ Dislayedt a
the West Indies," whicho stas gvens of fle progressive eader is to raise some 10001 with whie oen in our own Friday evening at halt past eight, in The first formal neo
last nightf by Dr. . T. Hos. The first 'qouestiots, discoss them and suggest country is not so. In fact, we do notb arbour gymnasiums. Stodents sill Iilee was a special so
series of viears weo'e fakeon in Haiti. remsedie s in oroer that discoussion may knost of any Hlindus ever denying a present their treasorers receipts at mnboser Abbey at no
They pictured fle life of the donkey- crysftalliz~e arond his suggestion. Hte foreigner, be he Cautasiano or Mngo- the door; tickets for members of su- July if6t, the delegat
ridoog oatives, the forets of log-stood, muosts, therefore, falls about sore poli- lion, whie or dark, the right to take dents' families may be obtained af appearing iso their act
formerly valuable for dying purposes, ties than he can acomplish in fle way as bath is their public pools, or of a- the ofice of the summer session in listen to fle speciali
fle coffee paotations, the giant cacti, of practical effect. The policies of ing tken any "purgtie pills" after Unriversity all Friday oorning from en of Westmtinster.
osod thoentango frees. Farmoiog and pogressives are bound to change con- they have caoe in contact with wthite ten to taevbe, and roon tsto to four in sie cermon the toc
fishing tre the principal occupations stootly because of fle sery nature of nen. This :may be custmary in Bur- the afternoon. As usual there will be isied, and in general
iso Haiti, tnd coffe'e is the imuporbtntfle party altho it is likely that they mob, but it certainly is not among dning. This is the second and last ed to acontpaony their
articlo' of export. sill hote more consosertoie and less fle Hindus, st-oscoe in continual reception tendered students by the fo- swere ased to teas, Itu:
The aeconod series of pictures aee' turbulent than at present." (Continued on page 3) uty this term. ners at which lady fell.

taktens Orthe Guoiansas, whsere floe in- al Society acted as bo
dusi is are similar to those of Haiti, OFASUMMER SESIOIN " In tohe afternoono fT
wills the addition of sugar raiing and R EPU B LICA N SAE " IFI giU I at 8 0 egotes assembled in acs
gobd mininsg. official tosiornms to ha-
NsLtive farming in the Guianas is an M c M I L L A N LIA L L Cor. State & Huron Sts. Osateob addresses to 11
easylie sionce it requires only three fb the Royal Society. A
Continuoed on paged4) J SOMETHING DO ING '® j (Continued on

.Addreso'ses the
ia1 Rubes tso
abbs, who is
ser attetodiog
ry cereoson-
Suieby ass
e Uniersity
tainly e of*
tts and oth-*
igher edct-*
ingly graoph-*
tnaely too*
in ls tooir- a
sill be cont-
soe-t tw~o is-*
In awrite somo-
rest your reaod-
tine downo somse
receivoed while'
ersity of i-
nn of the 2t0blo
totoline of hs'
less your reaod-
his society is.
t diafingaislor'-
ti, and elec-
itont to atacha
Fellowt'of the
onor musch ca-
t for houndredl
tiso Great Dri-
setions of he
also in the co-
,nd influenre of
r to those of
) France. boo the
no correspond-
Nationtal Acaod-
V'ashingon adt
sbhical Society
eo isn se in-
ie comopared Is
reign scientific
e 250(h obirthday
as nade a inost
all the best
s and tooiversi-
rld were invited
;ate, the larger
rencbo Acadeny
210 delegates
ughout a arge
tricoan universi-
ale, Columbit,
vania stere rep-
sidents in per-
)rofessors awell-
It MIeetinog,_
eting of the ju-
ervice in West-
on Tuesday ot
Les and fellows
denic robes to
address by the
To this impres-
ies stere also
whsesnnob invit-
ehusbands they
neheons or din-
owts of the Rfoy-

Tuesday the del-
>ademie robes or
and their illutn-
ate presidlent of
.s the day stas
page 4.)

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