THE YOLVEIL~ ______________________ - SPOtI lE LAWS TILE WEATHER (Continued Unoettled tonight. Probably of one run to tie showers in eastern ptortion. te usual tally ir Wednesday fair,. itt safely to start care of Fold 0n(1 AN THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS HANS ed, butt Fox matte Capitl....... $300.00 '-srptcs and Undivided Profis..1W,0t,5-00Uttmant, whsichlet itn R . ..... ,00t(.000.00 ted. Wheat opetas Tranactsaa Geneal B aninlgBusiness 3 pcr cent ierrespaid oSavings i e luicitore 1tuLa1aith Your Bnosiness Solicited Morse lifted a fly Chas. E. lseocih, tres. Miehael .J. Fritz, Ch'r Iseld Wheat ott the W. I). flarrimuan, Vice' Pres. Carl P. Brass. Ass. Cslh'r tin. Wate, Ass.Ush'r Sarins s lb't. rolled to the boxa whaichafliised it. A conmptete line of college songs- In the fifth the 1; some of whch are: Yellow and Blue, earned run. Dellt Varsity, Victors, College Days, always cop wtas sttfe on to h fond t tse nivrsiy Msicadvanced ott allotl to b fond a th Uniersty MsicJatnsen's drive. 1 House, Press tBoilding, Maynard St., passetd ball while across from "Majestic." if then Wheat threw i iing sawte he bridge builders cross the WIN FAST (lAIE, finish for thse first time. B3odit- flied -- I to left, but Fox beat out a serfect froma cage 1j btttt to the pitcher, stole seconsd, atsd ehasting by gettitsg stored on Stodldard's single. Cooper a thse fourth. took flied out and Etmsmons was easy. it. Ilake thietn took InthIle sixths the engineers kepst the ,terwsortts nas tt rristers safe, Intl bud a real lice albad thcowv on tlauttisse of thseir owna. Waterworth strucki toots. Kentiedy fan- auti bitt Whseat uwalked Fold. 1llalse A the innsing for the swsallou-ed llasnatns fly. Whaeat hit s it, taut;tiwts left. Kenisedy, but( with two ont, Del oy's to right bitt Delloy best was a roller to Wheat. first station. Crsaig The men frotm the archs evidetesly tttd Blakle to secondi, etijoyedl their taste of thae scorinsg its ishe fifth, for they camse bark in Itie isaes got atnothter un sixtht wills three msore runss. oy strusckot. Nor- The- judges reversed the deeisions of Coopter's critme, anti the sixth inntiing, whliecs had dleniedl aet- ttuff lay Fox onthetmcusthteir tusal rsst, antIsasde upt N(l(orco tsllied os a withs two hsere. Norcotp tannaed. Jatn- Spsikes fanstedl, ansd sets sas stile on as scratchs til whnst outi Cools. Thsis in- the itnfielsd of thse enigineers unsitetdits - a sot bessutifssl,conscentissted lbone- head. Spsikses sisngled. Cools was safe t 1 7i I lf 11)"" o afietlers chsoic e, and thsis time AILr aig let the ball throsugha his legs a Isis IsSpsikes scored. Morse satns Craig L If t artially redeested Itsemselves svhetn ERV 101C ss pretty play caughst Cools tryisig Io steal third. Fold fanisedl,awhichi closs-d S the meeting. CLASSIFIED) ADS. Notice. Tess roomsatsnds the isse of a. bath WAM"ED rtos to reist to ss singyle gettleman 0; ladty, itih gootd referensces its the' Ctt- Wo~snted -Stuslena t oeorks forbasrsd stLigAatethosfrmSp.1 Uiversity Ilispital, Csthterinae Stit \asisea ts-fot ea.1 Furthser itnfosrtion obttainsed at No. __pp__yto_______________ 21-2-3_ it6Thse Cuttin", 2nsdfloorMoisroe St. FOR RENT entrance. ________ tf._ 'oItelf.A mder si rom huseat We sell Clothsing for teascand yousng tn. Allen's Cood Clothses Store, 909t Sylsil St.. $14.00 a mnthil. Ati- Mi tet f dress J. It., Wolverinte, Press Bldg._____________________ if. All six e'xposusre'filmsodsevelopedl at Foir Rent-Fise cottages. for .rent, Ilotale's Stodio for lit atdst15Icetss. Whsitore tsake Wteidemsaist Grove. Finet antI brilliant prints tmde for 4 Adldress 312 5. tie., P'hotse li07i-J. aind 5 cents. lemetinerItse latce, Ifit6912.9 .Libterty street, inear whsere theo nt'estuidio is bteing built, il-lit. 'To Rent-At 1it12 C'ambridge St., a six rooias smotderns hoiuse, oaiksfiisish, grate, everylthing nsew. Will be vacateid Auigust 15. $211.11 a monthl' Address I'. IT., Thse Wots erilse, Press tBldg. tf. I1f1SCELLANEo tS Spenld Saturday at Whitmsore Lake ansd dance the eveninsg awvay at the take Itouse. 3it censts routnd trip from Ansn Arbor. tI. Classified Adts., subscriptionas taken, andt copies of thse Wolverine sold at Cussliisgs. it-25. QY -a " ' gwM Detroit-Put-in-Bay Sandusky--Cedar Point Daylight Trips to Cleveland $1.25 Sieanr "Pni-in-Bnr" (New), Fosurithonsanid passrnger capacity, Leiainidanciii deckniheLnkes, Coinuusiiiiuic, Ocean steainer chaiea, Priivate paross, Csmiiutis dining S aind lunchroomis. Fassteeliide-whel seamer "ranks E. Kirby." Donblr daily servieinoassin oeration is Pat-in-Bar and Ceaet Point-World-amous baithisgahs,hiitoric Deirsirrrrr' Sandar daring Jslryad Auguit. Daily is Cleve- land 8,10 a.,in., via Psi-ia-Bar, $1,21 rash sway.Streaser "Psi-ia-Bar' leanvraDerrit daiyni 830 n. in. Steamer"r"Pank E. Kirbr" Iea-esaDeritilysitr i5:10 p. is. Round trip fass in Psi-ia-Bay, 50 creiats nweek days; Sndays 75 sasts. ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE hM® t.i«.Daaitin, G. P. Va., Deriti "aoov e o '~ Thcesenginee-rs again laroutghstitat score- to awithsins one run of a tie in thseir half of the seveth, awhen thety catme btacks with twro ruins. The score wousltd parobstaly have iteeta tiedl here, hadltnt itse coachetr steit Morse hoise ossa. long shtso for the third out. 'This iniitg, likse the lats, shsowetd foor hits, hut 0111 of two sintgles, a double, anld triple, thse enginseers w-ere onsly able to cttsh tu-o scortes. Its the eighsthsining, u-illstwoiown, Dettoy hit suit later stole haome. Kits- nedy sttled loutsits the enginseers' haslf of this framse hilling off the slug- ging diversiotn single-andated. After allowing four hits it eaeh of tse last tuwo innings, hte strut-k ou1 Crtaig asd Blake titsstetl Irodie out ons a wetak botasiter. Somet ifithse strikses calledt Ott Illaki- wert- pirticlal, sittlaffosrded sketptirisineat-n in Itsith ids ofsomes of ltae'temtintatjusrists on thae sit' titles. The ltats littlsetlupsthte game witha their r-guslar (silly by- soima-tice bast- I'all. Engineers. AD I1it0 A.N 'Thin Underwear and Htosie ry for Strsaw Hats of thse righst sinid at the mt-n at Alletn's Cood Clothes Store. right prices. Allen's Good Cloltes Maisn Street. if. Store. Mai Street. if. Tinker &Co -panmy Furnishers and Hatters to Universily Men 342 South State Street GRANGER'S Academy of Dancing Summer Assemblies every Friday Evening--9 to 12 IKE FISCHER'S ORCHESTRA / = -1 f I -~ ____ Vs.411 Wheat tp.. 4 horse c.. 4 Cramig....... 4 Blalse 1 .....4 Brotdie in1...4 Fox s - - -......4 Copier 2- - -.....4 Stoddard r ....4 Emmtions la ....4 1 0 1 1 1 1 1. 0 0 3it 1 12 1I2 1 9 2 1 2I1 1.I 2it it0 JI It It it it Totals .lit6i14 271it14 Lawus. AU s-Boy r .... vttrcopt3 ... Jansisen 1 -...... Stilses misa -...5 Cnoks 2....... 4 sitssiet-(os-tl I. . -... 4 $1-t ........ 4 Ke-nnsedy 1 .... I 122 2 2 5I 1. 11 ()I)I 1 2 1. it l 0t (} I0 1A it 2. It I) E G 1 0 0 T otalis . . . . IErsgs ... Lawgs... .19t9 9 2711 4 THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER SEAS Spend yousevacation' en the Creot Laksi, ikenst reconomibal andrenioyable oingeineAmerica No nater toatloipoint yoauscant is go,se D; & C. Line Steamersteperating is Daile serebetweern Derioit ansd Buffalo, Mar l t to Noee1 stli. Citysit Detroit IllI0and Cite oh Clevel~and Ill, the largecstside wherl steanmers in the rsuld, sithtiis divisiontJusecI1Oth to Septembsrtha. Daily aermicebresceen Detroit andCleeland April15thtoDcee st. DurisulJuly aodAugusttwonhoats otfDetroitiand Clevelanderynaturday and Sunday nighst. Poutrsipas wekrl betseers Toledo, Detroitt Mackinac Island and scar port,. Specsial SteannrCleeland is MackisacIhland, tworsipcasweeckly, lane 15th tso Sepemers10th itoppinagtsnly at Detroat evere trip and Godrich, Ont., every Specsial Day Trips brtwren Derit and Cleverland, During Jly and Asgusi Tueaday, WedesdaeThuesday and Satsrday oatioelDetroit; Monday, Wedans day, Thursdayad Priday eoIut fCleeland. RAILROAD TICKETS 'AVAILABLE:-'Tinhetrading via any pail line bretween Detpoitad Buffaloanad Detrait and Cleveland will hr honored far iranspnrtatian an D. & C. Liar Sieams in~i either dirrciion. Send 2 etestamorntIelluisrated Pamsphlet aedGrecat Lakaes Map. Addresis:L.. CLreis, C. P. A., Detroit, Mici. Philip H. McMillan, Presa. A. A. Schaetz,,GCast Mar, Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company The Ann Arbor FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuesday and. Friday fore- noons for ladies only. The Pool is Fed with Cool Spring Water 725 S. Flub Ave. Phone 99t6-2 rings 0. 1020 0 1 it 1 it0- 21it0911.11- -R it Sntnk'3-. Thsree isse-hIit--lorsettaco tbase haitsi-tBroglie, (Wseat,- so-I trssit - Nor- cop ant 'Intsa-tisolesn bases-t.ess- os-dy, lasiusats, Jansess, Deiloy, Whesat ansI Stoddsatru; dosbsestkls-ttay-Water- wsortha to Noreop to tCookst first basse ont errosr--laws i, eli's. It bass- on balls-ofit Wheat 2; Struttkitout-by lihleat Ilcby- Keusedy 9; sit sy pitch- er-by Whata, Kenniedty. ltUpir- lMtCltsrt. Oing to te coisrts the tennsis smsachsts schasdutletd for tosday caisnos he plsays I. Itis idesiretd thai entrats meet stt lie tUnion Wednsday at 1:19 P. M.