THE WOLVERINE Til T E WOa.VFERINE place, and so they get the receipt for work well done at this time. Besides The official newspaper of the sum- there are men and women here who mer seosion of the University of get tiheir "masters," Ph.D's an so on. Michigan, published Tuesday, Thurs- We've artists here who can play, day, and Saturday afternoons. speak, read, and in many other ways, Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., give a pleasant evening to the rest, " Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. who come from every state in this Office Hours-2:00 to 4:30 p. in., daily. union, not to mention th foreign coun- Phones, 960. tries here represented. The pleasant atmosphere brought by the southern Subscription Rates-Local, seventy- 'student mingled with the West, the five cents for the summer; mailed to East, and North would, we think, be- any address for one dollar. come an annual event second only to Advertising Rates-Furnished upon the commencement which comes in T IIU B E 'S application to the Business Manager. the closing days of June. This is only Jsa suggestion. It may not be practica- PolanLA E. Payne, Business Manager. ble, but if so we think it worth passing 116 S. Main Bell Phone 166 Malcolm McCormick-Asst. Mgr. *easant oahs tt wspehavthe Le Phone 357. pesn otsta ehv.Lt develop the social side, it is the sweet- Shoes Repaired Editorial Staff. est phase of life-adding a few more Ernest R. Burton.......Acting Editor friends. Harold P. Scott........News Editor F. M. Chirreh......... Athletic Editor FASTIDIOUS THUG ATTEMPTS In a way that makes Issue Editors. TO RIFLE DELTA CHI HOUSE. J. P. Thomas Earl Crossman - your 1e1 happy -- Maude Edwards C. S. Pryor When several members of the Delta Reporters. Chi fraternity wer compelled to leave JOHN H. LAMBERT F. A. McCarthy C. S. Fliedner their porch cots, because of the rain K. C. Haven R. T. Cook on Saturday night, they were surpris- 613 E. Williams St. Roscoe Spencer C. E. Shaffner ed to discover a burglar searching the Leonard L. Cline. dresser drawers in their room. The burglar made a flying leap for the Copital.$700,000.00 Surplus.. t0.000.t Editor Today--Charles S, Pryor. door and escaped through the rear of Usdielded Profits, $12,Ot.Ot the house before the excited 'students THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK aNION .aWrecovered themselves. They gave chase ANN ARBOR, MICH. but it was without success. A search Safe Baning and Courteous Treatment of our TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1912. was made over that section of the city, Cestumers is our Watch worde _ _ _but no suspicious characters were I per cent inherent in our savings deparinent A Sumaer Commencement found. Nothing was taken from the Do you want a position? DD you want a helter position? Before we realized it the summer house, despite the fact that several We may hale just the place you are looking for. Let session is rapidily drawing to a close. gold watches were lying on the top us know your wants; Then let us have your application. The person who has spent a summer of the dresser the would-be thief was The Cibb Teachers' Agency, here is yet to be found who has any searching. 175 Westminster Ave, other expression than a most pleasant Detroit, MICH. and profitable-yes, vacation. For the The summer is almost gone! And time spent during these last few weeks we have had such a pleasant time. We of autumn weather can hardly be call- had dreaded it so-the long, hot, stif- DAVIS & p" p s ed work. We've all made a few friends, ling days, the stuffy class rooms, the OHLINGER Deivre and the suggestion comes-why not frowning professor, and a dozen other Made have a last gathering for the ones who imaginable fears-and how different it have finally reached that part of the has all been! But come to think of it, W trail where we are told that we can at Jack, I guess you have been the cause When last go on alone, and perhaps, not of most of the good times. The conoe- * alone. A sort of miniature commence- ing, and dancing, with a lunch a Tut. ment here in this quiet little Utopian ties after makes one of the most pleas- village, the last few weeks of which ant evenings imaginable. At Tuttle's ihave been spent absorbing interest- we can order what we want and when 109 ing instructive, lectures, given by men we want. I told Beth to meet us at E. Washington who have spent years in the gleaning, Tuttles Friday night after the dance. PR INTING Bell 432 - that each of us may have the benefit It is just around the coiner, 338 S. that comes from such work. State St. The law department has a course of three summer sessions and two winter H uston B ros. terms for a degree. The students tak- ing such a course have no commence- FULLER & The Finest Bil.iard Polm in the Stale ment they cat c " their own. iThn U L. Cigars and Candies too tiere are always fewwho remain 610 E. William St. We try to treat you right" over simply because they like the MOTION PICTURES EXTRA Temple Theatre SPECIAL FEATURES Male Singer at Night PATHE WEEKLY For Afternoon MISS CECIL DE BRAHM, Contralto Afternoon and Evening Admission - - - 5 cents to all TEMPLE THEATRE MAIN STREET BeAwes nwiiltias a &Lierty UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Maynard St Albert A. Stanley, Director Summer Session Eight Weeks All Branches Full Semester will begin September :: :: 30 Artist Teachers :. . Sendfor ilustrated catalc Charles A. Sink, Sec. The place we all go to when in Detroit Popular priced dining room LIBRARY PARK HOTEL; A. E. Hamilton, Mngr European Pan ' to $2.t per day Cratiot Ave. and Library Ave., DETROIT, MICH. 1-4 off ON- TENNIS RACKETS THIS WEEK W. & D. Tennis. Tennis Balls (fresh stock). 40 cents ea. h H. L. Switzer Co. 3105. Slate St. SUMMER SCHOOL LAW BOOKS FOR SECOND HALF Martin's Citil Procedure Whittier's Cases in Pleading Ile's Cates in Criminal iaw Cooley 's Back tcne Gray's CasEs vo0 I Brewstc ts Conveyareing Woodruff's Domestic Re- lations Woodruff's Costs Quasi Con- tracts GCOD SUPPLY OF SECOND HAND COPIES AT W University Bookstore UIaivCIsal Dry & Steam Cicaanog Works In a new Fire Proof t3d:. and wi tthe latestut odern\ achin- 'e are in a position to do all all kindse 1 leaning: As ltis faticyudre'ses, stilt,", sit Nvaicts, slitperis, glove, etc. Also gent c- oens clothing of ill kinds. All wtrk ' gua antcd: We call for at 1 delicti'. T. E. Wahl, Mragr. Bell Phone 877 1119 Packcrd St. Cousills & Hall, FLORISTS Corner of So. University and Twelfth Both Phones 115 O'CONN OR Steam and French Dry Cleaners Suits Pressed 25c Trousers 10c .fi MICH IGA N A LUM NUS Subscribe now and becotte a mtemtber tlst rtby of The University of Michigax A Iumni Associ ation Somie facts : Q The Alumnus is the largest college monthly int ie count i y. Q It contains the latest news about the University, aid editorial con ment etn ilpo thaut cvi ntits. It contains personal ite otis concerning ineubers of your class every ntonth. Q A volutme of the Alumnus contains the history of the University for the year. QI t publishes a series of well chosen pictures e ery month. $1.50 year This Way, You Summer Students-- } AComearndlfra LUNCH Ithat isaLUNCH MROJ4NURS Cor ner of Monroe and A Full Line of Tobacco and Cigarettes High Crade Confections and Fruit E3N GRAV INGO Programs, Invitations, Call g Cards, etc., en- graved for ) ou quilc ly aEd corrcily. We have the leading brands of scelal Slaticocry and will save you money on pound lilts or more. We'll gladly send ycn alt liplts ef paper and type faces. Write-cr stop in and pee us when in Detrcit. GREGORY, MAYER & THOM Co. Printers-Stationers-Office Outfitters-Engravers- Embossers. WOODWARD & CONGRESS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN SUGAR BOWL 109 S. MAIN STREET Best Ice Cream Sweetest Candy Prompt .- Service SUGAR BOWL 109 S. MAIN STREET Phone 967 G. Ho WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ens in the city. Satisfaction gua- anteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMIIER STYLES a specialty Established 1888 All work made in this city. Go H e'WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET ENGRAVERS U The Gar oy1e r NN-ARBOR ALL COLLEGE WORK laiusTriel Order JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT MICH.