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August 10, 1912 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1912-08-10

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Showers tonight an(d Sun-
day in north and sooth p-or-
Capital...... sa....e ¢ ,,0.5(1
5ua-ptus and Uslileles rcots.. l ^ f
R'-Sous ..r5 ........... ....Iis 5.55
Transats a G4:nerei Banking B mziness
3prrCentt iiterst patd oSavisas epa-uits
Your.tWsness 1Cuiclicd
Chat. V. Iliscock, Ple-s. 5thhut .. erits, Cstisr
W. C. Itarriman, Vice IYes. CastI P. mtij
Ass. (Ish'r 1btas. lais, AssUilir tusie5so tpt.

Ph Cilttkt

t - A l 1? '31t: FOILIIIIIAII I'IlES

Liiiied flomspayc iie1

sstc of lish#.. yI a i ing a titus so
ills55as i .to - 5a in to layer at
<i a 1k bet..- iezslireItthe
is.r~ cile i i i i .h-'5 5 the thick-
tih5 ie iseae"
ts la iithi resaofhlength is
af aa er,,,_. Acy frb heibinter-
)iii titele in ;l'}5-C" a'sTv-if red
lgtgivesntiy eadrnimhas bees
i,i ;ireditansi cac iiatedacciicately
to sevrn signific ant ilysre." The cc-

illt is that, it e 7e "isgtls riuals
A complete line at coiie,.55 l ogs- :.tti 1 s-%' i Uo nt , zchoilethis Iec-
some of which are: Yellow ant Clue, tirpreos or itciicilll sail, "As yo
Varsity, Victors, College'lPays, awa sees 0 ,aliosist iing atoot-ru~r con-
tiiiioesly, so yoi will sea scientists
to be tound at the Un~iversity Muttsicr
sine lbe illsleco-eeer; slid the de-
House, Press Building, Maynard St., I saf vvac~mne o1 a laboratocy:
across trom "Majestic." tf ean hi obsierve by its presence'"
Sandusky-Cedar Point
Daylight Trips to Cleveland $1.25
Steatme "Pat-ia-Lay" (Newt, Faur thosanad passaenger
sapacity, Ltrrat daaning ideskiontheLakesa,Conaiinuaoamsic
Ocseansateara chairs, Priv.ate parlara, Comumudious diniag
andlatnshrooams. Fatistelaside-wheeltameriia"Fraak E.
Kiaby." Dauble daie a isicersaw is aperation to Pat-ia-Bar
"Ianid Ctidar Point-Wsard-famosabathing Ibeachsahisioris
cavesaaadamthihot,,tt. SpeialieripsatuCedar 'Foist lauam
* ' Dtoitevery SunauitadaesJulyand August. Daily ao Clara-
41 land 8:30 a. a., svia Psi-is-Bae, $1.25 eash say. Stamrar
"Pat-is-Bay" leas tDeS Itdaiyeat :30 a, . ate iamer"r ank
E. Kib" leavesDetroit daiy at 5:00P. am. Roand tipsfase
ta Pat-ia-Bay, 505cnstas nwork dat-s;ISndays 75 santa.
0. . S. Duttin, G. P. A., Detroit °
I~l h4C -aN -p

Ee;-lhon C atnL(lainms(Capitaiits Not to
Blame foo('rtelties ii
Ittalbet' Fils
"The goveromeni oh Peru is to blame
for the atrocities which have been
going on within ito brders,' asserted
Ediward H. Pound Thursday eveing
is his lecture, "A Trip Across South
America'" "The British Board oh di-
rectors really had o suspicion oh the
a;roelties which w'sre being practiced
urion the anaties in the rubber hield.
'The Peruvians who received the
asncesions, got heir capital ram
London. The mangement was entire-
ly native, and the rubber hield was di-
vided into districts in charge ot super-
,isos. These utrvisors were paid
according to the amount oh rubber
colected within their distrit, and in
order to increase tle amont as rb-
ber brought in hy the ntives, these
supervisors siolated the natives.
T'he natives aerg too weak hoc ar
abs, even cultivation oh baanas be-
Ong too much tr theum. As log as
he diidends wee paid, the English
capitalists did not qeistion'the fieth-
ads in the slights.l_
Mr. Pound and two companions
cede the trill aross Soth America
for the prpose o studying the rubber
industry. The start was eade ram
Qite with shot fity Indians. The
expeditioni was liii largest since the
cue which Pzarra led across the on-
tient in 1541, whlich occupied eight
"Mtst persons have a wrong idea oh
he size oh South America," stated Mr.
Pond. 'This is de to the act that
tie mats oh North America ad South
Xmerica are drawn poii different
s'ales. The cintinent of South Amser-
'cc contains 400,0001) square miles more
han North Aemrica. The entire Cnit-
d States could be packed into Brazil.
)ne branch o het Auazon carries
,ore than the Mb., isippi. Iquits is
ici considered assesaport tow, but
ocean going stesmrs oh 4,000 tons,
as ock at this rst aihough it is
3300 mies from the Atlantic coast
Mr. Pound illustrated his lecure
ith a number oh slides which he
-.ado on the trip.
It.RL 310 lIE '10 lIVE tE(ITAI..
Will LPlay Old PipeO'tgan Oce Mo'
Before it is Dismantled.
As an example oh "progranm music,"
arl V. Moorcc will give, in Iis recital
next Tuesday evening in University
I-all, a series oh "Suminer Sketches"
ram the peas oh the English Organist
sod composer Edwi P. h-mare. The
itlcs oh the individual ehCotclss ae
-discative oh the scenes thescomposr
'ishes to present: Dawn, The Bee
a bcoo, Twilight, and Evening.
These sketches and lbs "ance of
he- Miritns" ad "Suite in G Minr'
viit be given their first hearigi
nit Arbor at this reitl.
The orhestra has long ben cn-
sdered the medumn oc titerpro-
son oh "prgraim music" Its sw'eaih
at tone color and degree oh l h ait
Shade, oter to the composer almsi
ioitless possibilitis oc tone paint-
log. But the orchestra is no oser
the soe ocipant sf this fild, oc ths
modern concert organ with its many
stops initiative oh various orchestral
instruments, can Ipicture scenes, in-
itate bird calls, etc,-aso well as the or-
The Columbian organ will be heard'
tr the last time next Tuesday on the
occasion oh Mr. Mare's recital.
The complete progranm is as o-
Toccata and Fugma in C minor ...--
-~J. S. Bach
At Evning (Idyllel-.Dudley Buck

Dance oh the Mtirlilono . Tsehaikowsky
t'In Paradisiumn ...- ..Yh. Dubois
Suite in CGSMinor - J. HI. Rogers
I Prologue; II Starch; III Intermezzs;
IV Toccata. tastermissiois
Summner Sketches ...'.Ed. H.Lessors
I Usc-n; II The Bee; III Cuckoo; IV
Twilight; V Eveniacy.
Caprice- - -......Alex Cuilosant
Song to lbselEvening Star
-.........Richard OWagner'

To- rooms and the use oh a bath
FOE RENT roozo to rent to a single gentleman sr
lady, with goodl references in the Cut-
'['o Rent-A modern six rsom house at ting Apartment Mouse tram SeptL 1.
909 Sybil SL. $1400 a month. Ad- Further information obtained at No.
dress J. R-, Wolverine, Press Bldg. 16 The Cutting, 2nd Bloor, Monroe SL.
tf.__________________ entrunge. hr.
For Renit-Fine cottages.- tar rent, We sell, Clothing tsr men and young
Whitore ake eidmannGra noomn. Allen's Good Clothes Stare,
Address 3t2 S. Div., Phsne 1076-J. SanSre r
To Rnt-t 112 ambidg St, asix All six exposure filmns developed at
rom modern house, oak finish,Hop'Stdofr1an 15cts
Fine and brilliant prints made for 4
grate, everything new. Will he and I5acents. Remember the place,
vacated August 15. $2000 a mouth. 619 E. Liberty street, near where the
Address P. H., The Wolvesrine, Press new stuadio is being builL. 1516.
Bldg. th.

1-or Rlent-After Septeomber 1, corner
apartment, first floor Cutting flaL.
Insquire janitor.
Thin Underwear and Hlosiery for
uses at Allens Good Clsthes Store.
MtaiasStreet. hr.
Straw Huts oh the right kind at-the
right prices. Allen's Good Clothes
Stsre. Main Street. hr.

Hlolding her hsnds was K. C.,
Then he losked in her I's,
Cut by this time you're Y's-
IT. C. K. C. lsved K. T.-then they
lunched after the dance at Tuttles',
a3t8 S. Stale.
Classified Ads., subscriptions taken,
anad copies oh the Wolverine sold ait
Cushings. 6-25.
Spend Saturday at Whitnmoro Lake
and dance thes evening awvay at the
Lake Hsuse. 30O cents rouand trip from
Ann Arbor. tf.

Tinker & Company
Furnishers anrd Haters to University Men
342 South State Street
..ed-144? Ci 1Cao.L

GRANGER'S Academy of Danci n
Summer Assemblies every Fridany Evening--9t to 12

Spend yaar vacatioanas aba eraLakesc, the nastl
ecniczzaal andrenjoyableouinginAmricia"
Naoamatter ta whsat point you want to go, usenD. & C. LineaSteamearsoperating to
all imaportaat port.
Daily servise been Detrait aad Buffalo, May 1st ts Noverat1s It. Ctty at
Deroit Ill and Cite of Clevelad III, the largst side wheel steaerstiatheworld,
as hia dieision Jane l0uh toSeptemaber. .1ath.Daily servsice betweenaDatrait
asd Cevrlaad ApriIl th toDeember Tt. DuringsJlansd Augast two boats
aataafDerianad Clvelad evry.Sturdayad Sunayaight.
Faurtips werkly betwara Toledo, Deroiat, MackizacIlansd and way pars.
Daily aseier betwerea Taleda, Cleelandad Pat-ia-Bay.
Special Steamier Cevehand to Mac~kinacuIslaand, twa ripa weekly, Jane 15th to
Setember l0th saopping asly at Datrait avryaytsip adGoderich, Oat., everoy
other trip.
Special DsyTrips between Detroitand Cleveland, During Julynd August
Tuesday, WednrsdayThsday asdSatuarday outaotroit; MordayWednea-
day, Thursdayand Fiday utof5Cleveland.
RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE-Tickets readiag via anay rail line
betiween Detrait and Buffalo and DetroitandCleveland twill behonaored'far-
i ransportatton osaD. & C. Lina Stamersaa in either dairection.
Send 2entautamspforIlluatraed Pamaphletanad Great LakesaMap.
Address:L G. Lews, G. P. A., Derrir. Hick.
Philip H. McMillan, Prsu. A. A. Schatz, Carat1 Mar.
Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Comp any
The A nn Arbor
FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor
9:00 A. M. to 9:00 Pa Ma
For Ladies nnd Gentlemen. Tuesday and Friday fore-
noons for ladies only.
The Pool is Fed with Cool Sprting Water
725 S. Filth Ave. Phone 996-2 rings


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