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August 08, 1912 - Image 4

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The Wolverine, 1912-08-08

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Fair tonight and probably
Capital ................ $300,000.00
Surplus anid Undivided Profits.. 100,000.00
R esources ............. 3,000,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
3 percrent Interest paid on Savings Deposits
Your unsiness Solicited
Chas. X iscock, Pres. AMichael J. Frite, Csb'r
W. D. Harriman, Vice Pres. Carl F. tBraun,
Ass. Calir Wm. Wale, Ass.sh'r Savings Dep't.
Cousins & Hall
Corner of So. Universkty and Twelfth
Both Phones 115

(Adieise StudeitlHonred.
Mrc. C. K. Tsao, who siudied hcrc host
year for his masters dcgrce, has been
appointed to an important positions
under thse present repoublican govern-
ment. Mr. Tsos o just reached Chi-
na, and expocts to proceed to Pekin at
once, to assume his new duties.
I'idergrtds Successful Tourists.
Like the troubadors of centuries
ago, 0. C. Wisnmer, '13, violinist at the
Majestic theatre and Edward Ham,
'15, pianist in Ike Fischer's orchestra,
are sinoging and plasyitog thsrougho Wis-
cotosin and incidentally dispositog of
hundreds of copies of sheet music.
According to a loiter received from
Cheboygan, Wisconsito, they are meet-
ing with almost tphenomental success,
in selling a sotng hitwhicho they com-
posed hoere last winter.

Snd usdekPin-ni-Cenn ereda ont iei
Dalih D ritesedeydCin eelcangt.dei$1I.C2v5
l eam0e.Puno i - in' (ew, $1.21 necksar. pssenger
cpacli-y, Tnrevtdnc eing deion teL3ke, Cntnousmusic,
O.ceby'steaecs,etiaeiarelorsommo. ad ipieeeg
Kntin-PDuedai50 nere nowkdepi n dpeeto 75o etn-ay
aHLeYar&oiDUSTld-a S btAM bae, LiNEori
Detrit ver Sudaydurng.ySad AutlCA. DeiCeive-j~j
lan 8:0 a ,va Pt-i- a, $.2. eah wy.S ta e
-0I i.

Still JoseScale has MVelniDiscvered
noiltard Mle Fecory
Sudents on fte Jle.
The trees on the catpus re bitg
tritomned sciettiicaly under a tnew_
method innovated by the forestry d-
partomoeot. The work is entirey under
she charge of two stodetts, one snior
and oe junior, who will retain the
positiotosdoring fle comnitg year.
With he graduation of the sior, th
junior will take Iis place, teo advan-
tage of this arrangemntt bitg that
a mato who is experienced and kows
the work acconplished during the
past, will always ho in charge. Mm
hers of the faculty cooperate with the
stodets ito the work.
There has recently been discovreod
by thosseits charge of the suk the
San Jose scale, on a species of hard
maplo, a thing never kown to have
been observed bore. Previously it
tad been thought that fle scale did
tot attack the maple, bot on xami-
natiotn by members of the facility it
was pronounced the real Sato Jose
'rho method of tree ctting empltoyed
consists of under cuftitng in order to
prevent sittinog the wood.
Mysterios Moa.hnis Herd iiv lher-
iy MHil Excite Siuds.
Hle strutfted ituo tUniversity Sall,
with a budding mustache and a bud-
oing hopo that something would torn
uip. He felt strangely moved-his
feet did if. With a janty air he walk-
eot upo fle staircase. H-ak What was
that? A moooan? Again? Yes, un-
dotbtedly, a woman's umoan. Aha,
here was the opportootity for the hero
act, With his heart its his mootith he
goazed aroouino. No otoe ude the stps.
Funtny, was'f it? Tip-toeting to fle
center of the hall, ho' looked straight
ahead. Again caieilactow, pitifol,
heart-reuoding tooaon. Sonethitg must
be doe. It caneodiecly from te
wumans rest- room.
Two men ettered the building, and,
seeiug his attitude, til-toed tp to hitu
witthbolging eyes, "Listen," said the
mysterious one. "Horrible," said the
pair in one baited breath; also,
"Should we go in?" And then one
saved the situatioto by chasing off for
a girl st the library, whie two agoni-
ed Studes wre compllted to listen to
flat oawfol moaniog. "Grat Scott,"
exclaimed the b-whiskered one, "I'm
going in, I can't stand it." Just then
thoc jantotr arrived on the scne.
"What's wrong?" te oqueid.
"D~on't you har it?" they answered,
in one breaft.
"Huh? What dye mooan? That noise,
huts?-That's thocpipe-organ hllows.
Thoey eak"
When the third mats aorived wifo the
girt fronthfle library, fle mysterious,
woosld-be-mnoustoached guy was disap-
pearing down State street, while the
organ booned forth consoling music
over heada, and the other stude did
some tall explaining.
Governor Woodrow Wilson, demo-
cratic nominee for president, proved to
be the candidate of the najoiy of
estudents in H. G. Hayes' class its mol-
ey and honking, whre a straw ballot
teas taken this morning. Complete c-
torns present the following line-up of
the different favorite sons: Wilson,
12; Roosevelt, 7; Taft, 2; and Chaff n,
1. Three menmbes of the class, one of
them the only woman faking fle

Edimunds Studies D~r. fay's Methods.
"Hill" Edmunds, '12 M, who, as re-
cently announced in fis paper, has
taken the position of football coach
and director of gymnasium work at
floe University of XWest Virginia, hoas
retourned to Michigan for a stoay of
several weeks. Ho wilt spend nodt
of Iis timse. while hero its brushitng uto
a bit on gymsnasiumn methods, luder
the direction- of Dr. C. A. May.

CLASSIFIED ADS. Two rooms oand floe0100 of a bath
FOR ENTcoons to cent to a. single getltetman or
FOR 1tE~Tlatty, sith goood references in floe Cost-
tinog Aptartmnt outoose froms Sept. 1.
'n Rent-A modnt six roum houtse at fuorther inoformototion obtainedl at No.
900 Sybil St. $t4.00 a month. Aol-If6'The' Cottinog, 2ndtfdoor, Monroe St.
dress J. It., oloverine, Prcess HBlg. enotranoce. tf.
We sell Clothing for men and young
'Un Rent-At 1012 Canobriodgo' St., a six meno. Allen's Good Clothes Store,
roon modoern hosooe, oook finisto, Motin Street. tf.
grate, everythoing new. W~illtoo
vacated Atigoust 15. $21000a motht Alt six extoosureo'fims odevetoped at
"Address P. H., Thse Wolverinse, P'ress itototo's Stuoi for 10 aond 15tcenits.
Hldg. tf. Fine,' andotbritittptoitots maeo' for 4
otoant 5 cetots. lieotooser the plooce,
'For iRent-Aftor Soptemboer 1, cornser gilt 11.Liberty street, onearcweroe the
aatmenot, birat floor CuittinogfOat..toetw stoooio is toeitng botilt. ft-i6.
Inoquire Janitor._______________________
MISELANEUS Sotinfusehsidoe swvetK. T.,
HISCELA!NEOJS IHlodinog her bands was K. C.,
Tthin Underwear and Hosiery for 'ihen toe lookedolits her t's,
men at Allen's Good Clothes Store. 11us by thois time youo're Yes-
Mlain Street. tf ? . C. If. C. loved K. T.-then thtey
luonchsed after the dance at Tuttles',
Have the HEST MUSIC toi youown 3220 5. State.
Home. The VICTOR VICTROLA fosrn-
she the best the country affords. The Classified Ads., subscriptions taken,
University Music Htouse, Press Huild- atnd copies of the Wolverine nold at
tug, Maynard St., Carries a complete Cusohinge. 6-25.
line of machinee and records. 6-it
__________________________ Stpend Saturoday at Whitmore Lake
Straw Hats of the right kind at the and datnce floe evening away at the
right prices. Allen's Good Clothes Lake Htouose.30 cents round trip from
Store. Main Street. if. Ants Arbor. tf.

GRANGER'S Academy of Dance it
jj Summer Assemblies every Friday Evening--8' to 12


Speadyrnvecation an the Great Laks, the most
eceneomieal and enaleoting inAmoeica
No matter teoschat peint yeauscant te ge, ann D. & C. Line Steamoerseoperating to
all important poots
Daily servie between Detroit and Buffalo, May tast te Noveamber tnst. COWy of
Detoeit Illand City ef Cleveland lit, the largest side scheel teamers in thescorld,
en thia division Jane t0ok to Septembeer 1th. Deitysrvice sceen Deeroit
and CleeltandApril1tto Deembhertat. DuringJltvandAugutesconbeats
outeofDetreit and CleelandeerScateeday and Sndey niaht.
Pear trips scekhlyhetsceen Tolede, Detroit, Maekinae Ialandt and scay perts.
Deity sereice betsceen Telede, Cleetladend Pet-On-Pay.
Speeial Steamee Clevelaad te Maekinc intend, tsce tripesweekly, Jane 10th te
Septenmber 10th stepping enly at Detroit everyteip and Gederich, Oat., eveny
SpecialDay Tripabeweenetritand Cleveland, DurigJly nd Augst
Tuesday, Wednesae, Tharsday and Seturdey eat oelDetrit; MendeyWednea'
day, Thusnday and Friday ext ef Clevetand.
RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE-Ticets reeding vie asy reil line
betweens Detroit and Bufalosand Detroitand Cleveland will he honored for
traspoartatian as D. & C. Lisne Steamrse is either direeion.
*,.Send 2Jeentastemp fornIllustraerd Pamnphlet and GreaetLahea Mep.
Addrees:L. G. Lewsci, G. P. A., Detroit, Miek.
Philip H. McMillae, Pes. A. A. Seheetz, final Mgr.
Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company
The Ann Arbor
FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor
9:00 A. M.to9:00P. M.
For Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuesday and Friday fore-
noons for ladies only.
The Pool is Fed with Cool Spring Water
725 S. Filfli Ave. Phone 996-2 rings

Tinker &Company
Furnishers and Hatters to University Men
342 South State Street

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