THE WOLVERINE WHITE STAR LINE WHARF FOTDETROITOLRANBSLWMDCG E.- STFr a Delightful al Day Outing othe5 beautiful St. Clir Rie _ < ta kethe "eame soohuooanymornintg 8:30, Sndys qeo.FaeF sr ilMetEgnrso rtrr Sam dansIy- Port Huonso $.oo; Ft or shotoo Pr, tor il etEigneso F 0 ^ 0 cent; or Toldsod retrtsteamer Owana"tevesDetoit Saturday.- - eve~~ry week day 8:15 .., evroy Sunday8!30 .m., returtnto De-' trot 7:15p.m.;t'areSutnday 5ow ek dasyIl.oo For an Afternoon Ride to St. Clir Flatts, Tashmooo Prk oPot ..- tHuron way pors take the City of Tedo" t 2:3 Rain prevented the law-medic game - - yesterday afternoon, and leaves a clean slate for the doctors, as they ** ~ wi11 e unahle to play the game off. TE VAN L UNDRYW Tday and Friday examinations are L uaOnI being held in the medical department U. OF M. AND HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY, Pall . Tessner, Prop, Phome 656 and a all game is ot of the qetion. JUNCTION OF DETROIT & CATHERINE STS. & FOURTH AVE. The laws were willing to play Satr- _______________________________ day shifting the engineers' game to Piem sTrnfe.neBooA o thIj5 7rsient s' Torsday, ht most of the medico will Stark & Rtchle Props. State Savings Bank . 1T pbe going home Satrday; so a game Toolcao ad Atotoobile Sestie,. Busses, ANI ARBOR, MIC. WII IHiE SWAN swill e impossible.Idak oonl Baggag This leaves the championship e- Canoes Dettvered Capial Sock ----$0,0I00 tween the laws and medics. The 1at- 207 N. Mats t. Phonn+en is Surpltt ad Prtit --$7500000 Bell Phone t Homle Phone gineers, and if the laws trn the 16l~, 5 ht same trick these two teams will be tihe dfe avitothvictores and en-'sw no defeats. The debt of the laws is postponed elp till Satrday when they will meet the 4. P5.). engineers at 1:30. Kennedy or Web- 1- y P hotoplays~r ber will hrl for the barristers with , Our water softening plant cost us $2,000. It costs you noth- Stites clotching the big mit. Wheat 111II' ' ',III -, U e L u x e ing extra to have all the adovantage of laundry work dlone in atnd Metcalf are de to warm p for I(1) I water sft as rain water instead of dstrncttve acids snd bleaches h nierwthMretpigte Seats 8c and 90c The fittest lingerie waists and dresses will come back to you like the signals. FILMSD D'ART new. Collars and Cuffs like snow. Try your duds in our suds &'. - an ecnvne.Mark your package "White Swan" and call SHKESPEAREAN RECITALj TRAVELOGCUE S an ecnicd RVSROSUCCESS. our wagon. No extra charge for call or delivery. AROEHIGI T SONG FEATURES The class in Shokespearean eding A H ORGAN RECITALS W H I T E S W AN L A U N D R ~ rendered a dramatic representation of and a big one. That's what wo PRGA -CHNE-DIL W W N L U D Y the Tragedy of Macbeth last evening have been making' with 00ur _PROGRAM__CHANGED___DAILY __________________________________at Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Fol- jobs of Re-Soling Rubber E XT R A lowing the cstom which has long been Soled Shoes. We have the _________ in voge Sr. Hollister changed the only make of stithisg ma- Coming ca st for each scene ths enabling the chines with which it is pos- THURSDAY 8th stodents to appear in several different ible to do a firt clase joh of AUJGU ST Liroles. The whole thing was well pro- this sort. Sensational Feature n {he ldduced, the work of Lois ich, who First lok at the jobs done hb T EM NEyIG IItook the most important role, being other shops, then come to s- Oaken Bucket exceptionally fine. The sleep walking ---yoo will e grealy pleased. IN THREE ACTS s ildtotebi-wt od scene was well given, as was also the Fonded on doings of Stel Trust . nileowadays.bring acthecoldteedo h lywsvr elsi, etE ILA TETMATINEES~~:4P-M r} .,. la prt-n' dronken porter episode. The fight at MODERN SHOE REPAIR SHOP -daswtaglsofsome of the actors becoming so en- (Sin of te i Eletric Shoe)S y g thsed that the blows they rained oV pon one another were not merely fi-Su m r H es i An A bo S-.On Agst 20 the class will give the on Bluffs overlooking Huron River I jj comedy 'Twelfth Night,' which will Scluded, qiet d ihi walig distance sftilt Unierity. LOTS chap alsyher. Woodl and ondoubtedly be as much a sccess as biting, tat, Inquire JAMES H. McONAL. Ford Bldg, Derit He ill tell yot hos tt al lt and It makes one think of everythin{{ that pure sod whole- "Macbeth" of last evening. seethtem. tome sod delightful. Bright, spakling, teeming with ___________ palate joy-it's yor soda leestao old oaken bucket.__________________________________ ouornwookleatstellnoo oa-ol~a ko +.' NVRIYCoulding & Weehoes'BielcreeHm e< eryt L I W h e n e v e r F r e e v u iO o n r sit t l st o t C os c o U N I V E S I T Y P H A R M A C Y W i k e lp b o o n 1 1 1 4 ; t e s c ' ) b l o you see antt emnod theGoouieasimado bp CALENDAR. S 1219g S. Uiveersty Ave. W eie c ra vrdyi Arrow think THE COCA-COLA CO. s2-I ceCramSoasSume Sloeltaplesfle week oCoaCl. ATLANTA, A -etoeASm.o h Pefumes, ToiletSoap s & Toilet Atiles DAu. tgut8L ecue Sm M h e- Presciptios our specialty We Insist on Satsyn~g sont developments in Electricity as _____________________________________________________ Applied to Telephony (illostrated),_________________________________ Prof. R D. Parker, 5 p. m. 1 Lecture. A Trip Across SothI SPECIL SLE OF 35e POUSD THE NEW CATALOGUE OF THE America, E. H. Pound, Mseom lee- j I I F BR P APEJER PPER A181t I-SHILE IT LASTS tre room, 8. pi.mI111 i1 10 r r n CALKINS'PAMACY UN V R I Y O ICfHIGAN~h Augost L 9.-tLecture-The Interference 324 S. STATE S. suting Phenomena. (Illustrated ___________________ Professor H. M. Randall, I p. m. K E O L- -is now ready Lectre-Why? Professor R. M. KE P C O Wenley. West Lectr Room, Phys- to our comfortable and easy-fittine lifht- tealLaboator, 8 . m.wegt garments that we tislee beyod com-/ icalLaboator, 8 , mpaio tostylead f5t., For te yooger oto swaffe air, imptartd4 August 1.-Excursion-To the Island by an artist dasho of New waggrklhoebree and tere,aF of Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie, under the Pr Slemna of sober taste, sopitity wit- direction of Dr. I. D. Scott; via, the out sevrity, fasion wttout freaisness. Complete inormation concerning seven departments: Our craftsmen ailor garmnts o drops Michigan Central R. R. and the perfectly. Our fabrics ook well sand wear ,i $-' Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Steamer Put-in-ay from Detroit. Our prices are easy of reac. Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, For detailed information consult Dr. J. KARL MALCOLM_ Dentistry and the Graduate School Scott in the Museum daily from 9 604 East Liberty St. y to 11. and the Summer Session :______________________:________________ Special courses i Fresry, Nespaper Work, Ladscape Design, ifter timmercial Edcation Iclin lalsay SAdmiisrailsiad Inurance, Archiectre, Cosoervatio Egiieering, Pedagoyfyiilated L Y N D N , jP O T O G A P H E will An Aror igh Scooliir Oberain Study, ad a ne courseAnAro'HedutrsfroakCmasndPtoSpls for thtte preparing fsr le scientiic administraio of departetisAn Aro'Hed u trsfrK ak ,C m as ndP toS p l s of saniafion aid public health. I make a specialty of Developing, Printing and Enlargineg for Atateurs-by modern methods. This has been my business for eight years and it has itcreased every day-only results will do this and so whenever you want anything poographic look for the sign of the kodak- For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announce- that's where things move. ment or Individual Information address________________ __________________ SHIRLEY W. SMITH L YN 1)0 N Secretary University ANN ARBOR 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, 10c per day