F I' A O'I'H - 1[ V~ ,
(Conatinuedfroin page 1)
tnsr tiedl, wit i probable 1The:six,la rovct I t.)L aiotiher anti-
show.=ers torsi-lit md0(1 roes- r''iax, 'tOtirot iniitoyhas tug to strike
clay . iot i a, coupleof iietas the initeid of
hie ( lLiiO('t.;'; .at otutei7' (npos-
Able AN1 ARBOR SAVINGS BANK tt as a hasehali team. Four runs
Caeiftai.. ....... ... 300.000.0 couantedi here.
unrtli aand I i vded irofis..,10.5 (tie
Ri soi Ceos.. ....... 1'0toe00t00 twoohtis gase Clo e eaiueers another
Transacts a Gxnxir Banking Business 1li in Iithe tiilh. ted a htit undt error
Yous iiir x-1i ii (iissoia taited it id iltirteltst,tate iii the seventh.
('his. P ii l i'. lie's. 'tit~je l t.I t'is, I ' ' they ((mate anoatlc i titi t i he i igtith,
its Ush' l i ti W ll0 AsIU1r .aigs4 )
--______________________________________by________i' I'pl e-to tie pliate
Wba.pthedoo d t btalt attt' lust,
Cousills H, z Il-za talltn l a it ,onr1-,It rr
with one run against him at the most.
He was going better shun Ideson
trout theiinitn. In the seventh, after
Baoriheotu cot on hy the populur error
route, und Wenner hod heat out an
infield hit which Bloke knocked down
hut could not play; Wheat tightened
til sod retired the side, getting two
etrikseouts. Iii the eighth he repeated
ideson's performance in the fourth,
hy hanging up three strikeouts ints
row'. The ninth started with a hit
hy Word, hut W'heat caught hint nap-
ping anid the next two acre easy.
Vise score:
Ward s ......4
Bariheau 2 ......6
FLORIiT7S berth iii thisV
Corner of So. University and Twelfth e osdtisutte(ued
Baths Phones 1 1 5 ii1t1(
Wit hut. II eLe-
i.ils e'iildlee. He
o ini tie fiftht, and
c "i e ?ii tie sixth
hOitter 3 .....
Gebhart c .....
Rlied in . . . . . .
C'lark l. .. . .. .
Betmier r
Ildeson p .....
R H 0 A
3 14 2
3 12 1
5 11 0
1 2 0 12
0 0 0 1
2 0053
1 1 it 0
2 13 1
CLASSIFIED ADS. Towo roonus and the use of a hath
WANTEDroom to rent to a single gentleman or
WANTEDlady, swith good references in the Cut-
W1anted-Ladies or Gentlemen on a ting Apartment House from Sept. 1.
guaranteed salary. Call at once, Further information obtained at No.
414 Mlaynard St. Mro. S. A. Mutt, 1it The Cutting, 2nd floor, Moitroe St.
Manager. Hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. ms. 1___entrance. _______ tf._
We sell Clothing for men sod young
FOR EENT men. Allen's Good Clothes Store,
Tlo Reiit-A modernt six room house at Main Street. tf.
909 Syhil St. $14.00 a month. Ad- All six exposure films developed at
dress J. R., Wolverine, Press Bldg. Hloppe's Studio for 10 and 15 cents.
tf. Fine and brilliant printo mode for 4
and 5 cents. Remember the place,
'Jo Rent-At 1012 Cambridge St., 0 ,six 619 E. Liberty street, near swhere the
room msodern house, oak finish, new studio is being built. 15-16.
grate, everything new. Will be_________________
vacated Aug. 15. $21.00 a month. Sitting beside sweet K. T.,
Address P. H., The Wolverine, Press Holding her hands seas K. C.,
Bldg. tf. Then he looked in her I's,
But by this tinme you're Y'n-
For Rlent-After September 1, corner U, C. K. C. loved K. T.-then they
apartment, first floor Cutting fiat, lunched after the dance at Tuttles',
Inquire janitor. 330 5.- State.
MIISCELLANEOYUS Classified Ads., subscriptions taken,
and copies of the Wolverine sold at
Thin Underwvear and Hosiery for Ciishings. 6-25.
mten at Allen's Good Clothes Store.
Main Street. tI. Have the BEST MCSIC ni your own
home. The VICTOR VICTROLA fern-
Spend Saturday at Whitmtore Lake shea the best the country affords. The
and dance the evening aswsy at the University Music Rouse, Press Butild-
Lake House. 30 cents round trip from ntlg. Maynard St., Carries a conmpleto
Ann Arbor. tf. line of machines and records. 6-11
Tinker &Company
Furnishers and Halters to University Mn
342 South State Street
Detroit-P ut-in -Bay
Sandusky--Cedar Point
Daylight Trips to Cleveland $1.25
Steasmer "Put-in-Bay" iNew),Fnur thsusanxpssmenge
capxiy Lrestdancigidc e LakeLCnb etinos msic,
Ocean steae hisPiatea rlposCso isodiouis dining
4At5 andtlunchxroos.iststeeliide-helsteameri"Fran~kE.
Kihy." Dobetdaiytericenow inoperatioen iso'utinisBay
_ a~nidlCedrPsint--ori'd-fanousathing eaese,ihisoic
nfvandmammotiies.Specialtistisfldarlhdin ro
Der oiteevery SndydringJlyxnd Agsts.iyhtee
lan'd8:0 a. m.,iiaPti-Bay $.2teach is.v.Seamer
'Pet-in-Byla v s Dtrit edaily at8:0ta. xiSteamar "Frank}
E. Kiby" lnenve~sD ettdaily a ts5:0 . m. nond tsip fare
tn Putini-Bay, 50 cs neek days; Susdayxs cnt.
I IANGE'S Academy oqf Xarxing
Siamnmer Assemblies every Friday Evening--9 to 12
- "I~- u
- / t, 1
Totals .....44 21 10 10 23 101
AB fR H 0 A
Wa'gnrce,2 .50 01 5
Bloke p. s ........ S11i1 11
Mtcalf 1 .......... 1 1 0 5
More 2,c ........ 5 220 7
Grail .....3 . 4 1 1 0 1
Wheatisp ........ 3 0 0 3 1
Fox L. ............ 4 1 1 0 4
Eiiiiiins im ........ 4 0 1 0i 1
Rtichardson r ...... 2 0 0i 0 0
RaymoindI r ........ 2 0 0 0 0i
Totals..........2 7 i67
I5Ghhart out in fourth
G 26ill
for not
Innings 1 2234 5 67080-fl
Medics ........7204000-21
Fnginieer;....3 0 2 0 i0 1 1 0 it- 7
Three' basehit-Gibbart; Tw'o base
Ott -('rate: hits off Ideson 7 in 9; off
Blake, 4 in 1; off Wheat, 6 in 8; stolen
teassOliver, Betzner, and Ideson;
Morse and Fox; Double tplay-Ideson
to Baribeoau to Wenner; first base onu
eriors-ri 4, Itiedies 0; Base on bollts
-off Idesomi, 3; off Blake, 5; off Wheat
6; strucke out-by Ideson, 11, by Bloke,
1, bty Wheat 52; hit by pitcher-by
Wh~ieat, Oliver suit Clock; Cimpires-
PHays and Brodie.
One nesw student entered the stin-
inmet session of the Literary depart-
amensi yesterday. This-nmakes the to-
tat in that detiarinment 578. The total
Senrollmtent in sit departmtents is 1360.
The nsuisber of dupllicates this year
htos not bern coun~ted, but an estimate
places it st 50. La'st year thtere were
22. The nett total enrollnment for
t912 wsould then he 1310.
Followinug is tie enrolliment by de-
Graduiate School ........ 170
Literary Delparisment ......578
Engineering tiepartmsent....305
Mtedical Departnment.......120
La Dss epartmuento ........ 10
Sick Students Conv alesciiig.
jGlenn Rillins, '13 E, sod J. A. Wade,
13 E, who wera takeit ill at Camp
Bogardus with the throat disease that
ws trevalent there several weeks
000. are improving: rapidly. Rillins,
whto is it his home here, is reported
Iable to leave hia bed, swhilt Wade
exects to tease the Lakeswood I-os-
pital at Pitoskreysunmetinte next woeek.
They are to return to the camip in a'
Forimer Stuenss-Make IVs ('till.
Crk" Riordano, '12, last year's cdi-
tr of the "Gargoyle," ' Neo" Bill,
tand Clinton IE. Sears, '12, said hel~-
to to us this oieelo-eusd. "Cork" is on
lots vay to Los Angeles, California,.
where lie wilt take a position inu a
banok. Bitt and Sears overteiust "over"
fromuaDetroit, wohere they are at pres-
ent timployedt, the forumer on the sport-
isa staff of the "Nesws," anthoc tatter
wtOthe 11, C. Pt-Cu.
Spend yxur vacatixn xn the Gxeat Likes, the xiii
exanoicial adenjoyablexouing inAmneica
Noxmatter towhat pit youtwat togo, ass D. &C. Lineeteasmerspatiniigito
Dailyiserce sehteen Detoit and Bufaloh. May 1attoiiNoveiero hat. City of
Detriti III and City if Cle'xelaadhIII, the largestside whneelstamsiniataheiwirld,
on tkit diviionJane Ileth to Septixiber 10th. Daily aemvice kbetween Detioit
and CleveilaxdApril 15ttaDeceamberlst. Daring Jaly axd Aagustitwoboats
xatxofDeitroit and Clevelsand everyStuadysand Sundiy nigkt.
Foar trips'eeikly betwenToledi, Detroiti, MackincIslandand snaypopts.
Dailytservice kbetween Txledo, Clxveland ad Pit-ia-Bay.
Spiscil SteaxinrCleveland ti Maskingcshlad, iso trips 'xxeklyJune imti
Septexiber 10mb stopping only at Detroit every tipi and Giderick, Oat., every
Special Day TripsbeitweenDeiraoiad Clevelad, During July ad Augusi
Tuxiday, Wednesday, Tkursday andSaiturday ouxoflDetrit; Monday Wednis-
day, Thurisday and Friday outi of Cleveland.
RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE:-Tickets reading vixaayrail line
beitween Detroit ad BuffaloansdDeti anxd Cleeland wial e rd tar
transipoaiontsonD. & C. Line Steamersainesthkerdirectiton.
Send 2ncent stamip forIllutriated Pamaphletad Great Lakes Map.
Addiess: L G. Leweis,. C P. A.. Detroit, Mich.
Philip H. McMilla, Pris. A. A. ScantzRGCxxilMgr.
Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company
The Ann Arbor
FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor
9:00 A. MA O 9:00 P. M.
For Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuesday and Friday fore-
noons for ladies only.
The Pool is Fed with Cool Spring Water
725 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 996-2 rings