THE WOLVERINE +"°' ,.C .,s =i ' , ¢ , t ,- s_ "' , , , WHITE STAR LINE WHASR FOOT OF 0515W1 EDETROIT For a Delightful all Day Outing otte beautifutl St. Clair R take the steamer Tashtrtt." anytotng 830, Sundays 9:o. returning samet ctlayt'Ptrt Huronts$1.00; FFats or Tsho P: 5o cetst'; orTotledttottnrtur, s t.ostemr Owana leaes Dtr evty wek clyt8:15 .m.,every Suttday 8:30)a.m.,rtttrttsto For an Afternoone Ride tto St. ClirFt st, Trstmoto Parkttr.I Hutrtonsway porstakethe "Cit of Toeo t 2:t3t of 'a tr >7 P 1. JUNCTION OF DETROIT & CATHERINE STS. & FOURTH AVE. Bell Phone t165 Home Phone 152 White Our water softening plant cost us $2,000. It costs you noth- ing extra to have all ite advac~tage cf laundry Rork done in 'ater s d1t as rains water itnstead of distructive acids and bleaches. The fit test lintgerie waists and d; essr s a.illccume back to } ou like new. Collars attd Cuffs like Fit to. Try your duds in our suds and be cotivinced. Mark your package "White Swan" aud call our wagisv. No extra charge fur call or delivery. WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY )L ivi raj arl XG n, Po: s s e Eli ~2))Satifies 6 There never was a thirst that Coca-Cola couldn't satisfy. It goes, straight as an -- . .,,,, arrow, to the dry spot. And hesides this, y satisfies to a T the call for something f5; s urely delicious and deliciously pure-and Li ~~holesome. e .. K 533 AFTLANTFAGA.sofrCoca-Co.t.a dt iLAWiAIEIIC SCRtAP WElDNESDAY. The tas awiltlteaks their ititil Aptearanre. Summlter Schtool Leagtte Sftlting W tL Pet.I Medics..............a.2 4t.00s Laws...............s.0 50 .000 Lits.................5 1 .000 noes .................0 s0s Ant. 7.-Law-Medi.-4:15 P. At. Asug. 15.-Eng.-Law. Aug. 17.-Law-Lit. The medics meet the taws Wednes- day afternoon with onty that same he-' tweets them andi the championshir. Gebbart witt catch and witt probabty send hark tdeson to bring hose the wehote series ot games. If the harris- tees shoutd take overly kittdty to the offerings of the Cadaverine star, nari- hesu, of 'Varsity fame, witt seenpitnto the breaeh. The taws wiltlstake their initiat appearanee and promise a targs bteacher followving. They have atso invited the tadies to favor thenm with their cheers, in their effort to stop the teagne teaders. Kennedy or Web- her will attmept to peave the nurses, with Stites the first assistant teaser. Manager Rosensthal, of the taws, re, quests the foltowing then to report at the field at 4:15, in baseball or tennis shoes: Jansen, Bauman, Waterworth, Hayes, Van Winkte, Kennedy, Wehher Cook, Stites, Groseheski, DeRoy, Wit son, Daskam, Waleh, and Spekes, and any others desirintg to try for the team. Baptist (oiliders Have Anthtera, Because they hsad suech a good time at their tast picnic, the members of the Baptist Guild and their friends are going to try it again next Friday afternoon. The party will gather at the guild house at 4:10, and then go to totand Park. Shontd atny persons -who desire to go, not he ahle to start with the others frost the guild house,- they will have no troubte to find theR picknickers at the island, and they are eordially invited to eome rigihtalotng down that way. I U. OF M. AND HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY, Pool G. Tessomer, Prop,, Photoe 656 Poihemus TrainsferLine Si.Ao t ttst Stark & Richie Props. State Savings I-ank Taxicatt sod AutotoeSerrviets Etss, AtNNARBOR, MICE. nooksont Batote Canoes Delivered Capital Slick - - - - $50,000.00 207 N. Maijm fit. P'hres 15 Surplsaid Profts - - - $75,000.00 --wTHE- PALAIS ROYAL 209 E. LIBERTY ST. Has jttst received a stsipit et of rarest Italiatt Wate, alto a lar~elitte of oddities itt Japan- ese Chitta astd Gertman Wate. These tnovelties are for itt spection by thte Sutttser Stud- entts. CJOMttANtr) SrtiLUS 209 E. Liberty St. The Palais Royal i 1 I i i I i i i I I DeLuxe Seats 5c and 10c FILMS D'ART TRAVELO CUE S SONG FEATURES ORGAN RECITALS PROGRAM - CHANGED - DAILY EXTRA ! Coming THURSDAY t AUGUST Sensational Feature THE MONEY KINGS -IN THSREE ACTS Founded on doings of Stool Trust MATINEES WED: 4 P. M, i __ Summer Homes in Ann Arbor on Bluffs overlooking Huron River Secltded, qtiet sit within wilking distne it the University..Ltstcheap at anywhere. Wooist'and hiating, t. Inqiire JAMES H. McDONALD. Fend Bldg, Detrtit. He wilt tellyot low to withcuSt n tee them. I . .e nAT-1-AT THE NEW CATALOGUE OF THE I is now ready Complete information, concerning seven departments : Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate School and the Summer Session Spetial tiusies is Forettry, Newtpaper Woik, Lanscsape Desilgn, ither tCommercial Encation Ittluing Raisiway Adminitratisonant Inuirance, Architecttare, tonservatiot Etgineering, Petagogey attiliated with Ann Aror igh SciihefrshsrvatioSltud), and a sew tourse tsr those preparitg tar the stienltsiministration it departmients ot sanitationsanttpublic health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announce- ment or Individual Information address SHIRLEY *SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR .. 0 .. CALESND)AR. Aug. 6-Lecture-The Greatest Hum- orist of Antiquity. Prof. Campbell Boniner. 5 p. m. Lecture-Ancisnt Bible Manuscripts and ths Text Htistory of the Gospels. (Illunstrated.) Prof. H. A. Sanders. Sarah Caswell Angell Halt. S p. m. Aug. 7-Lecture-Some of the Card- inst Principles of Nietsche. Asst. Prof. J. W. Scholl. 5 p. m. Recital-Macbeth. Given hy the class in Shakespearean reading. Adumission free. Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. 8 p. m. August 8.-Lecture. Some of the Re- cent developments in Electricity as Applied to Telephony (illustrated), Prof. H. D. Parker, 5 p. m. Lecture. A Trip Across South Amserica, N. H. Pound, Museum lec- tore room, 8. p. sm. Straw Hats of the right kind at the right prices, Allen's Good Clothes Store. Main Street. tft. KEEP COOL is ostrcomfortabte sod essy-f5tting light- weight garments thtat we tailor he-ysed ec- psrisoe to state sod it Farthsie youeger set, s swogatr sair, itmpartedl hy so artfsl dash at New Yorltshttcss Sie toedtes.. Far thte mae otfeser taste, sismpticity with- out severity. fashilo withtout frecskishness. Osr craftsmen taior gartments to State perfectly. Our fabrics toolt wtll as eissr wel l Ostrpices ste essy at reatch. J. KARL MALCOLM 604 Ease Liberty St. ,. - " -. ,-, . ^ 3 , _ .t 9 , < n _.,. . s ,,. ' 1i 4e ' fJ I 1 1 v e _---- _ _J UNIVERSITY PHARMACY Goulding& e t eepitose us FBeltdt~l4;Toe74 lulie 1219S5. University Ave. We deliver tee cream every day tn tee Creass Sodas Summser Schooat Supplies tewe Farfseses, Tsitet Soaps & Tilt Articles Precriptiotns osr speciattiy We Insist on satisfying PE SPEIIAL SOLE Of 35t POUND W4 R IMime IPtPERIT l9t LB.-WHILE IT LISTS \ CALK INS' PHARMACY LYNDON, PHOTO GRAPH ER- Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodakw, Cameras and Photo Supplies Imake a specialty of Developing, Printittg antd Enlargissg for Anasteurs-by modcerta methtods. This has beets my husissess for eight years anti it has iisc-eased every day-only, results will do this and so whenever you want anything phtoographic look for the sign of the kodak- that's where tlhings move. LYN I}ON 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, l~c per day A - - 1jj[jjjjmmm,,