THE N OLY'VRINFI THE WVO..V .RIN ments in advance but week-end, round - ...oocs trip tickets to Detroit shonld be par- __ The official newspaper at the sum- chased at lbe depot at the rout ot $t. Ynmer eeseion at the University afTihe additional round trip fare on the ' -Mithigan, published Tueasday, Thurs- steamer wilt be 50 centa, making a day, and Saturday atternoona. total tare at $150. There are many points at interest \.1. Address-The Wolverine, Preaa Bldg., about thne Bay which will be visited. Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mitch. Put-in-Bay baa a great hiatorical sig- Office Hours-2:00 to 4:30 p. in., daily. nificance as Admiral Perry's battle sPhones.,168. was taught thsere tn 1853. The gay- r >Subsripion ate-Locl, eveny- rnnient has planned to erert a large >5 Sbsciptins atesLorl, aveny-monunment in commemoration at the live rents tarrtse 'summer; mailed tobtea hslte h oueti any address tar one dollar.bateathspc.Temou nti 1 AdertsingRats-Frnised ponto be unveiled next year. T R U B05 E Y 1 adletisingtRtheBsiFunisshedunar. From a geological standpoint the ___________________________trip will be at great value inasmuch P L A C E John II. Payne, Business Maenager. as the bay and surrounding country 116 S Main Bell Phone 166 Phone 762-L. gives much evidence ot bath wave and Manlcolmn ICenrmiek-Asst, llgr. glacial action and there are also some Phone 357. very interesting raves. I MOTION PICTURES II EXTRA Temple Theatre SPECIAL FEATURES Tuesday, Aug. 6 PATHE WEEKLY MISS CECIL DE BRIAHM, Contralto Afternoon and Evening Admission - - - 5 cents to all TEMPLE THEATRE MAIN STREET Between Willims & Liberty I SUMMIER SCHOOL LAW BOOKS FOR SECOND HALF Marlin's Civil Proeerduire Whittir's Cubes it Pleading Beaie's Cases in Crintinial Lawv Cooley 'a Biaclcsloe Gray's Casts VOL. I Urcvuelt tasColveN an ciitg Woodiru if's Domestic Re- lations W~ootdiruff's Casts Quasi Coin-j tracs GOOD SUP LY OF SECONDHAND COPIES AT WA H' University Bookstore Shoes Repaired In a way that makes your feet happy -- JOHN H. LAMIBERT 613 E. Williams St. Cepinsi. $100,000.00 surplus. $50.00e.0 Usnided Pruots, $12,00i.00 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Safec B as dilg and Court eus Treatmen t feor C utnmers is ousr Watein ward 3 per cent interest in or savingo department Don yen wont o poiion ? 00 ot wont a better position ? We nay hone lot Ike place yon ere linking for. Let no knot your wanto; Then let on tote your application. W'i'EIMELON FEASTERSFEAR Elditerio0 SatS 'O EXPOSE FACLT'Y MAN., Ernest 01It.tutn...A.tWiog Editor Hlarold P. Sceott....News Editor' F . i1. Clacercla.A.. 'thletic Edtitor' Yesterday evening, the the patholo- ists at the umedical department paus- Issui Etlitoc's ed long enough in their earnest pun'- J. P. Thonmas Earl Crossman suit at germs and buglets, to give a C Made dwads C S.Pryr ibig watermelon teast to one at their Reportrs. Itaculty. It is reported that the much- F. A. MtCarthy C. S. Fliedner{ respected gentleman even moussed up K. C. Haven Rt. T. CookI his ears. That, however, we believe Roscoe Spencer C. E. Shaffner to be a canard. ____________________________ When The Wolverine reporter said Editoe Today-C'harles S. Pryor. 'Yes," in answer to a query as to whether or isot isanses would be nsn me-tionned in thie palter, a storm of violent __________________________proteot arose. "Hteavens, don't!" said thestuecdens.s "Inc have niot lead our TUESAYAUGUT 6 I91. !exams yet. We mighst not pass if we exposed the goureansdiisg as a tar- Ull11-IN-IIAY EXC'URSION IS lly usan." OPEN TO0 ALL INTiERIESTiEDII _____________ UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Maynard St. Albert A. Stanley, Director Summer Session Eight Weeks All Branches Fell Semnester ewill begin Septemsber ...30 Arist Teachers... Sedfor illistrateid eaahig Charles A. Sink, Sec. The place we all go to when in Detrnit Pepular priced dising ream LIBRARY PARK HOTEL A. E. Hamnilton, Mngr. European Plas lie to $204 per day Cratilv Ave. and Library Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Big Reduction on Hammocks -and- Hose Come in and get our prices H. L. Switzer Co. Hardware and Sporting Goods 310 S. State St. The Gibb Teachers' Agency, - 41 is 10 l'OINAMl'ENTl 1 75 Westminster Ave, Cnder the direction ol Protessor I. Is, N0OWVAs Detroit, MICH. D. Scott, studnits in geology cud any -_ _ others who nosy wiish to go, will take a The teninis toarnamsent DAVIS & trip to Put-in-P~ay nest Saturday. The chamnpionshipt of the sumiier DAVIS . D I IIGS exctrsion 'Tar'y will tea s eAnis Arbor, as now assunred. A meeting I QI-LI NGER D1 Geres fram the Michigan Central station, at called for Wedinesday atternn Ma de6:05a0 a. in., arriving iii Dtrotth', o'clock, at the Uioin, to per 1 steamser Put-in-Bay, afthtle Ashley and ;arrangenments. Dustiii Linieoil leave the dlocks at It is planined to ruin off the u~~ats8:30 a. p. us. reachsing tine Day ait 'nary miatches the last of thisv 111:11. Retanin, tphm.painty i l eachethe tore part of next, which w 9:oisd 0 D trtan8:for .m.An n tbor. hetie orthe seni-finals to b, 9:30 rainfor An Aror.ip by August 17, leaving thi Although this excursioii was plan- before examss tar the finals. 1 09 ised primsarily for the studeintsofa ge- Cups will be given in both E.Washington ology, Prof. Scott would like it kinowni and doubles by the Wolveri PRINTING( Bell 432 - J that all students interested in the sufficient iinmber of teans2 if 'ivorke, or those seekinig a place to enter thne two series. __________________________spend the week-eud are welcomne to A usro . ake the trip with the party. Inas- [I u uon rus.much as the excursion is inexpensive and affords a Oine trip iup the lake, it F E Thce Finest Billiard Room in the State Ipresectsa .g ood o0.ortitnity for thscFeL Cigars anld Candies l interested. 60E ila t ,We try to treat you right" It will be ncecasary to msake arra'ngc. 61 EWllamSt Uiiesal Diy & Steam Clcanig Works tna anee Firs trooftBiid1g.'tunne noinintine lantestnodnln cchslin rg. 'Wecainn'in:1i}n' iLFton donc z. Hi all kindscla t olr-iinitg 1: otnl fancry dresses, snits, shirt nonneis, S]lipani s, gloves, etc. Als g'c ie- nens lothing' at all kiends. Alt Ncork guaintteed. \We nall tsr and delivri. T. E. Wahl, Mrngr. Bell Phone B77 11019 Packard St. The Kempt Music Studios Ptcno~ Pipe Oedes, Voice C'zlflxee 3i2 Stlleisias St. Phnane 1Ott i & O'C NNORSteam and French O'CONNOR Dry Cleaners Suits Pressed 25c Trousers 10Oc I Snibscribe no0w antI bronnne ia memnber tlntci :by of The Unxiversify of Micigsan Aluimni Associ*1eNfiorx Soinucfacts : (Qt The Alunnuns is the largest collsege nunthly insuse cointry. QV It cottenainis the latest news about line University, anid editorial coosnsrocit ci iinpon rt ittoilns. (IL It cotsainis pensoral itenis roincerning msenbers ot ,our class evet y nmonthn. CA volitnic niL le Alcunusu contains lhe hilstory of the Uiivsrsily for tlhe year. QL It publisbes a series of well chnostn pictures a cry mnonthn. $1.50 year This Way, You Summer Students--- Cme aroundfor a LUNCH that is aLUNCH BA CR0%F S Corner of Monroe and CST Tha yer Streets A Full Line of Tobacco and Cigarettes High Grade Confections and Fruit ENGRAVI NG! Progranmn, Inivitations, Callii g Cards, etc., el}- graved for '1ou quirbly aind rorrectly. We bane the leadiog brands of sccial Slat iciitry and will san e muuusooney on ponnnnd lots or msore. W'e'll gladly seond yonnu Entlcs cf paper and tyre facts. Write-or slop ioo snd see us whn in Detrcit. GREGORY,. MAYER & THOM CO. Printers-Stationers-Office Outfitters-Engrax'ers- Embossers. WOODWARD & CONGRESS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN SUGAR BOWL 109 S. MAIN STREET Rest Ice Cream S we etest Candy Prompt .Q Service SUGAR BOWL 109 S. MAIN STREET Phone 967 r. _ G. He WILD CO.' 311 S. STATE STREET Carey she Largest l ine at Wool- ens in tbe city. Saisfactissntout:- anteed. We caner as those who want the heel. SUMPlER STYLES E a specialty Eseablished 1888 All work mode in ibis ci}. G. He WILD CO. 311 5. STATE STREET a. The f(Gar oy1e ~ F~ANNARBOR Mail usTrial Order JOURAL BUILDING " DETROIT MICHI