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August 06, 1912 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1912-08-06

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Al Your Door Three Fifteen Hundred Sum-
Evenings a Week, 75c mer Session Student;

Vol. III.


No. 18.

Ideson Wis Second Game for Medics
Agalnst; Engineers by Big
Score of 21-7.
The medics walloped the slide rule
boys by the lop-sided tune of 21 to 7,
which leaves only the law game be-
tween them and the championship.
Ideson pitched a good game for the
victors, but it was chiefly the breaks
in the luck and the wildness of the
engineers' which made the contest pit-
iful. The engineers only made one
more error than the doctors, but the
wierd work of the S and R sharks
invariably was inserted when the bas-
es were groaning. The physicians,
however, chose more pleasant weather
for their vaudeville. This accounts in
a large measure for the crape at the
arch, as the inhabitants thereof made
seven hits to ten of the surgeons.
The medics opened up with three
runs right out of the bag. Ward walk-
ed, Baribeau hit to center, and Wen-
ner sacrificed. Oliver came through
with another hit, scoring two runs, and
got the rest of the way when Blake
tried to rival the bull dog, throwing
the ball into the chicken yard quite
frequently. Clark then fanned and
Betzner popped into the box, which
relieved the embarassment.
The engineers looked like the Tigers
in their half. With one down Blake
singled to left, making two when Clark
dropped the ball. Metcalf was the
second out, but Morse drove in the
run taking second on the play at the
plate. Craig. followed suite with an-
other single, reaching third on a few
assorted crimes by the doctors. Jim-
mie later claimed it was a triple, but
the matter was finally peacefully set-
tied by calling it a double. The debat-
er sneaked home for the third and
tying run while Wheat fanned.
The second was a carnival for the
leaders, a little party netting them
seven runs and the game. Wheat
took the mound with none out, and
managed to retire the side, as men-
tioned above. His teammates failed
to threaten in this act.
In the third, with two down, two
runs were presented to the pill mix-
ers. Wenner struck out, but the little
trick of dropping the ball by the play-
ful catcher allowed him to reach first.
Wheat then made two wild shots, and
Craig let the ball through for the fourth
error on "Dutch" which sent him all
the way around for nothing. Two
other men struck out and later scored,
Ideson in the fourth and Oliver in the
sixth. It is the latest thing in base-
ball-"as she is did" at Michigan.
The trailers picked up a couple in
their frame, Ideson striking.out two
men and tossing out the third, after
losing hope in his fielders.
The Medics celebrated again in the
fourth, doing the grand tour five times
before the "umps" got desperate and
called Gebbart out for not touching
second on his tripe. A pretty double
steal by Oliver and Wenner featured
this inning, Dutch negotiating home
as Wade touched second.
After this festival an inning and a
half of baseball was played. Ideson
struck out three to finish the
fourth. The medics failed to score
for the first time in the fifth, a fast
play, Wheat to Craig cutting down
Clark at third on Ideson' roller. Betz-
ner got a freak infield hit here. The
ball fell between first and second, no

one going after it, as Brodie, who was
calling them on the sacks, was mistak-
en for an infielder. To close the fifth,
a goose egg was handed back to the
engineers, a fast double play shutting
off a good chance for blood for the
cealk side.
Continued on page 4)

Hole in Huron Near Dexter Filled
With Money, Kodaks and
Other Treasure.
Up the Huron River several miles
from Dexter, a number of youngsters
are of the opinion that they have
at last found Captain Kidd's treasure
in their swimming hole. Watches,
coins of all denominations, gold pins,
cameras and other modern trasures
have been taken from the river, and
new discoveries are being made by
the kids daily. Needless to say the
articles are the lost effects of unfor-
tunate canoeists who capsized at that
point, because of the almost impassa-
ble rapids above.
On Sunday two students who made
the river trip to Lakeland saw a
youngster recover a wallet, contain-
ing seven dollars, on the first dive,
while on the second he gathered in a
pocket camera which had been bur-
ied in the mud of the river bottom for
some time. The young diver told one
of the canoeists that he had recovered
enough money this spring and summer
to buy a new suit.
Former Ohio State University Coach
is Selected to Succeed
-Dr. Kraenzlein,
Steve Farrell, former coach and
trainer at Ohio State University, will
come to Michigan September first as
successor to Dr. A. E. Kranzlein, who
resigned last June to enter business.
Trainer Farrell was a professional
athlete during the time of Mack of
Yale, Donovan of Harvard and Murphy
of Pennsylvania. He worked one year
with Murphy at Yale with track men
and foot ball squads, and for six years
was athletic coach and trainer at the
University of Maine, while he has
spent the last three years at Ohio State
University. The present summer
makes his sixth season as coach and
trainer at the Montreal Amateur Ath-
letic Association of Montreal, Canada.
"Fight, Keep agoin' don't look
'round, use your head" is the tribute
under the name of Trainer Farrell in
the Ohio State College Annual. These
oft repeated words of his are typical
of his ideas of training. He is the man
who introduced' and made the "crying"
athlete at Ohio State University. "I
haven't any use for a fellow that
doesn't cry after he is licked," Farrell
says, though he is a good loser.
As an expression of their apprecia-
tion of his excellent work while at
Ohio State University, Trainer Far-
rell was given a $200.00 bonus by the
Athletic Association upon his leaving,
while the students presented him with
a silver loving cup containing $129.00.
The track team gave him a gold
watch, and the freshman Pan-Hellen-
ic, a traveling bag. The Columbus
High School students, whose track
team he coached last spring presented
him with a gold headed cane.
Son of Professor Dies Suddenly.
The year-old son of Prof. J. A. Burs-
ley of the engineering department,
died Saturday evening. He had been
ill for only a week with cholera in-
fantum. The funeral will take palce
Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock.
Oratory Class Will Give Macbeth.
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock
sharp, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall,
the members of Professor Hollister's

class in Shakespearean reading will
give "Macbeth." Everybody is invited
to attend; and it is requested that
those who come try to be in their
places before eight in order to avoid

Local Alumni Ready to Accept Re.
sponsibilities of Office
It is an oft repeated charge that
college bred men do not buckle down
and work for improved civic condi-
tions in the state and nation. They
are said to be willing at all times to
criticise practical politicians and po-
litical methods without manifesting a
corresponding willingness to show the
way to better things; to accept the
responsibilities and opportunities of
That Michigan men cannot be charg-
ed with any such dereliction to duty,
is amply proved by an examination of
the list of candidates for the nomi-
nation for governor, lieutenant-gov-
ernor and United States senator and
representatives on the Republican,
Democratic and National Progressive
tickets in this state. Out of some six-
ty men who have filed petitions with
the secretary of state, twenty-five are
either graduates of, or former students
in, this institution.
Woodbridge N. Ferris and W. D.
Gordon, candidates for the nomination
for governor and lieutenant-governor
respectively, are former Michigan
men. For senator, Alfred Lucking
and for Congressman-at-large, Pat-
rick H. Kelley, are both law gradu-
ates, the former of the class of '78 and
the latter of the class of '00.
Of the twelve congressional dis-
tricts, only three, the first, the tenth
and the twelfth have no aspirants for
the nomination for representative,
who are Michigan graduates or for-
mer students. In the second district,
Congressman Wedemeyer, '95L, S. W.
Beakes, '83L, and S. A. Moran,
'88, are all out for the nomi-
nation in their respective parties. In
the third district, Howard W. Cav-
anaugh, '87L, George L. Bolen, and
Claude S. Carney, '96L, are making a
three-cornered fight for the Demo-
cratic nomination. The university's
representatives who are in the field
in the fourth district are James H.
Kinnane, '84L, and George M. Valen-
tine, '75L. In the fifth, we have Carl
E. Mapes, '99, and Congressman Ed-
win F. Sweet, '74L. Congressman
Samuel W. Smith, '78L. is trying for
a renomination in the sixth district
as is Congressman James C. McLaugh-
lin in the ninth. In the seventh dis-
trict three Michigan men are making
the fight, L. C. Crampton, '99L, W. E.
Brown, '87L, and George H. Brown,
'80D. Emory Townsend and Miles J.
Purcell, '92,, have qualified in- the
eighth, while in the tenth three more
Michigan men, Congressman Francis
H. Doods, '80L, Dennis E. Alward, and
John W. Patchin, '84L, are out.
Doubtless further investigation
would prove that ,the university is
equally well represented among the
candidates for the nomination for les-
ser state offices, and a study of the
nominating lists in other states would
show that the University of Michigan
has its full quota.

Camepus tobebler Wies IsoIExl'in
Damning Accusation
Ann Arbor's Ton iLovell, who is
cobbler, preacher, poet, etc., is busy,
very busy, this week. He is trying to
protect his reputation; not as a cobbler,
nor as a preacher, noe as a poet, nor
as etc., but his reputation as a sober,
law-abiding citizen. Cobbling is for-
gotten, and the neglected Muses lan-
guish about the Castalian sprin.
while Tom goes anxiously fro place
to place, explaining that he is not the
Tom Lovell who was recently arrested
for drunkenness and for fracturine
the peace of staid old Ypsi town.
"Hi 'ave never seen this hother
Tom," says the local Toni, "but Hi
'ave 'erd of 'im before, and 'e usually
seems to be getting' 'imself harrested.
Hit isn't me, hanywi; hand, w'ile Hi
don't suppose hany of my friends
would ever think Hi would do such a
thing, Ili think hit would be just as
well for you to explain hit to every-
body hand save me talkin' a lot."
Tom, the cobbler, is well-known to
Michigan students because of his
preaching, his inordinate desire t buy
up and fix up old shoes, and because
of sundry metrical ebullitions in a
style all Tom's own.
Boston Firm Will Build Instrument
For Hill Memorial
, Aiditorium
When the new Hill Memorial Auditori-
um is dedicated it will contain one of
the finest modern pipe organs that
can be constructed. The Board of Re-
gents has contracted with the Hutch-
ings Organ Company, of Boston, Mass.,
to build the instrument. The work of
this company is reputed to be of the
highest grade in every respect, and
organs such as those in Symphony
Hall, Boston, Woolsey Hall, at Yale
University, and hundreds of churches
scattered through the east testify to
the high ideals of Mr. Hutching's as
an artistic organ builder.
The most important features of the
specifications of the new organ as
finally decided upon by Professor A.
A. Stanley are: there will be six dis
tinct divisions, viz., great, swell, choir,
solo, echo, and pedal. The key-desk
or console is to have four key boards
and pedals; it is to be movable, and
will be connected with the pipes by
means of an electric cable 125 feet is
length. The action is to be electro-
pneumatic, and a huge fan blower will
supply the wind at high pressure.
The total number of pipes will be
4008, ranging in length from 32 feet
to three-quarters of as inch. These
pipes speak from seventy stops, and
the possibilities of combinations are
further enlarged by means of 32
couplers. In order that the organist
may manipulate these stops and coup-
lers with ease and speed there will be
28 push buttons under the manuals
and twelve pedal combinations all of
which are adjustable. Everything that
modern mechanics can devise has beeni
incorporated in the console of this
A complete of cathedral chimes, a
harp, and two vox humanas are among
the stops which will attract most at-
tention in the new instrument. The
echo organ is to be located in a remote
part of the building in order that the

effect of great distance may be obtain-
in the building of this organ only
such portions of the instrument now
in University Hall will be used as are
equal to, or better than any that can
be obtaiied at the present time. In its
day, the Columbian organ, brought.
here from the World's fair in 1893, was

'rofeso snillei nsl Timeeis . o
"Bust the trust! 'The tie is not
yet ripe for the legalization of com-
binution," said Prof. I. S. i Smalley,
yesterday afternoon in his lecture on
the Present Trust Sitution.
That the present trust problem tas
not been disposed of by the Sherman
Anti-Trust law, and that to solve tiss
problem we iust again take up the
big stick and smash the so-called trust
seas brought out in the lecture.
In the treatment of his subject Pro-
fessor Smalley gave a sketch of the
changing aspects of the problem, ho
in the past the slogan was for disso-
lution, but that within hiIast few
years a constantly increasing number
has been crying f r legalization, and
subection to government control.
"There are many considerations
which lead to this belief, continued the
speaker. "Firstly, combination is de-
sirable from an economic standpoint.
It permits of the diffusion of trade
secrets, large scale production, and
specialization. Then too, combination
is natural. A thorough study of social
psysolog shoss tha tconminations
spring up naturally. It is unis, even
ffle, to try to break it u. Also
there is the idea that combination is
inevitable The thirst for power by
men of transcendant ability, results
in the building of ilie huge industrial
But even thouh there is much mer-
it in the idea of combination, Profes-
sor Smalley declared that the time
has not yet come when we should l.e-
galize combination. Indeed, such re'-
ulation at the present, he said, would
result in a flat failure, for the reason
that popular opinion still clings to the
idea that competition is the life of
trade. The people "must learn from
experience that this idea is false, the
speaker stated. They must chan e
their thoughts in three respects: first,
they must denounce io petition; se'-
ond, they must approve stringent leg-
islation of cotbiiauon and thirdly,
they must agree to purely 'mi nistrat-
ive control without. judicial revie.
Until these three propositions are ar-
cepted, Professor Snaley claimed,
we iust increase our efforts to bust
the trusts.
We should not be deceived ino
whinking, said the lecturer, that the
decision of the Supreme Courti thile
Standard Oil and Tobacco trust cass
disposed of the monopoly problem.
Up to that time the monopolistic con-
trot was exercised by a holding con-
pany, before that time by trusts, and
now by common stock ownership.
"Hence, the so-called trusts," he con-
eluded, "have simply changed thseir
the finest of its kind in this country;
best twenty years have seen many rad-
ctal improvements in the art of organ
building, and it is to take dvantage
of these advances that the Board of
Regents decided Ito reconssiuct the
instrument when it is placed in Hill
Auditorium. Michigan will then have
an organ which will be second to none.
in this country.
it order that the Coluibian organ
may be heard once more before being
dismantled, a recital has been sched
uled for Tuesday, August 13, at 8:00
p. m., in University 1,1l1. Hart V.
-'Moore, '12, of the organ faculty of th

University Scloot of "uusic will pre'-
sent a program designed to display
lie various tonil possibilities of the
.instrument. Analytical notes sill ic
company the prograi. No a m'issioh
will be cl are .


* *~ . * * *5** *5*5*
All students who desire credit
for work done in the summer *
graduate school or the lit- *
erary department should call *
at the office of the sum- *
mer session and fiell out a *
blank. At the same time they *
should leave a stamped ad- *
dressed envelope for the return *
of credits after the close of the *
* * * * * * * * * * *

all trouble in the matter of seating. *

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