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August 03, 1912 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1912-08-03

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Perhaps it was Mary's lamb, for
Mary Was headed towasrd a ote
o'clock. Perhapa it seas starting
something like a 'Boll Moose" moe-
ment, or the anlitussing crusade in
Ypsi. The fact is it was there, ontos.
lng the kids and the co-eds on theE
canmpus and holding an imtprompttu re-'
ception for anyone who careud to stroke
its fleecy coat.. But along camnea
yelping hoon' doh and several olflte
local Boy Scotuts, followed by ts larkt
burly individual, the buttcher, appear.
ed on the scene. Tisslanmb bleatedI
antd generally showed itelt to be a
"white _hope," lot its tapturte was
finally effected, and the excitemt'nt

Xa l ul a ll-it s, MIE 111(5 'UMBLE
Walter Ill. Steve tet., intrctor in! LITS IN OPENER,
' tolititctl econtomy hese lust year, was
ttarried itnNow York city recently. HteI (Continued from page 1)
' ~balloon went up here. Wenner. lifted
k anoucedthemater n a leterto'to Marx to ooen it. Wade Oliver strol-
a titcatlfrendibutt ee teeted10toacon-led. Manager Gebbart here redeemed
Liontheladys nnie.Inqiry is-hiserror by driving out the hardest
.basIte fstlte'.tcno one else ice Ann hit ot the game, a clean triple over
Arb or knooss ainytleect takoutt.tt Marx's head. A moment later he slip-
lune Ps-tssartoft t - n-bark i theped across for the tieing tally. Fold
sitttyst e t'siitt. 'falltest iltnver-then walked tte next two neon and
'-iitt telr rst'isi'techwheesielhgo Ried siezed this golden opportunity to
.o ltreoctt tte rsiy wter behasdouble to righet.
a '.ett-on itsl r010econic departoment 1Pratt then scent in, with one down
atn text year. and a nman on second, Re hit Ward
- _"--" and passed Ideson, filling the banns,
To' Roeit silt2tCabridge lSt,, a aix and setting *the scenes for a little
rot' tioter a lo.ose, eak flnish, spectarular svork. Oliver whiffed and
grat.e, eeerettt'a :;news. Will be Wenner grounded to Restrick who
'aaed"'Asg.p. ti 21.00 a intth. funebled but recovered in tine to
.address 11. IL ,'The Wolverine, Press throsv to Jansen for the last oat.
Bldg. tf. Thec score:

Tinker &Compay
Furnishers and Hatters to University Men
342 South State Street

1 t jJJ t~ itll lii°q 111 '"AB H H A
RL~ Iestrick, s -... 2' 2 1 2
"' f = rJansen, 1 ...3 1 01
'l'NE ratt, 2- -2 1 0 3
m~ E VC Brodie, 2 .... 1 1 1
- Milton, 1 .. 3 0 1 0
_______Marx,m-- 2 g0s00
Lee, r.: .. 2 05 05 0
-Morse, c -...1 1 50
Fold, p-3 ....2 5 5 1
Detroit-Put-ain-Bay - - - --
Sandusky-Cedar Point 21 6 3 7
Daylight Trips to Cleveland $1.25 AB R H1 A
SSt eamer"Pi-i-Bay" (New),.Fouo husaond psseoger Ward, 2 2 ....3 1 0 0
sai. Lgstdanoing clonk,,hibLkhsCo,,,,tinuousmskIdeso, p ..2 1 0I 2
Oean sttemer carc, Pioc prokis, Cmimodot duningOl e,1 ... 4 ( 0 -0
Krbty."Doub a~h ilcseiviie 'nowi opr~ati t Pt-in-BaSy W n es 3 1
and ~oCdartPoiri Notel-fi ouLathting bihsh . hist.oric ''nr~s..
ca eodimamothttes t. peil ito eardo PoitaFro . Oiver, i 2 1 1 1
' * Dtroit every Sundy dig JulyandAgust ailyto C
Clv-ld8:30a va t o, sePt-n-ay, $1.21each w a Stamer pGebbart, er - - 2 1 1
' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ti, t P ut-nByea es0Dtr oit daily at 8.0o, tamer'Fak, ohi3, ..
E.Kirbeavesoitttoidiy at0p.0m. Rond trip ae B tnr .
to Pt-i-By, 5 enon wioo'kdys; Sndy5ltsii Clark, 1 -... 1 2 0I 0
® ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE s Iied, m ...- 2 0 10
'-.-S-- DustinooG.oP. A., Detirt 2 8 5 4
ag hosclcsges- 1 2 3 4 -
ili® ¢u gMedics - 2 5 0 502 4-
- -Three base hit-Gebbart; t
hit-Itied; hits-off Ideson,
- ott Foli, 5ic 4 1-; off Pratt,
stole-c baes-Boizier 2, W.
9 f ?wMilton 2, Iestrick, Janen; It
... t = on errors-tita 6,IMedita 2;
bases-Lits 2, Medica 6; bases
-off Ideson 1, off Fold 6, off
GRANGER'S Acaderrsiy of Danc ig struck ott-by Ideon 7; by
______ by Pratt I; hic by pitcher-
Summer' Assemblies every Friday Evening--9 to 12 Clark; by Pratt, Ward; douh
Ideson and Ward; time-I1
1I E IS 3C-HE.R' S O RC H ES TRYA ninutes. tUmpirea--Metcalf"c
Strawv Hats of the right kin
- e -w l righ prices. Allen's Good
/ 'ea Stor. Main Street.
Have the BEST MUSIC oh y
/ - home.o The VICTOR VICTROI
I shea the best the country affor
- I hUniversity :Music House, Prem
e uspink Maynard St., Carries ac
line of machines and records.
_ All six exposure flms deve
Hopte's Studio for 15 and 1
Fle and brilliant prints mac
ani 5 cents. Remember th-
I t 61 E. Liberty s tret, near swt
/ ne's stdo ia engbuilt.
Spend Saturday at Whitmo
_ and dance the evening away
Lake Houe. 15 cents round t
Ann Arbor.
Sitting beside sweet K. T.,
\Z Holding her hands was It C.
/ - - Then he lookd in her has,
- - But by thestime yourea-
}.:U. C. K. C. loed I. T.-th
lunched after the cance at'
) .~0 3$S. State.
R seat co. .. - -11
i -/ - flans ec a ee ner l Ranionog B
e/41 ,Ierceectintees pidO "a nnes
Y'our Bsiess Suttiltud
- -a"' -Cias, ;IS lhh reae os. 'iest .1JhFr
W'S.te~ .B.BsHarrma icVeeic Dct
5a att~id AsCsh'c5Wm SC-itAssDsoSusi
Zeavig' fr te f/o/iday s xo/%C IICiIS &
T11 trip is often long. Yu'lrelieve o sna0.H
your montoywih Faim Cigarettes.r FLORISTS
W0 ~ ith -Ai-ooepoo,25tf-ptCorner of So Univesity and1
v,4 -rae te doo eff$toa505P-Both Phones 15
ncit ( 2x32-eto~nsof/t00.

Our water softening plant cost uts $2,C(0. It costs )(,t noth-
ing extra to cave all clue ads orai cpecf laundry uxoil dotieiii
water salt as rain water instead tif diolrctive acids andiblachrles.
The finest lingerienav-ts antd e s°eill (,cii'cctback tc youtike1c
new., Collars aiid Ceiffs like isa-c. Try your dcidts iniourisusds
and be coiuvinccd. Mack )-otr '. cktae "'While hrl"al] call
or wagon. No cxtra charge ,orctelii or deiecre .

Spetnd yra octionteenite Gret Lobes,the most
reoomialtnd enjoyatble oing ineria
Ngo matte to woht poitto-want ttgo,use D.& C. Lieteameers pertig to
tell imtptotent porits.
Doily servicee betwoeen Detroit tend Buffalo, Mayr1lst to NoemerIs lt. City tef
Detroit Ill tetd Citeytef Clevelatnd III, the largiesttside w,,heeloisteamers inteorldd,
tee this div'isione Iethibto Septehber Orb. Doily osrise between Deteoit
teed Cleveltend April 15ib to Decembehr lst. ODurin~g July teed Auguset tobots
ot ofDeoititndClevelandeySaturdayoand Sundayreight.
Four trips weceklyhetweeoteToledo, Dotoit, Machinacoslanetd tend weay pot.
Daeily syryicehbetooee Toledo, Clevylanodtend Putin-Bay.
Speeiael Steameer Clevelanod to MoachionalIsland, two tr ips e ekhly, Ieee 15th to
SeptemereI 1th stottppinegtoly it Detroit goony trip tad Goderich,One., roer
other ttip.
SpecialDay Trips between Deroit and Clevlad, Drig Jly and Agut
Tuesdaey, Wednoesday,Thuresday aed Sturday out tel Dpiroit; Monday, Wedes-
daey,Thursodayand Fidaey ot ofClevelantd.
RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABILE:-Ticketsteaprding via ory roil line
betwege Detroit tandIBueffalteord Detroit and Cleveland d llbe hootrped for
traotpertatiten teaD0,& C. Liter Stremers ineithoer dirrotion.
Seed 2 centotamp forllutrted PamephleiteendGroet Lahes Mop.
Addres:L G. Lewoi, G, P. A., Detroit, Miah.
Philip H. MMillan, Pres. A. A. Sshantz, Gen'l Mgr..
Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company

loped at The,, Ann Arbor
L5 cents.
he for 4
e place,
cere the
15-16. W l1
ire Lake
r at the
rip from
ente FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor
T utcles'
teaceisy 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M.
reoaseco Fo Ladies and Gentlemen.; Tutsday and Friday. fore..
istz Cater noons for ladies only.
Ito iceun
ia5 00cc't
all. The Pool is Fed with Cool Spring Water
Twelfth 725 S. Filth Ave. Phone 996-2 rings

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