THE' WOLVISRINMe WHTESTR N WHARIFFour OF RISWOL L' -d' : :.; til F i For a Delighttal all Dayi 6eting oh t> 1etfotl ;t tli1 K ri _ all iiugsr i ciitioni.;fr ~n~ so .ei 1 i t1i~ae ea" t lscil L -_ Far aa AterdaaaRt hide to St. Clici Fit. 1w 'h lio E00 1 o o -o.t r"l Hurlon .i ofts talke theCity of 'oloto'at 23 .. ..dtc. I FURNIS INXW I 11SK 1 7) iflls . ,1t1E.: -.odistc A u. 1 L5 -i A.x'2.~ ic,.t~c I i 6 $1 New't ceo slintoitti i It('lit t« i to h0at.........79c $1.50 No .ncc Shirt w'ith S of tolt 1ii iiatehat ........ .-I9 25c Sofct octiSazlpoit at.. ,.....l . 50 35c OircrsSilk Hoyc, Itlacl argil('olteis at .&.s. ,. 2.5c r Oc -'anty TccIESatSLeofi,.sic or 3 paint $>l 250 Silk i. t :C1'9aUE OFTi-I Completeinlormatdse coacer oia~ 0s 41epar ,r sts: Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate School and the Summer Session Special courses in Forestry, New sppt Puiasndscape Design, Higler Commerctal'Edscattss in c 55?1 lalwafy ttalitt n d~ t Issrasce, Ar nt t u5re, llssser dotis e ieo-ng Pedsgsygf atsed with Ans Aoslssf igh rSs~fo .st bstrealiss Stilt.), .a 55a1aew, urse tsr those preparing fir the spislfi di n stistration ot departiments o opy niaiof anwpdch~tao SenIA osi - J' .. 7 s . ,, i I ,, t4 :: I I i i inco at Atin' ciaGod ttlc Sts. 55 silt Cloti-n cfor cmetiand10yocungi me. lln' 1GodClothtesaSore, MtatiStree. tot SN .11555To ret Ir1111Sep~t.t 1 to totit S5, 001 iiteltii isflilaeoI . tiousetou r tmen00tnooi lessthletn ii Ati lc adhi" iii otntly . l titr t .fro ic tocite 11cc t r. 1417 and otics oif the0Wolvertne soldl at Cttins. -a5 . j. F..; . .( , i 4 a SPEfL1L SALE IF 35c POsD Ptsi i i- It tt I ~A LK IN S.,ARM VS 324 S STATESTS x. tf o +}.. rO i - ' =®- icclci cu0'iutht: ailorciiecciiuiuoi - fioan tful m ct.sho f iltl . A /acs hz iuic cicc there. ~ lii ucprii For cl-ir