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August 03, 1912 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1912-08-03

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At Yeir [beor Three 1 ite ade m
Eeeige Week, 75eo mres

ME IS TUMBLE-PPR CME O 11 1'"CR1 SON Hia"iia J41-SesT ""y Cp fTO
L ITS I N -OPEN E lMAKE"1i~i~Xr2 op e
Idesn Fnises n Tlj n Se= Saw Librarian Koch has recently pro- Proe'ioils to, Stige Famcion 1,911
AI~ue f lii'heuing Scen cured an old newspaper, printed in M ieICop iIirn
Erros . ~ Ann, arbor in 1839. The paper was
Eros l.found in the back of an old clock at Col]C'ng' ScuiEn.l
Lakeland in the cottage of Mrs. I d-
1)%)'I'IIS dii FOIPS i()'twirn Winans, wife .of Eddwina Winans, iIJAIS N l 11't IAE
-goenroMihgnfo.19toThe ocedics secured a flying start 1893. The caper is called the "Mich- Crimson Claet, -Mitigcan's fouerith
in the chase for the sumemer session Igan Argus' anid. bocs -'he" date 'Feb. a0(1 most successful ace ra, will be
rag, defeating (he lice It to 6 in the 14, °1939. It has an -account of theeseeto in Ann Arb coy til loll at tie
opening matinese Thuarsday afternoon, founding of the University two years Mjsi hae ipvc ='vo plans ma-
Although mcarred by many slips, the before. The institution was composed tioie.
game was a most interesting one to of several bran~hes w~th the head one 'Bert St. Jothn, of the Olaitesey tiesat-
watch, at Ann Arbor. The- school was. thencc btestaed lluiisliae'
Ideson, who handed out the pre- for men only, and the_ following is a opesras, is nsowc'incewvrYork consult-,
scriptiono for the doctors, hield, the list of the. branches with 'the number,
lits to three hits. Me failed- fo have of students in. eacf:"P' Pontiac,_ 27 cgeit rt.sueleeas'ivsi
' retard to tie receritee, of the score
an earned iun checked up against1 Monroe, 63; 'Kalamazoo, 21; Detroit, aend arrangsemet (of thc soncgs.
him, but Iis eupport wobbled miser-, 19; Niles, 9; total -160:- Of thiese, tece ft ie expected cleat a ceceecber of
ably 'at the critical points. On flee were expectedl to- be qualified for chaenges wiii be isails. Only the mcost,
other hand the lita played sharply teaching in the common schools iniucsflarisc sM er
when ice dan.~e and inserted their 1839, while six would be prepared for B~um Armcy aced Take M{,'Back to Col-
comedy where it would 'do the least the university, es ilb sdic h e ie h
nischief. Fold failed to fuos the cd- The report of the Uciversity stated
ics couch, and most oh their ions were aneong other things that' the totaelorialedplottheviinoc ever, be cc-n
earned. -amocuot paid to the professors acid ice- lines s-itt be arcraugedimi such a mace-
Th lsa, rt f ihar s trctors for that year w-as $10,000. cisc that the ectire opera cmav leegivecn

It0 1E1) I. -N 'I P05>5 10


neither coca was earned. Jansen.
reached first 'ole ad ''errore; stole sec-
ond, and =is' foifehed On h iird Os'ith
two down, when Manager Rrodi'e
came throlf-hk with' ho Iif it fiht 'which
gave h a l'eadi le I1'1frst Vblo d.-' On
fiilton's 'abt ril rap' to-short Wenner
hurled' thie' 1011-wide, Mrodie scoring.
Ideson strcic out tihethird, one.
The medics camh ° back strong in
their sessicn, twvo walks, two errors,
and a hit netting them three runs
and the leadt. Fpld. g~t Ea)kvy badly.
paooing. :thea first itwo -battero.. I-Is
scurrd its etysitril;'out. at thi
junctture, hot AWecner lilt.-sharply to-
left, driving in the runs. that tied the
game, and later ocoring himself. -y
No one scored in, theoficand. Ide-Y
son triking out two men aod Oeb-
erpegnoftMrseon.,coedcision- at second, after the latter bhath
walked. The medico made ia trong-
er bid, but Jansen stopped the trouble:
with an unassisted out with two mne
on the, bags, after HIatt lea'cuct down
a run at the plate by a, swift-play on
Ward's liner.
In the third the lits tied it up. Res-
trick was safe when the short stop
juggled, and scored on Pratt's sacri-~j
flce fly to right field after' stealiie'
third, The medics did nrot showe in'
this framea, although Wads Oliver con-
tribicted a hit in the form of a vis-
cious liner which Pratt kneocked down-
hot could not play. 'Two of the outs
cwere on long flys, tboth catches beine
freaks. Marx and Miltocemenbraced
each other on Wenner's effort, but
clung to cbs ball. Lee staged, the
other .show, bagging his chance after
rosining a few -gracefccl circles.
A fast double play on Marx's pop
fly, Idcson to Ward, stopped the; life
in the focurth after Miltten had opened
with a hit to righet, and sneaked sec-
ond. Lee truck out again to end it.
swinging forcibly enough to lose heis
The medics agatn broke the tie in
their turn, with the hickory, register-
icig twice. Retzner opencd with a hit
and stole secocnd and third. Clark
walked andl later followed 'his teacu-
nate home when Brodie let Idesone's
drive between his kneces.
The school teachers fought right
tiack in the last roucad, tallying three
limes for a one ran lead-. Morse was
safe wrhen Idtesocn threw' les rolle'r
hesaveniward, and scored oie tsriec's
hit to left. 'The ldltsc' cocceled erhen
Gebbart let the bel through him after
Btczoer dropped Pratt's fly, and held
flee ball a w'tilc' . Pratt stored oca an-
otlier erroc', Wenaner beicng the guilty
one. Post mnorteam-three reins from
one hit and foure errors.
The second half of the final inningc
was eveni sadcder, thowever, Folct's
Cocntinued on page 4)

by a cast of twently-two pe rsones, eith
11 St')IMEII SESSION seeno prinacipcals; ia onc' hour aced a
if thes present. negotiaciones are sue-
Although cnothing. has been definite- ceesful Crimsoo Chest vil be booked
IV decided, the indications are that.dr etae- tte:Tml
the scanmner school lectores next year cheater iii Detroit, in Indianateolis, and
will enmbrace a far greater variety te iiso*heOpee lcet
of* topics than'has - been offered this Arthur Laces, mianager of Majestic
year. In additiocn, outside attractions *haesy ta"as e odfnt
suich as the tBen Greet Players, will.thc'aer, ssthatbeensmyeoth efe'Bit-
be provided. 'The elaborate system of :terfield circuicthoheeb it is cucderstood
extensiocn lectures planned for the ta aelain r cd' ry
-omnmg, school year, will 'greatly in The' copyright cit the aords and-
crease this cnnber, of availallc'tar- mce, ihtletvsson Ccst aced
uct-y Tc1vic1 for ties summmer lecture
Kocaascd formerly hlvd hr thes
course so than the program will be Unciversity Pueblishing cenpany of
ereely cxtended. _ Chicago, teas been' purchased IcylMre.
",Of course. the final arrangiements M. A0. Root of the' Cntversity -Music
-rav no ye ben, a~l an prbabyHouse, who now controls thee exclusive
will noteb aefrsm. 'me bt copyrighat of Micican's most scceess-
'leextension lectures. of the past yeaers fsl opceras, as wrell as the Yellow such
hare insured avsilable material wnhich. Blce, Varity, Michigane Feld Song ,
has assisted to a great extent in mak- acid I Kind OLike Anna Arbor.
ice the- program of this_ summer a a
g;reat success froln alt points of rview,"
said Bean Effinger today. 'Next slim- S11 IESI'tIllrAN l'IlMEOIIlS
nec a Inuseber' of additiosal faculty OtVEi' IN 1' 13116''S I'lIIEA'1RE
leecures vwill be on the programe.-
- - -'leeodfethl e S1 °eec an.114"A 11-d.

.1- Ilc eameil to P~ecieeSupehmc'ey tof
A tennmis tournaament for the chanm-
piocnsbip of the scmmner session is
be'ing agitated for devotees of the
met, cod racket. Sentiment in favor
cf saech a serie has been expressed
le aerioues quarters, as there seemc to
')e mcany tencnis players in summer
schcool this y'ear.
To hout the matter on a definite
baesis and see just hoer nany men are
interested, The Wolverinee has agreed
to takee chiargte of the" affair umntil the
maovemcent is more definitely organ-
All nmen who arc' interested ice the
tc ccccameet cciii facilitate matters by
leavineg or sendicag their naives and
telepheone nmnbers to 'The Wolverine
ott"c before Monday noon. If lbs
tournanmet is 1o be successfull'y' run
off it incst be arranged at once, as
ocnly three seeks of school renmain.
It a scfficientcnunmber of men ex-
prcs, a desire to conmpete in the
tournamnt;o, definite arrangements will
b" comepleted at onece; aced a fufh an-
nouncemnent maede in Momnday's issue
of the Wolvericne.
It is planneed to have an entrance
fee of fifty cents, ewhich will defray the
expenses; and help purchase a sop
wchich will Ice given to the winner-by
The 'Wolverine, providing enongh lee-
terest is showun icc the matter.
iv 'ruE "tP
Solemcucncmusic'by the ce.n
-er lifeless lbodhyeras being borne in
unajecctic silvece to the tomb of the
Calpulets. A board creaked amid one
o1 ltce bearers of lbs bier scnickered.
"Wheat. is the matter with you?"
hisse'd thee beauteus corpse
"Justl think," exclaimed the sops as
be. gazed dovn the incline which led
to the seats belowe.
"Theink what?" denmanded .the corpse
as the stage' sqeeaked again.
"Whact crould happen, if I should,-
le't cecy end drolp."
She gasped but mnaged to- stay-
quiet on the litter aced was carried:

R~egenitIReal lRelelee i-. ierent' of
Quest for Niogeny in
Thee lecture lat- evening woo given
by Htonorable J. . Belsh,>Regen of
the university who described a trip
which he made from Veracruza through
the Yuikaan peninsula in order to
inavstigatc some mahogany properly,
'he regione of Mexico below Vera-
cruz his beeni called by me Spanish
himlte!,ian 'The waste of the earth,"'"
state,: -egent Beal in opening iis
heccre, "and this part of the country
was dcc ruled by the city of Palen,"
chris' No one 'knows when this city
btg,a but it was probably od and
at,,tuddflfin h 1524. In that yer Cr-
fez pecosue4 'ucthuin ttint'v mils of it
anti hatrdnotl (n ofitFatierris
he would havc lrned'aueidetWphilodr
dec it.' -
"In 177 a7uecopdaft -tral, laOEd'
trahed the'junglefhend' itoO I ,1H1,i
Thle'archeiculg its Andl thu ew ea,,e
icuen of _.n~~&~ l s2d
theKing Of 'pio'0lniprtyunder
the eadettlotfr of. Genril IohRio
to invetigate: Te1 h ' ti h wy~vei
found wer tmflrks1 e Su edE
that that tc wi'2 probal i5 -. c'
wealhbJSlid cu'tote in P!i nqe- a
the tinee of Rnfltlefloa I, as ther_
was icn Spa;in id thketime .01 'Ia le
V., No one hkio I ',t it ea
ly began" '
Th'eqot important ec n 0 ft; r hi
portincof lMseio -ns fh ea cue
plant. This is a plonk'f ailug
leaves, the larger ones,o ' f. )ecefarI
cot off, sod the pcdp which remanii1
after thejuice hOs been squeezed ous
is used for the ciahaufatore of hbmp'
Regent Iealsted -EhtaLheeox
who gather ifis c1o'hp oieciii~n-are "
paid about $If mmyear, 'and thatthe
come to their' emloalet inohng aUhb
of dbout $102. Some of the peos Iv?.
to he 91x~iai.Ihe0'; i'hs, liave good
tuck, m anage to ;et ut' o debt.
The mahoghumy h- ro&saaverage one to
hhie acre,,, t her -fx'S' wealth of frees
thee inoes, hI, wich are not known'
in lbsU.nited}-tats.Oneof-these is
;rhe zapote trefrone which cewing
gum is made. The entire output of
the chicle ewhich is obtained from
these trees is sold toy,:the American-
'Chicle company.. This logwood tree
is also found here; a cord of this
wood will eeigh 5000 pound. The'
entire export goes to Plymouth, Eng-
Mlerida, the capital of Yukata, is
largely onder European influence, es-
pecially that of Spain and France.
The city contains aclub modeled after'
a Parisian cafe. Although the'number"
of inhabitants is only 20,000, Meids.
has expended $15,000,000 for pave-
ments and $4,000,000 for a hospital.,'
The city is kept very clean, and refuse?:
is not allowed to accumulate in the
j The state of Yukatan is full of old -
ruins that are still well-'preserved' in
'spite of their'- age, which wo#rk Nia
held together and kept Ils coor'ibio-
withstanding the heavy coain and the
terrific heat of the sun.
H ow little is known of this portion
of ?Mexico is illustrated by the dif-
jwulty which Regent Beal encounter-
jd wien he attempted to secure an-
tern slides for the lecture. e ap-
plied to aNewr York house which has -
slides from ol pats of the world andc
they vere able to furnish , him with"

hut four; and the Bureau of American
R1epuuldot- was able to 'promise only
eight; aet could 'not furnish any.
With die,-'exception aof the four furn-
ished by this N~w York house; the
pictures shown were taken by. Mr.
Beal himsebf.

eldS' :tl1 : ~i'dOT,. n, y awlad7amicd suppressed giggles.
- RIEPIIESENT VI' TS'''', onecc'Iccrsle d (lliecbeeee no Olug
"The 'Wiolverine doesnot refleet the . e ldremes f heUnve-
}'iew- poimit of lice sumnmer session e c ,', ppercli 'l scedb ca ity uof3Michi-anciAlumnni Associatione
;dents," yesterday dechrda--a profe - a tlsu 4clihlrc i osain a f Chicago cast aside their dignify=
sor from-an uoher institutlionewhco ison edsayftronncugt
teaching Icers Ibtis soimnner. "I harev rc fteOee i rhoeectla- oe ensa fenoadtuh
bdfrebeBnn:e e ehae Pa-thesenthausiasmcofohtheir college days,
beece e frth e Cr.todadrg youcr paper with inter- wh.I -camca ceii onciexcien they whooped up the old yells
lost," he' rontinusci, "but I can neot belie to tbe series of piodce bons which the cued scng,pilayed bacseball and tenmnis,
feeling theat it voices cinly the opiniones trouple has rendere'dthslice eki. acid danced in thee chub house of the
of the Michigan undergraduaates. It aOtt ecrdie h oeo Southe Shore Counctry Chub after a
seencs to.nesme alit should be- broader Hloi cdhsrudceeo h atstrenusoedeeyscouetineg.Charles S.
'tha ha. Amajcdd c cb suema drwttotanfoisrabdtionucufthe.pMr.
Ct'cting, judge of the Probate Court
sessione students are from other insti- Ueg ci'aascIaatrzco fumepiredi a bail gamue just ike a pro-
tutionas. Thee Wolverine -should be Puck was espes haliy good. 'hr. Laur- fessional, coiling out balls and strikes
mor comoplitn i it atitue." euroc Eyre playedh Lysander; Mr'.with a "Silk" O'Loughlin voice. In
Charles Hopinls, Demusielus; Miss a tennis contstc John A. Jamesson '91,
!Pr'ee, Born DIiescses lielucilty. Almca t : Kruger', Hermia;I and Miiss wron a lovineg cump, defeating both Wfl-'
Professor 01. Boric ot Gettingen~, Keneble Coopse', Helena. liane B. MCIeucais, '96, president of the
Germuany, lectured this morning in the Testigudrtesesva association anad Cuthbert C. Adaflbs,
east lectucre roonm of the physics lab- noel apipropricesforlbsevwoodland'9.
'oratory onc "Thee Principle of tfelativ- scee's of chic play. Hiowever, cbs
ity." This prineiple weas developed creath'tr iade it hard to ilaihe a T'leead letroit Law Scheool,
by Einstein and is a neer theory of lice midlunamer anight, even the sort of The University of Detroit has se-
relation between light, space, acednmidsummner night onmuightc expect in Tected Judge George S. Hosmer, '71 to
thmes. Prof. Born took cap the variouse a drcamu. Tics library cloek ,again haead tics College of Loer. This near de-
physical Ilaws affeeted by this new' took an attire part in, the perfocnm- iarlmemc,-which v-ill be opened this
principle "and show-ed how' they ccii- ant's, strikinug cen just as the lowvre. fail, v-ill offer a competse law' couche
formced with, or wrere provecn faulty be' hbetoots themaselves hocueccerd, which' of lhrese7ears ducrationc. Judge Hosmer
Doctor Rinst- isqenlicectret a}1.?Iyrv-urnAnn+_ti- A lrsorat. n hnfal Ifr xhn

dureeras accompanied by anuccmibee ofccv loccs,
experimencts. The otfericg fec'.bshelterncoone vac
"he Taming of. cbs Shrewr" cwhich met
Fmueemhy l2'aceWelecoie Sleek cc clt a high degree of fav or. OPetrchio
Or. Juliu H. Pettis, ceft of the wcs- played hrylMr. Charles Hopkins;
surgical clinic, is,- wearing',ca, broach Eatherinca, by Ms~ts AlmaceKruer;
grice theta ucoreicag His wc ire pescmtdd Bcianca, by M's: Charles Hophsins; 1Sr.
hime wsith a fins baby gi last ncighet, John Troughton ployed Baptlistae; thy
which accounts for thcs doctor's cx- part of tucentie, v-as takce by Mr.
hicessioce. He is nowr located at 520 Laeurenee Ey re; Groiuio by Sir. Doug-
Wc3alneut hingmgnoved reccetly fromcelas Ross;:aneco dselto by SMc. Oscar
his otd home on tEast Codsversity, I Pechere.

incelcides mny ufthe m'ost noted lacw-.
yers oi ths Detroit bar'
IducDel)i'tdedeett Etrolleeeenl N-ow 177,
Fouarteena mier students entered the
seconad ternm of the- hair department's
sucmmer sessione yesterday, -bringinug
the total enrollment up to 177, an in-
crease otf 30 over last summer's rec-
ord. Thcis is the largest summer of-
tendace the law- departmcent has yet

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