THE WOLVERINE ... .___?Y -. WHITE STAR LINE W"A SR FOT OF OISt For a Delightful all Day Outing on tho beautifuSt. Clair iR returningsaeootlay: Port Hurn n$i.oo; Plots oorTsttoaP< 5o cetsor0 Toledlo and retoro, *o3tamoer "Ooa" cleavsoDot overysoeeotilay 8i5aoso.,oevery Sounday 8:30 .m.,returns to troit 7:15 pot.; fare Sundays 50c, weok lays $itoo. For an Afternoon Ride to St. Cluir Plats, Tashmoso Prk or tuotsquay ports tako ttho "City of 'Toltdo" at 2:30 OL ,iv Fa 'ar tro I) Po gill S-ALE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGSC Friday and Saturday THIS WEEK HiERE ARE A FEW OF THE BARGAINS $1 Negip' ec Shirt tisith Soft.Collor to match at...................79C $1.50 Ne,4*igcc Shirt with Soft tollor to moatcht at ..............$1.19 25c Softa('tiler Supports at....................................15C 35c Onc x Silk Hose, Black and Colors at ..................25c 50c Fancy Huse at ........... ...........35c or 3 pairs at $1 25c Silk 1"( uitt-nHasd and How Tics at ........................19C 50c Silk Fear-Tn-Hand and Blow Tics at .........................39c $1.50 and $2 !ajamas at..........................$1.19 and $1.49 5Sc to $I Night Robes at................ ...............39c to 79c $1.and $1.50 Union Suits at .................. ...... 79C and $1.19 l5e and 255 Linen ffasdket-chicfs at .. .. ...... ..10c~ and 19C MEWS DEPARTMENT JUST INSIDE MAIN ENTRANCE MAIN MI STREET MAC K & CO9 STREET LD ver are rk, -Olt De- 'ort r e t t I i i THE1WEWATHIER Fair tonight and Friday. HURRY OP MA.? WITHS SMILE AND ST(015 SPENDS IDAY HERE,1 (Coach 1".F. 1,Y1etm route to Iforolt Pliue to '011,1-ilutr lt"eeg. shirt Sertiidss"' U. OFEM. AND HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY, Paul G. Tessmner, Prop., Phomne 656 r .. MA TheOld Oaken Bucket filled to the. brim with cold, 7 =clear, purity-no such water nowadays. Bring hack the old days with a glass of I Coach Fielding Hatrrns Yost, silc -W. J.tBsottiPresiient stogie, and allI, drotpped into town Polhemus Transfer Line ( ot.Aroldt Vico-Proct C.tto Walts, Cash'r yesterday eta his wayfLoin Laisinig Sui Otark A Rtchie Props. State Savings Rank to Detroit todistuss tefootball site- Ta icabandAuttoobile roic. Busos AiNNARBOR, MaCH. ation for thc season of 1912. And itt Hacks itt taggage might tic noted right hcre that no Canons Detivered Capital Sltk - - - - $50,000.00 site baa it on tbc aitiable tutor of 207 N. Mairi St. Phoesu 15 Surplus and Profits - - $75,000.00 pigekits tattles citesit colnies to ds - Oil____________________________________ yessing kbe atumino game. Football incidents of bygone "beeg MeeslyanTH - -C tongue. Football is his middle namie. IylA d L S I AOU "Hello cachi, hoe's the 1912 team cotiing?" said a frietid. The coach P L I shifted lil ahtt, scitctied his stogie to R Y L F o o l y the other cernter of his muth, anti siiedt. 209 E. LIBERTY ST. De, Luxe. "I've hardly had flume to feegure tool the seetuation yet," he dr-iawled, bet. Seats 5c and 10c a whlsoe tot depetids onoswiether the boys ptass off their rotideetions w-hen FILMS D'ART they come back neat fall, you knowe." Has just received a sitipi-eit TRAVELO CUE S "Michigati wilt have a hard tinme wifh of rarest Italiani Wae, also a tens," was suggested. The teach' looked mightily interested anti aa- lar~eliite of oddities itt Japan- SONG FEATURES seined an arguenttative attitede and ese Ciita attd ORGAN RECITALS lotte. Thtese niovelties are for in- PRGA CHNE -DIL "who arc they that they shoeld beat PROtiGRAiytMeSuituetStd-GED____-___ DAILY'_____ a Meechigan tecoo?" he said, "They're only' huiman. They're not inveetacibiee acili. E X T R Ar jest because they come front Petnnsyl- C0011f, AND SON UScomingfl vania." THURSDAY __ OtAUGUST oh Sensational Feature 4 C1LENDAR. THE MONEY KINGS __ _209 E. Liberty St. - ss RE CT July 31--Lectere-Sixes aind Sevens. T f I *Founded on doings of Steel Trust Prof. J. L. Ma rkley. 5 p. in. ihearala is 'oa DOpen air nperforimance-Romteo and R yaJ ATIE E D . M Juliet, lien Greet Woodland Play- ________________ ers, eniveraity canmpes. 8 p. ni, Aegust 1 Diten air performnie-The Tonning of the Shreew, Den Greet SummerHomesin Ann Arbor Whoodlantd Players, univeraity cam-I on Bluffs overlooking Huron River pus. 3 p. ii. Scleds, quiet and within soiling distante in the university. Lotscheap as anywhere. WoodsanRd Opeti air terfortmance-A idsumi-I boating, ltt. Inquire JAMES H. MtIOHAID. Ford Bitg, Detroit. lHe will nell you how to walk ot and Woodlantd Playera, unierisity cain-me ih' raaDi re t 0 pus. 8 p. im. August 2-Lectere-Mexico and Cen- UNIVERSITY PHARMACY Coulding & Teephotnotus Bell416; Home 749 bite tral Atnerica. Regent J. E, Seal. 10219 S. University Ane. We delaver ice cream every dlay is S sit, us. teIe Crotim Soas Summer Scitoat Supplies Cu vr August 1-Lecture-The Principle- or IPstafmes, Toilet Soas & Toilet Articles Relativity, Dr. Max Horn, of the' Preseriptios our specititty We Insist on satisfying University of Goettitigent, cast lce- lure reset of the physics labor-story.,______________________________________ I a- in. Thin Uniderwear and Htosiery for FLS AE N men atAllen' GoodClFINISHINGS ATar mace at Allen's Good Clothes Store SMain Street.. f A IIN _ 245s. itmakes one thitnk of everything that's pure suit whale- tome ted delightful. Bright, s.a 'ilt5, eceming with 7 palate joy-it't your soda fountain old oakcn bucket. K ~ ~ d Weee FreeDOrsone booketelinofitCona-Cola Whenever vindication tittogo, tottising younsee an Dtmand thett oa'netasnode by Arrow think THE COCA-COLA CO. i2-1 , Dizzi G A. THE NEW CATALOGUE OF THE UNIVESITY OF- IH is now ready Coniplein information concerning sevten tdepart wnts:" Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate School and the Summer Session' Spetial tiuroes in Forestry, Newpaper Wom, Landitape Design, Higher toamercial Edncation incltding Hailway Administratin and Insurance, Archiectuore,tonservation Engineering, Pedagogy (antiliated with Inn Arbor High Scholtot ehservatitn Study), and a new totroe Sir those preparing nor the scientiic administration at departments at oanitanion and pubhic health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announce- ment or Individual Information address SHIRLEY WmSMTH Secretary University ANN ARBOR i v~n *STATE ST. We setl Clothitig for mn and young men. Alten's Good Clothes Store, Mtain Street. tf. Wanoted-To rent fron Sept. 15 to June 15, completely furnishted house or apartment not less then five resets suitahle for housekeep- lng. Apply by mail only. Arthur Lane, Mhajestic theater. 14-17. Classified Ads., subscriptions taken, and copies of the Woiverine sold at Cuishinogs. f-2I. KEEP COOL in our comfortable andi easy-fittlinglit ssight gatrments thtwte tailor heond coin ptarison ini style and fit. Far tihe yosnger set, a swagger air, impartebyaarfldsofewV lshs e( andthere. oat seerity, fashioanwithboattreaktishiness. Oar craftsmen iailorrtoanients ta Orps perceetly. Our fabrics loak swell and wca welt Osr pricessee easy of reacti. J. KARL MALCOLM 604 Ease Luberty St. t- -}} 1 U 1 ,8 e , , '' w I I ti LYN DO NPH OTOGRAPH FR Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies I make a specialty of Developing, Printitog aiid Enlargitig for Amateurs-by modern mtoothods. 'this has been my busiotess for eight years and it has iticreased every day-only results will do this and so Mhenever you wvant aoy thing pitoographic. look for the sign of the kodak- tliat's where things move. LYINI)ON 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, 10c per day