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August 01, 1912 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1912-08-01

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Al Your Door Throo Fifteen Hundred Sum-
Evenings a Week, 75 mer Session Student



Medies to lake on Lits at South Ferry
This afternoon, starting at 4:30, the
Deas E. H Krass Discourses on Ris- knights of the pill and pellet will
tory andet Properties ofi iost battle with the school teachers for the
Brilliant Jewel decision in the opening round of the
summer session baseball league. The
IS FOUND IN UNITE1) S'ATES. show consists of seven acts, and
should prove a lively affair, as both
"The diamond has been known from departments have played several
time immemorial," stated Dean E. H. games.
Kraus in his lecture, "The Diamond," On the dole, the carvers- have the
Tuesday afternoon. The earliest edge on the fussers, for they have had
diamonds came from India and Bor- four teams playing ball during the
neo where they were found in sec- last two weeks. On the other hand,
ondary deposits in the gravel along the lits have the advantage of playing
the rivers. together a little, although they have
In 1725 diamonds were discovered not had so many men out.

Ir.u Max Born of Goettingen Will
ARE TUBERCUL -ARS Slek Here Saturday
Ir. V1 11. Canield i MIakes Striking Dr. Max Born of the University of
Statements in Regard tO fGoettingen, Germany, will give a
Wit 'lgue, public lecture on the principle of
Relativity, Saturday, at 9 a. m., in the
C ATAIIRt 1JUST SY1IMPT'l'OM, east lecture room of the physical
- --- laboratory.
"Nine out of every ten people have During the last few years the prin-
had, atrcady have, or are going to ciple of relativity has created a new
have tuberculosis in some form or school in physical science and has led
other,". declared Dr. R. 13. Canfield, to considerable controversy among
Tuesday night in his lecture on "The scientific men.
Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases: Their Dr. Born is a recognized authority

in Brazil, and for a century and a ,half
this country was the most important
diamond producing country of the
In 1867 a peddler by the name of
O'Reilly obtained some stones from
the children of a Boer farmer, and
becoming suspicious of them, sent
them to an English physician, Dr. W.
G. Atherton, living at Grahamstone,
j who stated that these stones were
really diamonds.
When the news of the discovery be-
came known, a great rush was made
into the diamond country which was
located in the region around the
Modder and Vaal rivers.
The most productive region at pres-
ent is the Kimberly region, but the
largest mine, "The Premier," is locat-
ed in the Transvaal.
The diamond industry owes much
to C. J. Rhodes, who in 1888 organized
the DeBeers Consolidated Mining Co..
and changed diamond mining from
a crude industry to one that is highly
systematizdd. The annual output is
valued at $500,000,000 uncut, and
twice that amount cut.
In the United States there are three
places which closely resemble the
diamond region of South Africa.
These are in central New York; in
Elliott county, Kentucky; and in

Fold will adorn the pedestal for the
men from the west side of the campus,
but just who will do the operating for
the hospital bunch has not been given
out. Ideson has shown strongest in
the previous games for the profession-
al gentlemen.
Undergraduates Will Wear New Badge
to Sishplant Forme, thletic
It has. been definitely settled that
the Michigajl. Onion will issue the fu-.
-ture undergraduate "M"" button, and
the Alumni Association the gradhate
When the blanket atlgletie', tax,-
which snakes every _ student in the
university a member of the Athletic
association, one of the principal reas-
ons for having ass athletic button was
done away with and the athletic board
turned;over their prior- Inri to the.
use of the "M" badge to the Michigan.
Union, with the understanding that,
both the: undergraduate and alumni.

Arkansas. In 1906 diamonds were: uttons would be issued by the Union.
actually discovered near Murfrees- The Alumni association, claims the
boro, Arkansas, and about 1200 dia- right to issue the graduate badge
monds have since been recovered. The l and will do so in connection, yith
quality is excellent. The size runs sgsecriptions to the Michigan Alm-
as high as eight carats, and the stones nus.
have been valued at about $165 per The first undergraduate button to
carat. be issued by the Union will be oval
Diamonds are valued for their hard- in shape with maze "'12 M '13" on-a
ness, transparency, purity of color, blut background.
and dispersion of light. The porpose There will be a cycle of six but-
of cutting is to cause as much in- tons for as miany years, so that each
ternal reflection of light as possible, year the colors and figures will be
causing the fire of the diamond. ' different. wh-ile.the shape of the but-
The Cullinam is the largest diamond ton remains the same.
ever discovered. It weighs 3024 car- Last year's system of all Union
ats and was too large to be cut as members wearing a pasteboard tag
one stone, was split into two stones the first few weeks of college will be
which were presented to the English eliminated, and immediately upon join-
crown. Cullinam I. weighs 516 car- ing the Uniono the student will re-
ats. reive the officia undergraduate in-
At the close of his lecture, Dean signia; '
Kraus showed a number of replicas This is but one of the many new
in glass of famous stones to those featuresthe. Michigan Union is plan-
who were interested. ning for the coming college year.

Importance from a Popular Stand-
"Nearly all diseases of the nose and
throat are due to either nasal ob-
struction or infection, or both," con-
tinued the speaker. He then explain-
ed, with views of normal and abnormal
specimens, the intimate relationship
existing between the' three turbines
of the nose, the throat and of the
eustachian tube, the tonsils and the
soft palate.
"Nine out of ten cases that come to
the nose and throat specialist today
claim that they have catarrh. Catarrh
is a symptom of something wrong in
the nose. It in itself is not a disease,
but a sign of some sort of infection or
obstruction, or both," declared Dr.
Canfield. "In infancy," he continued,
"catarrh is rarely due to any other
cause than some hereditary disease.
The infant is born with a healthy nose
and throat. Bacteria on chairs, rugs,
and floors get into the child's mouth
and lie in the tonsils, or the posterior
cavities of the nose. The child catches
cold; inflammation and more bacteria
cause enlarged turbinates and event-
ually adenoids form, filling up the
nasal passages, and the child is soon
The speaker then told of the most
marked symptoms of adenoids such:
as, breathing through the mouth,
sucking the thumbs, and failure of
physical development of the nose,
face and chest, It was shown that
adenoids are spongey masses gener-
ally g'rowing in the proximity of the
throat end of the eustachian tube,
which leads to the inner ear. 'This,
it will be seen, seriously hampers the
hearing and often induces a diseased
condition of the tympanum, or, ear-
drum, sometimes resulting in partial,
or total deafness. The occurrence of
enlarged glands on the neck back of
the ear is an imuortasnt indisatton for
necessity of treatment. "If left unat-
tended this swollen condition fills the
mastoid processes and external opera-
tion is necessary.
"Catarrh of the adult is nearly al-
ways due to the adenoids of childhood,
the enlargement and degeneration of
the lower turbinate, the deformity of
the sceptum, or anything that brings
about an unnatural point of contact
of surfaces in the nose. Tuberculosis
germs are often found in diseased
In regard to treatment and detec-
tion of the diseases.Dr. Canfield con-
cluded his instructive lecture by in-
viting those teachers and others, in
charge of children, to lectures given
by him frequently on the ear, nose
and throat at the hospital. He will
meet by appointment till summer
schol closes, any who are interested
in these diseases.
Students of chemical engineering
taking courses this summer under
Prof. A. E. White will make a tour of
inspection Saturday of several manu--
facturing plants in Detroit. The party
will leave at 6:57 a. so. and return on
the 5:05 p. m., Michigan Central. A
limited number of other summer stu-
dents may arrange to accompany to.
party by - -ommunicating with Pro-
fessor White.

on this subject and is at present giv-
ing a course of lectures upon it at the
University of Chicago. His lecture
should prove to be of general inter-
est to all students of science and phil-
liens Gret sTalks-to Please the
Lades; Favors Equal Suffrage
Ben Greet not only acts,-he talks,
and upon such an illuminating subject
as woman suffrage. The other day,
in Cincinnati he was asked to deliver
an address by the president of the
women's suffrage club, and in answer
said that he really did not thnik it
safe for actors to meddle in politics,
but being an Elizabethan cavalier, he
couldn't refuse a lady. So a nice, com-
promising speech was written.
All women should vote, who pay
taxesif they want to,-says Mr.
Creet; they should interest themselves
in municipal elections, in improving
sanitary conditions and in school elec-
tions, but there they should stop.
There are three occupations, he
maintains, which no woman has a
right to enter: the church; the par-
liament; the coal mine. When asked
his objection to woman in the church,
Mr. Greet replied that he was a
staunch orthodox Episcopalian, and
believed firm in the command of St.
Paul, "Let women be silent in the
churches." He would go so far as to
abolish women choirs. Mr. Greet is
"Women, as delicate, modest, sensi-
tive creatures, have no place in par-
liamentary bodies, for where can one
find a more degenerating atmosphere
than in the Senate? If women want
to vitally influence politics, let them
do it through the home through their
husbands and sons. My disapproval of
the coal mine is purely a sentimental
one." Mr. Greet regards woman in
too beautiful a way to see her thus
"Is it really votes for women?"
asked Mr. Greet. "I believe if the
fair sex had suffrage it would resolve
itself to more votes for men-for
women regard each other through
green spectacles, you know.
"There are two professions where
women have an equal chance with
men; in acting and in journalism.
Here the sexes can battle on an iden-
tical footing, and often it is the
woman who succeeds, Shakespeare
was the first playright who opened
a large place for women and his high
respect and reverence for them is
shown by the fact that out of almost
150 women characters, only six are
Mr. Greet concluded his remarks
with an announcement that he had
a "healthy respect" for journalism-
especially college journalism.
New Furniture for Hospital
The purchasing department of the
university has ordered $700.00 worth
of old mission furniture for the interne
house at the University hospital.

No. 16,
Ben Greet Company, in "Romeo and
Juliet;" Draws Large Crowd
of First Nighters.
If size, attentiveness, and applause
on the part of an audience, can be
taken as an index, the Ben Greet
Woodland Players scored a success
in their production of "Romeo and
Juliet," yesterday evening. The play
was given in the open air, upons a
stage remarkable for scantiness of
fixtures, but at the same time strik-
ingly appropriate to the action of the
piece. Mrs. Charles Hopkins played
the role of Juliet; Mr. George Vivian,
that of Romeo; and Ben Greet himself,
that of Friar Laurence.
The Ben Greet Players have just
come from Culver Military Academy,
where they gave "The Taming of the
Shrew" and "The Tempest," in an
open-air theater built for them within
a lagoon. Just at the beginning of the
latter play, Dame Nature saw fit to
put on a real live tempest of her
own composing, much to the discom-
fiture of those whom she no doubt
looked upon as trespassers. But if
she interfered at Culver, she made
up for it at Michigan; for her chilly
breath last night was a great aid to
the players in all the shivery scenes.
The faithful old library clock took its
part, too; but got sadly mixed as to
its cues. However, it deserves com-
mendation for the doleful manner in
which it tolled out some o'clock just
as the funeral cortege of Juliet ar-
rived at the tomb of the Capulet's.
Several members of Mr, Greet's
present company have been with him
only this season. When questioned
as to what is his policy in this matter,
Mr. Greet said that he believed in the
old "fish in the sea" adage; also, that
audiences get tired of seeing the same
persons every year; and that he, too,
feels that way about it. Members of
the cast say that they are fortunate-
in having with them a very capable
wardrobe mistress, who lightens. the
work of everyone.
After leaving Ann Arbor, the Wood-
land Players will make an extensive
tour of Michigan, playing at Detroit,
Bay View, Mackinaw Island, and sev-
eral other places. Their season will
end with engagements in New York
City, in August.
A series of parties are being held
during the summer, every other Fri'
day afternoon, from 4:00 to 6:00, un-
der the auspices of the Women'o
League. The entertainments are held
in the league rooms at Barbour gym-
nasium; their purpose is to bring the
women students together, and to en-
able them to become acquainted with
one another. Special features. and
dancing make up the programs, and
light refreshments are'served at five,
The next party will be held one
week from Friday, and all are cor
dially invited to attend.
Loren Robinson, '13, of the Detroit
News, was in Ann Arbor this morn-
ing and made himself generally useful
around The Wolverine office, writing
stories, headlines, and correcting

proof. With his auburn locks brist
ling with excitement and his calabash
pipe emitting voltmes of smoke, he
did his best to imagine he was work-
ing on a real paper but in vain. He
says it's pretty tame after - a few
weeks' service on the Morning News.
Robinson will return to the univer-
sity next fall.

President Taft is not the only exec- First, they don't like to open par-
utive who is having trouble with his lrs. If takes new furniture, makes
constituency. The new head of the bigger gas bills and finally deprives
Ypsilanti Normal, following the an- them of the rentof a room. This is a
nouncement of the "Blue Law regime," calamity that is .too big to be over-
is having even a less peaceful time looked. And then the landladies
than the Detroit aldermen. aren't aquatic experts. They do not
Not only the students but even the understand the mysteries of the thur-
landladies are sop in arms. The stu- on. Moonlight and cool evening
dents have threatened to strike. The breezes suggest neuralgia rather than
suffragists among the scholars are romance, and the thoughts of a sleigh
fast becoming militant and losing ride in winter, fill them with horror.
their more dignified title for the term. So the petitions and protests are
"suffragettes." Rumors of demonstra- flocking in, ahd the mail service may
tions of disapproval, that may be have to be incyeased unless the-adjust-
worse than the little tricks of the inent is made within a short tine.
Ann Arbor Rah Rah, are being Firialy, dire rumors of the wrath of
wafted about the little town. These the Ann Arbor students, when they
are as yet indefinite but the com- find the new state of affairs next fall,
plaints of the landladies are fast be- have reached the president. So it is
coming material. that he lives the life of a Damocles.

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