THE UrOVstii{NI 1 DA' ilI l4 ''r£ I l L°1i"ULY fistviand last ins ht three men over behind first, and McKenzie reach- Wiiil LOWY 'C ll't II fE S, se aed him. In addiiin he was red- emi the keystone shortly after the ball. - i ted wills two asists and one ptot Another carniatyas staged by the hlkls, Stil t ir Pitein's IGood Ball, in the last act. In only ot frame, tadaverines in the seveth. Gebbar rifs i Errors V1"i1,1lftes the ttird, were nmre lian i e sqares who had relieved Schiierhorn, threw I luIs n ieeded to recordl the doings of his out the first man on a roller and fan- ---oponents; when thre reams a hit, nest the second. Wills two udowi the Saturday ate'coons the tCad~averines a ps, and a "brass ball" netted tvo heas of the list in a desperate last ii- trol;tSpi r vo( 1steiisdwth lin he to tallies for lie Sirohetes After the ning rally sered four runs, ss'hich ie tinst of 2in 4. Tlie game was1 fireworks Ideson sttled dovn aid miade the game reasonably safe, with loosely pisaed , theiii tiiil5and(1losing)I stench out le at twosmn snwills lie as eighteen criinsmargin. I but one ids making 8Itaiii.13 errors, r- third and second vtations populated. inniig, the third, did the Cadverines ms];sci'e, Lapley featureid for the vanquished, fail to score, tvo mess beglefIrisoii 'T1' Ieatusre isfithe gamterwas the seuring one of tiscthheer hitv off Id- bases ii that sesios. lii ssci lile,on, fousei stiffs, swho sas, a cross doble to ceiter. Two of ('lullseriles held hi.'sopetsto isthie' hits isv Iis te'nammates steruis sit ansd the AD K H O A r vivesininiigs 'edubibisgles'comning ini other lopped is the box, vvhih letllWas', 3 ......5 4 3 1 0 sepasrast frae.s'Hle seseved a lbhe sprinter on tisrd.DiihIsisother fStevart, sa.. 3 5 3 3 0 0 1 -i smln5us scn d oflthe fisticusisof thetwo nitasins asibtis5hesweve,',Laps-IHocoomb, I . ..5 3 2 7 1. 2 SIpiiirisaetesis a trused. In earhleiy scoredl; aitns alusehe ssuss of Olier, c ...35 31 it itit casate testisnsltshssrseached home gall-]iss tasms Earls tisse the infildvwo- Iuesos, p..4 1 01 1 40 edithIs firs,"cornri by' liii aid of sin bled in ilheir atemtlto reires the fly- acktsos, 2 ... b13 0 1 1 3 eros'.igtrack siass assd1lis v enualy Wellin,n... 3 2 0 0 0 discn so ist risc k sult eensmcii.-vopleled tetcirsicto te accosi- 3cKesnzie,I1..5 2313080I1 and Ionly vs4issue oas's,Is thie 'animosf01errors anicistlensbases. I'tsirr I 1 I II galoreM or...3 2 0 0 0 0 Bi S Sale i ard ledte tack 01flia Cadaver- , - -. 3 3-I I- i, fetesn, a doile'to lIfc to start 4023310 2336 8, the gasse asisccoring before ctsei- A T 010 n iv ws over, le aced te pitcher Siohts E R" F R 0 ST si ters scuring twocdoulessand assdecAl K It 0 A K 302 S. STATE Ies asos dress a pass, sand realsrd first Wilet, iss.... 4 0 I0 0I 0i1 Gebart, s, p. 4 0 2 1 3 2 the other tsso hoes sur errors, both on als iii owsardIlft field, StevartfSchimnerhosrn,p,s 4 I0 0 0 4 0 alt-o mde treretip sdthreehits, Amos, 3 .,.,.,.,.4 0 0I 0 0 2 sid(]ternntes' Cadaverines, Holcomsbtesmtmyer, r .3 1 0i 1 0 0 asd Oliver, poled three safeties, Shechsirs, 1, a 3 0 0I 1 0 3 A The second innnii' decidid the gsssssr Roblicisi, I2....I 3 2 1 '1 1 i whesn twe passes and ass error filledI - sti scsts IseCadveisrsailsKeller, I .,.,,.,.2 I0I0 13 0I1 tebgfo th Caaeewihnoe omt Wardl theninisjectd him 311 4 3 21 10 13 steond itwo ig e, htichva 1o- owed immediatly by seen simsglisand' tIsins 1 3 3 4 5 1 7-tR ass heeus, resutiszinli seeneruns C e ...002l01 -4 for he ictrs.Caaver's ..1 '7 0 1 8 3 4-33 d a', = On erbrahmd iuuisiuwasuchalkedl Threbasin'hit-Oier, olcom; '- up,, ii against S hisissiese cmithe fift, isns Pact'ehits Wsarcd 2, Lpley; luis whcrhwcst hee ' -ea ni off Ideson 3 isv9: off Schimerhorn quT heserr eors prdedmdsu'leight ens 9 its 6:off ebbart 13fus 1; stoes rises cm. wiiithefeslviciec msKmuzie cons--'rd, fSteart,Otillser 2, Ides-r, ads r rshtedafeksnldiigatr coLply2 ebradSup ii liner directly at thr first base- soyer; heast base on errors-Spirohet- 4 man which hbondd off cliasigentle- 'a 6, Cadverns 9; eft on bases- man'ssh iin: esandhed dirctycown Cadverinsi6 , Spirochetes 6; bases y oi i,' ionesitry h'gseciit in}orsuesthe Las".,line asi casrne csorest onuo055balls-ff deoni, off Shuer- ,seI riet's Shoe Storm all New Goaods scosd Cse Noe ohttvi fielders ionus9, off Gebbart ; struck out-by at educed Prices. vseremiuamositinmo s ecure thie de- Iesons 1, by Schimehorn 5, by Geb- Tennis Gouds o3 AUl Styles ceptim pillthe scoudasman being art 1t hit by pitcher-by Ideon , IWittec amd Shimehon. Time, 2 hours, 15 minutes, Umpires-Wenner II and eed jjGRANGER'S Academy of Dancing All--si -- - SI U M M EI-,AS S M .BL I E S b e i l i exposure flmns developed at lItsYc p sN1NGC IDLe' lTriHoppe's Studio foe 1I and 5 cets I KE FIS5CIHIE RS ORCHESTRA 50 cnts per couple. Fine and briliant prints nulde for 4 _________________________________________________________ amd 5 cnt. Remember the pace, ~ - - - 118 1. Liberty street, sear where the ( 1 ~ new studio is beig built, 15-11. r"~" r f 7 If st1-Send Saturday at Whitmore Lake 75 '~' ' ' v~jQ<.and dace the evening, away at the 4' m Lake. Ho5e ~ a,, ',-'use 3 cents round trip from A~~m'/la "~ ~nn Arbor. If. c t /, i Sitti,/9 511ngbeside sweet K. T., ~ (f~<~, 'ii Holinhi iehands eas K. C., iL. 1151mI/i l5~k~sh, I Then lie lookd i i e 's, I! /m ~/~I is/tt 4iBulby this tine you're YT- CU.C. K. C, loe'd K. T-thun they 5lJ r Straw Hats of the right kind at the rgtprices, le' Good Clothes /}) / < Sore. Main SreeC. f iij ~ i ,s Hom TessRoomk Mils ast, proprietor of the Houe TaRooms, 10l East Wahingon, w ises'toSnaunonce to the summer students and fauty that she is pe- / 5 . ,1 pared to cater to small parties, and in61V th111 " lac she serves lunches and dinners stC ua or.Tcri oste "71 service mu thse city. i09 E. Washing- S / stoss. Upstairs. S-i5. U ) ,, THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK a/ ',' Capitol. .. .. ....i.c30 ese. 515 pls asi I uticides I rs.. 100.000.0055 I / Itsca em's. .... . . . <,i0i,0t58.din Transaa asa Generl BankinsgBusiness 5 8 ~ ~~ pe Iscment interes,lpaidionSl i nut Ige (5seis a//llYIour BnLs~ sia ss ol int d C ,Ii '1,PeNC, 1 a1J i tzlc ,. Csli'r AN t . . risse an i ce Pres. Av Cil' ariel esBrau. At day 04 tAo Fb 7?hptss.C"h' ni 4