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July 30, 1912 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1912-07-30

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At Yor Dor Three FfenHnrdSm
Evenings a Week, 75cf j jmr
Vol,. I1I. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'tc'!II) I, JULY 30, 1912. I ~ N 1 ~ FfenHnr5:
_______No. 15.
I N TRANCE TESTS! pie esseer vadler and Bragg Wated VIS JT ICHIGAN Invited toTaleingedteed frem. FORMED MONDAY
at Annpolis. Shoes
Relientsft disonv Now AeIdexsrO mi Fsoe11isesns ___-_- n it Lws, Mese, and Engineers
I ndv ipoiiv Imiporant Changegs Plans ave bees proposed for Mich- a' ILl,, "so.10tgleai The Aeroautical society of the uni- Organize ears fe' Series
in Colleges= stae gn professors to asitv smt-Mds~ ersity Ihas jst received an invitation Stting 1g. 1.
--to participae in the international
1IVA Nv s.1.111 5'11' M'IIHW4CN. in, the new post gratduat corse aitT~ou IEsNMl,
SAYS. WOvLns InvrsCt 111s sIIETEII. aeoplane-mtodel exhibit, and the mil- EXECUTO 'CONITEENAM])
--_.Naa detyatA~st~s itary kite exibit, which are to be held
et fall.a h Sa nBegu, uigth Iat
"HitoetaSidler, tatctilBraaitll ro', hic-ree- estf5(x5) ettttratitdsix a tcSa nBliidrn h atBorn-ibModay evening at 4:31) at
A. G.HaIltl, intbit leeture o WhatltemrfeonSderin tisBeagg etc ttr. nw. t"te sit soutri w sveek IntAugus. the Union, a hoky young bseball
(ollgeslittite,' or dasssia,' s~t stctstotl iote~ it ths eisnettot. t~r teT, he ss of ites foe scientific and
Colegs eqir fr dmsson"ut unless saistacltory .arrangeoeas Iouth ilse aswosiese is sole Americsimsilitary reconnoitering has grown to laga. The little fellow is doing
Ye'ste'rdaylte rnositi, "sere enot otnly essnsbemeade forinstrtuctio in naett oldes) tlt desetitittet, std tilt is vi stcts an extent in Evuropan countriesinicely and wasgredenssit-
i toselect fi s1 eelho aretotsbe sllotwt sgsern i ~ess eie Ilsiseitgithentitlereci) ltistswseek.Sethlit it iiariants this special exos-Ialybpaerfnndu
ts islr I' i b iimess are gone, te lans lmay'comce I i tiop it lss Tepieaosin lybypaes fnadbgs from
g.retttitilu t tl illonth~e wotrk o1 the iaull. 'alt lltld )franso are to be given for top-eeycre 1 h iaps h
Itt ttssr 1ts escss ts Iisotknsotwnsdefinitely swhether it u1 l ms, atndIhe ansteso Iitgitih ,Ioaks" at Jackson re sigin g mourn-Ls ta n-I rpi poorps ae ro ml
Ihisi tt11111'ersdtsslsi frm sc ts-ebsAcademiy tdesires al exchtansge Ipro- ltr ste t the age1 of sixec rtlinpstgals.ae ro ml
Ithirdlstoffa ishoutettoisIdtes''Isngi freomitsllsn-ts i. balloonse and large Ikites, man-lifting fully over the ftae of their lateat off-
dasrt'sholsstusi ts s anssti-tnh - vn lle hti ,Ctesvl c'a. ies and the multiple kites used for spring, but the trees at the Union are
of thost' t irolt'tIitsthese seiools go o 'furishing substittes for the Mich-, testsorolotgicatiatndIoItserisciensti
tsn itocele ' I. Stlong a i'as-gasrfsec ltsbethxer'ett asien-'1st ll-Ithcat> cpeur ooicpadotessinifcrstneeaeulyso.telca rd
trace re i'(5t' atslasre It rigdl'rof. Sadler.s st tre senicin 5 I i Ic uet 1 Ms.hestllbeasr. Iotssgives promise of a rosy futtre.
l~t easisii'iis'tssleae) lbr ssil siiie.o Ireel hee yes so, 'tit.. G ishlip, has H Baron sotmnde r awb e,the well-known
th eann;nn etsaeete allonthsportsmanand racinpmotoristihas 'lbslittle fellow will sppar public-
substitutes. i-in ' it lit ci ldriensts fosth fist.ttm nttleec
forcedto Issiew brasneseecontrary 10 " - i hi lfIok eudta sen hrge of the exposition, which is alyfothSctimnetTirsa
thi nlitlsIor t oIpoislar de- ro. Sade, i theeteests c
stadsorele cschol ae blge e nees~iy aseoetssesc an 1be' made, ewill' ie atlonger '55(1 enouttth toisk11p1 her buy. ndser the patronage of the King of afternoon at four o'clock on Suth
t a ieitwos' 't i siotae hbi e Aaem uinctbran o-Se .ean .trssedi . SaeBegiul. Te contests will be held Fry Field, when the OittoadRd
toprsissteusi iogramse.one for tteAncdeny lrine0 toegruntiNttons itosfittheslt ld st Oio lat
colht'ecgseitc atie le ttrvenber, anld 'cot. hragg swill ;take p FivstityI, sindibssssss tt eningsoclsi- tinderlthearegulations. ofcttossiAeio
Pr}a toypplteohr-Cush of Belgium, and io under the ~wl tg h is ucini t
toe the cr1 sat chistof hose for whomssthe sworis during tiecemster sud Jtin-sts teet. (hisneyesr tfteseards, se honor. This week and the Scost two
the high si listI i is t'ial curriculusis, uary ssliuats ~ it ~ieei'~asoie fteItrainlArn weekschne in Augut, two gameo a weds
Oteatr fleitbiilits en oiieg'euntranstcVssisn ot su u isu tustsie'uuci eeration. will be played for the chatmpioip
g Atitluil l~ui~ l hsb II .1 IWMIiOIV'1.lte ~~' 1 presen t is not likely that tefthsumer sssion by team
angiii~ I, 1, ieseeaollsthiis byice. 'sLAWtIteltilse stilt niche stuhs' elcoiss, siuiversity society will aticipat in ofthumm Irpg-
the exhibitioneest ae srog-seiting the Lit, Las, Medic,.and~ n-
bsustis ut thessisisoicanes teof r pupilCiKep(Ssem Wt-m isliloitl sut ls' 's tehbtiion", as tis phase of aero- p
he ;esn el niss udfnd n uies has not proved sufficiently gnsigdprieso vr en
erti 'For tutu ut' tr -for Life' ito For Or ilStlei, i'teet itt t ttStutdents.ltisvilg. will inet each of the others iii one
t'oiiegt' 115th itti life.' . -- tchoos ofet lttitttlulu' iet froms thu, iimporant in America o attract spec-batethohdtlofheorob-
clegets euecrgiiemnndoth t stiora soieslaifei.,tltI05101'i'u't it sut'ilistil ashsttention atntgstdens.
It, s nw al asure fat tat, 111 panlof_________thsocoloistBe ing given below.
ftsasryeuieou uhso tar- les she contraveses sne of the new'tr uitss t ltssaes iie There will beno admiso ~jw
tat,''se rtt'os uoiKnsPi eulhosnoYslnisuet tsytiio I nives~'ihlusntiOterin; 5antI(CSMOPOLITAIN (Lull 'O ed at any of the games, uts collec-
lies, 'retit'a tutierestngcontrast hereafter voyage -usotonthe tells Itiite nech it he sittwill lavte for lie PICICH PLAY BLL sill be made in ach ,depar~
hotusHt19g n lh ise -urn sithioust the sdampening Ures-ttttyil esf'ihuta o. mentestubear the coot of buiying hre
uh' tsisuultettcolgfretice o a cheauperotn, unless site re- Professeor Pavu is, curatoer of the Last Stra ihudrteas balls for each team, which mot be ie
theut'se of oh r tring for te i- I:msu t the atm- y ftiis-picsceives ruission :froise the dan; ,uslsuiiu it iititYO Oiches of the Cosnopoitn luhethe hands of the xecutsesoip'itte
telr~ uetsui~,hut.1uvet' , uiieshtoneither omay heeaesethee cit3 stilhutosilsssi, i s t'sout uthfirs. 'iishiih, foregi stsudents of the unverity held before ac heteamsplys' itsfist
Is'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ad at~ o"ui lsl rsuhu"oemeiuenidug nst-sttem 1 ht'e smse uuuuieuriu, he has t hesir first meeting for thiso summer I, roan
'.usiuilh~suiu utiIt 'aexlenpoeaftec tein olotk al nigit, er tthr-sugrandduiusugluer wutohlolds afelow-e- yplanned a picnic for the fo am,'whlrltoewp-tdneN
asulaki stor x ets.,no, ntr'thes'gme -hchafollow-puljggNi'
sldesushueLtni li ona ut hrhvingroush p Iis intereingituo speculatutas tin;Saturday afternoon, which will be tional League Yugball, and the winnimg
prose d vestu ad deline 1erfectly any tineie. She must _also ,tee in g o jushtwhast happhen lt e lustheepoes- lhetd under the os near the water- ta eevsteblsue ntrr
soxst'efeliowvnesee tuteam, receivess, theesbaainorusedtsinllthat
thee htsrdignste fit asnes aud aporoved rooming-house and report st h ehsat it liestresokuls anpeet.Alfr game,
vets in yt Greek tongue." 01 was all her .conings antudgoithgs5lier do guenaions, geltsoether fuic alee- eigtn students are iivited to attend, The managero of the teamo sand
list unutil thuehbeginnuinsg of lh iesnue- iugs and not-doiiigs, to lo.,U tiath',il' ans iti is expected that there will be their phone numbero are as follows
tent censtury thstitsimple aicisme- swho, in turn,inust rephor ilirilsn- Mr~s 'Tisliisas se issuitoptiiisltusthe sapping of strange tales from Medics, Gebbart, 37; LawsSlosen-
it sas requirtud, sattunot uniilnmany imets of rulei, or' have ?'e tuje hsu t ls'su t'tsitregeunuaylad.tha, 51 . Stat; Eg., Blake 16281L
bI ter as it gelead 1111ei omaemr dfnt arne
e',urelate thashhistory, Fngiieh liter- resmoveud front theappuhroedI ai.=t. hutr hla lei oteaenoedfnt rag-Lil, Brodie, 1314 Men desiring to
Clie siudu OiuhOeii~i, 'C~deSS Ist etctie "'s'hlias 1.tarus peseulsnustly inlteresedlushyiIunuug Ipeopleaents as to the number that expecterl o n ftetaosol
.minorscet iicutsubhjecs wereupilaee:hlirotigh Ypsianti several das'ago, 'cft ut"al Chuts-'atlthuse ui nel o of stn he inc ndt uco communicate with these men. IThe
on lt'list of euuuireuenhs.[Touay on his iway' t'Ditroll. SincestalangMs psmi.. a11sesnutuheed to ts' ness'busines, the cub eil hold am- only eligibility rules are ttendane
'ulieiL tihniou shesitu tacs in the stihools other neeting next Friday night, at i h umrssin l e ly
lbestrese is rather Sared uon hIs- nvstgatLiomns andi rls aseeinlthei h umrssin l e ly
isiustsuuluodn austge habit of-tarninig llwer . Bruse shet'visihs, fsuu hi. herlunosen user- 7:00 sharp. Prompt attendance isore-inorpatcgoncefldms
atndisiimuet'thu t'ashtris ofehelit'nine- .]tppes--.o-k ieepiunIinseit udsr a.fuse ese sunueuihit to ku eepthen or- quneted, as many of them rsae wear tennis or track shoes.
mntssmehvenepe desirous of attending the letue that Teeeuiecmitecnit
ieent til cuiluy,lt'heaounmtuof tsgebras snms, smebae edau'neuih..o Texeutvecomiiescosit
guculy teo~ olts uuuuh onnuuet' him withll thee recent haituetsis t egiven thaeveingateghtof thee manager named above, together
sciences illuec reuired or sccepti-ul lgs at Ypsilanti; bhtml io one Iss been1un mesge aan sii'Muratl eilieenl}i .o clock. Tiesumetimgsill be held in with Church, the secretary, wo is
fec ausieioueIssu gr~sli~ uecreuses. as0 ascs ta ss rser s us et i" u~uUniverseit0y1 I HamliseAilytia oreAllforeinustdent
fo amisin h gealyicrasd hibeto a 'etan 'ohi ihe i . i ul'2,at6ococ tte oeIconnected'with none of tie teams. In
'i'iie imitnuslcahyrise ssilhe te uioitu usi' sluuuwIho wish to play in ties Comopolitan
'hsi rnaiy(l( otarsoh isauthrcts.somrhicid'siotther lit' Auiketgoi,baelltmshtdmkeiapon case any team is utale to playi
slimell homtheeldmscheduledintgame it must notify the
the highisehool, thu iashtorlaunu'u'of there,-fnd le hmasef hus aolsiadetie 11 s, er1.. Houtssu uhI'ntbbethee.scetayu homaehdraceda
usiisse ue'tn s~n chool, cats bue any satements in regard o telis ietic 1he lcu'c u sAsnSslto b -e there___
reuilshiYee'usits its raupid growthlb Its te Den.rooh ~t Sl 5151/ut', a tugnudualt ENIOR SilEN'S I.RRAGE 1284-L-the evening before, or be
1121 tl irst' iehight sol tess fuund- I--lfthe eim' it''5 depar h utmuets 01ft' KPT1'SECRET FOR MONTHS charged with a forfeit. The commitee
eit'ius 180 1thSre wiree40:is 170 11111'NEW ' ONGIN EISING 0TAlof uu.is t cilsuse tf 111 1ir. _will furnish two umpires for each
in 18011,earuyi011ad today.in tei PROFElSSOR AIPPOtNI'N''F?.SI 1111/1 i Iatulneti I 'titusrtonemt'yrn i a uttns olgtta isgame, and its officerswill conpile the
sate ofSMichiganusalone,'thesre r' _____- ltlhlueritsht her tunrsuee 't tsr It. eofficial sores. The complete box
~f fim5 I.FJCensius twniof attendingi theunknownores f ,llgames will be aried by
oeurt 00i. lu i heen ~o .F.Ge ne of to Mrelatives scoresoftof allh
ofM. awas, ukont eaie rThe Wolvrne.
thtlt'Ixceptuionl of three oh the signed, L.. 10.Graham, '01 Nofoh lod, 'hiisororityu friends, married its Windsor, February
tuler unier'sitie;tpracticsally all tihe has been aipointed Professor us Suui- - -- 10, to Dr. J. L. Denhart of Pipetone, 'rie Schedule Felviwes
1st reoeeuge's outhisuerosuny ssadmi,situral Emgiereriueg. Mr~. Gahsamsts lsl hmuisits Sl-t'mu fu'smPhliliplis:- lMi. Dethart was a student in the
seuuunts oil u unIiiitsr m apoutit'vedt teeemgageud inicivil emtimeeuimsg TusaAg -i.b i
ilaIth'iitugIi'uutlc'u sss(huceiviitg his diploma in June, received
ssemelamosutus, in its esencte," sai neploed at different tes by teis - - , ' .mthr ninn t-or Wednesday, Aug. 7-Medic-Law.
trot., ha~l, "he thur ueeegatiomn by the Amerian Bridge Co.,. the Nationaleh i'has a leave' utf absensce unutil o_with it a scholarship sue a course r Saturday, Aug. 10-Eng-Law.
usiurite sutoutihis touthiose o01thetsBridge Co -amd various oiler big vtue gP'gss ~oiad nvest n
_____ will start for that country in Septem- ITusaAg 5LtRg
.51 tool. lheu'tsk f passingulont thirm ts. Ie desigied therinforceds b---thhi-rie.Ate h-inshs aturday, Aug. 17-Law-Lit.
tluuuulit oh pera'ton ofuu those pupihls concrete for :the Toledo fitration u ay'vi3 1Hmmhl BaelFroulrepe. hssokteeh silg oCp ekdygmsaet esvm
weho sutify itsr qulsutitaiiet reqiric- plant.' I'sus A.tlDuley7ohute oice faculty Tostn, Africa, where he has a five-1 inning frays, and will begin at 4:0
meisiuul aiti udou'uu by thee collegue. In 1Wha intervieetdlast nichtt Pro- ! of the t'uuvenity It Itol of Ahusi is year contract fr dental work. Den-, sharp. The Saturday tilts will be the

returnsfoutethis uconfsidentilhrelsation,. essor Greene: stated tha huellas nt lsheldiuu; thur ci1u' c urAin i an, hart -was a member of the local chap- full route, and will open at :31 with
it u'entrmuylluset thuattu'eshool as ye t prepare([i fo sunnouuncte his fui- tfOtiun a' sn' stil abroaud. He vi- ter of Xi Psi Phi and was prominent the exception of the Medic-Eng. game
(t'amiudiIott page ) 'lter pass. tul i AnsusAbor uls-:Neels uetd. in .nany campus activities. Aug. 3, which starts t :30.
Seas on Sale at Wahr's
SHREW CAMPUS i ~ -T EATER - Wednesday, 46 P.M.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 8 P.M. Reserved Seats 75-:ceunts
A MD~%~I ~RDREM :- :- July 1 and ugust 1 -: *:

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