THE WOLVERINE . t L - " " a '{. as-a[-F ' i,. r- r' - ° s.. ..x. ' WHITESTARLINEWHARF FOOT OF GRISWOLD For a Delightful all Day Outing ott the beatttifult St. flair River take the stoatmer "T'oohio" any5 tosoosg i8:3o, Sundays q950. Fate returningtsan c loy: Port Htton oOos; Fiats or' 'astttoo ar ttk, 5o cnts; orT ioledo aod retto, steamer s"0Owaua"leavsDtott eery week day 5.tS,cevtry Suonday 8:30, rturnt'oDe- stost 7:15 pot.; fatreoSuodays 5oc, week dastoytiso. For an Afternoon Ride to St. Clair Flats, Tshmtooo Park ot fart Huonooway ports take the "City of 'Toledo" at 2:30 P.Mt. JUNCTION OF DETROIT & CATHERINE STS. & FOURTH AVE. Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152 White Our waftr softening plant cost us $2,000. It costs you noth- ing extrto h Iave all ithe adivattiage of laundry work dlone in water s It as rain water instead of distractive acids atnd bleaches. The fittest linagetie waists and di esssmill ccrne Lack to you like new. -Collars and Cuffs like snow. Try your duds its our suds and by conivinced. Mark your package "White Swan" attd call our wa~ow% No exits charge for call or delivery. WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY LECTURER TELLS OF' ENGLAND'S FORESTS Prfeso tt~tto L~C(iss. Gis Ilic History OttRol ameiil DFI NES SE VERIAL.WOOD T'I' 115 "The Royal Forests of Eglatd," said Prof. A. L. Cross its Iis lectre ott tat subject, Thursday aternson, "wercche sorces of a large icotte, as well as the scene of the royal hoits." In 1817 thsiy sect taken from the king's tdotmsain, antd to replace tat revensse, ele i;was grantedth ie civil lists, swhictittltttetl the solris' of the palace servants. 'he incotme was derived chiefly frotm the grantitng of ofices its cot- nectiont withs the cars of the forests. Men paid for the privilege of hold- sng these positions, whicis ariest with thens the appointment of mian subordinates and thss levying and co- lections of an elsborate systemo of fines. If a limbh was roken, or a twig pluck- ed, there was a fine, sand a separate oystems of couris lhandled these cases. Then there were grasnts for mininsg, setting up line pits, and bsrig chaycoal. 'olls ott the roads wasanas- other great avenue of intcone. Prof. Cross saitd that gresat areas of theoe tracts were opet. In one forest there is 1700 acres under cultivation, and in another there are a score of villages. The villages are under try strict regulations; for exmple, to dogs are allowed in thetm, The different kinds sit forest latds were -defitned hy Prof. Cross. A chase is a forest ownsed y privsate parties, while a park is a district enclosed by a wall or fence. The wsarrens is a dis- trict in whichs vertmin ran, vermin e- ing snmallatninmal stnprotected iby'last such as thse hare, fox, ol weael ad polecat. 'Phe royal game cosists of pheasatnts, wild boar, stags, and deer. Thse downs are not, as one would ant- poae low stretchses, but hilly cotury._ :.AILhIOA '1' ItSEl'S S'lTI)EN'"S C'ANOlEIN RIVSERI .l1'DL+'l'Eol'I Arthur S.' ell, a student in the literary depsrttmtnt, took his Husron- wise canoe to Detroit, at Cadillaquta titne, atsd bravely launched it in the big river. Two minutes later he met as yotung tidal-wave frotm a passing steamser, and took unwillingly to the water. Ats obliging gentlemn from thsetearby oailboal, rescued ell, wlso latr recovered Iis canoe. tell then registered an oath to voyage no more on ttnknowtn waters. '+ . CALENDAR. a. July 29-Lectre-WShat Colleges It- quire for Adnission. trof. A. G. H~ail. 5 p. m. July 3-Lecture-The Diamsond (il- lustrated). Prof, E. H. Kraus.5 p. m. Lecture-The Common Eye, Ear, Nose, and Troat Diseases, Their aumportaneg frost a Popular Stand- point. Dr. R. B. Canfeld. West amphitheater, medical btilditg. 8 p. m.. U. OF M. AND HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY, Pail G. Tessmer, Prop, Phome 656l Polhemus TransferLine j W. Arnold, ViPre. Jhi tz. Cis'r Sak& Richie Props. State Savings Biank s atdAttaoobileoSrvice. Bse.or,, ANN ARBOR, M1CR. tackostooldtiaggae Canoes Delivered Capital Stack- - - - $50,000.00 207 N. Maies St. Phonees 15SuSrplus and Profils - - - $75,000 -THE - - PALAIS ROYAL 209 E. LIBERTY ST. Has jtust received a shipnmet of rarest Italians Ware, also a large lite of oddities ini Japan- ese Chitia ansd German Wate. These novelties are for in- spection by the Sumimer Stud- ets. COMBE AND SEE, US 209 E. Liberty St. The Palais Royal TO NIGHT MAGNI FI CIE N T P hotoplays DeLuxe EXCLUSIVE MOTION VIEWS. REMEMBER ! Complete Chage Program Daily Continuous frome7lto 10 p.m. Come whetn you like stay as lone as you please SPECIAL EXTRA FEATURES Pipe Organ Recitals MR. LEWIS JAMES, Tenor FRANK TABOR, Pianist. MATINEES WED~ 4 P. M. Best seats 5 &'10c d A vanished thirst-a cool holy and a refreshed one; the sure way--te only way is via a glass or bottle of Idelsly delicious-puce as purty -crtsp and sark1iog as frosatK Itr new o ot ellig. ofoc-C ol THE COCA COLA O.,"seLa-so, cA, fCca-clso. THE NEW CATALOCUE OF THE UNIVERSITY I FMICHISAN is now ready Complete information concerning seven departments; Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate School and the Summer Session Spicial caurats in Firetry, Newspaper Wark, LadicapiDeiga, Higher Cimmircial Edncatnlicliding Railway Adminlisration tad anstrance, Archiecture, Cnsertatioa Eagiaeiriag, Pedagagy (affliated witAtn Arbor Hilt Schoal far ObervtlianStidy), aid a new caurti far thise prepariag far lie aceatific adminsraion if deparitmens of saniatian aid piblic hialt. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announce- ment or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR Summer Homes in Ann Arbor, L on Bluffs overlooking Huron River Secluded, quillt and wihitwalkiag diistance oathit enisiy. Lila cheip as anywheri. Woods and batiag, lao. Inquire JAMES H. McDONALD. Ford Bldg, Dtroit. Hi will liptel lahwtowiltk iiitand I tie ite. UNIVERSITY PHARMACY Ceuldingeg Telephooeous uell 410; iHomoel7ltblur 12 19 S. Universty Ave. We deliver tee cream every day is Ice Cream Sadas Sommer Schl S upplies the woeek I~fms oTlo ailetSsoaps & Tsilet Articles Prt~esrptisssu00 speecialty We Insist on satisfying' K S FILMS, PAPER AND FINISHINGS AT =K 0 KN24DA ISA T KEEP COOL its ourcomfotable sod rosy-fitin~g light- weightgarmesnts thsst we tailoe bryood corn- pasoninostyslerand f5t larpteeyoungerst, a swaggerair, imparted _tb a totftul dosss of New Yootstnsts rebso andolthsere. Isir the sean of saber taste, simlicity wilh- ott severitg.fasion switisoultfreak~ishnaess. Oar cattsmen tatlar gorments to drapes psrfeetly. Our fabrics loots writ aod wear- well. Ouropricers ate easy of reate. J. KARL MALCOLM 6114 East Liberty St. G - ~max