'TiE WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE If your professor seems to treat you unfairly, you, for the time being, 01 Published Tuesday, Thursday and at least, beiug a good aport, ahould Saturday afternoons by the students i laugh some more. But if you see of the University of Michigan summer someone else not being treated square- session. ly, fight. To be somewhat careless T Communications will be printed only of one's own rights, and a zealous " when signed, although writer's name guardian of the rights of ethers, is will be withheld on request. Notices the finest thing in the world. And if pertaining to university affairs will be you fight for a square deal, fight for printed once gratis. it for everybody. Instructors can be ______________________________-as ill-treated as students. Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., Butriao ,,astung lu Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Office Hours-2:00 to 4:30 p. m., daily. BTRU EY y,$ Phones, 960. Subscription Rates-Local, seventy- BIBLE ME TI S P L A C E five cents for the summer; mailed to 116 S. Main Bell Phone 166 fany address for one dollar. OF LIT ERARY WORTH Advertisng Rates-Furnished upon1 application to the Business Manager. ___epaired________________________ld i'd by S tandardis of Bemsi Critics, Shoes Repaired Subscriptions taken at Quarry's, it is a Work of Cushing's, and Student Supply Store. Art. The official newspaper of the SummerE ITEr RELA T School hENGLISH LI'Ia 'lME CLAIMS Ii'. In a way that makes i John I. Payne, Business Manager. your feet happy -- Phone 762-L. "The Bible and Other Good Books,' Malcolm McCormick-Asst. Mgr. was the title of a lecture given by Phone 357. Prof. T. E. Rankin, Thursday evening, JOHN H. LAMBERT . in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. The 613 E. Wi ams St. E. R. Burton, Acting Editor. first part of the lecture, which was a Reporters. discussion of the difference between CRoscoe Spencer. F. M. Church. the Bible and other books, will appear H. P. Scott. Maude Edwards. in the "Homiletic Review" for Aug- CopitaL. $100,000.00 Surplus. $,'0.000.00 Undivided Profits, $12,000.00 F. A. McCarthy. R. T. Cook. list. THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK C. S. Pryor. K. C. Haven. i In the second part of his lecture, ANN ARBOR, MICH. C.S. Fliedner. Josephine Fellows.' Professor tankis looked at the Bible Sal Bstsgad~sress~r'asoesil'iiEarl Grossman. 3. P. Thomasflroimsth~est'andpoint of she literary SafeBanlngandCourteo , sretofour critic, applying to it the tests of such 3 per cent interest in our savings department I Nen as Matthew Ariold, Vctor Hugs, John Ruskin, Wordsworth, Herbert Do you want a position? DD you want a better posiilon? Spenser, and Shakespeare. III the We may have just the place you are looking for. Let SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1912. I light of those tests, he found, that the us know your wants; Then let us have your application. Bible may be said to have greatness The Cibb Teachers' Agency, "Crabbing." in subject matter, greatness in meth- 175 Westminster Ave, Now comes the time when, with full ods of handling that matter, great Detroit, MICH. steam up, class-room asignments come characters, depth of emotion, and faster and harder, as if the honorable depth of thought; that it is, as Shakes- gentlemen who hold the throttles were peare says, "No counterfeit, but the DAVIS & flliverie vent on cur devoting every setond to very im a e of life indeed;" and that, OHLl NGER feeding insatiable boilers with analys since it arouses pleasure in its read- ed bugs, long words, or impossible ers, and since it appears to have been translations. And now comes the produced with pleasure by its writers, When time when every student of small suind it is a work of art. When growlsaboutthe way he is overworked. The most accurate interpretations Mind, we do not say he may not be. of the Bible, said Professor Rankin, 111 Prom)sed But the true sport, with a mind broad- have been made by English poets; er- than a crack in a baseball park also, by virtue of its wide adoption fence, doesn't "knock" his professor,-' by English speaking peoples, and be- 109 he laughs at him, laughs, and then cause of its greater iufluence over E.Washington beats him at his own game, or else them than over any other modern PRINTING Bell 432 -,J does absolutely nothing. "A gentle- people, it has become truly a part of man does his best, or nothing at all." English literature. If his professor gives long lessons, he j).o .gets 'em and laughs. The poor pro- H UStOnt OS. fessor must uphold his sacred reputa- tion for being stiff; and the game F U E Tle Finest Billiard Rosn in the State sport smiles, keeps his good diges- We try to treat you right" tion, and maybe learns something on 610 E. William St. the side. MOTION PICTURES EXTRA Temple Theatre SPECIAL FEATURES Tuesday, July 30 PATHE WEEKLY THREE REEL FEATURE Afternoon and Evening Admission - - - 5 cents to all TEMPLE THEATRE MAIN STREET Between Wilaams & Liberty UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Maynard St. . Albert A. Stanley, Director Summer Session Eight Weeks All Branches Full Semester will begin September :: :: 30 Artist Teachers ::a:: Send for illastrated catalo Charles A. Sink, Sec. The place we all go to when in Detroit 'opular priced dining room LIBRARY PARK HOTEL; A. E. Hamilton, Mngr. European Plan 75c to $2.00 per day Cratiot Ave. and Library Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Big Reduction on Hammocks -and- Hose Come in and get our prices H. L. Switzer Co. Hardware and Sprting Coods 310 S. Statn St. i SUMMER SCHOOL LAW. BOOKS FOR SECOND HALF Martin's Civil Procedure Whittier's Cases in Pleading Beale's Cases in Criminal Law Cooley's Blackstone Gray's Casts VO. I Brewstcr's Coliveyai ciiag Woodruff's Domestic Re- lations Woodruff's Cases Quasi Con- tracts GOOD SUPPLY OF SECOND HAND COPIES A T University Bookstore Univei sal Dry & Steam Cleaniq gWorks In a new Fire Proof B:dg. and with the latestModern 'achin- cry. We are in a position to do all all kinds of cleaning: As ladie, fancy dresses, suits, shirt waists, slippers, gloves, etc. Also gentle- nens clothing of all kinds. All work guaranteed. We call for sod deliver, T. E. Wahl, Mngr. ell Phone 877 1119 Packard St. The Kempt Music Studios Piano Pipe Ovum. Votes Culture 31S.DivisioSt. t'hose 1076J 1 Steam and French Dry Cleaners Suits Pressed 25c Trousers 10c Zhe MICHIGAN ALVMNVS Subscribe now and become a member thereby of The Vniversity of Michigan Alumni Associa.ion Some facts : L The Alumnus is the largest college monthly in the country. Q It contains the latest news about the University, and editorial comment on importait events. Q It contains personal items concerning members of your class every month. l A volume of tle Alumnus contains the history of the University for the year. Q It publishes a series of well chosen pictures e erv month. $1.50 year This Way, You Summer Students--- Come around for a LUNCH that is a LUNCH Corner of Monroe and BANCROFT'S Thayer Streets A Full Line of Tobacco and Cigarettes High Grade Confections and Fruit ENGRAVI NG! SUGAR BOWL 109 S. MAIN STREET Best Ice Cream Sweetest Candy Prompt -- Service SUGAR BOWL 109 S. MAIN STREET Phone 967 G. H. WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Carry the Lagest Line of Wool- ens in the city. Saisfaction guar- anteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMflER STYLES a specialty Established 181 All work made in this city. G. H. WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STR2EET SPRUK ENGRAVERIS ai The (3r oyle S ANN-ARBOR ALL COLLEGE WORK Mail usTrial Order JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT MICH. Programs, Invitations, Callirg Cards, etc., en- graved for you quickly and correctly. We have the leading brands of sccial Stationery and will save you money on pound lots or more. We'll gladly send you samples of paper and type faces. Write-or stop in and see us when in Detrcit. GREGORY, MAYER &' THOM CO. Printers-Stationers-Office Outfitters-Engravers- Embossers. WOODWARD & CONGRESS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN