At Your Door Three Fifteen Hundred Sm-
Evenings a Week, 7W mer Session Student
Dr. Guthe IntCoduces Talented Young
German Siger to Ann Arbor
Musical Critics.
"The editor of Popular Mechanics
has compiled a list of the seven won-
ders of the modern world, and at the
head of the list stand the wireless
telegraph and the wireless telephone,
the first two things that should really
be called wonders of the world,"'de-
clared Dr. Karl . Guthe last even-
ing, in his lecture, "The Singing and
Speaking Arc Lights." "The wonders
of the ancient world were bulky
things, showing what muscle could
do; the wonders of the modern world
are small, showing what the human
mind can accomplish.
"Electricaty is the most evasive and
the most intangible phenomenon we
know, and for this reason electricity
has been d'fined as that phenomenon
of which we know nothing.
"The electric arc is quite old. Davy
in 1800 di coered that when he put
two carbons together he got a light;
but this fact was not given much at-
tention in this country until 1882.
"From the beginning, engineers
tried to make the arc give a steady
light. The light tried to say, by emit-
ting a whistling sound, that it could
do more than give light.
"Then the engineers attempted to
make the light keep quiet. That was
all wrong. They tried to make the
arc do just what they wanted it to
do, whereas there was genius in the
arc, it could do more. Specialization
is always wrong; we should get out
all there is in the student.
"The experiments of Simon in 1t898
with the speaking arc, and those of
Dudell in 1901 with the whistling arc,
convinced some physicists that the are
was musical.
"We do not realize the number of
musical instruments we have around
our homes-I do not mean pianos,
violins, and neighbors. Take the wat-
er spout for example. If the right
genius should construct a musical in-
struments out of water spouts of dif-
ferent lengths, he wtould soon have to
live all alone in the neighborhood.
"The speaking arc is two years
younger than the singing arc, and
perhaps for this reason it is more
boisterous. It can be used for a great
many uses, among which is wireless
telephony; and experiments have been
conducted along this line in Germany
quite recently."
Dr. Guthe accompanied his lecture
with several interesting and amusing
experiments. With the aid of an as-
sistant in a nearby room, Dr. Guthe
succeeded in making the are transmit
conversations, and render musical se-
lections which could be heard over
the entire room.
* Monday afternoon at four
o'clock, at the Union, a meeting
of all baseball men will be held.
* Everyone interested is urged to
* attend. A detiled announcement
* of the purposes of the meeting
* was made in Thursday's issue
* of The Wolverine.
No. 14.
(A'A uI1 0111)1'sS ClPORT'S
Cheboygan; Frank Fennell
Does the honors. ~l-.-I,-
Among the various amusements at
Camp Bogardus baseball seems to be
the most popular. Saturday three
hayrack loads of would-be baseball
players and fans went to Topinabee
for a game with Birchwood Camp.
Needless to say the score does not.
look well for the camp nine. After-
wards several of . the boys went to
Cheboygan for dinner. While there
Frank Pennell entertained the bunch,
showing them his home town. In-
cidentally Frank is campaign manager
for his father, who is running for the
office of clerk of Cheboygan county.
Frank is some peppy politician.
The same wind that blows this news
to us tells of the good weather they
are having for the crops. Walt
Drury claims a chin fringe that is the
delight of all winged and feathered
creatures of the north, while Jerry
Collins boasts a fine part in his beard
that he declares will rival that of our
most pretentious faculty members.
The Chinese Students' club has
adopted a new emblem, characteristic
of the revolutionary trend in the
fatherland. The insignia consists of
two republican flags with a triangular
shield in the middle. One flag is
blue with a white sun emitting twenty-
two rays, significant of the provinces
composing the Chung ttua republic,
and it has on the same field five stars,
representing the five races of the new
republic. The other flag is red with
a sun in a corner of it, and has a
dark blue background. The triangu-
lar shield which has a border of gold,
bears the lettering, "Chung Hua Kuo
Wan Sut," meaning "Long live the
Chniese republic."
The badge was the conception of
local students, and has been pro-
nounced by leaders of the Chniese
Students' Alliance to be both service-
able and emblematic of the new
1,URE1S OF (iREAT (iOu l1Y11EN.
Chase S. Osborn, Jr., '12, will be
married Wednesday to Miss Marjorie
Stanton in St. Mark's Cathedral,
Grand Rapids. The bride-to-be is the
daughter of Henry Tyler Stanton, and
is well known in Grand Rapids social
circles. Osborn is a member of DeltaI
Kappa Epsilon, and was prominent in
campus activities.
ImopOrtant staff meeting, Monday at
12:30. All members of the stiff and
tryouts must he present.
Make ExceSllen ) Ste14hg at Olio and
1lltpici' 'fai IF EXatti-
PA Cl Cli VNOl (tETS TOt' COR A1)E1,
Harry (Colato nTake' Up Work i
Observatory Conducted by
PIrof. Hussey.
Mr. Harry Colliau, builder of as-
tronomical instruments for the ob-
servatory here, has finished the com-
piling of a complete set of instruments
which he is going to take to South
W ord that argues strongly for the Amsuerica. ie will sail from New
thoroughness of Michigan's law de- York on August 20, for the Southern
partment, and the efficiency of its Hetisphere observatory, which is in
graduates, comes to us, in letters to charge of Professor Ilussey, and is
DeanI . M. Bates, from students tak- situated at La Plata, a high inland
ing the Illinois and the Ohio bar ex- town about fifty miles from Buenos
aminations. ires.
Fourteen, of the 369 persons who At that place, Mr. Colliau will in-
took the Illinois examinations, were stall an instrument shop similar to
Michigan men, and every one of them the one at Ann Arbor; and will later
was admitted to the tar. All men attempt to put telescopes, and other
from Ohioi 'niversity, and all frout instruments already there, into fit
Connecticut University, also succeed- shape for observations and experi-
ed in passing the exaniiiations. mests. Mr. Colliau will be accom-
Among t1s sentire number of appli- paried by Paul T. Delevan, '12 E,
cants for admission to the bar, 108 who has had considerable experience
failed to secure a passing grade. The along this line at the Carnegie Ob-
Illinois exainitations occupied two servatory.
days, and covered twenty different
subjects. There were, in all, 68 ques- SHIRtS EXPEDITION DIS'OVERS
At the Ohio examinations. Paul T.
Gaynor, '12 law, of 'T'oledo, O., made White Fish Point, July 23, 1912.
the highest mark. Several other Editor of The Wolverine:
Ihicuhigan men took this examniation, We have recently added to our col-
and all were passed. lection of specimens some rare mea-
dow mice and the rare hong-tailed
FUT RE LIBRRARIIIANS VISIT jumping mouse, that was first de-
i)ElTROOi' INSTITUTIONS, strihed from this region by Henry
Schoolcraft, more than 80 years ago.
The School of Library Methods I have made a visit to a colony of
which comprises a score of students beavers about eight miles west of
is spending the day in Detroit visit- here, and hope to add one or two to
ink, points of interest. The Detroit our collection of skins. Deer are seen
Public Library, several of its bran- often, as are also the tracks of bear,
ches, printing plants and engraving but these animals are all protected
departments are to be examined and by our good state laws.
various features studied. In the even- Your little news sheet, The Wolver-
ing the party will attend the closing ine, reaches us regularly; and, by the
program of the Cadillaqua. he class way, here is a joke, whether on the
is conducted by T. W. Koch, librarian, state game warden, or on The Wol-
and Miss Esther A. Stmith, head caa- verine, you may be judge. In my ap-
loguer. plication for permit to take mammals
that are protected at this season of
LOCA SCI1ETIES TO CARE the year, I included the wolverine,
FOR CLINICAL DELEGATES, an animal that has for many years
been considered extinct in Michigan;
Arrangements for entertaining the and I was granted permission to take
many delegates to the Chinese con- two of this rare, or extinct- mammal.
vention in September have been prac- If I take one, will report at once by
tically completed. The Baptist Guild, wireless. Norman A. Wood,
Westminster House, and several large Director in Charge.
Niwr NtorinSl School PresidentB egins
('astttauuigt for Sweeping
Social Reform.
Yes, it has come. The days of the
fusser are numbered. Ere long the
species will be extinct at Michigan;
for there remain but two short weeks
of summer school at Ypsilanti, and
then-well, its all over, fellows. The
old town will be a different place next
fall. The sad details follow.
President Jones resigned last wint-
er, when the naughty legislature at
Lansing refused to give him a nice
new auditorium. The Normal had to
have a new president; for no normal
school would be complete wtihout one.
President McKenney, the new man, is
from Wisconsin. Just why it was nec-
essary to get a president from Wis-
consin is not known, but the gentle-
man is evidently living up to the repu-
tation of that state. He is giving a fine
exhibition of plain and fancy insurg-
ing. He has instituted a great wave
of social reform.
In a public announcement to the
students, the new head declared that
there must be no more entertainment
in living rooms, and that 'there must
be no more public dance patronage.
Of course, it's. nicer outdoors this
summer, and it's too warm to dance
now; but next winter? Then there
were some typical old blue-laws laid
down. Men are advised not to smoke,
and both women and men are advised
to avoid card playing. In other words,
the normal is undergoing a sudden
evolution into a mixture of an old
Ladies' Home and a denominational
Female Seminary of the early '80's.
A council of war has been called for
this afternoon at the home of Dean
Fuller, and "invitations" have been
issued to all who keep roomers. Just
what new measures will be laid down
is unknown, but the possibility of
compelling all Michigan students to
wear goggles with concave lenses to
distort the features of the fair resi-
dents, has been foreseen. It is also
rumored that rigid traffic regulations
horses on Division street are to be
opened for the accomm hation of vis-
iters, and tho Michigan1 'Uion has of-
fered its clubhouse for tise as recep-
tion and committee rooms. The mem-
iers of the local Chincse club have
arranged with men of their own na-
tionality to do the cooking and serv-
ing of meals in the new dining room.
Foreign Sudents will iee Tutotiglt.
The Cosmopolitan club will meet
this evening, at 7:30, in the main cor-
ridor of University Hall. All foreign
students are earnestly invited to at-
tend, as matters of general interest
will be discussed.
will be laid down, compelling all men
MRo itll' P11"NS T,1C0 hONoR to walk on one side of the street and
NAlIVE SON FROM OLYMPICS. all women on the other. Officers
could be stationed at each corner to
Detroit is to honor Ralph Craig, '11, regulate the use of the crossings and
premier sprinter of the world, by a prevent any disastrous collisions oc-
reception tendered at the Hotel Pon- curing. Another rumor declares that
chartrain by the Board of Commerce. all fussers next year will be licensed,
The date of the function is undecided which is another evidence of the in-
as yet, and will depend on the time of creased cost of living.
Craig's return to America. It is un- The Ypsilanti students are up in
derstood that he will remain in Eu- arms over the new regulations, which
rope until about August tenth. Ar- they declare to be a diabolical plot
rangements will be made whereby aimed at their social life. One prom-
Mhichigan men can secure accommoda- inent member of a leading group, al-
tions at the big jollification, and it is though refusing to allow her name to
expected that a good many will attend. be used, stated to the Wolverine over
the 'phone last night, that in her
opinion the student body would never
H U R C H suhit to such drastic masures. She
believed a student strike would be the
y most effective manner of protest. "No,
ETT Twe are not suffragettes," she declared,
jT"but we do believe that we have some
PIRITUAL rights. We believe that the traditions
rsity are cordially invited of Ypsilanti must be preserved at any
Sunday, 10:30 a. m. Address b'
Students in attendance at the summer session of the Univel
ROMEO &. JULIET Ben reet's W oodland Players
Seats on Sale at Water's
THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 3 P.M. Bookstore, Saturday, July
SHREW C M U THEATER Monday and Tuesday 4-6
THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 8 P.M. Reserved Seats 75 cents
A MIDSUMMERDJuly31 and August 1 -:-