THE WOLVERINE ; l FV i 6 t _ WHIE TA LIE rt ST FOTOF GIWL WHTESTR IN RAETDETROIT IWL For a, Delightful all Day Outing ott the beaustiful St. Cl arn-e take the steamero"Toohtaaoany ornig :3, Sudys oo. Rare returningstme toy: Root Horse 5.oo;Fiatos orooTsshRooak, 5o ents,0or Toledo and reotur, steamero "Owana" leovtsiDetroit eoey week day 85 a.m.,eey Sutnday 830 a.m.,eetstotDe- i roit; fatre Sundy 5c, week daysttt.oo. Forgen Afternoon Ride to St. Clair iots, Tashmtoo Prko Pot Hutonocway poets take the 'City of Tsodo" at 2:30 P.Ms. t t W ITE SWAN LAONDRY JUNCTION OF DETROIT &. CATHERINE STS. & FOURTH AVE. Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152 White . Our watr softening plant cost us $2,000. it costs you noth- ing extra to hate all line advantage of laundry work dotie in water sAIt as rain water instead of distructive acids and bleaches. The finest litigerie waists anod dresscs mill come back to you like new. Collars atnd Cuffs like -now.. Try your duds itt our suds and b convinced. Mark y-our package "White Swan" atid call our wao. No extra charge for call or delivery. WHITE 'SWAN LAUNDRY afilled to the brim with cold, - -s~i $tmoclear purity--no such water '2 nowadays. Bring back the old .MFeeOsday bsiiteia l o . I CALENDAR. July 26--lecture-The Singing and the Seakinig Arc Lights (liustrat- ed). Professor K. . Guthe. 8 Garden Pary sont Iecepin-Mich- igaiiUnioin. 85pit.i. July 29-Lecture-What Colleges Ro- quire for Atlmissiot. Pro. A. G. Bial. 5 p. it. July .30-Letture -The. Diamndili- lustrated). ref, P. II. Kauts.5 m. Lecture-The Common Eye, Ear, Net,sect Troalt Diseases, Their tuportance fromt a Popular Sanoo- point.. Dr. R. B. C'anfteld. West amphitheater, oedical htuidig. 8S ip, in.o Juty it-Leo tre-Sixes and Seveis. Proe. J. L. Marktey. 5 p. in. Oien air iertorsanoce-Rtoeo anti Juliet, tBe Greet Woodiosd lay- er, university cmpuios.58i. n, August 1-Open air performanee-Te Taming of tie Stres, lBe Greet Woodland Playrs, university an- pus. 3 p. i. peii air performnance--A Midsurao- toer Nights Dream, Bets Greet Woodlanod Playters, toiversity cams- puis. S RAY 1RTflHE OJETIONS '1O0NEW PO1W EPLAN SITE (Continused fronm page 11 lees accident woud be greaty imisni- shed. For exanmple, the dniger with the three tunnels would e but one- ninith the daniger witho oeotunnee. Be- sidt's that, the inecesty for carying all tain at iigho pressur' wotld not. exist. "Furthermore, woithth le Fuller stroco. site, the tnnel wtotld hoove to e driventh irotigh the grounid, whreras at the cool bole, the tunniie cold be dug fron thte sorface. "Fromothe cat ob' site,to rairoadi spur could e takens from either fle Michigan Centra or the Anni Aror roads. Shoutld tht'. Micligan tentroal he mtoved it touttld onity e ecesary to use a spoor 1o the Ato Aror. "I the Fuller street sie haod eti chosens it would ae ena necsary to huild a msuocho larger tunniel thant it new ineeded to care for te future, or else to uild atother tunnel; and ids for a tuntnel ran romt $8011 up. An- oilier intortant fact w as that with fle cat hole site it will e possihle 10 huild a tart of the power plant nest and the rest of it ini thc future. Where the power is mtost neededt now is on the camntots. This caotobe taeit care of now, antiloter thoc hospitals and the ohsrvatory wiii e card for as inecessity demtands. "Thc new peer house plons call for a moost mtoderns plat, with au- mat' stokers, and asts hatdlingn ma- chinery, so flat in. ordinary peratioto there will e very little snookecand dust, very mnooh es than we now_ have, with the lih grade coals flat are eing used. It is also plaied te make a sightly uilding, ad to nake the surroundings attractive, so as to he as far from ojetionale oo that score as tossihle. Te architects hare hoots carefuly istructed to do everythinog that catse dne towards mating a sightly spot, and ifnay e safely said flat with fle power plont as now contemplated the ct hole dis- trict will e very mcho more attract- U. OE M. AND HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY, Pail 6. Tessimer, Prop., Phomne 656 Polhemus Transfer Line "vt.ATice ' tit, coooCos' ' Canoes Delivered Capital Stoct - - - - $50,000.00 2O? N. Mate St. Phones.o15na SSrplus and Proitls - - - $75,000.00 -THE-- PALAIS ROYAL 209 E. LIBERTY ST. Has just received a 'shipm-ont of rarcst ItalianoWare, also a largeltioc of oddities in Japan- ese Cliasatod German WVare. These novelties are for in- spoection by the Summer Stud- ents. CONiK AND SUP US 209 E. Liberty St. The Palais Roya m Al ESTIC TO0N I CH T MAGNI FI CIlE N T P hotoplays De Luxe EXCLUSIVE MOTION VIEWS REMEMBER ! Complete Change Pragram Daily Continuous from 7to 10 p.m. Come whentyou like stay aslong asyou please SPECIAL EXTRA FEATURES Pipe Organ Recitals MR. LEWIS JAMES, Tenor FRANK TABOR, Pianist MATINEES sA 4 P. M. Best seats 5 & 10c Summer Homes in Ann Arbor on Bluffs overlooking Huron River1 Secildd, quiet and within salking distance itfIteUiveiraty. Liti cheap ai anywhere. Woodt and bolting, too. Inqire JAMES H. McDONALD. Fard Ride, Dttrilt. iHe sill tell you his to, salt itt and I itt tiem.I UNIVERSITY PHARMACY Coulding S. Telephone as Bellt16 dot; msie 749ttblue 1219 S. University Ave. We delivor ice cream every slay is tee Cream bSos Summer SebolSupisthewee Pefumes, Toilet Soaps & ToiltfArticles Preseriptionss or specialtfy We insist on satisfying THE NEW CATALOGUE OF THE UNIVERSITY. OF MICHIGAN is now ready Complete information ooncerning seven departments:. Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate School and the Summer Session :- :: Special ciuriei In Fireitry, Newpaper Wark, Landscape Deign, Higher Cimmercial Edcain including Railway Adminitration and tnurance, Architecture, Cinservathon Engineering, Pedagogy (afflilated with Ann Arbir High Schoil for Observatin Stady), andra new ciurae Hr thise preparing tar the acientiic. admnitration in departments at sanitation and piblic health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announce- ment or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR KS FILMS, PAPER AND m AwO /FIINISHINGS AT --UCALKIN'sSSTA ECT. KEEP COOL in 000 comfortahle aod casy-hittinog tight- weighot garments thuat weotlor bc eyond com- parisoto in state anti it. too the youger ae, a swagger air, imcpartedl hy an artful dashc of New Yorkishuoess hoere oondthteoe. Par the scan of soher taste, sismplicity with- out severity, fashon owithout freakcishoness. Our craftsmeo tailo garments to dr;ape totfectly. Our fabhrics loasi welt atnd weat Our prices arec easy of rech. J. KARL MALCOLM 604 East Liberty St. t ivi ve than at present. LYNDON, PHOTOG RAP H E R Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies I make a specialty of Developing, Printiong atnd Enlargintg for Anmaeurs-hy modern methods. This has been my husitness for eight years and it has intcreasetl every day-only results will do this and so whenever you want anything photographic look for the sign of the kodak- thtat's where things move. LV N1)0 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, 10c per day