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July 25, 1912 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1912-07-25

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At Your Door Three Fifteen Hundred Sum-
Evenings a Week, 750 mer Session Student;



No. 13.

GREATEST HEALER Speaker Tells of Significnce, Histor ARRIVE WEDNESDAY Bs OHanve B il re asor-Son g OBJLE TIONSTOTHE
anod Mlaufacture of:Nme flRIHldArun
Dr. C. W. Edmunds Says Physicians Labels. omeo and Juliet kr st on Prograiiionfire. POWER PLANTSITE
Use Drugs Simply to Aid 0I Book plates, their significance, the -Plays will be Gmen in Open
( .res. On Campus. This years engineering camp at
history of their use, and manufacture,' Lake Douglas is the most successful Regents Plan to ret Smoke Stack
TELLS OF ABUSE OF MEDICINES. were discussed yesterday afternoon , wH PPEAIA E AT MICOSGAN we have ever had," declared Prof. Nineo Hundred Feet North of
by Librarian Theodore Koch in a lec- Henry E. Riggs, head of the civil de- Proposed Structure.
Nature is still the greatest healer, ture before students of the summer For the ninth time since their ar- 1 artment, who has just returned to
according to Dr. C. W. Edmunds. In session, rival in America, ten years ago, the Ann Arbor from the camp after aHORY
his lecture Tuesday evening on "Med- "A book-plate has been described as Ben Greet Players will appear upon two days' visit, a large portion of
icines-Their Use and Abuse," he de- a name plate decorated," said the Michigan's casmpus to present Shakes- which he spent in consultation with Objections to the proposed site for
speaker, "not a decoration defaced by pearean plays in the open air. On the boys in regard to their work for the new power plant, which the re-
dared that doctors no longer pretend a name-plate. The essential point is Wednesday evening next, they will the coming year. gents decided at their une meeting
to cure diseases with drugs, but rather that it is a means of identification for give "Romeo andJuliet," on Thursday "Professor Johnson is just the man to erect in the cat hole, are expected
to aid nature in the cure. lost, strayed, or stolen volumes. This afternoon, "The Taiing of the Shrew," to run such a camp and he is ably as- to diminisish when it becomes known
"It is as necessary," said the speak- name label may be printed or engrav- and "A Midsummer Night's Dream," sisted by Professor Merrick and Mr. that special precautionsi're planned to
er, "to know what a drug will not do, ed, with the name expressed herald- on Thursday evening. Bailey. They have infected the boys prevent any and all of the features
scally or otherwise, but the prime ob- During the last season in New with real intelligent enthusiasm and to which objections have been raised.
as to know what it will All drugInpriuateretshv
ject is to proclaim the ownership of York, Chicago and Pilladelphia, the the boys are doing great work. The In particslmr, the regents lave
bottles should ie plainly and complete- a hook. Ben Greet Players have achieved even best of feeling exists among them. Pledged themselves to protect the in-
ly labelled." The book-plate-like the book-had greater success than has been theirs "So far most of the work done has terests of the observatory, whose in-
In speaking of the abuse of drugs, its origin in Germany, dating from the in past years; and they come to Mich- been plain surveying although the struments, it was feared, would be in-
Dr. Edmunds called attention to tea middle of the fifteenth century. The gan heralded by praises of newspaper boys have built a harbor 50 by 100 jured by the influence of that waves
first collector, Lord de Tabley, clas- critics, who applaud the simplicity, the feet and five feet deep in which they blown by the prevailing southwest
and coffee, saying that they are too sified book-plates in a way that has balance, the sincerity, the artistic in- have a number of boats. They have Gal 4
often used to excess. Tobacco, he de- not been improved since, into armor- terpretation of lines, and the sym- also built a number of small docks at winds from the power plant. This in-
lared, is also used to excess. Japan ias, Jacobean, Chippendale, and the pathetic depiction of character shown various points along the shore. The fiuence wilt bu ciunteracted by the
has forbidden its use by those under modern photo-mechanical plates. in their performances. Their produi- camp is in splendid shape, and in a erection of a smoke stack 900 feet
20 years os age. "Line work is the basis of nine hun- tion of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" couple of weeks the work of survey- north of the ciat hole in the rear of
"The spread of the opium habit in dred and ninety-nine out of every is said to surpass any other produc- ing tunnel, canal and railroad will be the university hospitals on Catherine
recent years," he said, "is alarming; thousand book-plates, whether done tion ever given in America; and Hut- completed. street. This stack will be connected
one-fourth of the Chinese are slaves on copper, steel, or zinc. The suc- chins Hapgood, of the Chicago Even- "Camp organization, camp hygiene, with the heating plant by a tunnel,
to it. For years the emperor protested cess of an engraved plate depends not ing Post, says that no other company and camp management will all be giv- through which the heated gases and
against its importation; England com- only on the designer's skill, but also can play "The Merchant of Venice" as en attention. This camp is modeled smoke will be forced.
pelled China to yield to its importa- that of the engraver. This brings en- Ben Greet Players can after the best construction camps. It is planned to run a spur track
tion. Vehement protests were uttered graved plates by men like E. D. French But, great as has been their success Only tents are used, although some of from the Michigan Central to the cat
but to no avail. The opium eater is and J. W. Spenceley up to a high cost. in Shakespearean dramas, it has been the larger tents have permanent hole for the transportation of the fuel
one who is dead but not yet buried. "Generally this brings recourse to a equally great isn old Enlish comedies woodes floora. there are aeventy-six and supplies. An electric locomotive
On 1916 no 015um will be grown in cheaper method of reproduction, the and in plays of today. Among the in the party, sixty-four of whom are will be used on this track so that there
China, nor can any be imported after zinc cut. Its danger lies in its cheap- older comedies in their repertoire, are students." will no unseemly noise or dirt to which
that date. ness. For a dollar or two, one can such plays as "She Stoops to Con- Sunday night, the boys built a huge objection could be made. In one year's
"This evil is beginning to strike at have reproduced an Indian ink sketch quer," "The Rivals " art"Malks and bonfire in honor of Professor Riggs' time there will be probably 300 car-
our door," he contniued. "There are by an anateur designer. As there are Faces;" while from the later plays, visit and the evening was appro- loads of Coal and 60 of freight to be
15,000 users of opium in this country. many people who are quite willing to they present "Creatures of Impulse," priately closed with singing of Mich- handled--an average of less Oman one
The degeneration of both mental and present their friends with what they "Dr. Faustus," "Everyman," "The igan songs. carload a day throughout the year.
physical powers, is terrible to con- consider appropriate designs, there Star of Bethelem," and many others. Dean M. E. Cooley summarizes the
template. The example of China are a great many inside covers of Since Mr. Greet began, thirty years ALL RULES HAVE EXCEPTIONS. advantages of the cat hole site as
should be a warning and should books being plastered with cheap zinc ago, to present plays in the open air, against the Fuller street site which
prompt the passing of drastic legisla- cuts from designs that had better not his players have. performed at the Great Care Necessary in Selectng was first considered, as follows:
tion in regard to the use of this drug. have been perpetuated by this or any universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Fnsroo s "First of all, the cat hole is much
"Cocaine presents another problem other process." and at nany other famous places in the safer site, in that tunnels may
which must be solved. As a real ne- Mr. Koch gave short sketches of England; before their Majesties, King radiate from the power house in all
cessity 15,000 ounces per year is more famous "There is no perfectly sure rule for directions as required nsw and in the
than sufficient for the needs of the en- dwelt at length ondhe life of the Alphons, of Spain; in nearly all the telling edible from poisonous mush- future, whereas for Fuller street, all
tire world; whereas 101,000 ounces Spenceley brothers and E. D. French. leading universities and colleges of rooms," declared Assistant Professor pipes and wires must be led in a
are consumed in this country alone. The elder Spenceley designed the the United States, and upon the White C. H. Kauffman in his lecture, Tues- single tusnel, which would have to be
There are ten cocaine fiends to one book-plate in use in the general Ii- House lasn. The history of these day on "Mushrooms and Toadstools- 4,000 feet or more in length, mnd in
of morphine or opium. brary of the university, from the sug- performances is a story of cantinued Edible and Poisonous." "No rule ex- order to get steaum to the camhus it
"Over $1,500,000,000 is spent an- gestions given to him by the librarian. and increasing success ists without an exception." would have to start at a pressure of
nually, by this country, on alcoholic "The small medallion at the top of Besides being the originator of the Dr. Kiumffan said that there are tram 115 to 110 pounds. This high
beverages; twice as much as we spend the plate is modeled after the seal of presest suseent towards giseg nearly a thousand different varieties pressure would require the use of
on education, twice the value of the the university," he said, "with this plays in the open air and without of nushrooms in Michigan, and they extra heavy steel pipes. Inasmuch
corn crop notable exception, that we found the stage equipment, ir. Greet is well- vary greatly in size and color. They as the expansion of the pipe would
"There is a close relationship be- book of knowledge represented as known as a teacher of dramatic art, are classified in a general way ac- be five feet or more, it would be nec-
tenteuse o looi eeae cording to the color of their spores. esr oirpr lbrt sast
the of alcoholic beverages shut and we opened it. The state seal and is recognized as being an authority The o te tasor eterminingeskessary to prepare elaborate means to
and crime and insanity. Autopsies is of ourse self explanatory, while the on the gish dra . His prduc- The old time tests for determining take care of this ex
show fatty degenerative changes in the pine branches on each side of it rep- tions are noted for their scholarly whether or not mushrooms are edible It was even planned to weld the joints
liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, resent what was the foundation of finish, for their high value as educa- cannot be depended upon, according of all pipes to avoid the use of all
Alcohol weakens the power of atten- Michigan's wealth, the vast pine for- tional factors, and for their ladk of to Professor Kauffman. No one trait cast iron fittings and various other
tion and reflection and aggravates any ests." anything sensational." The star sys- alone is sufficient to identify a variety schemes to promote safety were
mental defect which exists." tem is not in vogue with the Ben Greet of mushrooms. worked out. Even when all had been
SICKNESS AT CAMP BOGARDUS Players. They strive to represent Professor Kauffman illustrated his done that could be done, it was re-
BAPTIST GUILD WILL HOLD their characters as though they were lecture with numerous slides and at garded as liable to breakage of the
PlCNOC FRIDAY AT ISLAND Frank Gibs is Taken to His Home n really those characters, and not men- the cose of the lecture he explained, high pressure mains, which would,
PontiaATS ners of a cast iso whichi all iaction for those who cared to see it, an ex- flood the tunnel with steam and prob-
Pontiac,G must center about one or tw persona hibit of actual specimens of mush- ably wreck them. Should this hap-
The Baptist Young People's Guild ark Frank Gibbsw'11oEothec' to the exclusio of lesser personages rooms which grow in the vicinity of pen, it would undoubtedly require
will give a picnic party at Island Park Frank Gibbs, '13 E, the treasurer of in the play. This syte has uch to this city. considerable time to make repair,
Friday afternoon and evening. Those the Student Council, is reported to be do with the naturatness and thee uity and in the meantime the university
who are able to do so, are requested very ill at his home in Pontiac, where of Ben Greet performances. Graduate Gets Big Job. would be forced to close, and it would
to meet at the Guild house on Huron he was taken last Sunday, from the Ernest P. Goodrich, '90, '01 E, has be impossible to heat the hospitals,
street at four-thirty o'clock and go engineering camp, Gibbs and another just completed the details of the plans and they, too, would have to close,
over together. Others who may be whose name has not been obtained, Redeem Unused Observatory Tickets. for the inner and outer harbors of and this would endanger the lives of
unable to get away at the earlier hour were taken sick at Camp Bogardus last Unused tickets which were issued Los Angeles. He recently declined to many patients,
should go directly to the island. All week with an intestinal disease that for the observatory for Wednesday accept the position of harbor engineer "With the cat hole site and three
young people are most cordially in-, closely resembles typhoid in some re- night will be re-issued good for Aug- at a salary of $20,000 a year because or four tunnels, the danger of a ser-
vited to join in the social evening. Ispects+ust 19. of the extent of his business. (Continued on page 3)

ROMEO & JULIET Ben Greet's Woodland Players
Seats on Sale at Wahr's
THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 3 P.M. Bookstore, Saturday, July
SHREW CAMPUS THEATER Mond and Tuesday 4.6
THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 8 P.M. Reserved Seats 75 cents
A MIDSUMMERy -:- -:- J 31and August 1 -:- -:-
NIGHT'S DREAM July. Augus..

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