THE WlvsIRINE THE ANV ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capita] ................ .300,000.00 "uis nel !: V ividetl Profit.. 100,000o0TIE WEATHER TlsooeCes.. ........... ....3,000,000.00 Transacts a Generel Banking Business _____________ 3 ercenttittteretst paid onS aigs Pepo'ats - Your Iesniness iolicited IFair tonight, and probhly Chas. 1X. liscocht, Pn(-. Michael J. Fritz, Csh'r Wednesday. w. D. HarrimanitVi res. Canl F______________. Ass Cshrb t VO ,, 0'.C' ,r S vngscDep't. We sell Clothing for men and young men. Allen's Good Clothes Store, Cousins & Hall Main FLORISTS Thin Underwear and Hosiery for Corner of So. University and Twelfth men at Allen's Good Clothaes Store. Both Phones 115 Maino Street. tI. O F nthe Moony night with pipe and Velvet --that's enjoyment enough for some of us. Velvet tobacco-the finest loaf in the groat tobacco country-hung in U;t warehouses for over 2 years-a mellowing process impossible to counterfeit-only iime, little by little, can change the leaf-eliminate the, harsh- ness (you call it bite!). Every puff of Velvet takes over t ~2 years to produce-no won- der it's good. SPAULDING & MERRICK1 Tryit.Aagoelr. '~' IHr(I1R1 . ID. SCOTT'S NIAGARI EXCURISION AIbN SUCCESSFUL Twenty-eight university students journeyed to Deroit Friday afternoon anld after gazing at the varied deco- rations for t he comitg Cadillaqu, they cuntered down to the dcks and took the five o'clock hat for Buffalo. And now ater spending Saturday and Sunday at Niagara Falls these afore- saidl students are ark in our midt all testifying that the Falls are still wet and that they ad an enjoyale as well aa an instructive trip. The success of this trip is due to Dr. I. D. Scott of the geology department. It was through his efforts that the x- cufrsion was organised and ecause of his talk eta the rock formations along the gorge that etabled the students to "find sermns in stones." The party returned Monday morning. lT'IrC.IsS I IRECTED) AT JIE('E7NT'IANClNG AT INION. V3arious criticistus have been heard on the campus since the last Ution datnce onl Friday evening, regarding fle '3-called new fancy dancing as i- terpreted by several Ann Arbor young ladies and ftheir escorts. Some of tfaose in attendance at the dance are of fle opinion that the girls little realized hov ridiculous their ackward,' hohhitog dancing made thems appear. Others see it as a sign of the aB rah elenment, whirls most of thetn may out- grow; while still others think of the disgrace which such dancing is sure to bring sputa the university and the Union in particular. An alumnus, taking work in the sunmmer graduate departmsent, was heard to remark: "I don't believe the girls realized what spectacles they were making of them-1 selves by their jerkb and flounders. They are really more to be pittied than censured." Work on New Store House Begin. The excavation for the newe store' house hfas been begun at the site in ff10 rear of the fonmoeopathic Hospital.1 The building will be erected on the frink of the "cat hole," overlooking' the new power plant. It is to be two stories in height, will be of red brick,' and will have the appearance of a factory building when completed. Thoe store house will stand well back from both Washington and Four- teenth streets, leaving the more de- sirable property near them available for residence purposes. Home'lea Roosm Lot--Waterman self-filling fountain pen. Return to 721 Forest Ave., or call 526-L. 12-1. Have the BEST MUSIC ni your owi homie. The VICTOR VICTROLA furn- shes the best the country affords. The Unicersity Music House, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Carres a complete line of umachines and records. 6-1 Aunto for hire. 107-L. 7-11. Classified Ads., subscriptions taken, atnd copies of the Wolverine sold at Cushings. 6-25. Spend Saturday at Whitmore Lake and dance the evening away at the Lake ose. 30 cents round trip frons Ann Arbor. tf. Sitting beside sweet K. T., Holding her hands was K. C., Then he looked in her I's, But by this time you're Y- U. C. K. C. loved K. T.-thaen they lunched after the dance at Tuttles' 338 . State. Straw Hats of the right kind at the right prices. Allen's Good Clothes Store. Main Street. tf. Misas East, proprietor of the Home Tea ERonm, 100 East Washington, wishes to announce to the summer students and faculty that she is pre- pared to cater to stuall parties, and that she serves lunches and dinners at regular hours. There is no better service in the city. 109 E. Washing- ton. Upstairs. 10-15. T'inker & Company Furnishers and Hatters to University Men 342 South State Street . 11 SERVICE Detroit-Put-in-Bay Sandusky-Cedar Point Daylight Trips to Cleveland $1.25 Stenmer "Put-in-Bny" (New)l, Foor thousaod epassgr cnpacity, Lreset danciogdeck onothe bes, Contossc, Oceoo steamoet chairt, Prioote potlos, Commoodiousdining and olunoh rooms. Fost steel side-whteel steoamer"Frank E. Kirbe." Double daily seroice nows in operatio to Fat-to-Bay aod Cedor Foist-World-faouos bthinog betsbaitonsc roves oodeoaothhotest. Special tripsto Cedor Poitfomoo D ~ EeteoiteverySoodoe doriog Jolyoond Aogost.Dy to Clree lan $30a, .,vi Pu-i-By,$1.25 sebh eaySteaoer E. Kirbe" leavestDetroit daile ot 500t p. n. Rouod toep fase to Pot-inoBoy, 55 cets 00 week doys; Sundays 75 cents. ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE 0.S. Dustia, G. P. A., Detroii o to-QR co s4 One ounce bags 5 cents--convenient for cigarette smokers GRANGER'S Acadenmy of Danrci zig SVMMER. ASSEMBLIES be~Il" FIDAY 0) PNING, IULY 12TI- IKE FISCHERS ORCHESTRA. 50Icetsiper couple. -'.l THE CHARMS OF O;3UR SUMMER SEAS Spend yout vacation ontheGeaot hLaks,the nest econoomical and enoyable outing inAmeica WHERE YOU CAN GO- No ntt etowhat point you wonttto go,use D. &C. LieStoemersortiogo all itmportant parst. Cotsytservice betwenoDetroitand Buffao, Moy lot to Novetobereltt. Cityeof DetroitlIII ad Cite of levelan d IIthelargstaide tabsteaoters iotheold, on th~isdiioioo Jooe I thtolSpteombelt. Daiytservice botweenDtroit and Clevelood An ll15thbtoDeemtberslot.EDoringeJuly aodAugut twoboats ouof Detroitand Cleaelaodevery Sturdayoand Soodaynight. Foue trisweekhisbetweeoToledo, Detroit, MHckbnac setlaod ood waysportt. BailyevisobetwesnTotedoffs loladoondPutia-fir. Stpeial SteamerClerelaod to Hockioac Itland, two triptstaeekly, Juoo h5thbto September 1thstopping onlyat etroit ever' trip and Goder, Oot.,esery t otber trip. SpecialiDay Triptetw een Deroiad Clevelosnd,DuringsJuly andAugust ToesdayWednesa, Thurodayoand Satusday out of Detroit; Mondoy, Wedoet- day, Thursdaoy ond Friday out oh Cleveland. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABRLE:-Ticketteaoding ohs soy roil lins between Deirrtand Buffalo and Detroit and Cloeelad owillbe honored foe transportatioson0. & C. Line Stsoners is either direction. floond 2 seni states fatIllootrated Pataphlet aod Geaot Lobes Hop. Addtoost L. C. Letaio, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. Philip H. MehtitlosFet. A. A. Scaon, Ceo)'lMor. ' Detroit & Cteveland Navigation Compapy The Ann Arbor rFRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuesday and Friday fore- noons for ladies only. The Pool is Fed with Cool Spring Water 725 S. Fillh Ave. Phone 996-2 rings Don'tlet Josh opend it bord-eaned M coiohfor pooresmokeo,tabile rouensoosFatiomo Cigarettes. 20 for Wihec akg fFtm o 15 cet ecureoaandomefelt colegepeo- nan cets 1of tA32-olection of ff0.