THE WOLYSIRINE AIM TO PTM .OTEUTr STATE'S INTERESTS. (Continued from page 1) August 30. Regent Beal will represent the board at the reception. Provision was made for the furn- ishing of the new home for internes at University Hospital. The drinking fountain tendered by the class of 1911 was formally accepted by the board, and will be placed on the campus, probably near the flag pole. Philip E. Bursley was appointed in- structor in French for the next year to take the place of Mr. Plaisance who is absent one leave. Assistant Professor Calvin O. Davis, of the Department of Education, was promoted to Junior Professor. Leave of absence for one year was granted to Theodore Lindquist, in or- der that he might accept for one year the position of professor of mathe- matics at Lombard ,College, Gales- burg, Illinois. The following degrees were grant- ed: Master of Arts, G. B. Corliss, Charles B. Davidson, Fred C. Elmer, Will O. Gibbon, Harry G. Hayes, Elsie L. Knapp, Roy C. Lord, Charles B. Mitchell, Ralph E. Raycraft, George W. Snedecor, Dean Swift Spencer, Fred B. Wahr, and Frank Ernest Work; Master of Science in Forestry, K. C. Baker, Eli M. Brunner, C. P. Cronk, H. F. Lindsay, Charles S. Smith, Raymond J. Smith, Robert C. St. Clair, M. J. Sweeney, Frank A. Wagner, Howard E. West; Bachelor of Science, C. J. Ettinger, H. R. Hart- man, R. W. McGeoch, E. N. Munns, W. F. Ramsdell, J. W. Sherrick, A. P. Sutherland; Bachelor of Arts, George H. Bishop, Newbold Bishop, Mai Byr- on Bourne, Arthur D. DeFoe, Grover C. Grismore, V. R. Hanson, Leo C. Hughes, Charles Killman, A. H. Parks, Mary F. Robinson, Frank L. Stephan, William M. Strachan, W. H. E. Wil- liams, Eva E. Hanks, C. W. McCallun, Grace V. Newbold, W. W. Oliver; Teachers' Diplomas, Newbold Bishop, Eva E. Hanks, Leo C. Hughes, Grace V. Newbold. Classified Ads., subscriptions taken, and copies of the Wolverine sold at Cushings, 6-25. EAS'TERNER PRAISES MICHIGAN CA.PUS. (Continued from page 1) school are completed and several years before it will be finished." Mr. Kebbon has already visited the Universities of Virginia and Pennsyl- vania; and after spending a week, here, he will leave for St. Louis to study Washington'University, and later he will visit the University at Lawrence. ADD 40 ACRES TO FERY FIELD. Aihiletic Association Secirec Ilch .eeded LaandJ The much needed class baseball diamonds and football fields- are made possible by a forty acre addition to Ferry Field. Because of the crowded conditions at Ferry Field, and in an-1 ticipation of the large number of new students who will make use of Ferry Field when the new blanket athletic tax takes effect in October, forty1 acres of land have been purchased di- rectly south of the present Ferry Field. The triangular strip of land north of the Ann Arbor tracks will be put in shape for class football this fall, while the remainder of the tract south of the tracks will not be im- proved for a year at least. This pur- chase makes possible five new tennis courts, which are now being construct- ed south of the old tennis courts on the ground formerly used for foot- ball practice. This forty acre addition, with the thirty-nine already contained in Ferry Field, gives Michigan an athletic field which is one of the largest and best, in the country.- S, C. A. 1UYS SITE FOR PROPOSED NEW CLUBHOUSE. The Students' Christian association yesterday purchased the property atI the southwest corner of State and Washington and will erect thereon a four story building to cost about $150,- 000. The proposed building will con- tain the Y. M. C. A. tclub rooms and dormitories. It is probable that workj on the clubhouse will not be begun this year as the funds for its con- struction have not yet all been raised. THlE WElATMER Showers tonight, and prob- ably Sunday; warmer tonight. OOl.OGISTS NOW IN EAST ON NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSION The party making the annual trip to Niagara Falls, conducted this year by Dr. I. D Scott, of the Geology de- partnent, let tFrilayhafternoso for Detroit, where they took the night boat for Buffalo. Upon arriving in Buffalo they at once preceded to Niagara Falls where today will be spent in sight seeing around the catar- act. Although the trip was primarily to study the rock formation of the Falls, the chief industries using power frock the Falls will be visited, includ- ing the Shredded Wheat Biscuit Co., and the Niagara Electric Co. The par- ty will leave Buffalo Sunday evening and will arrive in Ann Arbor in time for classes Monday morning. This yea rthe party numbered twen- ty-five, while last year thirty-four made the trip. YOU NEED THAT VACATION. A D. & C. Coast Line Trip to Mackin- ac is Most Delightful Now. You see it's like this-you've ham- mered away at your work all season and now you feel thee need of that vacation which you've been denying yourself. The D. & C. Line offers the best transportation facilities to Mack- inac and the north country, where every inch of scenery is interesting and where every little lake contains the fish that bite. Send for the D. & C. pamphlet and take the next steamer. Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co. Detroit, Mich. Spend Saturday at Whitmore Lake and dance the evening away at the Lake House. 30 cents round trip from Ann Arbor. tf. Auto for hire. 1078-L. 7-11. We sell Clothing for men and young men. Allen's Good Clothes Store, Ham Street. ff. Thin Underwear and Hosiery for men at Allen's Good Clothes Store. Main Street. tf. Sitting beside sweet K. T., Holding her hands was K. C., Then he looked in her I's, But by this time you're Y's- U. C. K. C. loved K. T.-then they lunched after the dance at Tuttles', 338 S. State. Straw Hats of the right kind at the right prices. Allen's Good Clothes Store. Main Street. tf. Miss East, proprietor of the ,Home Tea Room, 109 East Washington, wishes .to announce to the summer students and faculty that she is pre- pared to cater to small parties, and that she serves lunches and dinners at regular hours. There is no better service in the city. 109 E. Washing- ton. Upstairs. 10-11. Have the BEST MUSIC ni your own home. The VICTOR VICTROLA furn- ishes the best the country affords. The University Music House, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Carries a complete line of machines and records. 6-11 THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capita .... ............... ......300,000.04 Surplus and Uncivided Profits.. 100,000.00 Resources...... . ...... ,000,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Deposits Your Besiness Solicited Chas. f. Hiscock, Pres. tiebael J. Fritz, OCsh'r W. D. Harriman, Vice- Pres. CearsP. Braun, Ass. sh'r Wm. Walz, AssCsh'r Savings Dep't. Cousins & Hall FLORISTS Corner of So. University and Twelfth Both Phones 115 Tinker &Company Furnishers and Hatters to University Men 342 South State Street ASHTTEAMER Detroit-Put-in -Bay Sandusky-Cedar Point Daylight Trips to Ceveland $.2 Steamer "Put-in-Bay" (New), Four thousand passenger capacity, Lrgest dancing deck on the Lakes, Continuous music, Ocean steamer chairs, Private Parlors, Commodious dining and lunch rooms. Fast steel side-wheel steamer "Frank E. -y Kirby." Double daily service now in operation to Put-in-Bay y0 and Cedar Point--World-famous bathing beaches, historic caves and mammoth hotels. Special trips to Cedar Point from SDetroit every Sunday during July and August. Daily to Cleve. land 8:30 a. i., via Put-in-Bay, $1.25 each way. Steamer F1 i Put-in-Bay" eavesetoitaily t 8:0 a.m. Steamer "rank to Put-in-Bay, 50 cents on week days; Sundays 75 cents. ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE p r ' O. S.Dustin, G.P. A.,Detroit em40' t 5 t' :z O~y, ) GRANGER'S Academy of Dancing SU M MER. AS SEMB LIES beglie FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 12Tli iu w r-vn uc na v g - c - - A - ----- -- -,..... THE CIH AIRMS ,Pu '1U- S UMMER SEAS Spend our 'vacation on t~e Grest Lakes, the most economical and entoable outing in~America WHRE YOU CAN CO No matterto what point you want to o, use D. & C.Lne Steamers operathg to all impor r~t ports. Drily sevice etween Detroit a Bufalo, May Ist to November tst. City of Detroit Il and Cit ofCleveland It ',ete larget side nheeeamers in the world, on tais division June IOth toc ,nSbr 10th, Day service between Detroit and Cleveland Ar-i 15t to December tt.,Dorin'July and Auggst two boats mit ofDetroitand Cleveland e.enryaterdlay and Sunday night. Four trips .ete'y between Toledo ,Detroit, Mackinac Island and way ports. Daily secrvciee etwen Tolo, t levelan,! and Special Seaner Clverid to tacknac eeland, two trips weekly, June 15th to Secteber 11th stoppina only at De roit every trip and Goderich, Ont., every SIeniatiOby Trip botweenDereitanT Cleveland, During July and August TesdayWedn sTnhuhc ay, d Saturday cutoftDetroit; MordayWednes day, Thursoday and 1=rinay notof Cl vet :d, RAILROAD' rCKET3 AVAILABLE:-Tickets reading via any rail line betwen Detro e and Buffalo a d Detroit and Cleveland will be honored for transportation on D. & CLinnSie arners in e'her d ection. Send 2 ce de oI atet tic plltandGr Lakes Map. PhilipH, M}dlan, Pres. AA. Schantz, Ger -1Mgr. Detroit & C .evad ° taign .icn Company The Ann Arbor FRED C WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuesday and Friday fore- noons for ladies only. The Pool s Fed with Cool Spring Water 725 S. Filth Ave. Phone 996-2 rings d