THE WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE ;5o212 Published Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons by the students of the University of Michigan summer session. WITH- Communications will be printed only when signed, although writer's name will be withheld on request. Notices pertaining to university affairs will be printed once gratis. Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Office Hours--2:00 to 4:30 p. m., daily. T RU B y Phones, 960. T R U B Y 'S Subscription Rates-Local, seventy- P L A C E five cents for the summer; mailed to 116 S. Main Bell Phone 166 any address for one dollar. ______._______B_____Ph____1__ Advertising Rates-Furnished upon application to the Business Manager. ALUM NI I Subscriptions taken at Quarry's, Cushing's, and Student Supply Store. If your shoes get out The official newspaper of the Summer of commission let School. John H. Payne, Business Manager. JOHN I1. LAMBERT Phone 762-L. hh Malcolm eCormick-Asst. Mgr. fix them Phone 357. 613 E. WILLIAMS ST. E.. I. Burton, Acting Editor. Reporters. Roscoe Spencer. F. M. Church. Copital. 0i0 ,0 pries 50it000f.00 f tIP. Scott. Maude Edwards. Undivided Profits, $1-3,f000.00 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK C.S. Prycoar K.. C aven. ANN ARBOR, MICH. C. S. Fliedner. Josephine Fellows. Safe BankingandCourteosTreatment of our Earl Crossman. J. P. Thomas. Customers isseeur Watch word 3 per cent interest in our savings department U.ION LAiBC Do you want a position? DD you want a better position? We may have just the place you are looking for. Let us know your wants; Then let us have your application. SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1912. The Cibb Teachers' Agency, 175 Westminster Ave, STAFF MEETING. Detroit, MICH. Inmportagit staff neeting, Monday at 12:30. All members of the staff and DAVIS& .tryouts 1a11st be present. OHL INGER Delieries Robert Morris Gillett. Made The members of The Wolverine staff wish to express to the parents of When our editor their heart felt sympathy in this dark hour. Robert Gillett, while Promised so the midst of his preparation for life's work is taken from us. He was in the perfect bloom of early manhood. With noble ideals and joyous energies 109 of youth, he could well look forward E.Washington to a higher career. But, within a few PRINTING Bell 432. .J days, the voice that all must answer, called; and he is gone. Philosophers find consolation in the thought of early dissolution. It is to H iusto n B ros. "scape as from some savage monster, the tumult arid the shouting, the fever,j The Finest Bil~lard Room in the State and tie strife. Cigars and Candies But better it is to run the race, "We try to treat you right" hero the imniortal garland is to be won, not without dust and heat. And such would have been the choice of Robert Gillett. He was generous and noble. His soul was-filled with sweet- ness and light. We cannot tell why death should take one so young, so full of promise, so loved by all. But it is God's de- cree. The longest life is but a sink- ing wave upon the waste of immeasur- able waters, and the most joyous life a tragedy too deep for tears, if death ends all. Let us not believe that death is an eternal sleep, but rather with the English poet, feel that "Burning through the inmost Veil of Heaven, The Soul of Adronias, like a star, Beckons from the abode where the Eternal are." The Wolverine needs more re- porters. If you have had any previous newspaper experience, or have any desire to get some, call at the editor- ial office, Press Building, Monday at 12:30, and get an assignment. Both men and women are eligible. OBSERVATORY OPEN NEXT MONDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHT. The Astronomical Observatory will be open to visiters on Monday and Tuesday evenings at 8 p. m. All who cars to take a "peep" at the moon through the big twelve-inchrefract- ing telescope, are given this oppor- tunity of doing so. Tickets may be obtained at the office of the Secretary of the summer session between the hours of 2 and 4, upon presentation of the treasurer's receipt. Those ex- pecting to attend are urged to ob- tain their tickets early, as last year a number were disappointed, in not being able to secure them. Death of Judge H. M. Owen, '81, L '83. Judge Horace M. Oren, '81, law '83, died at the Battle Creek sanitarium, Thursday night, of an affection of the heart. Judge Oren served as attorney- general of Michigan from 1899 to 1902, and at the time of his death was judge of the eleventh judicial circuit. Union Gives Successful Party. About sixty couples attended the Union garden party and dance last evening. These occasions seem to be becoming more and more popular with the summer students. MOTION PICTURES EXTRA Temple Theatre SPECIAL FEATURES Tuesday, July 23 Comingoft Columbus THREE REEL FEATURE Afternoon and Evening Admission - - - 5 cents to all TEMPLE THEATRE MAIN STREET Between Williams & Liberty UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Maynard St. Albert A. Stanley, Director Summer Session Eight Weeks All Branches Full Semester will begin September ..30 Artist Teachers : Send for ilustrated catalog Charles A. Sink, Seo. The place we all go to when in Detroit Popular priced dining room LIBRARY PARK HOTEL A. E. Hamilton, Mngr. European Plan 75c to $2.00 per day Cratiot Ave. and Library Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Big Reduction on Hammocks -and- Hose Come in and get our prices H. L. Sitzer Co. Hardwae and Sporing.Goeds 3105S. State St.. Text Books FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Great quantities of Second- Hand Bcoks at prices that will save money. Engilleers' Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. WA HR'S University Bookstore Universal Dry & Steam Cleaning Works In a new Fire Proof Bldg. and with the latestModern Machin- ery. We are in a position to do all all kinds of cleaning: As ladies fancy dresses, suits, shirt waists, slippers, gloves, etc. Also gentle- 'mono clothing of all kinds. All work guaranteed. We call for and deliver. T. E. Wahl, Mngr. Bell Phone 877 1119 Packard St. The Kempf Music Studios Plans P pe O.-gw.m V-a - Cvtar- 3102 S.nivision St. Phosne us7s J FULLER & O'CONNOR Steam and French Dry Cleaners 610 E. William St. Suits Pressed 250 Trousers' 1Oc the GAN ALVMNUS Subscribe now and become a oneniber thereby of The University of Michigan Alumni Associtlonm Some facts QL The Alumnus is the largest college monthly in the country. Q It contains the latest news about the University, and editorial conr mesit on important events. Q It contains personal items concerning members ofl; our class every month. A volume of the Alumnus contains the history of the University for the year. Q It publishes a series of well chosen pictures e ery month. $1.50 year This Way, You Summer Students-- Come around for a LUNCH that is a LUNCH Conrof Monroean BANCRKu FT'S ln h ThyrStreetsan A Full Line of Tobaceo and Cigarettes High Grade Confections and Fruit FNU RAVI NU! Programs, Invitations, Calling Cards, etc., en- graved for you quickly and correctly. We have the leading brands of social Stationery and will save you money on pound lots or more. We'll gladly send you samples of paper and type faces. Write-or stop in and see us when in Detroit. GREGORY, MAYER & THOM co. Printers-Stationers-Office Outfitters-Engravers- Embossers. WOODWARD & CONGRESS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Citizens at Ann Arbor-Students of the U. ofM. Now Coses the SUGAR BOWL in the city o Ass Arbor sf 109 Slats St. and alleges that the saidi SUGAR BOWL is ready, able and willingto i serve better cream and sweeter cane ies with prompter service than any other similar confectionary in this city. And this they are wining to leave to the country. Phone 967 He WILD CO* 311 S. STATE STREET Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ens in the city. Satisfaction guar- anteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMMER STYLES a specialty Established 1888: All work made in this cty. Ge H. TWILD CO 311 S. STATE STREET low SPRUNKS i ENGRAVERtU - feff 3 'The 'Gar oyle ' AlN-ARBOR ;s PRE1SS ALL COLLEGE WORK Flail uslhei Order JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT MIC". N