At Your.Door Three Fifteen Hundred Sum-
Evenings a Week, 75c mer Session Student
Regents Forbid Faculty to Engage in
Work Antagonistic to
Public Welfare
"Resolved, That no person employed
by the university shall hereafter take
any private employment which would
place such person in a position, ad-
verse or antagonistic to the interests
of the state of Michigan."
This resolution adopted by the
Board of Regents at its meeting
Thursday prohibits any member of the
faculty from being employed by
any private corporation in such a
manner that he might be called upon
in case of a suit between the state and
that corporation to give expert testi-
Attorney Thomas Kearney, repre-
senting a number of citizens who re-
side near the proposed site of the nw
power house, presented a petition rel-
ative to it. There were 160
signers to the petition, which was a
protest against the proposed location
of the building in the "cat hole."
The building and grounds committee
was authorized to proceed with the
construction of a fire protection sys-
tem not to exceed $35,000 in cost. A
big main will run around the campus
and will be connected with the pump
in the new Engineering building,
which in case of fire, will pump :from
the naval tank, at a pressure twice
as great as the city pressure. It is
estimated that with the city pressure
replacing the water in the naval tank,
there will be enough water to throw
streams for four hours.,
Leave of absence was granted to
Professors Sadler and Bragg of the
Marie Engineoing depa tosent for
two months each, in order that they
may teach in the post graduate school
at the U. S. Naval Academy at An-
napolis, giving courses in marine en-
The board accepted the resignation
of Profesor A. -E Grene, If the
Civil Engineering department,
Dr. Udo J. Wile was appointed clin-
ical professor of dermatology and
syphilology to succeed Dr. Wm. F.
Breakey, who recently resigned after
serving 50 years. Dr. Wie tile a
young man, has already contributed
greatly to medical literature and. was
unanimously recomended by th
medical ficulty for this position. Dr.
Wile is a graduatet of the literary de-
partment of Columbia and-the medical
department of Johns Hopkins.
The combined six year course in
Engineering and Architecture was
abolis ed. It will not, hpwever, af-
fect students it present .enrolled in
this course. The question of the-adop-
tion of the new courses in Civil Engi-
neering outlined by Prof. Riggs was
referred to the executive committee
for approval.
The board received through the
Japan society of New York, a gift of
$100 from Mr: Lindsay Russell tobe
offered as a prize for an essay or ora-
tion on some subject connected with
the history, character, or people of
To aid Dean Guthe in the admin-
istration of the graduate school; the
following executive board was named:
Professors H. C. Adams, F. N. Scott,
R. H. Wenley, Moses Gomberg, and
Deans M. E. Cooley, V. C. Vaughan,
and H. M. Bates. The term of service
is to be seven years, one member
term to expire ach year. Dean Guth
wasauthorized t-'visit gaduate
schools of other universities tostudy
their methods.
The board appropriated $100 to be,
used for the entertainment of visit-
ing Chinese students atthe convention
of Chinese students to be held here
Continued on page 4)
Professors Wenley And Hidner Dis-
cuss Fundamental Con-
"All religion is man's effort to come
into relation with a Being as. perfect
as he is imperfect, as holy as he is
unholy," said Professor R. M. Wenley,
in his lecture on "Christi nity-The
Way In," last evening. "Religion is
not a fact, but the fact-the moxt fun-.
damental fact in all hman life. Any
one who denies this, indulges in folly
or self-deception. Be it Pagan -or
Christian, the -fundamental eiements
of all religion, are the same- and it is
our problem to find these fundam ital
elements by striking at the roots of
the question"
Accordig to - Professor Wenley,
there are four fundamental vorms of1
Christianity, If we can find these we
have found "the way in." They .are,
1, The fact of the fragmentariness of
human life; 2, The fact of mediation;
3, The fact of sonship; 4, The perfor-
mance of mediation in, and through
Christ, The facts .of mediation and
sonship are the most tremendous con-
ceptions of Christianity.
In and through them are we able
to overcomie the fragmentainess of
our lives, and enter into relationships
with the Supreme Being, thus answer-t
ing the question of St. Paul, "Know ye
not that ye are the temple--of God
and the spirit of God dwelleth in you?"k
"If not in human nature, there is not
other place where we can find an an-
swer to- this queston," said Prof.
"The nineteenth century, with itss
vast accumulation of knowledge its
rise of scepticism, criticism, and un-
beiief, we are just beginning to seeI
in its proper perspective. During the
laet hundred years, man has applied
his transformed viewr of a changing
physical universe to the unchanging
fact underlyingaill religionmd here-J
in- lies the basis for the odern mis-
taken attitude ow d ejigi.n es-s
peccially Chsisiamit. - - -
Prof. Wenleya lecture was the last
of a svries of three, Prof. Q. E. the's
"Materiahsm-The Way , -it," andt
Prof. J A. C. Hilder's "Agnosticism
-The Way Out,"being the other two.a
Prof Hildner delivered his lecturef
Thursday in Sarah Caswell Angellc
Hal io e ' s'ence of Prof Hildner's.
talk may e summed up in the follow-
ing quotation "I say that the way out
is a new man, and a new God or a
new God and' a new man.I care not1
foryourGodaOfcesice I care not1
for your God of philosophy- I claim
the right to reverence and adore a
God of humanity. Neither life nor
hell, nor the doctrine of the unknow-
able shail seprate me from the con-c
virtion- tat Iwalk through this lifee
under th protectio of s =Father'sI
eternal care. I want a God who loved
men as Jesus loved them-a God whos
loves human life above everythingr
else, a God who makes human life, andv
character divine."e
Prof. Sadler Take YaVetion Trip.r
Herbert C. Sadler, Professor ofs
Marine engineering and Naval Archi-F
tecture, left yesterday foran indefinite
stay in Indianapolis whence he will0
go later to Washington. The objectr
of the trip is- an inspection of the en-a
gineering schools there as to a prepar-r
ation for his contemplated courses tol
be given in the graduate schfool of the
U. S. Naval Academy this fall.
Robert Morris Gillett, managing
editor of The Wolverine, and one
of the most active members of the
student body, passed away at 4:30
this morning at the university
hospital, after a two weeks' siege
of -peritouitis, Physicians have
been in constant attendance ever
since he was taken ill, and refused
to give him up until the end had
come. All that human skill and
modern science could do for him
was done.
Finds Engineering Building, Gyms,
and Ferry Field U'nexcelled
That Michigan is a well planned
university is evidenced by the fact
that the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology of Boston has sent a rep-
resentative here to study the campus.
"I think your campus is the most
attractive I have ever seen-more so
than Harvard's famous campus,"
said Harold Eric Kebbon, who is visit-
ing Michigan. "Your engineering
building is most attractive; its posi-
tion on the corner is very unique.
Michigan stands high in the East, but
if you were better known, you would
stand higher. You certainly have a
school to be proud of. I have appre-
ciated very much the kind treatment
accorded me by President Hutchins,
Dean Cooley, Professor Sadler, Mr.
Smith and Mr. Loos.
"Within the past year, Massachu-
setts Tech has received gifts aggregat-
ing $6,000,000 and we are making
plans for the rebuilding of the school
on a new site. Graduates are being
sent to all the best known universi-
ties-in -this country and members of
our faculty -are in Europe to learn
how to solve to the great advantage
the many varied and complex prob-
lems thus presented. Photographs
and sketches are made and notes and
actual measurements taken of any in-
formation that may have any bearing
on the problems. All unusual features
are eagerly noted.
"A particular study is made of the
layout of -buildings; the co-relation of
buildings; best types of lecture rooms,
chairs, and position and projection of
light on screens; best types of draw-
ing tables; new features of hoods used
in' chemical laboratories; heating and
ventilating of all buildings and lab-
oratories and class rooms and the
cost of buildings per cubic foot and
per student.
'The importance of proper provi-
sion for physical exercise and social
relations is also recognized. Student
welfare is a bigger problem in higher
education now than ever before. Your
gymnasiums and athletic field are
splendid. The Michigan Union is
rather unique among universities and
something similar will doubtless be
provided for in our new plans.
"The new "Institute is to cost $10,-
000,000. The new site which has al-
ready been purchased consists of 100
acres, facing the Charles River, di-
rectly across from Boston and is one-
half mile from the present location.
It will be a year before plans for this
Continued on page 4)
Gov Chase S. Osborne Will De-
liver the Welcome
Arrangements are being completed
for the big mid-west convention of
the Chinese Students' Alliance of the
United States.
The convention will open August 30,
at 8 p. m. with a welcome address by
Gov. Chase S. Osborne. After the wel-
come address a reception will be given
by the university. President Emeritus
Angell has promised a talk. Dr. An-
gell- was a former minister to China
and is greatly beloved by the Chinese
The program is as follows.
Friday, Aug. 30, 8:00 p. in., address,
Governor Osborn.
Saturday, Aug. 31, 9:00 a. in., busi-
ness session.
11:00 a. in., platform address.
1:00-3:00 p. in., tennis preliminaries.
3:00-6:00 p. in., target shooting con-
8:00 p. in., English debate.
Sunday, Sept. 1, 9:00 a. in., religious
1:00 p. in., excursion and picnic.
8:00 p. in., religious exercises or
Monday, Sept. 2 (Labor day), 9:00 a.
in., business session.
10:00-12:00 a. in., Chinese debate.
1:00-2:00 p. in., tennis preliminaries.
2:00-6:00 p. in., track meet.
8:00 p. m., interclub night entertain-
Tuesday, Sept. 3, 9:00-10:00 a. in.,
business session.
10:00-12:00 a. in., Chinese orator-
ical contest.
1:00-3:00 p. in., tennis.
3:00-6:00 p. in., baseball.
6:00 p. in., English oratorical con-
Wednesday, Sept. 4 (Celebration
day), a. in., platform address.
1:00-3:00 p. in., parade. (?)
3:00-6:00 p. in., association football.
8:00 p. in., entertainment with pro-
Thursday, Sept. 5, 9:00 a. in., busi-
oess session.
11:00 a. in., platform address
2:00-6:00 p. in., bazaar.
7:00 p. in., banquet.
Friday, Sept. 6, 9:00 a. in., business
session, election of officers.
11:00-12:00 a. m., platform address.
2:00-6:00 p. in., tennis final.
6:00 p. in., closing session, awarding
of prizes.
Saturday, Sept. 7, breakfast.
The Chinese Students Alliance of the
United States is divided into three
sections, the eastern, comprising the
territory east of the Allegheny, the
mid-west, from the Allegheny to the
Rockies, and the west from the Rock-
ies to the Pacific. The alliance has
about 800 members. The eastern sec-
tion is the largest, although there is
at present a drifting toward the mid-
dle west. This section has about 250
members. Last year the conference
met at Madison, Wisconsin, and 108
were present. It is expected that at
least 175 will be in attendance here.
At present there are 60 students in
summer school.
Mr. T. T. Waong, of Washington, D.
C., Chinese student director, will de-
liver one of the addresses at the con-
Mr. C. Y. Chiu, of Indiana, is presi-
dent of the alliance. Mr. Yiung-Yueh
is the secretary for the wid-west con-
ference. Mr. C. P. Wang, of Ann Ar-
bor, is corresponding secretary for the
Michigan club.
Was Actively Engaged in Many Kinds
of Work While at Uni-
Robert M. Gillett, who died this
morning after two weeks' illness, was
one of the most prominent and active
figures on the campus during the past
three years. The results of his al-
most herculean energy were felt in a
great diversity of fields, including
campus journalism, dramatics, socie-
ties, and the Michigan Union,
Gillett matriculated in the univer-
sity in the fall of 1909 at the age of
18, after graduating from the Bay City
igh school. He attended three years
and one summer session of the uni-
versity. The year just passed he was
enrolled in the law department, while
his previous work was wholly under
the literary faculty. It was his am-
bition to complete the work for an
A.B. and LL.B. in five years.
For two years Gillett served as re-
porter and night editor on The Mich-
igan Daily. Last summer he was an
editor of The Wolverine and this
spring was elected managing editor
by the Board in Control of Student
Publications. He was one of the best
newspaper men on the campus, not
only holding, but putting into practice
the highest ideals for clean, honest,
and virile journalism. The sheets that
he edited, and the news stories that he
wrote, were characterized by careful,
painstaking attention to details. He
was recognized as one of the most
valuable men on the Daily staff last
year, and generally received the big
He began to lay plans for the sum-
mer's work on The Wolverine over
two months ago, and had things well
organized when the summer session
opened. Several men on whom he
had counted to make the paper a suc-
cess changed their plans, and at the
last moment decided not to attend the
summer session. The first work
thus fell almost wholly on Gillett's
shoulders, forcing him to work several
nights consecutively. The strain was
too much for his constitution, which
had been overburdened for several
months. He became the victim of the
throat trouble, of which there have
been so many cases this year, and it
soon developed into peritonitis. His
was a lingering illness, and when his
vitality gave out, he died.
His influence was strongly felt in
the affairs of the Union, where he was
a member of many committees. He
was a member of the Psi Upsilon fra-
ternity, of Sigma Delta Chi, the na-
tional journalistic fraternity, and of
the Griffins, Sphinx, and Woolsack.
He was a member also of Le Cercle
Francais, and participated in its dra-
matic performances.
Gillett's scholastic record was al-
ways of the highest. Dean Bates said
this morning, "Robert Gillett was re-
garded as one of the most promising
men in his class, and had one of the
most pleasing personalities."tSecre-
tary Goddard, who knew Gillett well,
said of him, "He was one of the very
best men in the class. There were
few as good, and none better."
The body will be taken this after-
noon to Bay City, where the funeral
wvii probably be held Monday after-
To Summer at Walloon Lake.
Professor and Mrs. W 0.,Stoner,
who were married shortly after com-
mencement, are spending their vaca-
tion at Walloon Lake, a summer re-
sort near Charlevoix. Professor Ston-
er will return to Ann Arbor before
August first for the second term of
the summer session.
I Sunday, -10:30 a. m. Address by
Students in attendance at the summer session of the University are cordially invited