THE WOLVOJRINE TIDE WEATHER Generally fair tonight and Friday;, cooler in north portion tonight. Spend Saturday at Whitmore Lake and dance the evening away at the Lake House. 30 cents round trip from Ann Arbor. tf. Classified Ads., subscriptions taken, and copies of the Wolverine sold at Cushings. 6-25. Auto for hire. 1078-L. 7-11. We sell Clothing for men and young men. Allen's Good Clothes Store, Main Street. tf. Thin Underwear and Hosiery for men at Allen's Good Clothes Store. Main Street. tf. Sitting beside sweet K. T., Holding her hands was K. C., Then he looked in her I's, But by this time you're Y's- U. C. K. C. loved K. T.-then they lunched after the dance at Tuttles', 338 S. State. GRANOER'S Academy of Danci nj s[V3 M ER. ASSEMBLIES bedien FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 12TH IKE FESCKERS ORCHESTRA. SOcentspereoupw. Overstock Sale of Men's Oxfords at "PURFIELD'S" For TWO WEEKS ONLY Sale begins Sat., July 13 Sale ends Sat., July 27 Come and see our prices-and rememb- er the reputation we have for quality. If you knew, as we know, that shoes will never be so cheap again, as they have been (or as good at the same prices) you would buy several pairs at these prices. We re-sole " URFIELD'S" Fine line of rubber-soled lHosiery for oxfords 1119 S. Main Street men & women CALENDAR. July 18-Lecture-The Geology of Niagara Falls (illustrated). Dr. I. D. Scott. 5 p. m. Address-Agnosticism - The Way Out. Prof. J. A. C. Hildner. (Un- der auspices of Ann Arbor Federa- tion of Religious Workers). Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. 8 p. m. July 19-Excursion - To Niagara Falls. Under direction of Dr. I. D. Scott. Lecture-Christianity-The Way In. Prof. R. M. Wenley. (Under aus- pices of Ann Arbor Federation of Religious Workers). Sarah Angell Caswell Hall. 8 p. m. Garden party and dance-8:30 p. m. Michigan Union. SPECIFIC TRAINING EMPHASIZED. Poplar Demand for Many Courses is.Made. That the old idea of one course and a general training is being super- seded by the new idea of many cours- es and specific training, especially along vocational lines, was em- phasized by Prof. F. S. Breed yester- day afternoon in his lecture, "To What Extent has Training General Value?" Popular demand is more responsible for this changeathan are college pro- fessors. As an example of this change, Prof. Breed mentioned the Polytechnic High School of Los Angeles, which now offers twenty-two course in its curriculum. In concluding, Prof. Breed offered the following to show what kind of subjects should be included in the new courses: "Teach no subject for its disciplinary value alone; teach every subject so as to get all the disciplin- ary value there is in it; select sub- jects for the curriculum primarily on the basis of their content, or intrinsic value." Miss East, proprietor of the Home Tea Room, 109 East Washington, wishes to announce to the summer students and faculty that she is pre- pared to cater to small parties, and that she serves lunches and dinners at regular hours. There is no better service in the city. 109 E. Washing- ton. Upstairs. 10-15. Have the BEST MUSIC ni your own tome. The VICTOR VICTROLA furn- ishes the best the country affords. The University Music House, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Carries a complete line of machines and records. 6-11 Found-A bunch of keys. Same may be had by calling at The Wolverine Office and paying for this space. I I JULY '~CLEARANCE SALE OF Bags Suit Cases 20% OFF ON ALL BACCACE Students who need new baggage will save by selecting now from the largest line of high quality baggage in Washtenaw County. The fol lowing will indicate the sale values: $3.85 to $18 Leather Suit Cases . . $3.08 to $14.40 $1.50 to $3 Matting "< "t .. $1.20 to $ 2.40 $5.50 to $18 Steamer Trunks . . . $4.40 to $14.00 $4.50 to $40 Trunks . . . . . . . $3.60 to $32.00 HAND BAGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 20 PER CENT OFF Tinker & Company Furnishers and Hatters to University Men 342 South State Street Estabished MACK &CO. THE COAST LINE Main Street THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital... ...... ... .. ....$300,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits.. 100,000.00 RIesources...... . ........... ....3,000,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Deposits Your Business Solicited Chas. . Hiscock, Pres. Michael J. Fritz, Ush'r W. D. Harriman, Vice Pres. Carl F. Braun, Ass. sh'r v. Walz, AssCsh'r Savings Dep't. Cousins & Hall FLORISTS Corner of So. University and Twelfth Both Phones 115 MOTION PICTURES EXTRA Temple Theatre SPECIAL FEATURES Tuesday, July 23 Coming of Columbus THREE REEL FEATURE Afternoon and Evening Admission - - - 5 cents to all TEMPLE THEATRE MAIN STREET Between Williams & Liberty _ i I' I S r f I THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER SEAS Spend your vacation on the Great Lirakes, the most ecnnmical andEenjoyableutinginAmeinca WHERE YOU CAN GO No ttr to what point youwant to go, use D. & 5C. LineSteamers operating to nil inmportant pnorts. Daily nervice hetween Detrnit nnd Bufflo~, May itt to Novetmber lat. City of DetroitilIIandCitnof ClevelndIIithelargetide wheelsteame rsninthe wCld, on this division June 10th to September 10th. Daily service between Detroit and ClevelandApr;l 15th to December 1t. During July and August two boats out of Detroitand Cleveland every Saturday andSunday night. Fu trip suuhly bet ue n Toledon, Denit, MacinanyIsland and way ports. Daily turvicuhbeturn Tnledn, t levuland and Pat-in-Bay. Speinl Stuamnr Creveland to Machinac Itland, twrtrips weeuly,d Jae 15th In Suptuenher 10th stnppingonly at Detrnit evry trip and Gndurich, Oat., evry nthuu trip. SecialDay Trip sbetween Detraitand Cleveland, DuringJuly and August Tunsday, Wudnesday, Thursday nnd Saturday nutnofDetrnit; MordayWednes- day, ThursdayandFriday out of Cleveland. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE:-Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit and Buffalo and Detroit and Cleveland will be honored for tranaportatinan D. & C. LineSteamturs in either dirnction. Sundaucentsamp rrillustrated Pamphlet and Gret Lakes Map. Addrss: L.C. Lewis, GC. P. A., Detrnit, Mich. Philip H. McMillan, Prt. A. A. hantz, Gen'l Mgr. Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company The Ann Arbor Pool FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuesday and Friday fore- noons for ladies only. The Pool is Fed with Cool Spring Water 725 S. Fitlh Ave. Phone 996-2 rings 1 i