THE WOLVERINE '-,_''a., .. 7 i { U era '' . WHITE STAR LINE WfA~tRET, DETROIT° For a Delightful. all Dlay Outing ons the beautifual St. Clair i take th ste eal'o"anyorng 8:o, Sndays qes. F r taig ssame day: tfot Huon s ease; tlastas o TtsnoaaPa so enats;or 'Tolaeala adrturn's teamser"Owonas"loases eoti everyssweekday 8:15ass.,stvrry Sunday 830a.m.,srtusto ssssit 7:15 p.s.; fareSt t tys soc, weekladays $1.00. For an Afternoon Ride tos St. Clair FltsT'a hnstasParak orr Huraonts way prtstake thae"City o o'taledoat $ tu'H T -:JUNCTION OF DETROIT A CATHERINE STS. & FOURTH AVE. Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152 White Our water softening plant cot us $2,000. It costs you noth- ing extra to Iave all lhe advantage of laundry work done in water sot as rain water instead of distrucl'ive acids anti bleaches. The fittest lingerie waists and desses will conte back to you like new. Collars attd Cuffs like snoaw. 'Try your dtds itt our stds and be convinced. Mark your package "White Swan" and call our wagotn. No extra charge for call or delivery. WHITIE SWAN LAUNDRY The Od 4 OaLen Bucket .klp filled to the briin with cold, a 'Fa :a hi~s' clear purity-no such water {Hu nowalays. Bring back the old ~e' ~ //~adays sith a lass of. t makes ae think of everytaiathta's tur and awhole- 1kK7 some andl deliebtati. lBriglt s-arklitg, temig with ., palate joy-it's yer soda oss in ad akes bucket. Whnve Free Or naess bakh2,teng at Ca cat Whnvr atidtaaaatc.tsaaa;a,torth askig. 5t.t yon see an DtaadtteCen+as adeaoya Arrow think THIE COCA. COLA CO. tat7 Of Coca-Cola. ALANTGA. THE NEW CATALOCUE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF. MICHISAN - is now ready Completeinfrmation ocerning seven departments : Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, . Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Gradluate School and the Summer Sesslon . Special courses 'In Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landcpe Desig, Hiter Commercial dcation including Railway Adninstratin sd Insurance, Architectre, Conseratin ngineering, Petaggy (affiliated withAn Aror High Schol etc Obseratin Study), and a new curse tr those preparing tr the scientific adminitratin at departments at sanitation Ott pbic heth. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announce- ment or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR L ak, ccoi r r k t SCOTT TOrHHLECTIUtR )'oN Nth A.A 'lwsety-fotur EHave SigedsforT 'rips Fridasy.4 The leecture by tDr. t. ft. Scott to- morrows afternsoont will be givess frost a gaeologicalsl tatndpoint, though ts iwill' nto neessatrily lie asill take asp the geotogiecal featuares of thse Falls andatGorge, extensdintg to Lewsistotn, tryting to explain thsems and1 U. OFN also correlate thsata withth le Ores) Lakes System oust its Chsanges," said- - Dr. Scott. Thse susbject of theaesge of Polhi lie nseighborintg formaatiosn, also tthe futture of tthe Fatis fr'omtsatmasterialaTaib standpintt wilt be treated. Tsventy-fousr persons have al- ready signed for thse trip to Niagara 207 N.1 Falls, Friday. Inftoroaation anod res- ervatiosaen be obtainesd from Dr. fl ,w Seott ttt thse Musseusms, frost 9 to 12 a usI. Thsose expectinsg to attend ire srged to miake thteir resrvations as soon its possible. E .. 1L addtt'085E, reaechinig Here. Osse of te praactictal commaercital ti- gineers swho have been secsuredl to teachs in the enginteerintg depatrtmaett thsis summter is A. L. Latdd, '08E. Htis tesachinag couses in hydraulics ad entginteeritng muehanics. Sitte tis gratduationt, Mr. Laddt has beets eoploy- sd tby the Great Northern Rtailsay as tiesadlocatintg enagineer tort'hle rest- pony. Whtile in collegs Mr. Latdd showed excepttiosnal absility, tseing electedt to Sigoma Xi. M. AND HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY, Pail 0. Tessmner, Prop, Phonme 656 emus Transfer Line wt tl i sWa >'s ' ItX shs all.ttt' Stark & Richie Props. lt, State Savings iBank andI AtutottbiletSrce.Bue, AN RORMIH HackstandssBaggage Canoes Delivered .Capital Stock - ,000.00 matnc St. phoneo as Sanplus and Prntits M c.$1'000,00 .shoe Sale K "r v t li 302 S. STATE DIELIGHTFULLY C'OOL T.0 Nf-CH T P hotolays, D e'Lux e "CEO. 0 BECKER Shooal oftt . HttoldessConet'. \ ' ' a iTENOfii Thse fsaculty of the Settool of Mtusie ; P R 0OF. F A R R held a recital in ttse high schsool sahd- t - ORGANIST toriuna Tuesdasy evening. Tile arc- C T A 'gr.m ossas atmsong thse tinsest aver renad- J C TR ~ red, the cork of :Mrs. tteed, Miss PIANIST Johtnson attdt Mr. Albert Lockwood do- . a _________________ sereinsg speriul meotion. Another recitl is beingk planned for You save smoney by g 'tting yousr shoes New show every day ausgust it.'sst Frost's Shoe Store all New GoudsI_____________ at Reduced Prices. . Best Seats 5 & l0Ic Btreatk (Grondtiftos' Heattintg 'rIsiel. Tenants Goods of All Styles: ___________________ Grotundt sas broken yesiterday be-______________________________________ tween tthe lass'building ansdte psych olSumerHomelinAnn Arbor olgctlaboratories for thse he atn tunsnel whiech will suppty the new 1:ill on Bluffs overlooking Huron River assditoriuns. The tuntnel still be eigtht Secluded, quiet and within walking distance of the University. Lots cheap as anywhere. Wotods and feat wide at tse base, and its cotnstrue- hosting, tto. Inquire JAMtS H. MccDONALD. Fond tide, Detroit He will tell you how ta walk sat and finn is in cttarge of Sntt of Grouds tee them. ,. . sod Bunildings Starks. 1_ .1 I Wsrk oisAuHtditeoriumte Progresses. 'The swork on tise Hill atMenmorial Atuditorium is progressinsg aecording to schsedule.atnuch of the stonse ssork for ttse frotnt entrancle is now in place. antd the brietk is being pushed as rap- .dty as tossibte. lPUBLnISal MANUAl ITO ASSIS WORIKERIS i IN TEIAI l LBtARtY A tousvenir library panaphtet has been isoned recently for the goidance of the library staff and student assist- ants, and for soch msemabers of ttse university as comne in contact swith the library its an offieial capaeity. The turtpose of the nsanual is to pronmote the developnaent of a stronger "esprit do rorps" among the younger assist- asnts; and to arouse them to a keener interest in performing their stork effi- cienstly, tthis being deemed invaluable tot a library as large as that of the unsiversity. UNIVERSITY PHARMACY GouldingA e t epttsne us BslOttla41 ti79lt alst p a121a S. Unionrsity Avt. We deliver tee cream every day in tee Orerm Sodas 5amier oteol Susppties the wleek trdoatos, Iteiltot atps k foilet ArsialesI Prescriptionss onr specitalty We tnsite on stsyn KOj( FILMS, PAPER AND FINISHINGS-,AT C L N 'rSA~tEST. KEEP" COOL in our comfcrtsble anal eay-tittisn git- wei'ghtt gtarments thalt we asltrleayand eam- pain sain styleadfit. lsrtho yoattgor sat, assates's' , ito.imaparted biy an artful duss ot Netw Yarhtkistss h(sse natalndtttore. Farte aanatfsbor taste, soiplicity with- cut severitytfashion withoutt toeakishnss. Ou afutstsme"tartaomest sato dtir pesrfectly.. Ouo faboricstlokwell and woar One pieces are easy ©f, rtieh J. KARL' JMALCOLM, 6H4 East Liberty Sit. a Ilk r .. LYNDON, PH OTOGRAPH FR Ann Arhor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies I make a specialty of Developing, Printing anot Enlargintg for Ansateurs-by modern muethiods. This baa beets my business for eight years and it isas intcreasedl every day--only results will do this and so whetnever you want anything phuotographic look for t he sign of the kodak-- that's where things move. LYN I)ON 1 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, 10e-,per _day R ._