THE WoL~vpIfiNE Utim fer 11r1.'1078-4. 7-11. - no, THE WEATHER II CA1LENDAR. Ilathss e sBEST' MUSItC ni your ouwnI Fair tonight a1n(1 warmor; ashes th( best the country affordo. The! July 17-Lecture-To What Extent Wednesday warmer. tUniversity tMusic House, Press Build- bas Training General Value? Prof. inlo, itlaGusrd St., Conries a complete P. S. flreed. 5 p. m. TEACHERIS-RE, IN IT lineof imachines undt recordo. 6-11 Jlte1ItLecture-The Geology of By learning to operate the typewriter Niaigara Falls (illustratedl). Dr. I. correctly and rapidly. Fisl coursi' on- It). Scott. 5 p. us. ly $5.00. W (1Colii frne nlyug Addresos-Agnosticism - The Way School of Sbtortbands, mn.n Attien's Gooit Clothes Store, Out. Prof. .J. A. C. Hildnier. (Un- 5-8. 755 N. Uole. Ase.,1MainiiStreet. tr. der aiuspiices of Ann Arbor Federa- _____.______________- tloss otReligious" Workers). Sarah Classified Auto., stubscriptionis tahuis, ThisnIUndirwe'aucasd Ittisery for Caswell Angell KlaliS p. m. and espies of thse Wolverine solidit iieii at Allen'sCooid Clothes Store. July tt-ttxcursion- To Niagara Cushings. 6-2i. flins Sireet..If. VFslts. PUder directions of Dr. I. D. Scott. Tinker &Company Furnishers and Hatters to University Men 342 South State Street JUNCTION OF DETROIT & CATHERINE STS. & FOURTH AVE. i I GRANGER'S Acade y' ofDaricira' SUM MER. AS SE I LtIES bf ? tFRIDY. 5 ti P i.k, .11 tx 12'rus IKE FISCHRS ORCHESTRA. 50cetsper couple. Overstock Sale of . en's -xfords For TWO WEEKS 0NLY Sale ends Sat., July 27 Come and see our prices-and rememb- or the reputation we have for quality. If you knew, as we knowv, that sisoes will never 1)0 so cheap again, as they hsave been (or as good at the same prices) yool wolid bty sevtral pairs at these prices. We re-sole 16DUD ELD S Fine line of rubber-soled ~FED Hosiery for oxfords 119 S. Main Street men & women ® Lecture-Christianity-The Wy In. SProf. R. .M. Wenley. (Usnder ass- liltes of Aois Arbor Fedration o Religo us Workers). Srats Agell Cswell flall. 8 p.i. --('H liTl1l't' SCIENTISTS - T EECt(T NEW EDI)FICE TtieCristais Scietce society of Ann Arbor, is erecting a new chrch build- iso to cost ini ihe ineighorhsstoc $2),000uoni its tproperty on South Dvi- sions street, near Williams street. Te buitiding is ts be constructed of con criet, and witt resemble at Greek teistle. It swill be a duplicate of the Second Chrh of Christ, Scientist, iso Detroit, on a reduced scale, and sill be in masiny rstects se of the trot ticst curches isfle city. Tic aiuditoriumo Iroper will seat t35t Iersons, andl 50 more can be ac- commiodsated by throwing open the haltts. The pess will all e of na- iogsoss. The auditoriumo will costais an organ, costing about $,50, whicto wil have twoea otures inew to Ann Arbor. One is a ell attachment, and Ibe other is a "sox tumnaa." 'dhscSunsdsy school room swil e in tiehasesmsest sd will hold 100 people comsfortsaly. The membsers expect to shave fle use ot the bssement sout Nosvemuer 4. Music School Enrolment Fifty-one. d.shesiurollunt of fle summer so- sioss of the School of Music numbers fifty-one, assiscrease of seven over lsst year's enrollment. At. 1RIEBISTOCK, '05 E, 1DIES IN lBUFFcALO)HOSPITAL Arthur Mt. Rebstock, '05.P;, died in Busffalo, N. Y., Mosday after an illness snetoitopleritonitis. Wile at fle uni- - versify IRebtocko won cptain of the - 190rscko team, and wis generally sckowlesstdgd to be one of the et qts-ilers iso the niddle uest. 'yOtr graduatinsg, Mr. Rbtok b- Mm asisiorited swith ia Detroit steel sitoaccept a place with a cus- to cting firm in Buffalo. Sitting bside sweet K. T., Itotiocg her hasds swas K. C,, dThenobe loed iso her I's, lit ho this time you're Tas- ICK.C. ooved K. T.-then they luchedl after the dasce at Tuttles', 'SS. Stale. ri,1 TEACHfERS' TEST!IMONIALS. Htave themneaty copied ot the typeswriter promptliy asd at nmoderate rats at fle School of Shorthand, :^."'?711 N. Univ Ave. Best work in the ity. 5-. MTION PICTURES EXTRA Temple Theatre SPECIAL FEATURES Tuesday include Pa the Weekly Afternoon ad Eening Admission - - - 5 cents to all TEMPLE THEATRE t MAIN STREET BeteenWilii.'isxi'5.Lbrty Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152 White Our water softening plnnt cost us $2,000. it costs you noth- ing extra to have all the advantage of laundry work noise in water suit as rails water instead of distructive acids and hleaches. The fisoest lingerie waistsanasd dressessuill crue hack to Sou like new,. Collars and Culls like -,:ow. Try yonr duds ins onr suds and he convinced. Mask your package "White Swan" and call our wagon. No extra charge for call or delivery'. WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER SEAS Spead yourvaionlon the5GreatLat, the most economial ansd enjoyableasuininA misa WHERE YOU CAN GO No attermm to whatintyossu ao,muse D.a&C. LineSftea mspeatinagta al mportamt porns. Baiy sirv iceetwenDetritand Bufa, May hIstto Noveticr1st. Cito Destrit sdCity fCleveandhtII,ilthe r'eside hestems iasthe word, othis divisionsJueas0h tisoSptemberaItS. BD a isrvi mabe 'aeeBDetrit outaoflDetroitadtitevelad 'vey auda and Sayn'igt. Foumr iripsw'ekly bhiwem, Toledo, BD-trait, its hsiac Islandaddwaypars DalyservicehbetweenToled,tCleveand adePut-in-Bay, SpcilalSteamerCleadtaadmMacincIslant~d,m aworp s wheklaJne1tto Setamabemht0thmtppiag osa etoit veryti nad Gaderich,,Gan., eam's Spea ilDayTripsabetween Detroitan Clevesand, During July and August Tasday, Wednesday, Thursday and Satursdarymiui olDetrait; Momnday, Wens-s dac, Thuammdayad FridaoutraofsClevreland. RAILROAD TICKEtTS AVAILABILE:-Tickeats reading ,'isaayrail line betwesn Detrait adBuffaloansd Detroit ad Cleveland will be honored for transotationaoaD. & C. Lisa Stameris is eithes diraction. Sead2Sensampfis Imllsusated Pamphltts ad Go-si LakesMap. Addres:L. G. Lewiis, G. P. A., BDerit, Mich. Philis H. Mcsllta, Paes, A. A. Schantz, Gas's Mgr. Detroit& Cleveland Navigation Company The Ann Arbor FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuesday nnd Friday fore- noons for ladies only. The Pool is Fed with Cool Spring Water 7255S. F11 1h Ave. Phone 996-2 rings