THE WOLVERINE i .-- _ _ ..- - .r , , WHITE STAR LINE wHA~IEBTDETROIT o, For a Delighetful all Day Outing an the beautiful St. Clair Rivsr take thmetemer"T' folo" any mornitng y:0,Sundays yna. Fare returneing sae d ay: Port Hunst$5.00; Platser atshmo Par sk, 50taets; orTldo and ryturse amer"Owna"leasunsDIetroit evyeryeedy 8:15 att., svory Sunday 80a;m.,seesturttotDeIt- troit 7:15p.m.; fareSundayt5, wekls$.. For an Afternoon Ride to St. Clalr Flat s tsss oPar-k ar Port Heeturon wy porttslteksthe "City oenSTlaledoa' eelop.m. Sandusky-Cedar Point Daylight Trips to Cleveland $1.25 Steamer "Put-in-Bay" (New)S, Four thotsanad paseerr capacity,Lrgednciecdkonthe Lke, Cninuousmuic, Ocean steamneIcire, Privote portont, Commodioue dicing oedluchyerooms. Fasttteelside-whel steamenr"Frank E. Kirby." Doutble daily sec ow nycopraon to Pue-in-Bay and Ceder Feint--Word-faouseebathing byachrs, hisoriec caesnd mammotth hotels. Speciol dtri oCedar Point frome ~*Deroievery Sunday during Julyand August. Daily to Clyse- land 8:30 a., m., via Put-in-Bay, $1.25 eh way. Stemer "Pee-ic-Boy"'leaeset roit dailyat 8:30 a. tm. Stneenr"rank E. Kirby"roleae Detroit doily et 5:00 Round trip faee to Pot-ic-Boy, 5B centsoccn wekbdaye; Sundayo755cete. ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE O. S. Dustin, G. P. A., Detroit on p t1 'ax)Satisfies There never was a thirst that Coca-Cola couldn't satisfy. It goes, straight as an arrow, to the dry spot. And hesides this, - -- ' s - sattsfies to a T the call for something H purely delicious and deliciously pure-and THE~3- CTCATCA C . ynu emealn 53DALNA A fCc-oa M1U[SIC SCHSOOL FACULTY CHANE.' Several New Pers-on Elected for Cor- ing Yea. Several changes have been in the faculty of the Shool of Music for 1912-191. Mss Eily Sadlr of the violinl depatment has resigned, and her place vil 1ha filled by Mr. An- thonsy J. Whlituire. Air. Whimire ha beena a pupil of Wiek, and of fBarman of Blerlin. Mr. WaY~lter Colby, who has been stuldying ill Iurope the past year, has resigned his position as teacher of Silfeggo, ut will continue his work in thse physics department of the uni- versity. Roy Dickinson Welch, Miss Maude Hagheeg ad Mhiss Frances Hamilton, all of whom have ees stuldyiengender Lebinne for the past two years, will retrts to their posi- ions in the fall. Mis Florence Pot- ter has ben granted leave of asence. aend will spend the next year in Eu- rople. er work its puhlice school methods will be taken by Mrs. Lulue Geddes, formerly supervisor of music its New Philadelphia, Ohio. Miss Maude IKicyn aed Mr. Allen A. Dud- ley, who have een studyng under Lowe of erlin, will return to their uork in tile vocal department. Miss Ethel Stlllrthwaite hau resigned her position, to accept the position of supervisor of musie in Mnistee. Mr. Mihaelangelo Convers, for the past year a student in the theory depart- ment, sod formerly a memer of Crea- tor's and, will have the work in and intsrunments. Ear Moore, a menber of last years Michigan Daily sta, and Mr Rihard Hall, of Detroit, joined iie faculty last Feruary. ELIECTIC(AL DEPARTMENT HAS BIG INREASE IN ATTEND)ANCE. The electrical engineering depart- ment has the record of the campus for increased summer session attend- ance. Its registration list is more than ive times that of last year, which msade tecessary a thirty-five per cent increase in the numsber of instructors. Many of the men taking the regular sumtmer session work are high school teachers and college instructors work- ing for major or minor degrees in en- gineering. Librarfiansoold Informal Dance. arbour gynm was the scene last evening of an informal dance held by Krida, the club composed of members of the library staff. About forty couplles u-rc present. Prof. and Mrs. T. E. Rankin, Mr. and Mrls. T. W. Koch, and Mrs. C. F. Rankin were chaperons. 'Ie" Fisher's orchestra furnished the music. Fifty Books Added to Library. About fifty new huks werer added to the general library Brin the montth of June, nost of thm on phil- osophy, religiotn, and cti.. Spend Saturday at Wiitmora Lake ansd dance the evening away at the Lake ouse. 3S cnts rosnd trip from Ants Arbor. tf TEACHERS''TESTIMONIALS. Have them neatly epied on the typewriter promptly and at moderate rates at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. Univ. Ave. Best work in the city. 5-. I I xr I U. OF M. AND HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY, Paul 6. Tessmer, Prop., Phome 656 Big Shoe Sale AT E. R" FROST. 302 S. STATE You save money by getting your shoes at Frost's Shoe Store all New Goods at Reduced Prices. Tennis Goods @f All Styles DELIGHTFULLY TON IGHT Photo plays De Luxe CEO. BECKER TENOR PROF. FAR R ORGANIST JACK STRAW PIANIST New show every day Best Seats 5 & lOc Poihemus Transfer Line? wes cssl ' C cten, ItJohn I , C' Stork & Richie Props. State Savings iBank Tasiceb end Antnomobile Srvice. Btnsen, ANN ARBOR, MIlCH. tacscaned Baggage Canons Delivered Capital Stock - - - - $50,000.00 207 N. tMales St. Phones 15 Surplus and Prnfils - - - $75,000.00 Summer Homes in Ann Arbor on Bluffs overlooking Huron River Secluded, quieltand within walking distante tf lhe University. Lts cheap as anywhere. Wttiu and boting, to Inquirt JAMES H. McDONALD. Ford [ldg, Detroit. He sill Itl ytu hoto w alk out and tee tem.J I UNIVERSITY A PlAR1MACY Goulding & 'felephone as Bell di6; Iluee740iblat 1219 S. University Ave. We detiver tce croam every dlay in Icte Cream Soas OSonmer Sebsol Supplies the week Perfuntes, Toilet Soaps & Toilet Articles Prescriptiosns oar specialty We insist on satisfying K S ILMS, PAPER AND FINIS HINGS AT KO 0 DA THE NEW CATALOGUE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHISAN is now ready Complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate School and the Summer Session c- :: Special courses in Foreunry, Newspaper Work, Lanscape Design, Higher tonuercial Ednctaiun including alway Adinistration and Insurance, Architecture, Conervation tngineering, Pedagogy (affiliated will Ann Arbor High School or Observation Study), and a new cotrse for tose preparing for the scdeniic adminisnration on deparments an uanitation and public heult. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announce- ment or Individual Information address S HIRL1EY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR "Wi s KEEP COOL tn onur eefrtable and esy-fitting tight- neilghetgarmeets ihaeetlailor brysnd coon- parisn in style end fic Fos the younger set, a swagger air, imparted by en eatful dash sf New Yerbinhnesa bhe end there. Peer lbsenman eefsobsr taste, simplictty with- sat severity, fshiniwthsut freaokishness. Oar craftsment tailsr tarmentis isdross perfectly. Deer cebsics taste weltlad weer well. Our prices are easy of rech. J. KARL MALCOLM 604 Ease Liberty Sg. IL LYN DON, PHOTOGRAPH ER Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies I make a specialty of Developing, Pritnsg anti Enlarging fur Asnateurs-by mnodern miethods. This has been my busintess for eight years anti it has increased every day--only results will do this andi so whenever you want anything photographic look for the sign of the kodak-- that's where things move. LYNDION 1719 North University Kodaks for R~ent, S0c per day v