E5At Your Door TreeFifteen Hundred Sm- Evenings a Woek, 75r VOa,. II1. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1912. No. 8. EXPLAIN WORKINGS OF STEAM-ROLL.ER! 'acutly 31(11 Join in Telling Their Personal Impressions of Conventions. DELEGAITES SEATED 1'IY FRAUD. Professor J. S. Reeves and Profes- sor J. I. Laane, of Washington and Lee University, who is giving several courses in the summer session, gave, in a joint lecture yesterday afternoon. their personal impressions of the Chicago and Baltimore conventions, respectively. "One phase of the convention inter- ested me very much," said Professor Reeves, speaking of the Republican convention. "The convention was a contest not merely for the nomination of aspirants for nomination; it was also a contest between the new and the old, between the old, full, unreg- ulated party control, and the recently developed regulation of parties by state laws. "In this country party machinery, of which the national convention and the national committee are such im- portant members, has been developed independent of legal control. There has been no federal legislation in reference to it, but there has been a great deal of state legislation, of recent enactment, as to the manner of selecting delegates. "Before 1909 there was no appeal from the self-made rules of political conventions. From 1840 to 1892, a specific plan was developed for the selection of delegates. Since 1892 party rules have been but slightly modified; but in 190 the states began to attempt by legislation to prescribe the manner of seletnig delegates to the national conventions. By 1912 some ten or twelve had made such provisions" Professor Reeves then went on to discuss the national committee whose decisions at Chicago aroused such widespread disapproval among the Republicans who favored Mr. Roose- velt's nomination. "There were more contests this year than ever before," he said. "About one seat in every five was contested; but of the two hundred contests, In only about ninety was there any attempt to make out a case. The outsider, of course, cannot satis- fy himself as to the justice of the con- tests but there can be no doubt that there were many seats obtained by fraud. "The real fight came on the ques- tion of whether the ninety contested delegates should be allowed to vote on their own admission. They held the balance of power and had to be admitted or kept out 'en bloc.' Yet all precedents of parliamentary law uphold Mr. Root's decision in this case." Other phases of the convention which were discussed by Professor Reeves, were the glaring misrepresen- tation in the apportionment of dole- gates to the Republican national con- vention; and the unit rule,y vlwhich one mars controls the entire state delegation, "Some have said that there are to be no more national conventions in this country," said :Professor Reeves, in conclusion. "I don't believe it. So long as we have party government, we must have these national assem- blies in order to harmonize opposing factions. But the national conven- tions must be made thoroughly repre- sentative; the power of the national committee must be reduced to proper limits; the number of delegates mst be cut in half; and the 11,000 specta- tors, of which I was one, must be ex- cluded." Professor Latane discussed the Democratic convention from the point (Continued on page 3) SPECIAL, Stockholm, July 13.-The 400- meter race v-as"onb y Redpath, of Syracuse University. Braun, of Germ-any, took second place, arnd l indberger, of the Chica- go athletic association, came in third. The time was 48 1-5 sec- onds. * f llE.GED F IGER GIVEN MERRY ('OASE BY COPS AND STUDENNTSS Former Football Star's Flying Tackle Lands Escapig Swindler. A good imitation of a moving pic- ture race was given yesterday after- noon when a young man, giving the name Albert J. Carlton, led students, "cops" and townspeople a merry chase down North University. About 4:00, Friday, a young man came into Wagner's, 303 North State street, and a'sked for silk underwear, which failed to please, so he bought "13. V. .," giving in payment for his $1.00 purchase an $18.50 check on Herz, the painter. Mr. Wagner, being suspicious, called the police. After being shown shirts, ties, and other articles, in order to detain him until arrival of police, Carlton became ner- vous, told the clerk "Cood Night," and ran from the store, down State and out North University, with Hos- tetter, the clerk, after him, calling for help. By the time they had rounded las corner ona North University, quite a crowvd of students, "cops," and townspeople were in the race. One student, an old football man, sprinted ahead of the others, and making a flying tackle, landed his man, in front of the Hill Memorial. After' reaching the jail, they search- ed the man and found two more checks for $18.50 in his pockets. MN TERIALISM INS FFICIEN'T; I'ST ADD IDEALISM"--UTaIE, "The way out of materialism," said Prof. K. E. Guthe in his lecture on "Materialism-the Way Out," Thurs- day evening, "would be to acknow- ledge the limitations of materialistic science and add idealism through emo- tion." "Science aims to classify all ex- perience, and in order to reach the nost accurate conclusions, the scien- tist must use the experimental method as well as philosophy. The Greeks failed in many of their scientific theor- ies because they depended too much upon a philosophical basis and slight- ed the experimental side. "As a physicist, I am a materialist," said Prof. Guthe, "but as a lover of music I am an idealist. No one will say that because I am the one, I can- not be the other." Contract for Shops is Let. The contract has been let to Charles A. Sauer for the erection of the new building which is to house the shops and stores of the university. It will be built in the rear of the hom- oeopathic hospital at a cost of $34,- 198.60, and is expected to be completed by November 15. Prof. Thomas, '74, Heads Department Prof. Calvin Thomas, '74, former professor of German in the University of Michigan, now Gebhardt Professor of the Germanic Languages at Co- Imbia University, has been made the administrative head of his department. HOW'S YOUR SUPPLY * "1" 3ER) ELSTAFF OF TOOTH BRUSHES? Former Editor of Wolverine Is Se- Slected to Superintend Humor Magazine. You Should Have at Least Three, Each With its Own Little Harold G. McGee, '13 E., has been Meaning. elected managing editor of The Gar- goyle for next year by the Board in LEARN TO CARE FOR TEETH. Control of Student Publications. The members of the board, several of "Every person should have at least whom have left town, mailed their three tooth brushes," declared Dean ballots to Prof. F. N. Scott, chairman, N. S Hoff last evening in his lecture who received the last vote today. on "Why Teeth Decay, and How to McGee has been engaged in col- Prevent It." "Each person's tooth legiate journalism during his entire brushes should be prescribed by his course at Michigan. He has served dentist, and should be adapted to the as reporter and managing editor of special peculiarities of his teeth," con- The Wolverine; reporter, night editor, tinned the speaker. and intercollegiate news editor of The Michigan Daily; and as a member of "As a rule we do not use enough the editorial board of the Michigan tooth powder and paste. I would rec- Technic. e is now in attendance at ommend the use of paste in the morn- the engineerig summer camp, ing, and powder in the evening. Powd- er supplies the grit necessary to re- move the germs collected upon the O4ENEIIAI LIBRARY SCES tooth tissue, while paste supplies the MANY VALITABLE.NEW BOOBS glycerine which lubricates the sur- faces and leaves the teeth polished Recent Acquisitions Deal With ENus- and greased for theday." sian Literature and Popular Throughout the evening Dr. Hoff Songs. emphasized the necessity of training children to care for the teeth at a Tic general library of the Univer- very early age. "People of today do sity has just received an unusually not realize the real value of the valuable shipment of books, negotia- teeth," he said, "and as a result are tions for the purchase of which have careless in their treatment of them. been going on for nearly two years. Give me a hundred children and the The collection comprises about two means to set about putting their hundred volumes, one hundred o moths, throats and noses in their which constitute three series of pub- normal condition and when the latter lications of thenRussian Imperial is attained, we shall find one hundred Academy of Sciences, at St. Peters- children better to carry on the func= burg. These three series practically tions of mastication, assimilation, and complete the University's set of the digestion. Add to this pure food and proceedings of the Academy. The re- air; and we shall have children with maining one hundred volumes are belier lphysiques. also the publications of the Academy. bette physques.and comprise a number of smaller "History tells us that the decay of sets of volumes on lce Russian ian-l the teeth was first attributed to infec-setseofndolmerat he mrsin- tion by worms, and at that time men guage and literature, The more not- set about to kill these worms. In able among them are: the "Works of 1892 Dr. W. D. Miller, a famous Ger- Empress Katherine the Great," the man dentist and scientist, after much "Works of the Poet Puskin," the rssar~ cae o te cncusin tat"Works of the Poet tLermontov," and researrh came to the conclusion that dental carries, or the decay of the a rare collection of Russian popular teeth, were due to the production of songs accompanied by musical nota- acid in the mouth by micro-organ- tion. All the books were purchased directly from the Academy, and rep- d erTeserthgermh fro ap coloenamel resent the best scholarship of the by cutting away the dentine from be- foremost Russian students of lan- low finally causing a collapse of the guage and literature. The books were crown." Stereopticon slides were secured to meet the needs of the las~ used in describing the tissues of the ses in Russian conducted by Profes- teeth, and i- pointing out the places sor Meader. About sixty students where teeth are apt to decay. were enrolled in these classes last w e t. year. "In the normal condition about thirty micro-organisms are found to be present in the mouth. It is im- TENNISCURLETS ARE OLTEN possible to keep th' oral cavity in a 'TOSUMER SCHOOL ST'DENTS sterile condition, no matter hovw many precautionsdone may take, or how The tennis courts at Ferry Field are much antiseptic we may use. for the use of the university students. "Mastication scoid be a source of Members of the Athletic Association great pleasure to us, and if the mouth may have the privilegs of their use and teeth are kept in proper condi- members for one dollar and a half. lion a-ill be a source of snjoyment, at A cold shower bath has been install- all times. ed in the old field house for the benefit "A great many people, upon reach- of the players. Lockers are furnished ing the age of fifty, contract pyorrhea free of charge, although each student alveolaris, probably the most diffi- must provide his own padlock. cult disease with which the dental _ profession has to deal. In most cases Professor Brunmm Writing New Text. the cause can be traced to a lack of carce. This disease can generally be Prof. J. R. rumm. of the rhetoric cured. department, is at work upon a text- __ured.__ book in argumentation to be used in his classes. The book will be con- Presbyterians Entertain Tonight. strusted upon a principle different The Presbyterian C. N. society is from those now in use. The text is giving a social this evening at Mc- expected to be ready by the opening Millan hall for the summer school of college, tentative arrangements students. All are cordially invited having been made with Harper Broth- to attend. ers for publication. HUMAN CHAMELEON APPEARSIN TOWN Man of D,ers Personalities Makes Meteoric Visits to Various Faculty Members. HAS BIZARRE SURVEYING PLAN. Several days ago a well-dressed, fine-appearing gentleman appeared in Ann Arbor, and registered at the Al- lenel under the name of Colonel Arn- old. Since that time he has changed his name, his personality, and his plan of life with a rapidity that is be- wildering to those who are following his various perambulations. He is a facile talker and a very entertaining companion; in fact, he seems to be the original mixer from Mixup Town -which would be perfectly all right if he did not get so badly mixed him- self. He has interviewed several of the faculty, and induced them to dine him and wine him while he unfolded to their astonished ears a marvelous scheme for the re-surveying of Wayne county, showing them at the same time voluminous blue-prints, plans for the work. Next Monday, according to Colonel Arnold, the whole engineer- ing department, students and faculty alike, is to be encamped here under his command; and, under his instruc- tion, they are to proceed to the laying out of Wayne county in a proper man- ner. This will be a considerable task, he says; and, the better to conduct his end of the business, he has brought with him a fine typewriter which he left at the home of Professor Hussey until Monday. What will be his dis- appointment Monday, when he finds that the police have been there before im? Yesterday evening, he visited at Professor Hussey's home for several hours; and was induced to leave only after a cab had been called for him, and he had been furnished with the money to pay for it. However, he found some other use for the cab-fare, and charged his bill to those who had already paid it once. Sometime yesterday afternoon, he suddenly suffered a transformation, became one Doctor Parr, and went on a visit of inspection to the Homoeo- pathic hospital. Finding things there to be in a condition highly commend- able, he resumed his engineering per- sonality and his military cognomen, and fared forth in search of more members of the unsuspecting faculty. The real name of this changeable ian seems to be Major John Cody, and his true occupation is that of a law- yer. lie lives at Belleville, Michigan. For some time he has been living un- der various hallucinations as to his mission in the world. A short time ago, in Detroit, he suddenly became a detective, made the arrest of a man named Fritch, who is held for the murder of Mabel Millman, went to dine with him, and finally -took him to the police station. At the present time, Colonel Arn- old, DoctorParr, the detective, and. Major Cody are all lost. PROMINENT ATTORNEY VISITS SON, WHO IS STUDENT HERE. Judge George N. Brown, attorney and chief examiner of the Interstate Commerce Commission, arrived in An Arbor Thursday night with his wife, and has spent the last two days as the guest of his son, Andrew H. Brown, '11, who is attending the sum- mer session.' Judge Brown is on his way to Chicago where he will conduct an examination for the commission. iciga "Stu"de"t to Teach in Japan. R. G. Urch, '12 E., has signed a con- tract to teach English in Japanese technical schools during the next two years. He will leave next week. P RERSB YTR IA N H U RC H Sunday, 10:30 a. m. Address by LEONARD A. BARRETT Subject: THE f1IRACLE AT BETHESDA Students in attendance at the summer session of the University are cordially invited