THE WOLVERINE TRUBEY'S PLACE 116 S. Main Bell Phone 166 THE WOLVERINE Published Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons by the students of the University of Michigan summer session. Communications will be printed only when signed, although writer's name will be withheld on request. Notices pertaining to university affairs will be printed once gratis. Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Office Hours-2:00 to 4:30 p. m., daily. Phunes, 960. Subscription Rates-Local, seventy- five cents ior thetsummer; mailed to any address for one dollar. Advertising Rates-Furnished upon application to the Business Manager. ALVM NI ! The official newspaper of the Summer School. If your shoes get out Itobert Gillett, Managing Editor. of commission let John H. Payne, Business Manager. Phone 762-L. JOHN H. LAMBERT Asst. Mgr.-Malcolm McCormick. fix them Phone 357. 613 E. WILLIAMS ST. Subscriptions taken at Quarry's, Cushing's, and Student Supply Store. News Editor-E. R. Burton. Copital. 100it,00e s, 0 surpls. e,000.t UsdividedPcofitsfle.e00orters. THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK Roscue Spencer. F. M. Church. ANN ARBOR, MICH. 1H. P. Scott. Maude Edwards. Sae Bankingan dCourteous TreatmentofourFR Customers is our Watch word F. A. McCarthy. R. T. Cook. 3 per cent interest in our savings department C. S. Pryor. K. C. Haven. C. S. Fliedner. Josephine Fellows. Do you want a position? ID you want a better position? Earl Crossman. We may have just the place you are looking for. Let us know your wants; Then let us have your application. The Cibb Teachers' Agency, 175 Westminster Ave, Detroit, MICH. THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1912. A IS&Discrimination. DAVIS & Race prejudice cannot be dispelled OHLI NGER Deliveries by arguments. Its very name implies Made its inherent character, and that it is grounded in human nature. But com- when munities claiming the attribute "cul- tured" should have outgrown its out- ward manifestations. The attitude displayed recently by certain students, and, according to report, by at least one member of the 109 faculty, in objecting to the presence E.Washington in a local swimming pool of four Hin- PRINTING Bell 432 -.J du students deserves from every true American in the university the strong- est condemnation. This incident is 4, B r but typical of innumerable insults our Indian friends have had to bear from IS O a certain class of students ever since The Finest Billiard Room in the State they have honored Michigan by their Cigars and Candles "We try to treat you right" latriculatoin. All who have become acquainted with any of the Hindus now attend- ing the university know that they are gentlemen in the truest sense of the term. Their scholastic records may well be the objects of envy; and the broad, humanitarian point of view they maintain is far in advance of the narrow, merely "patriotic" standard by which most Americans measure social values. They can teach us quite as much as they can learn from all the courses in our curriculum. These visitors from a land whose civ- ilization, whose real culture, in count- less respects exceeds our own, merit our kindest, and most sincerely re- spectful regard. Michigan has suffered serious in- jury by the absurd prejudiceto which certain of her students and faculty have given voice. Reports have gone out that will inevitably reduce the number of foreign students attending the university in future sessions. Such a result is sincerely to be re- gretted, and, if possible prevented by an immediate discontinuance of the discourteous treatment which has been accorded our friends from across the water. PROFESSOR FRIDAY LEAVES ON RAILROAD RATE CASE. Prof. David Friday, of the economics department, will leave in a few days for Madison, Wisconsin, to continue work on a railroad rate case on which he and Prof. H. C. Adams have been working this winter. Prof. Friday's classes will be taken by Prof. H. G. Hayes, for the past two years head of the department of econ- omics and sociology at Hiram college. Prof. Hayes has been appointed to an instructorship in the department of economics of the university for next year. TEACHERS' TESTIMONIALS. Have them neatly copied on the typewriter promptly and at moderate rates at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. Univ. Ave. Best work in the city. 5-8. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital. . . ..000e. Surplus an'i Undivided Profits.. 100,e00.0 Rrsources...... .. ...............3,000,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Deposits Your Bnsiness Solcited Chas. S. lscock, Pres. Michael J. Fritz, Csh'r W. s. Harriman, Vice Peso. Carl F. Brau Ass. Case Wm. Walz, AssCsh'r Savings Dept. Cousins & Hall FLORISTS Corner of So. Universty and Twelfth Both Phones 115 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Maynard St Albert A. Stanley, lirector Summer Session Eight Weeks All Branches Full Semester will begin September 80 ,. 3 Artist Teachers Sendfor illustrated catalog Charles A. Sink, Sec. The place we all go to when in Detroit Popular priced dining room LIBRARY PARK HOTEL A. E. Hamilton, Mngr. European Plan 76c to $2.00 per day Cratiot Ave. and Library Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Big Reduction on Hammocks -and- Hose Come in and get our prices H. L. Switzer Co. Hardware end'oods 310 S. State Si. i Text- Books FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Great quantitics of Second Hand Bc oks at prices that will save money. Efigilleors' Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. i i WA HR'SI University Bookstore Ulliversal Dry & Steam Cleaninlg Works In a new Fire Proof Bldg. and with the latest Modern Machin- ery. We are in a position to do all all kinds of cleaning: As ladies fancy dresses, suits, shirt waists, slippers, gloves, etc. Also gentle- mens clothing of all kinds. All work guaranteed. We call for and deliver. T. E. Wahl, Mngr. Bell Phone 877 1119 Packard St. The Kemupf Music Studios Pmea Pipe Orc'g n Votsi Cxclte 312 S.Division St. P'hone 15716 Anto or hire. 1078-. 7-11 TEACHERS' TESTIMONIALS. Have them neatly copied on the typewriter promptly and at moderate rates at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. Univ. Ave. Best work ie the city. 5-8. Straw Hats of the right kind at the right prices. Allen's Good Clotihes Store. Main Street. tf. FULLER & O'CONNER Steam and French Dry Cleaners 610 E. William St. Suits Pressed 25a Trousers 1o he MICHIGAN ALUMNUS Subscribe now and become a member thereby of The Uriversity of Michigans Al umni AssocieAtion ,'t)we fetf: Q The Aisrunus is the 'argest college monthly in the country. Q It contains the latest, news about the University, and editorial con ment on important events. Q It contains personal items colcering Ilemubers ofl; our class every month. A voluwet of 11 e Alelenus cceutains the history of the Uuiversity for the year. Q It publishes a series of well choster pictures e ery month. $1.50 year This Way, You Summer Students-=- Come around fcr a LUNCH thai is a LUNCH BANCCornerof Monroe and Thayer Streets A Full Line of Tobacoo and Cigarettes High Grade Confections and Fruit ENURAVING! Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Citizens of AnnArbor-Students of the U. ofeM. Now Comes the SUGAR BOWL is tbe city or Asn Arbor of 1095S. Malin St. aned alleges that lie said SUGAR BOWL is ready, able and willing to serve better cream and sweetercandies with prompter service than any other similar confectionary in this city. And this they are willing to leave to the country. Phone 967 I I I i I I 1 Ge He WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Carry the Largest line of Wool- ens in the city. Satisfaction guar- anteed. We cater to ihose who want the best. .SUMMER STYLES a specialty Estail shed 1888 All work made in this city. G . WILDCOE 311 S. STATEi STREET i ENGRAVERS The Gar~oyll .dNN-ARBOR ALL COLLEGE WORK M~al UTriaeIOrder JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT MICH. Programs, Invitations, Callirg Cards, etc., en- graved for you quickly and correctly. We have the leading brands of social Statiorery and will save you money on pound lots or more. We'll gladly send you samples of paper and type faces. Write-or stop in and see us when in Detroit. GREGORY, MAYER & THOM CO. Printers-Stationers-Office Outfitters-Engravers- Embossers. WOODWARD & CONGRESS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN