At Your Door Thrue IhFifteen Hundred Sum- Evenings a Week, 75c _ t me Session Student VoL. III. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 1L, 1912. No. 7. STARTLING PAPER COMESTO OFFICE Wolverine Editor Recei es Sunday Edition of Blood-thirsty Publication. MOTTO: "SHE'S EIN STINGAIR." It is not a yellow sheet, the news- paper before us; nay, it is a blue sheet, printed in pure white letters; yet it has much with murder, and not a little with robbery. As proof that it fosters and abets killing, we offer the following poem wrieten by its Edior-in-Chief, "Mort" Hunter, whose very pseudonym is significant of murderous intent. "Dirt au Skeeters" An poem by Lippencott's and Ye Ed, and with no apologies to Kipling -or-anybody. "What are the guys swattin' for?" Said Flies-on-Parade. "To clean you out, to clean you out," The Colored Comic said. 'What makes you so gay, so gay?" Said Flieson-Parade. "I'm thinking of the sport I'll have," The Colored Comic said; For they're swattin' dirt and "skeet- er," You can hear the swatters play, The guys the country thru Are swattin' all the day. They've sworn a hell of a hygienic oath To chase the bugs away, And they're swattin' DIRT AND SKEETERS IN THF MORNIN'. As additional defense of our posi- tion in condemning the felonious and belligerent attitude of "The Black- Fly," we proffer these facts; that the official motto of the paper is, "SHE'S HIN STINGAIR;" that Art Editor "Bob" McMath has run an engraving of "The Good Ship Goboon," a "power- ful-dreadnought" now under construc- tion, and has rejoiced in its nearness to completion; and that this same Art Editor, who might well be called "Fighting Bob," has also run a kodak picture which is a parody and a per- version of that fine old painting, "The Spirit of '76." As for the robbery mentioned above, we are glad to say that the supporters of "The Black-Fly" were the victims of one Van Doodle, a.Topinabee boat- man, who got away with five of their good dollars, and put them a- shore some seven dusty miles from the destination originally agreed upon.- Also, we rejoice to note that these educated malefactors, all of them "sharks in S. and R.," failed to recoup their loss by a burglarious assault upon a nickel slot-machine. But that which gives us most pleasure is the fact that this piratical band is now engaged in a sort of internecine war- fare that promises to annihilate them soon: for two of their number, one Collins and one Kuhn, have started a tonsorial parlor, and are fast butch- ering the remainder of the gang. In short, the engineers encamped at Douglas Lake have sent us the Sun- day edition of their newspaper, which is entitled "The Camp Davis Black- Fly;" and we find that, besides being an aggressive publication, it is full of interesting and witty items that tell of hard work and good times profit- ably combined. In addition to those persons already mentioned, the edi- torial staff numbers among its mem- bers "Mac" McGee, Editorial Writer, and "Jinx" Otto, Athletic Editor, while "Nig" Kuhn is Business Man- ager. Several days ago, The Wolver- ine received a copy of a previous pub- lication, from the same source, which was called "SHE'S A WHALE." It gave promise of the up-to-date sheet received later. OLYMPIC GAMES TRACED FROM ORIGIN IN LOCAL FESTIVAL. Prof. M. L. D'Ooge Entertains With Account of Development of Contests. In his illustrated lecture yesterday afternoon on "Olympia and the Great Games," Prof. M L. D'Ooge traced the history of the games from their origin in a local festival, about 776 B. C. to their gradual growth in the great Greek festivals which knitted the states together in a national unity. "During these great games," said Prof. DOoge, "a sacred truce was declared; and no armed soldiers were allowed to be present. The festival, originally athletic, took on other features, and from about the fifth cen- tury ,B. C., famous poets, historians, and orators gave- public exhibitions. Later hucksters and traders invaded the games until the festival finally de- generated into a kind of fair. The games and aukiliary affairs were con- tinued until the time of Theodosius, 379 A. D., who looked upon this fes- tival as a stronghold of paganism and declared it abolished." Some of the features of these games were the foot races, the pentathlon, running, jumping, diacus throwing, wrestling, and javelin thrownig. In comparing the records of the ancients with our modern records Prof. D'Ooge told of one Phayllus .who is said to have jumped 55 feet; our modern rec- ord, the speaker hastened to add, is 29 feet, 7 inches. This same Phayllus threw the discus 124 feet, 8 inches. The jumping was done with weights in each hand, which were thrown backward to give the jumper addition- al impetus, Prof. D'Ooge called attention to the fact that women were excluded, but said this was probably, due to a re- ligious taboo. The women held a festival by themselves. Concluding, the lecturer said, "There is a tendency today to regard athletics as an end in itself, fostered by the spirit of rivalry, which tends to promote professional- training. Galen's treatise on 'Exercise with the Small Ball,' says the athlete's life ben- efits neither the state nor himself, the athlete having neither health nor beauty, Exaggerated honors are paid to mere bodily skill. The Greek spirit of love of art, beauty, proportion, and harmony, however, exhibits to the world the ideal of a manwhose 'mind is higher than the body.' For the mind we share with the gods but the body with the animals." PASTEUR INSTITUTE CROWDED. Nine Patients are Victims of Dog at Pigeon, Mich. There are at present sixteen pa- tients receiving treatment for rabies at the Pasteur institute. Nine of these are from Pigeon, Michigan, and all were bitten by the same dog. Six other victims remained in their home town for treatment. Twenty-five dogs and sixteen pigs were bitten and all were killed as victims of rabies. Six of the patients here are members of the family owning the- terrier, and the remaining three are neighbors who were bitten before the seriousness of the wounds became realized. x The other patients who are being treated at the institute are from Es- canaba, Iron Mountain, Detroit, and Wayne. No cases of rabbies have been re- ported here in the city, but the muz- zling of all dogs, especially during the months of July and August, has been ordered. Several students. were ar- rested this spring for disregarding this order. Four More Enroll, Four more students entered the summer session yesterday, three in the medical department, and one in the engineering. INSANITY CAUSED lC iiRS, -i c- BY INTOXICANTS i3 - . nI t hoAf Mind Diseases Due to Numerous I In '-rk-' 'l.Eplains ltscalic- Conditions; Increase Now Gives (le-omit Ness sen-ce.-) eliot n n s.dnns iih Much Alarm.ur_ t_ _Stockholm, J1 tI 1.--i-ilth Crai STRICT MARRIAGE LAWS NEEDED wiion this morning the 200-Meter i-ashB "Intoxicants and drugs cause more insanity than any other one cause ex- cept inherited tendencies," said Dr. A. W. Barrett in his lecture Tuesday night on "The Causes and Prevention of Insanity." Professor Barrett enu- merated seven causes of insanity: heredity, those resulting from nerv- ous disorders, intoxicants and drugs, senility, shock, syphilis, and those re- sulting from physical diseases like typhoid fever.. Statistical tables were shown prov- ing that our foreign immigrants have a larger percentage of insane than the native born. It was also shown that insanity is increasing in all parts of the United States and in foreign countries. "A normal child has never resulted from the marriage of two feeble- minded persons," said Dr. Barrett in speaking of the prevention of insanity. He advocates the passing of laws for the prevention of marriages among those who have diseases or tenden- cies to disease which might be trans- mitted. No alcoholic .should be al- lowed to marry, as the children of such marriages are certain to be de- fective in some way, he said. Especially important is it, accord- ing to Professor Barrett, that we have increased facilities for the proper care of the insane. We need larger hospitals and more physicians. We need psychopathic wards, such as the one which we already have here in Ann Arbor, where patients may be sent, and, if taken in time, restored to health. MANAGING EDITOR TAKEN ILL, Wolverine Head Removed to Hos- ' pital for Treatment. As a result of complications arising from a sore throat, Robert M. Gillett, managing editor of The Wolverine, was taken ill last Saturday night, and removed yesterday, to the university hospital for more efficacious treat- ment. -He is reported to be slowly recovering. Gillett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Gillett, of Bay City, Mich., arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday after- noon, and will probably remain until their son's condition is improved. his tin eig -21.7 seconds. Lipp-in cott and pplegturt captured s n "Yo7 and third laces, r epctively. erho Italtph iose won the shot-put, othy ihands, -McDoniald taking second.. I - - t1 ' "irotlDm - t yIu no nt rit Ifl:ndal tii say tint tint oni nntht- aize stin tine f lit-si' thins." ttely, but with Didsintdra K. BURiANK AN C tfN'lRIlUTI'NS T'1 'PLAN'T' U('LTUlRE'lk IISCUSiSEh, "Wizard" of fota in the Subject oi Lectnre by Ii. elnin Luther Burbank and his contribu- tions to the science of plant breedin was the subject of the Tuesd ay af- ternoon lecture given by tir. lenri Hus, of the biology department, to one of the largest audiences of the su- mer. Outlining first the variousN ays in which man can influence the charAtr of the plant life about him, Dr.1 tius next gave a brief account of tit earlier events in the life of turbnk One point in particular was n-nmnhasized namely, that Burbank had very fe facilities for carrying on of his ear- lier experiments, practically all of his work having been done at his own expeinse. His sccess has been due to three important elements: first, his eift o recognizing from the shape and cen- eral appearance of the leaves of plants their future value; senond, his energy; third, his love of nature. nBurbank's method, according to Dr. Hus, is essentially simple in itself. It consists in the raising of literally thousands of cross-brei seedlings. From these a few- some five hundred out o every hun- dred thousand which show the greatest promise--are selected by Mr. Burbank. These, in the case of fruit trees, are grafted onto older trees, and in a year's time they will bear fruit, show - ing clearly just what their value is to be. Among the various plants owing their present improved condition to Mr. Burbank, Dr. iHus illustrated and described the hybrid Eimnglis s and Cali- fornia Walnut, the Shasta daisy, the plumecot, the stoneless plum, the spineless catus, and the Japnese plums. nit , '1,s y rday of the its st atisstiton of sorthn stu- (sits ondtionatAnns Arbor. E in 'itit sconan sto t'ina, a' -, he 1in1n , "to t n te ins ntc-ilnniyour- do kntlmvor, paticeat Sn. Y :o forth to t.h your te but when he menies to you S ' eImly le ln from you at Ithn n trithimcoldly--and Conco,:> hav mneer been hat Sa ein7'biAnn Arbor, the ti t i . -i ' tt it -n-sit stthe ein on 1, ieit I tno'll tnltie ctaipiue, ny ieet they oud isnot be subjected o in intings iom persons connected witstse nivinsity. 'Ti heyn ect the faculty and stu- dents of a great n iversity, which clims to be democratie, to be broad ntdi mien wo can reanlize that these nindu students are members of our own race and nas well born as we are. oweve, whens sembers of the facui- ty and student hbdy discrimnate against them as was reently the cas at the swimming pool, they feel that they can stand such humiliating trca lent no longer. f 1y of the studnts here now were cc emit ibefore conims that they must ace many diticulties of this nature, but in certain lines of work the facil- ities here are superior to those at other American universities, and they came here feeling that the sacrifice was worth while. They felt sure the dificulties were less serious than they nappear to be upons actual experience. D. K. sarkar, who is quoted above, was member of this year's graduat- in g class in the literary department. iIe has spent two years as Yale. ine leave soon for Germany, Where he will pursue advanced study along chemical lines at the University of :Berlin. Hle has a abrother studying at Harvard, who is at NIseonsin for the summer session. 'Through his own expierience and that of his brother, he declares that no such difficulties are encountered at any other American univscoty where ttindus are enrolled. "f sent cippings," he said, "of the rti - s in the tanpers this spring con- etstin- tin- dise ton against usi is Denit restaurns and Ann Arbor iboan houn:es to ay countrymen in other schools, and they wrote that they could not see how sua thincs were possible! They could not real- ize it! In Ailnrica, the land of the free! tt it is so-you do not love your fellow men, and we e ust go elsewhern, at ie expense of our edu-- caio. "W have many warnm friends among the students and professors, and tne appreciate them and love them as our own people. They are full of kind words -but that n all. 'thn sy m nitiz cNi tus, but they do not i nt on i 'itions." As to ho he cnditions could be impoved, he el eitd that that was for the stl sde i t tInes to settle. -. do not nio. i1 et 1come from wnitins. in n-=' lis onered in it hous t , nstint atone for it, not the o'eil est. ii -No such thing could on i-nii. If any prob- lo denttping eo he student body, (Continued onpage3 ) "EDDIE" HANAVAN, POPULAR CHEER LEADERt OF PAST SEASfN NEW SYSTEM IS SUGGESTED The feature of the plan is to have the TO CHOOSE CHEER LEADERS yell leader,; picked by competition, much as they were last fall. If the When. Michigan students cheer the new plan is once put into effet t ,tos Wolverine football team next season, ever, it ll probable hmat thi mimi leaders will be selected fxrmth,:mer it is likely that the men will be led elass, and that tie cheer heino by a cheer leader selected under a will be a senior chosen from the a new system. ^A new plan for choosing tryouts. This will give the cheer lad- the yell masters has been proposed to er a year's experience as an aist- the Board of'Directors of the Athletic ant, and will insure the selection of association, and will be considered. an able man.