THE WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE >sO E Published Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons by the students of the University of Michigan summer session. 'Tf Communications will be printed only P7J when signed, although writer's name will be withheld on request. Notices pertaining to university affairs will be printed once gratis. SAddress-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., Maynard Street, Ann -Arbor, Mich. Office Hours-2:00 to 4:30 p. m., daily. T RU BEY'S seventy- L A C ESubscription Rates-Local, seventy- L A C E five cents for the summer; mailed to 116 S. Main Bell Phone 166 any address fur one dsllar. ________________________ Advertising Rates-Furnished upon application to the Business Manager. The official newspaper of the Summer School. If your shoes get out Robert Gillett, Managing Editor. of commission let John H. Payne, Business Manager. Phone 762-L. JOHN i. L AMBERT Asst. Mgr.-Malcolm McCormick. fix them Phone 357. 613 E. WILLIAMS ST. Subscriptions taken at Quarry's, Cushing's, and Student Supply Store. News Editor-E. R. Burton. Copital. $100,0O. tSurpl, s.$50.0t0.00 Usaivided Profits, $1,000.00 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK, Reporters. ANN ARBOR, MICH. Roscoe Spencer. F. M. Church. SaeBankingandCourteousTreatmetofour cott Maude Edwards. Customers is our Watch word F. A. McCarthy. R. T. Cook. 3 per centI Interest in cur savings department C. S. Pryor. K. C. Haven. I I Students-Get Together. The Michigan Union has just fin- ished a new addition to its house. In this building there is a good chance for summer school students to get to- gether and become acquainted. Al- though there are comparatively few students here in the summer it is equally hard to meet people because of the largeness of the place. We hope that the weekly dances this summer at the Union will be taken advantage of. We hope studentswill use the tennis courts. We want your sojourn with us to be a prosperous and a happy one; and we feel that it can be so only by all meeting on a common "stamping ground." The Wolverine wishes to double last year's subscription list. Already we have a good start. We intend to divide the city in districts and ]lave some live men and women canvass these districts, A liberal com- mission will be paid and a prize to the two highest in the list at end of the week. Every summer student and faculty member should read the accounts of the lectures they are unable to attend. Office hours from 1 to 4 p. m. daily. "Cork" Riordan Says "So Long." "Cork" Riordan, '12, last year's edi- tor of The Gargoyle, and co-author of "The CrimsonChest," the Union opera for 1910, was in Ann Arbor today, to say his final adieux before departing for Los Angeles, Cal., where he has entered a bonding firm. Riordan has been spending a few days since com- mencement as the guest of Dr. Francis Bacon, formerly of the history depart- ment here, at his home in St. Clair, Mich. TEACHERS' TESTIMONIALS. lave them neatly copied on the typewriter promptly and at moderate rates at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. Univ. Ave. Best work in the city. 5-8. TEACHERS' TESTIMONIALS. Have them neatly copied on the typewriter promptly and at moderate rates at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. Univ. Ave. Best work in the city. 5-8. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital. ...$30,000.00 Surplus as' Undivided Pruits.. 10u,0eu.00 esources...............e.es0,u0.0u Transact a General Banking Business 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Deposits .Yuor Bnsiness 'Solicited Chas. R. Hiscock, Pres. Michael J. Fritz, Csh'r w. D. Harriman. Vice Pres. Carl F. Braun. Ass. Csh'r m.Walz,Assch'r SavingsDep't. Cousins & Hall FLORISTS Corner of So. University nd Twelfth Both Phones 115 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Maynard St. Albert A. Stanley, Director Summer Session Eight Weeks All Branches Full Senester will begin September :: 30 Artist Teachers sendfor illustrated catalog Charles A. Sink, Sec. The place we all go to when in Detroit Popular priced dining room LIBRARY PARK HOTEL A. E. Hamilton, Mngr. European Plan I to $2.00 per day Cratiot Ave. and Library Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Big Reduction on Hammocks -and- Hose Come in and get our prices H. L. Switzer Co. Hardware and Sporting Coods 310S. State St. I i I I I Text Books# FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Great quantities of Second Hand Bc oks at prices that will save money. Eugiueers' Supplies- FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. University Bookstore Universal Dry & Steam GIeaninlg Works In a new Fire Proof B!ds. and with the latestModern Machin- ery. We are in a position to do all all kinds of cleaning: As ladies fancy dresses, suits, shirt waists, slimpers, g'oves, etc. Also gentle- mens clothing of all kinds. All work guaranteed. We call for and deliver. T. E. Wahl, Mngr. Bell Phone 877 1119 Packard St. The Kemupt Music Studios Plamn Pipe Oru'g Voin Cealtura 312 S.Division St Shone 106J C. S. Fliedner. Josephine Fellows. Do youwania position ? DD you want a better position? Earl Crossman. We may have just the place you are ooking for. Let us know your wants; Then let us have your applicaion. The Cibb Teachers' Agency, E - 175 Westminster Ave, Detroit, MICH. TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1912. DAVIS & i iAttend Lectures, OHLINGER De s Michigan is fortunate in having so Made many live and up-to-date men to speak to her summer school students; and When 'each person connected with the uni- If versity should realize that it is a Promised privilege to attend these lectures. The duties of a student take him to the JM class-room; but lectures offer him entertainment as well as instruction. 109 Certainly, one must be broadened by E.Washington listening to the results of the exper- PR INTING Bell 432. J ience of capable men engaged in edu- -... .. cational fields other than one's own. The lecture course for this summer is Straw Hats of the right k right prices. Allen's Goo Store. Sain Street. ind at the d Clothes especially attractive, because of the H uston Bros.diversity of its subjects, and because of their timeliness also, since many of F U L L E The Finest Billiard Room in the State the speakers are to deal with matters Cigars and Candies that have not yet been written about 610 E. William St. "We try to treat you right" in any formal ay. R & ' Steam and French Dry Cleaners Suits Pressed 25c Trousers 1 Oc Ghe MICHIGAN ALVMNUS Subscribe now and become a member thereby of The University of Michigan Alumni Association Some facts : Q The Alumnus is the largest college monthly in the country. Q It contains the latest news about the University, and editorial con ment on important events Q It contains personal items concerning members of ;our class every month. Q A volume of the Alumnus contains the history of the University for the year. Q It publishes a series of well chosen pictures e ery month. $1.50 year This Way, You Summer Students-- Cone around fur a LUNCH that is e LURCH BAiRF nS CornerofMnead BANCUiI Thaayer trehet A Full Line of Tobacco and Cigarettes High Crade Confections and Fruit ENU RAVI NG! Programs, Invitations, Callirg Cards, etc., en- graved for you quickly and correctly. We have the leading brands of sccial Staticerery and will save you money on pound lots or more. We'll gladly send yeu samples of paper and type faces. Write-or stop in and see us when in Detrcit. GREGORY, MAYER & THOM CO. Printers-Stationers-Office Outfitters-Engravers- Embossers. WOODWARD & CONGRESS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Citizens of AnnArbor-Students of thse U. oe M. Now Comes the SUGAR BOWL in the city of Ass Aches of 100 S. Mas St.and alleges that the said SUGAR BOWL us ready, able and will1g to serve better cream and sweetercandies with prompter service than any other similar confectionary in this city. And this they are willing to leave to the country. Phone 967 G. H. WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Carry the Largest line of Wool- ens in the city. Satisfaction guar- anteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUM11ER STYLES a specialty Established 181 All work made in this city. G. H. WILD CO 31t S. STATE STREET i ,ENGRAVERS The ,Gar' yle -r AN-ARBOR I COLLEGE WORK Ia~ilusTri&I Order OURNAL BUILDING = DETROIT MICHi.