At Your floor Three mFifteen Hundred Sum-
°;Evenings a Week, 75 mur Session Student
Vor. III.
No. 6.
Fraternities and Sororities are Build-
ing or Improving During
Fraternities and sororities are tak-
ing advantage of the absence of their
members this vacation and are getting
their houses ready for the return of
the old members and the entertain-
ment of prospective neophytes this
fall. Plans have been drawn up for
several new houses and additions,
and Gamma Phi Beta and Phi Gamma
Delta have already started to build.
Gamma Phi Beta is building on
South University next to Phi Delta
Theta. Work was begun about six
weeks ago, so that the corner stone
could be laid commenicement week.
The plans were drawn by competent
architects and are said to be ideal.
Many have predicted that it will be
one of the most complete and delight-
ful sorority houses on the campus.
The cost will be between $20,000 and
Phi Gamma Delta is building a
three story addition on the back of
the present lodge. A spacious dining
room occupies the whole of the first
floor. The finishing is old mission
with furniture to match, while the
walls and ceiling are of a delicate tan
tint. This room was completed for
commencement so that the "old grads"
might enjoy it.' The other two stories
will consist of six rooms and baths.
State street is also coming in for
her share of improvements. Sigma
Chi has placed a contract for a $40,000
structure to be erected where its
house now stands. The old building
will be torn down and work will com-
mence immediately. The new house
is to be ready for "Hop time."
Across the street from Sigma Chi,
Acacia will build a house soon. The
cost of the house is estimated at
Farther down the street, Zeta Psi is
remodeling its entire first floor at a
cost of from five to six thousand dol-
lars. A tile floor is being laid in the
kitchen, and new stoves are to be in-
stalled. The alumni association has
presented the chapter with several
beautiful new rugs and tapestries.
These will show up well with the new
Alpha Sigma Phi are making a few
changes on their new house on the
corner of Forest avenue and Hill
Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Kappa Sig-
ma intend to make a few changes in
the near future.
Ypsilansti N1ounmlstStudensts Lose
Lives Witen Canoe
Miss Mildred Sabin, a student at
Ypsilanti Normal, and Frank Calkins
were drowned in the Huron riverl
yesterday evening shortly after seven
o'clock. Their canoe tipped over near
the Superior power house, where the
Professor I. F. Bailey 'ells How
Electrical Work Affects
Itodern Life,
water is eighteen feet deep. The cor- "That phase of modern industrial
oner's examination of witnesses show- progress in which lies the greatest
ed that Calkins, who was a strong opportunity for improvement is the
swimmer, lost his life in trying to problem, of human efficiency," said
save his companion. Prof. B. F. Bailey in his lecture Mon-
day afternoon on "The Influence of
the Development of Electrical Engi-
GEOLOIST'S 'SO VISIT NIAGARA. neering upon Modern Life." Some of
the practical sides of this question
Limited Nuumber of Other Stadents which he pointed out were the differ-
May Accompany Thene ent methods of paying labor, and of
The students in the geological de- increasing the actual output of labor
partment will journey to Niagara Falls to as near standard output as pos-
under the guidance of Dr. I. D. Scott. sible.
The party will leave Ann Arbor Fri- The efficiency engineer was, accord-
day, July 19, at 2:40 p. m. At Detroit iHg to Prof. Bailey, the man who must
they will take the D. & B. steamer, solve these problems. In addition to
City of Cleveland III, or the City of the problem of human efficiency there
Detroit III, to Buffalo, arriving at the is that of mechanical efficiency. The
Falls the next morning. While at steam turbine is an interesting ex-
Niagara the Gorge Ride will be taken, ample of this field, a machine in which
and the party will stop at various there is an efficiency of only fifteen
points of geological interest. There per cent.
will also be time for other trips as Although his subject referred to
the Maid of the Mist and the Cave electrical engineering, Prof. Bailey
of the Winds. brought out the fact that there are no
They will leave the Falls Sunday sharp distinctions between the various
afternoon and arrive in Ann Arbor branches of engineering, in so far as
Monday morning. we look at the profession through one
Although the trip is primarily for of its specific achievements. In the
the students in the geological depart- railroad, for instance, civil, mechani-
ment, a limited number of others can cal, and electrical engineering are all
be accommodated. The talks will not indispensible.
be technical but can be enjoyed by In opening his remarks, Prof. Bailey
all. characterized engnieering as the
For information and reservations, youngest of the professions. He at-
see Dr. I. D. Scott at the Museum, tributed this to the fact that the foun-
mornings from 9 to 12. dations--the sciences of physics, chem-
istry, and mathematics-were not suf-
ficiently advanced until quite recently.
SUiMMER SCHOOL ENROLLMENT It was only 600 years ago that people
CONTINUE1S TO INCREASE. began even to realize that there were
----such things as engineering problems,
The summer school enrollment con- and only for the past fifty years have
tinues to grow, having passed the 1300 we had technical education along en-
mark. At present there are 718 stu- gineering lines.
dents in the literary department, in-
cluding graduates; 303 in the engi- Deas Vanglhuan Goes to Summer Home-
neering department; 110 in the med- Dean V. C. Vaughan, of the medical
ical department; 162 in the law department, left today for his suimmer
school, and 10 in the department of home at Old Mission, Grand Traverse
pharmacy. This makes a total of Bay. He will make the trip by auto-
1303 against the 1134 of last year. mobile.
Dlirector Wosod 01flito fsssesu(Goes,
to Whsiteftish Poit.
"The George Shiras Museum
"Editor The Wolverine:
"The expedition left Ann Arbor the
afternoon of June 29 and took the
City of Mackinac at Detroit. The boat
swung into the river and we passed
Belle Isle formerly know'n as Hog
Island on account of the large num-
ber of hogs which were placed on the
island to kill off the rattle snakes
which formerly infested the place.
"Mackinac Island which we visited
July 3, is the site of the first fort and
mission in the state, founded in 1671
by Pere Marquete. The shores of the
straits were the first settled portions
of the so-called Wolverine state. No
one seems to know why it was so
named as the animal of that name was
never a common one here; there are
but few records of its occurrence in
Michigan. No doubt it is now extinct
within our borders; the last record
known to me was in 1875-6 in Luce
"The birds of the island are decided-
ly northern as compared with those
of Ann Arbor. The hermit, olive-
backed thrush, are common here, and
no doubt breed, as do also the pine,
magnolia, black and white, green,
black-throated, and Blackburnian,
warblers, all of which are known only
as migrants at Ann Arbor. Of course,
the herring gull is to be seen in large
numbers on Lake Huron follolcing the
boats for the food thrown overboard.
Norman A. Wood
Director in Charge."
The expedition disembarked at
Mackinac and proceeded to Whitefish
Point which is the station at which
Director Wood will work this summer,
in his search for specimens of birds
for the university and other museums.
He is accompanied by his wife and an
assistant. In the winter months Mr.
Wood is the taxidermist for the uni-
versity museum.
Graduate in usie Takes Positione
Miss Laura Fullerton, who received
a diploma from the University School
of Music last month, has accepted a
position as teacher of piano in the
Greensboro Female College, at Greens-
boro, N. C.
Former Michigan Star Carries Off
honors for the united
Ralph C. Craig, U. of M. star athlete,
finished first at Stockholm Sunday in
the 100-meter (110-yard) dash; time
10 and 4-5 seconds, one-fifth second
slower than the world record, which
without doubt ie would have equalled
but for his poor start. His present
time equals the Olympic record.
Carroll B. Haf, captain-elect of the
1913 track team, is another Michigan
athlete at the Olympic games. He is
entered in the 400-meter (quarter
mile) race running under the maize
and blue colors. "Hap" won second
in the quarter mile at the intercol-
legiate meet at Philadelphia this year,
being a yard behind Redpath of Syra-
cuse at the finish.
As a freshman in 1908, Craig took
first place in the 40-yard low hurdles
and second in the high hurdles, in
his first 'Varsity indoor meet, all of
his preliminary traniing being as a
hurdler. In the outdoor meet for the
same year he won two firsts in the
100-yard dash and 220-yard hurdles.
Again in 1909 he took first in the
high hurdles and third in the 35-yard
dash, while in the Ohio State outdoor
meet the same season, he won first in
four events, both the dashes and both
the hurdles, also taking four fisrts in
the same events in the 'Varsity out-
door meet that year.
Next came the eastern intercol-
legiate meet at Cambridge where Craig
took second in the 100-yard dash,
losing first place by a very close mar-
gin to Foster of :Harvard. This was
the first time Keene Fitzgerald used
him with any consistency in the
Still winning firsts, in 1910 he took
both of the 'Varsity indoor hurdles, as
well as 'the two hurdles in both the
Syracuse and Cornell meets. Enter-
nig nothing except the dashes in the
'Varsity outdoor meet, he won them
both. The Michigan-Syracuse outdoor
meet gave him two more firsts in the
dashes, while in the eastern intercol-
legiate at Philadelphia he won second
place in the 100-yard dash, losing to
Ramsdall of Penn. by a close decision.
With two more yards to run he would
have broken the tape. In the 220-
yard dash he easily beat Ramsdall for
first place; Craig's time in this event
was 21 1-5 seconds, equalling the
intercollegiate and world record held
by Wefers of Georgetown.
Winning again in 1911 Craig took
first in the 35-yard dash at the 'Var-
sity indoor meet, as well as the high
hurdles in the Cornell meet.
At Cambridge in the 100-yard and
220-yard dashes he equalled the in-
tercollegiate and world record.
Baptist Guild to Hold Reception.
Baptist students of the summer ses-
sion are urged to attend an informal
reception to be given at the Baptist
Guild house on Friday evening.
"The Moral and Religious Challenge
of the Times" is the subject for the
summer discussion of the guild class
which meets each Sunday at 12 o'clock.
The tennis courts, reading and music
rooms are open to members at a fee
of 25 cents.
Old Grad Takes High Position,
Ralph Stone, '92 L, was recently
made director and one of the vice-
presidents of the Detroit Trust Co.
With one exception, Mr. Stone has
been the longest in the service as a
trust company official of any man in
the state. While in college Mr. Stone
was managing editor of the U. of M.
SDaily and played on the 'Varsity base-
ball team.
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Twenty or more Chinese studentsa
who are attending the summer session
were tendered a reception by the
Chinese Students' club last Saturday
evening at Newberry hall. The even-
ing was spent in clever games and
musical numbers of eastern origin.
Illinois, Wisconsin, and Purdue uni-
versities are represented in this sum-
mer's enrollment of students from the
new republic of the east. Many of the
students of last year are attending,
summer sessions elsewhere, but all" .
plan to return to Michigan in the fall,
when Michigan will again be able to
boast the largest number of Chinese
students ins any American umversity.
Dilley Will Settle in Grand Rapids. Approximately 50,000 feet of wire, which have been received also include progress the lighting apparatus is in-
Albert R. Dilley, '10-'12 L, is visit- and 20,000 feet of conduits are to be 3000 minor parts, as bushings, outlet stalled piece by piece. The campus
ing his parents in Council Grove, used in the electrical apparatus of boxes, and switch boxes. crew of electricians was employed t
Kansas. He will remain there for a the Hill Memorial auditorium for Superintendent of Grounds J. H. install the 'System in the Dentistry
few weeks before returnnig eastward which $200,000 was bequeathed by Marks has had the campus crew of building, and Chemistry building.
to Grand Rapids, where he will prac- Arthur Hill of Saginaw, formerly re- electricians at work on the electrical : It is expected that the auditorium
tice law. Dilley was business manager gent of the University. The orders for system of the building for over a will' be ready for use about the end
of The Michigan Daily last year. lighting apparatus practically all of month. As the carpentry and masonry of November of this year.