THE WOLVERINE -- _ 1 WHITE ST AR LIFE WH"^TF FOT OF"'** STREET, DETROITO For a Delightful all Day Outing on the beautiful St. Clair River takerthe steame "Tasino"anymornIng8:,Sundaysoo. Fare rturninsaesclay: Port OHuront $s.oo; Slats or TashmoooPark, 50 cents; or Toledo and return, steamer "Owana" leaves Detroit . everyweek day 5a..,reery Sunday 8:30 am., returns to De- i oit7A15dp.Ao.;farotS staysocwrswsPaysk$r.oo. For an Afternoon Ride to St. Clair Flats, Taohmoo Park orPort _ Huoron way ports take the "City of Toledo" at 2:0 wPt.. t FAIYILYBIJOU THEATRE IN=DOOR GARDEN Playing High Class Vaudeville --AND-- Superior Photoplays 3 shows nightly - 7 to 10:30 Matinees Wednesday, and Saturday Summer Prices All Seats . .. . . . C Entire Change of Program Monday, Wednesday and Friday - -i The Roadto Coifort A vanished thirst-a cool body and a refreshed one; the ยข sure way-the only way is via a glass or bottle of Ideally delicious-pure as purity-crisp and sparkling as frost. Free our new booklet, telingof coca-Cola vindicationat Chattanooga, for the asking Whenever 51J Demand the Genuine as ade by you see an THE COCA-COLA CO., ATLANTA, GA. AtoCthink THE NEW CATALOCUE OF THE UNIVERSITY, OF MICHIGAN is now ready Complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Craduate School and the Summer Session Special courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Edncation Including Railway Administration and insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor High School for Observation Study), and a new course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announce- ment or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR i UJ r MODEL OF MONO-RAIL CAR INSTALLED FOR ENGINEERS. Professor Tilden Selects Valuable Addition to Laboratory Equipment. A fine model of a mono-rail car arrived yesterday at the New Engineer- ing Building. Prof. C. J. Tilden, of the Engineering Department, made the choice of the car. The model, which weighs twenty-eight pounds and is twenty inches long, balances itself perfectly on a wire a few milimeters in diameter. The chief feature of the car is a pair of heavy fly-wheels which are made to spin in opposite directions, and so geared as to rotate slightly about a vertical axi:. These wheels maintain the equilibrium of the car, on the principle of the gyroscope, by rotating about the vertical axis and righting the torque. Besides these two wheels, there are two shelves on each side of the car, which prevent by friction any tipping of the car. The car will round curves in safety, and as much as half its entire weight may be added to one side without dis- turbing the balance. Professor Tilden is very proud of the new purchase, which will be a valuable addition to the Testing Lab- oratory, where some original inven- tions, based on the same principle of the gyroscope, are being perfected. One of these is mariner's compass in which no magnetic needle will be used: gyrostats will keep the instru- ment righted. Another invention is intended to prevent the rolling of ships in high seas. CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED Wanted-At once, table waiter and dishwasher at 311 Thompson. Phone 1198-J. Wanted-At once; students for dish washing and table waiting, 1317 Washtenaw. Phone 543-J. 1 Wanted-Student to work one hour daily for room in private house. Call or telephone William Howland, 1503 Cambridge Road. FOR RENT For Rent-Rooms for summer stu- dents at Baptist Guild House, 503 Huron street, phone Bell 1028. 1, 2, 3. For Rent-Front suite, second floor; one block from campus; reason- able; 1118 South University, cor. Church, phone 1070-J. LOST Lost-A pearl set creecent on the cam- pus, July 1st. Reward if returned to 725 S. 12th street. U. OF M. AND HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY, Paul 6. Tessmer, Prop., Ann Arbor, Mich, Polhemus Transfer Line JW. Arnold. Vice-Pxs.. ohn altz. Cash'r Stark & Richie Props. State Savings Bank Taxicab and Automobile Service. Fusses, ANN ARBOR, CH. Hacks and Baggage Canoes Delivoered Capitol Stock - - .$50,000.00 207 N. Males St. rPhones 15 Surllus and Profits - - $75000.00 rga S S o 5cm 0C De L s x Recitals COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM DAILY Continuous from 7 p. m. to 10 p. rn, WED. 4 o'clock The latest and greatest productions of the motion picture world are seen here daily. Positively the C OOLE S T place in town. A large thea- tre---perfect ventilation UNIVERSITY PHARMACY "ouldi & Telephone us Bell 41; Home 7490blue 1219 S. University Ave. We deliver ice cream every day In toe Cream Sodoas summer School Supplie the week Perfumes, Toilet Soaps & Toilet Articles Prescriptions our specialty We insist on satislying CALKINS' o*d Soda Water trans' Candies 324 S. State St. Summer Homes in Ann Arbor on Bluffs overlooking Huron River Secluded, quiet and within walking distance of the University. Lots cheap as anywhere. Woods and boating, too. Inquire JAMES . McDONALD. Ford Bldg; Detroit. He will tell you how to walk out and see them. : MISCELLANEOUS Any summer student who wishes a good $40.00 canoe for $25.00, address J. H., care of Wolverine, Press Bldg. Auto for hire. 1078-L. 5-11. Spend Saturday at Whitmore Lake and dance the evening away at the Lake House. 30 cents round trip from Ann Arbor. TEACHERS' TESTIMONIALS. Have them neatly copied on the typewriter promptly and at moderate rates at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. Univ. Ave. Best work in the city. 5-8. I i KEEP COOL in our comfortable and easy-fitting light- weight garments that we tailor beyond com- parison ins tyle sod fit. For the younger sot, a r ws s gr air, imparted by sn artfsl dsh of Now Yorkisboess heore sod there. For the man of sober taste, simplicity with- out severity, fashion without freakishness. Our craftsmen tailor garments to drape perfectly. Our fabrics look well and wear well Our prices are easy of reach. J. KARL MALCOLM 604 East Liberty St. c-c -~ I I LYNDON, PHOTOGRAP H EiR Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies I make a specialty of Developing, Printing and Enlarging for Amateurs-by modern methods. This has been my business for eight years and it has increased every day--only results will do this and so whenever you want anything photographic look for the sign of the kodak- that's where things move. L Y N DON 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, 10c per day