THE W OLVERINE I LOOKS LIKE A "BANNER YEAR." (Continued from page 1) begun. Although only 88 have signed up to take work in the medic depart- mdnt this summer it is expected that the figure of 121 marking the 1911 en- rollment, will be easily reached. SCHEDULE DURING ' FIRST WEEK FULL (Continued from page 1) deal of time in Lansing as an expert, witness in the investigation into the official conduct of the State Tax Com- missioner, Robert Shields which is be- ing conducted by Governor Osborn. Dean Victor C. Vaughan of the Med- ical Department will address summer students at eight o'clock in the West Amphitheatre of the Medical Building. With the theme "The Philosophy of a Scientist" Dean Vaughan hopes to re- move from popular disapprobation the seeming utilitarianism and material- ing at 8 o'clock. The annual summer ism of the man of science. The view reception of the faculty to the stu- of the evolutionary theory of life as dents will follow at the close of the containing a good bit of idealism will address in Barbour gymnasium. Pres- be new to many, and the dean's pre- ident and Mrs. Hutchins, Regent and sentation of it will be authoritative Mrs. Beal and the deans of the differ- and instructive. ent departments with their wives will Professor Scott's talk which comes receive the guests. There will be danc- tomorrow afternoon at 5:00, will be on ing and music in the gymnasium. "The Congress of Letters." The ad- Tickets may be procured by students dress gives in a humorous way the by presenting at the office of the sum- professor of rhetoric's observations on mer school their treasurer's receipts. styles of writing. The conception is The receipt itself will admit the hol- that the speaker is the only survivor der; the tickets are for friends. Each of a Congress called from all quarters receipt is good for one ticket. of the globe to formulate laws of writing which are as necessary as the WILSON IS NOMIAIFL laws of nations. Celebrities who ad- dress the meeting are Hottentot chief- As we go to press word comes that talus and German scientists and other Woodrow Wilson has been nominated notble. st Baltimore. to run on the Delfmocratic Faculty Reception to Students. President Hutchins will deliver an address of welcome to summer stu- dents in University Hall Friday even- presidential ticket. THE TREASURER'S FALL LINE GRANGER'S Academy of Dancing SVM MI1K SCHOOL Classes begin Tuesday, July 9tli. Assemblies every Tuesday and Friday venino heLinninetnlend. nrnarticularcall at Academ eornhonee246 nversit ftusnc1bouse Press Building Maynard Street Across from Majestic Yellow and Blue Varsity "I Kind o' Like Ann Arbor" College Opera Songs WArd by 46, UNI ERSTY MUSIC HiOUSE AN Arbor Aho Headquarters for College, Operatic and Popular Music Also a choice stock of the Stand= ard and Classic lusic l t. i :1 Bell Phone 165 Tinker &Company Furnishers and Hatters to University Men 342 South State Street WHITE, SWAN LAU -DRY JUNCTION OF DETROIT & CATHERINE STS. & FOURTH AVE. Our water softening plant cost us $2,00. It costs you noth- ing extra to have all the advantage tf laundiy Rork dcie in water soft as rain water instead of distructive acids and bleaches. Tile finest lingerie waists and d3 ts s vii C( me bNick to ou like new. Collars and Cuffs like :now. Try your duds in our suds and be convinced. Mask tour package "White Swan" and call our wagon. No extra charge for call or delivery. WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY Home Phone 152 White Line Keeps 'Em Hustling. "Every minute sir, all day we've been on the jump working with the summer school students," said Treas- urer Campbell with a sigh as he walk- ed limply out of his office last night. "We began to have a line of them Sat- urday and today. they've been coming in, without a letup. If this office is any criterion it will be a big summer school this year, alright." Starting even before the office open- ed. and continuing during the whole time of the six. long office hours, the ever-changing line of patient waiters lingered outside University hall, anx- ious for a chance to part with the necessary coin. Every year the same scene is twice re-enacted, in the summer and in the fall. Protestations and appeals have failed to alter this inefficient system whereby incoming students are made to stand, sometimes for hours, waiting their turn to exchange a few slips. A door was cut in the north end of the office last fall to let out those who had THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER SEAS Spend your vacation on the Great Lakes, the most economical and enjoyableouting in Ameriac WHERE YOU CAN GO No matter to what point you wan to g use D. & C.LineSteamers operating to allimportatixpents. Dily service between Detroit and Buffalo, May 1st to November 1st. City of Detroit Ill and City of Cleveland III, the largest side wheel steamers in the world, on thisdiviionhuneItth toSeptember 1Oth. Daily sereice between De troit andClrevelandApril 15th txoxcemexhee1lt.EturingpJuly and Augstcitwecbcts out of Detroit and Cleveland every Saturday and Sunday ight. Four trips weekly between Toledo, Detroit, Mackinac Island and way ports. Daily service between Toledo, Cleveland and Put-in-Bay. Specia1 SteamerCleveland to Mackinc Iblend. nectrips weekly. Jxxe 15th io Sepiteher Itt stppinnlycit eacrireey trip cxd Godeich, Ont., every xthertralp. Speciailay Tripsbetween Detroit and Cleveland, During July and August Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday and Saturday out of Detroit; Monday, Wednes- diy, Thursday and Fridcy ext cf Cleveland.' RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE:-Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit and Buffalo and Detroit and Cleveland will be honored for trcnsportaiion en D. & C. Line Steamcers in eithep dipectien. Send aentstamp frllustrated Pamphlet and GreaLakes Map. Addes L.G. Lewis, G. P. A., DetroitA ,Mich Philip H. Mcillan, Pee. A. A. SchantzCoGe'InMge. Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company Det cuhit-P u t-in-Bay Sandusky-Cedar Point Daylight Trips to Cleveland $1.25 Steamer "Put-in-Bay" {New), Four thousand passenger capacity, Largesf'dancing deck on t'he Lakes, Continuous music., Ocean steamer chairs, Private parlors, Commodious dinig ~A- and lunch rooms. Fast steel side-wheel steamer "Frank E. ad Cedar Pint-Wordfamousbathing bacheshtoryc caves and mammoth hotels. Special trips to Cedar Point from Detroit every Sunday during July and August. Daily to Cleve- land 8:30 a. i.., via Put-in-Bay, $1.25 each way. Steamer "Pui-in-Biy" leaveseroieit daillyat 8:30 a. mi tSeamere"Frank E. Kiby' leavsetiroit dnily ait :0 p. in. Rocnd talp lure to Put-in-Bay, 50 cents cc week daysSundayi 75 cents. ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE O.S. Dustin, G. P. A., Detroit ° N * as $ o V t fill, ad( thi 4 lllc cap ished, and avoid an absolute block- The A Arbor e of the entrance, but aside fromT A is "drop in the bucket" no im- iovement appears forthcoming. Baseball ames in Detroit. July 3, Cleveland; July 4, St. Louis rning and afternoon, "double head July 5 and 6, Detroit plays at Chi- go_ __Pool EXTRA FEATURE Tuesday, July 2nd FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor T H E ORLEANS COACH OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY A true Story of the greatest Judicial Error ever 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. Committed. Unparalled in action and Photo- graphy it forms the greatest film ever Produced For Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuesday and Friday fore- by the PATHE FRERES, the worlds greatest motion picture manufacturer. The Story'in 3 noons for ladies only. reels. TEMPLE THEATRE MAIN STREET The Pool is Fed with Cool Spring Water Admission - - - 5 cents tall 'an -A .1725 S. Fil th Ave. Phone 996-2 rings 3000 feet of film i I lip