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July 02, 1912 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1912-07-02

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Fifteen Hundred Sum-
fliP O L V ~ RINP mer Sennien Siadent;


No. 4

i 1

st Day of Session
rd Breaking
presaged for the
School by the re-
last night, after
t day of the ses-
ollment after the
sen finished was
livided up among
nents as follows:
including gradu-
gineering depart-
rtment, which has
150; department
nearly every case
was reported as
he corresponding
ark was reached
total number of
dents was 1235,
kely to be broken.
s 1194.
e in from 200 to
:) on," said Dean



Kenelm Collamore, 13 E, pleaded
guilty in Justice Doty's court this
morning to a complaint charging him
with having an unmuzzled dog. Jags,
the canine in question, who is a bull
terrior belonging to the Theta Delta
Chi fraternity, got into an altercation
with an acquaintance opposite the
campus on State street, Sunday even-
ing. While the owners of the dogs
were trying to separate them G. F.
Allmendinger who filed the complaint
offered assistance in the task, armed
with a knife. In the process Jags was
badly cut about the head.
Collamore was fined $5 and costs.
Silver Cup Goes to Class of '93 For
Having Largest Delegation
The Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the
birth of the University of Michigan
was celebrated by as large a gather-
ing of loyal alumni and friends as
was ever on the campus before in its
history. According to records in the
register at the office in the Memorial
building, about two thousand six hun-
dred alumni were here to renew old
friendships and imbibe some of the
spirit and enthusiasin dominant in the
"good old days" as well as in the
A competition among various classes
to see which had the largest attend-
ance here afforded excitement for the
classes of '92, '93, '94, '95, who seemed
to be the highest contestants. After
a very close race the reward, a mam-
oth silver loving cup was won by the
class of '93.

Four1 eeiresby, y Minhigan Men and
Iwo by Prof. Vouse of
Following close upon Professor
Cross's lecture, given yesterday after-
noon will come six other addresses
this first week, on the course provided
for the summzuer students, by the uni-
versity authorities. Notable among
these are two lectures which were not
originally scheduled, to be given by
Prof.. W. FT. D. Rouse of Cambridge,
England. Prof. Rouse is one of the
best known writers in the world on
the tecaching of languages. Me has
come to this country to give summer
courses at the University of Columbia,
and is also lecturing in Chicago, the
first part of this week. He will stop
off on his way back to Columbia, whose
summer session starts next Monday.
Prof. ,Rouse's lectures will be: "The
Direct Method of Teaching Latin," to
be given July 5, at 5 p. m., and "Cicero
as an Orator," July 6, at 11 a. m.
The two lectures to be offered today
are to be given by men who are also
past masters of their subjects. At
five o'clock in the West Amphitheatre
of the Physics Building, Professor
David Friday of the Economics De-
partment will lecture upon the subject
of "Tax Reform in Michigan." Prof.
Friday has been recognized for some
time by the State as a valuable author-
ity in the fields of taxation and finance
and his work with the recent Commis-
sion of Inquiry Into Taxation, as well
as individual study upon the subject
well qualifies him to speak.
During the past two weeks Profes-
sor Friday has been spending a great
Continued on page 4)

orrespondig time in the last
m, makes it practically certain
he former figure will be passed.
raduate school enrollment, which
luded in-the literary department
s, numbered 121.
re were 152 in the law depart-
last Saturday, after the first
of the first summer semester,
go have "switched" to the liter-
epartment. In both semesters
summer only 153 enrolled, so
with the increase that the sec-
emester, which starts July 29,
ring, that figure bids fair to be
;tneering annals give the total of
ast summer session as 229. That
ear will see a larger enrollment'
assured by the fact that the
nt list of 263 is 33 ahead of the
ration which was secured on the
lay of the 1911 session. Every
numbers of students from Notre
Ohio State, Illinois, and south-
universities, enroll in Michi-
summer school, many of whom
panish speaking students from
o and the Central and South
can republics. Accordingto re-
there are fewer of these this
han there have been in the past
ears. The condition is attribut-
perhaps, to the Martian disturb-
in Uncle Sam's neighbors to the
rent number of the summer stu-
In the' department ofmmedicine
practicing physicains who find
d to get away for the whole six
of the session. Registration is
completed among the doctors
week and a half after work has
(Continued on page 4.)

"It is a pleasure to me to extend to tion stand ready to aid you in all
the Summer Session students, through ways that lie in their power.
the columns of The Wolverine, a most "I beg to commend not only the
regular courses of instruction offered,
cordial greeting, and to express the but the incidental opportunities in the
hope that your residence at the Univer- way of lectures and social entertain-
sity may prove to be a most pleasant met. The officers of the university
and profitable one. Be assured that the stand ready at all times to act as
officers of administration and instruc- your advisers and directors."
UNION IS HOPED TO BE E T Open hours at the Union are from
NUCLEUS OF SUMMER EVENTS. 7 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. Papers and
magazines have been removed to the
The new addition at the Michigan main room on the first floor. No meals
Union which was put on especially to will be served at the Union but the
entertain the Jubilee guests is to be sales counter will be open during
put to frequent use this summer by special events.
way of weekly dances for summer "We would like to make the Union
students. The first one will occur to- a nucleus of student activity during
morrow night lasting from nine till Summer School, just as it is during
twelve, and all attending the summer other times of the year," said Mana-
session are invited to come. A fee of ger Heath.
fifty cents a couple will be charged.
The banquet hall where the dances Former Editor of Wolverine Marries.
will be held is with one exception the Lee A White, '10, first managing edi-
largest hall in town, having dimen- tor of the Wolverine was married to
sions of 85 feet by 49 feet. Miss Florence E. Baker of Bay City,
Any man in summer school who is yesterday. In college White was an
not already a member of the Union
may join. If this term is his first in unceasing worker. He not only was
college the fee is $1.00, but if he has the instigator of The Wolverine but
been a student in the regular session during his last year in college man-
during the past year without joining aged both The Michigan Daily and
the fee is the regular sum of $2.50 up The Gargoyle.
to the first of September. Membership -_
for those who joined during the regu-
lar session, continues through the There are a lot of berths on the staff
summer session. of The Wolverine that are waiting for
It is planned later in the season to students who are interested, and are
conduct a tennis tournament on the anxious for experience in journalistic
Union courts. It will be open to mem-wok TrotrertWdsayr
bers of the Union only and a small work. Tryouts report Wednesday or
fee will be charged to pay for the Friday at 12:30, or call the editor, 960
balls, or Gl.


Word was received at the office of of Alpena from Detroit June 27. The
Purchasing Agent Loos yesterday that party embarked at Cheboygan and
the tents ordered a long time back for planned to go inland via Topinabee to
Camp Bogardus at Douglas Lake had the lake. There are expected to be
just been shipped from Racine, Wis. about sixty men in the engineering
As the party was scheduled to have camp and probably half as many more
arrived and to start work by yester- students in the biological camp.
day it is a problem just how the ill This year is the first time that the
fated young men and women have met biological camp has had a launch to
the situation. The nearest town in the aid in the work of going out on the,
summer resort Topinabee about nine daily expedition in search of speci-
miles away. mens. The session at, both camps
Thirty-eight students and professors is eight weeks long being contempor-
bound for the summer camps on Doug- aneous with the literary summer ses-
las Lake engaged passage on the City sion here.

Contains Summer Mail check to the
Announcements, Wolverine,
Calendar, Leo-HUE EU W UE
tures, and * eEA W I Wv E EEe Press. Building
all Camp-
us news 75c By mail $1.00
The official summer papel


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