THEa WvOLVERN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1910. VOL .I. VARSITY (A[[ 612 E. Liberty Only one block ronm the Campus Three good square meals per day Single Meals 25c $3.50 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c MEAL TICKETS FRESHMAN PUBLISHED Again~ we are reminsed that the time is sot far off wienltie atnusal horde of verdant freshmen comesC to tis otier- wise quiet ilite town. Thi tile the reminideer is tielite "Freshmal Bille' whichthi ie Students' Y. M. C. A. is pushlishing ads which has jst comse off the press. Among oter tinigs i contains soue of tile cruel aud ard aws which have heeu formlated by the student concile and wihich tie young seeker after know-. edge tmust oiey. Hiere are some of' them : . Wear the Freshtan cap or toque during the ettire year. . Never smsoke a pipe 011 the campus. 3. Get aii Prepi 'cl pill out of ..ghi, q. Never wear Prep shooi insignia. 5. Never sit oil the Seior enches. . Always aiiosv a an of a ihigier cass to precede you through a door. 7. Attend al mass smeetngs. 8. Learn the "Yelow' and the Blue" at once. q. oit forget tie fact tat you are a Freshmlan. The students' Ciristian Association is sending out hitndreds of these ooks to prospective ear-students so that they can gt their earings here. To the freshman these "Biles" are aisoiuttey essentia. At tile cose of his ourk in the sun- mer schooi Professor A. S. Whitney iii go to Leo Cheneux isands. ' 1A OME is grph of \t tO' '4 shoresitsodisint H1 , L 'i C M T 5 ons e sheath- lik eIt'ail veilig AGA N D SCU SE Ithe irgillristlreamei ;os tes sragh fil ~ ~ ~ taliiOii Msay i6 th i anssraciisptre ictel i sil Oitii it^ - OttneJiiiie t apoiasph mare at rt I ves Obsirvsatoryshsoiwied as aioial- Prof. Curtis Gives illustrated ols sremesr of ret itensity abont on n ne-shalf diigess fros thuetile- Lecture on the Celestial leus to te lft of thas. aaii tail. No Visitor of Spring traee of thii.sseasitri iw's seeii the isrevios nigt aid its oigiii reminis a myisery. WE ERENO INTAI O COET I~i conclusioii DrCuriss sa, "We WE 'WEI~ENOT I TAI OF CMETpassedt cosieriably ussirthue sasisstai ________ ~f ialaieys scome oss 'iay 1iS isit dur. i in ty gsvrarliiobserv0ers' it iscu-s "Late inthue tUth centsusry, Sir Esdmsnssievtidences f assunusuali amoun t fsdst tHallcy,ly snetisoudstseness'co'andscrue i, utue eisrts's amioshiii. This nmas itnvestigated tir paths aboustisthe sunssf have lie uns su o a sr 5 it teamser isil a tnuber of coises noservationssof fiomsi tirromtisI f sait ioas te whicht were thessflais. Assong thmi ratnti sf she sesails oimilet isster was the comset of 1682 whisheaisissls.ncef Dla if,190 borsieiis tame," said Dr. Crirss_____Fri-______ day aftersnoss ini his lettre isis ialicys ensmet "Now as Haley extessded Iis isvesi-( STORIES OF THE CAMPUS gationis, hie fousdstwosunes, Ose 76 'years efore tiresose sesiious srsn tiossed,btoh of whicha smosit aprntsiio Durisngthe aratemicsirarathteengi ini tevery' same orbit Ie therefotre- stirsi depritntisesi so srctis tint- cosncludedsialtishese tlo o jctserw e re-ducaitlinain itits otwsant epiear- osse assd the sasme; and ithus assingiscsue thatiitdaingis"osios of ue opoasie te 76 year peritof this omrisss r s esi se's issaly geed byisa geserltrush lutioss about the suss, tic sirsived tir to ue dilium Tesmsetr Ishssssolstso, oval or elliptical, rlosedsorbntil asidpse iliie siting enoutht co-elsm ssite stir dieted the restis oftlistsbodyti fothlit isiari'ssess is stlylt cit in 'stisisre- year 1759. spitrtit ite eginereritsgsdeatimrset. "At perihieliossinearrstacustlthe IThisurpsittrissimatftiistst iloe sci distansee of ialleyasacetfromss....tlallbeimagindth ieefore, oshes, sass is a little isore luanoe isalf te te ter disotheinistt str sseres earth's distasnce frostm li t lls oitttnit ite sysoutg.lis sTe isitrtoir, while at aphelioss thiss lodsis t rbeoessi'iist.i's'wo y thewaiso tel kntownriniiAnnt threeasid ose-haf sissionstillstile ex Aror sanii lemttu'seuber tithue ceesdisigthe sdisasire sitNeptllttlnOu eesdises Chts srrmessthe irr"fusses." most1 remnote pliatrfosmslthst]it-s tut aslthe ter sitftllws o-ere eves agisse teearths tillsm01eit sun iorbiit ttso strt stishynthi it" sisg slamwa Whie istensaest tsi tt ight a5ndha!le lP fit I' rty"hgrsrc receisied front tst oewousissesinie itsItkes t hissitonsisbis uvtanisig,"tilt, reasesd four-foldiaore lth sirspresttslth isi"ligh tflstie l stetechler amonts. Mhos kssownssliquidisswouldsseir mtIdthsi as t te jokenitas o imsii. vaporized; possibty sotme sitthe lrss Saillh, T hreylitaskrd me if visitr refractory soidsswouldsifiss asd, itlow-iwerr' st-lcss i sitaritilosof eoses isig to the vaeanttocecanss 'it uissssfortmisI sassid crstinily'sissd-er-twel, ysussee, takes of liquid metraltFsosmsltheremoteirftlisl isow istdilit suff" extremitiy of the eipse the susiswoushi appear as a brighst sat, Iker isr isghi ACIiiTYs'OF iBRiA RY'50 at a distassee of t5 feet fros is h B. RAI, N REASED we would reeivr sutit minsutessfrailon of our present daitty sitsupy f eal. hePitshsie restof sirxlDecemblier the cold wousld e istese.o 'lasso liqid~iiisiesal ibrauryuro' to t i ncssreasedl ito wouldsisolidify astd ssanv gasesliqruisfy, Caparity fit books isyumaysthoiusands "When thse comet wassftrstsghtedtioumisesThits istoh trcirompishedi i aot Septensher it nwas sbouts3000000:u0 rununisss"eli reseit r lsacksiss tie maiti smies fromslthe earths Ths slsstircesstromupsttipeelirnlsgThe cen- was thsesndimissinlsglthesusosst omig tars foustlistswts.rhIsisaltaily.bees downin iiits orbtanst a rth hisiciilits tussmshhsie josit ng toihte bSs-aduIrots toward i. Durisng Mateh the c outet Woraks of Jrsesy CiiiF Nett Jersey gassed tack of tile su, ehansging its sit Thsftu nis tutedt he satks no sitioss fronsuse cevening o te isornsigin i ust' at te iturass fCUngiess in sky. As this tulle the earths andsicomet I saoshiosadaloths o he Uar- were some tyonoono mities apart 'limitse lriraryof Ness 5 nsrk Cts.The closest approach olfthe tsoubidies otao oud tasunsfrom0551 tsrserding 05o511 ahouts May 20, solicithie udisance hr-itthe iltsaty are beiegscatt5 ees, ive toeen thessawas somse 13000,00amlses f thlem insgto tie uengineern il "The first picture taktesn at the oser tg owhere tey site berrn se ip ii vatory- here siowedt he coetsl10a tsiteanC stlts s ofe r thuit t rooumsui osall ebulottsstar, ut later, oshursnlt'he uadjouingthusengnuerng lirarys. '5Te comset approachedi te earths usa 1110111fiseolhsislhusand tbookswih these stckso isig objet, sutcesfutobserv'ationsuohestitt aesscommsoate are areadsin uslace. eame possiblet hough ihampleredrbytawnhututThe miassuitey'u-netshas begnin iithe asad horizosa haze. genesat liry adsitie coutrctosrs n- "ItsitMay, visal osevaions sowedtii paele insg thrsoughstiths te wholne ass actisve, shaspnsucleeusswihllhsie ni jobsyi his liarddisle of let Deemenr. velopinsg comsa, brigt treamuers. Just . berhindtithe ieadi seera streamesser ses N etseerHall is ieing leaeiath photographsed swihsa srge teesenpe redeorated The head, ott May 8, eseatesi a dosrsat appesadage from the itterus, but tisuSubsit ases, grips, trusnks silt soon e had disappeared on May . Thepto-sns the sgs f thur timies. GREATEST SESSION SUMMER AT CLOSE Heads of all Deartments are Highly Elated Over Work Done This Summer STUDENTS COME FROM ALL OVER The seoenrushesilsannuual smnersseso- sonsuwtill elose' August .6 mu alt dear- sleuts of ue usuvesiteoi' xcpt ithiss law, swhichs uil eclose Septs-smbesr to. 'T'his summuter sesions is rimse huttis tess festuresd by' several innovsaustinus. There tis eem s u mmsier shooisippter. Specieis t euerltinmusents ihavus-eueen tr- vided for te Isetsbyhalie Michigsan Unionu, us move. sial has osuhterusitssti before b tatorizass,,ti. Amisong fth woenact isintiesa uren pit i fnu;uthey hae mu th e irispecilmtenter-i souse gt'sssusst Miss B hio ist direetor for ills'womnuaesof thlist vesr- sit",repors ht succs-s immv t-'r'hsuu undetarskenamong hsie woutstn m sams this siiumuierseossionssas otito issetaat as si ereent 'Tisc afternooniiiletures isaue bueuensuon tinuedvuthissyeaus ul 5551th siht chng its chrtcmtermut lsh bsitnuesg ofpopuaus inturrst. Thsshas tteddsmosaewhas ts secres-sethe atelsans u s mut ithsi alu oso son sialtt umbslsers of secis studsenutssateb e rsctei- ushissrehintilts tdinthel s-usubjets.iThe leture onu thus'foussh ies lmmrnson sdslestanassml- the belsttt