iTEWOLVERlNP . . . ,. Players are particular about cues. We have good cues; light or heavy, plain, corded, or ebony to suit. Find what you like and ,ve reserve it for you in private drawer without charge. HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. :.i,. Ball & Simmons REAL ESTATE Rentals, Houses, Rooms or Apartments COMPLETE CAPE FOR STUDENTS 0, C. BISSE~LL 333 S. Main Elverything New and Clean I Uro of M. and HrnRiver Boat Livery Canoes and Boats Rented P. C. TESSMER, Proprietor Both Phones 656 Panama HATS Steenw and alt others GLEANED and BLOCKED 301.2 S. State St. First Class Shining Parlors NEW SHOE STORE a OaN STATE STREET If you want GOLF and TENNIS SHOES CALL ON E. Rn FROST 302 SOUTH STATE STREET Ebrih&Son Company ChmclDusand Sundries - WOLVERINE CLUB ROOM Billiards and Pool Tobaccos and Cigars Everything New Student Patronage Solicitied. .i i 1 STORIES OF THE CAMPUS Under this caption short stories per- taining to the cainpus wilt be published. Anythinig of local interest wrill tie con- sidered. Everyone who sces somecthing hunmorous about the catmpus is att liberty to write it up and onbi i s store to lhe Wolverine. No niamies wiltltbc signed iii publication, but the ntame of the twriter should accompaniy the store.. Nothing will be published that comies tio the office without a signature. When Profrs. ,s 'orwiit, whto is teachinsg here in the summeer sessiont, was a studenst at this ttiersstvthr was supposeil to derive a portiion of htis colt lege expenses froii a farm jist out- sile of Plynmonuth in which his family was interesteit. Itnomskiing out the leassr to a tenant the proprietosr was tparticti- arty careful to see that tis share of the tprofits accruing Ifriomtshte poultry shoultdlbe forthscoinig. So a rlausse was itserted thereins to ttse effect that half the eggs slsoutd se ttelivered regtt- larty by thse tenant, swhicls he accoridingly- agreed to do. Fall eanse anda early wnster. The sttp- ply of eggs gradually dwinidled. Theii for a period of several wceekas theree were so egss at all. Ttoinintg thsat tse tentant hadt forgottentihte careftully its- serted clatuse, a letter was idespastced remtindinsglhims of it. Back ectase the reply tat some recetlees needeid in whichs to shits eggs, aiid lsat that ws- thse canoe of thse delay. With visionss of great cnstards aniii dainty omoelets lsefore hire, Mr. Csrwini hastenoed to procitre somthliitg to shtipi eggs in. Alt he could fittdt sas a large barrel, hut as the wreatiser was cold lie thtougtthIis wouild allow ptlentyt of roomt to pack the eggs. itnttne titme a lrtter was received sayinlg the eggs swire ship- ped bot Itsat tere was somte dstnger of their being ittjarett becaitse of lto little covering. More visionts of dlelicatety prepared egg dishes rotted bsefoire tihe eyes of the epieure as tsrtroeeeto uttpaek the barret. Bunleaftiler 1udl of straw aitd hay sras removstedl. Thte kitcheis looked lilkete tattiex ts a statle. antd to eggs. Bttt the futtteirsofessore dug oio as if toe rere norsuittg tieleadll- ers of tsr critsadesltrtoutghtheathlens lansds. Fiiially hse ras reiwardted. ''Tere tte eggs were at lsat, iteatly tttckedl s way inthtie critter tif the sugar basrrel, fouir of thieto. ASSISTANTS rtn se ot.tVCA5TIONS. Libtrary assistantts are isakitng reads to take thoe vacations. Miss Florenict Harger wilt leave today for Grandi Rats- ids where shtetrill spenid Ite ssuitcr. Miss HeIleni Thomias tas left for ('slt- rado whoere sloe will spendsl ter vacationt oii the ranchl owined by set' fathter. Miiss Mary Peckhaissexpeets ts spendthe It osmer wits tee parensts int Jamtestown i, New York, aisd at Chsttaqua Lak~e where thoey save a cottage. S..,A. AMONG; TIlI?,OLDEST CABNtPUS ORIAN IZA't'ONS. Bite of the oldest of caisptus organti- zationso is the Stodesits 1Lecture Asso- ciatiotn. Formied initpI it existed ititil i18g3 before it twss itteorporated. The primiary funtionst of toe organtizatioin twss to furitishtsoItshtsuniirersity coin- mnitiy sit itinial cossre of stiblie lee- tures. BDiriing the years thsat followead, tse associationiflotirished. Whtent more funtdts trere acctumulnatedl thats tere ntecessary for runisnig e. apettoes, periodi- cats were furntishied to the readitig ennui, loait funs wtere estabslisbhed,sald gifts mtasdetsosiller organitionssss. PTe lsetutre assoeiationi tas starteid befoirse Isheyeumt miovemsetthad spett its fisrce, and ttose causes had tot set in, which tate later tetteda to mareahe puitisc lecttre a spstpular enitertasinmsent. It thte otl dass uch tin were Irouglht tsAn A rbsor as Etonersoit, Bayardl Taty- sir, Hloraee Mantn, Greee, atidGesiege Curetiss. Ini later years mousieal numbers have bettnedded to the psroghrami, anit witlsin the past fewr years tromtetsbave spokent. Amnig these toatipptear tate IseentIdlia Tairlelt, it-Io spoksle ott Litneolti,sait Maitue BallintonBosotlti,wtoi spoke ott tier tortiktaissstig the prisonso of the coutryt.e. STLJDENT AUTHOR MARES 1115 M1ARK AS IHIS'TORIAN. .Xb'OI NTMEN't'OFFICE2 ll,AC'P;S M NY :'PB(CIl BBS. The eaits- eestolmtenstreqitestedltaist spritng lbethe appoitmietlcsommsittle has seent rery successful aceorinitg to all reports. Mfore titiestats gireti the offilce fosrce to eollect idataicontceriing tie canidastes registeredt, sad tiore time ts ogitetn bothto schls upsiteritend-l rnts tatu teachers for aimtainv tiesti- gatlion.- The extra titte allotteid by the early e'tr'slttstet gavse a chatte to eollect alt dleltitecessary tIto riurnis the schtossi sutperinstententt with somte isles if the teaelier. Alt this tras setit out fromts the office,the eandtidatentsthavinigtsolbothier with it at alt. Dutritig lie sisttte'-session alonse abotissit P ptossilltns st-stesecured lfor teaichsers. 'lThe titire immbitersofttosi tilts secured since list spiringi is uniut 23o. Teachsers list-c biet seattereti titre widely this yerettanes-er before, go- ing toithe iwesternt states parlitilatrly. 'tIatis college anta a feiw tmiversitrytpo- sitioshaiite bsent filledl. Dutrittg the re tsitlser if the sutttiter the appointmseint office trill be open from 5 i to 3 oig stit nd tfIrosht lt 4sfter- Last year Coluttbia ratikedtfiest its total registrationm, Penntsyleantis secotid, Michigant thirdl, atid Barvardi, Cosrntell, and Yale fourth, fifth atid sixth, re- spectively. FULLER & O'CONNOR Steam and French Dry Cleaners Suits Pressed 25c Trousers SOc 619 En William Street JOHN H. LAMBERT The University Shoe Shop tFall line' of Arrosm tih Aerch 'erops titu Mna ittry usr Attjistttto LACES AND POLISHES 613 H. William St., Ann Arbor Reinger & Company The Old Place Billiard Parlors Cigars, Candy, Tobacco As sa cosntribuutosr to miagazitues there is slitthe eciampuis today atyountg athour I nholist a ttainuing a mar tked udegree tif suiceess. (hr.ILewssB.Casse, whtostes.x tractl fruit hitshoctlots thesis to trof. Yats't Tneuetitled "The Searech for the Alaa uusor the Nawsr ta of Nsval WVarfare, i1appearest inthte July n umtsber if theSranueimagazitne, tas recentlyp hiatt twsoothser artiles acceiptedhbyi f- isccintt pritias. A lptper entiledt -The Uper a M hitssissippi a Centuttry ((Ii" W1ill apspear skids y-inithe .\ltigti- ?itue sit sAmericanlHitiory. A historicalt stk et of si somuewhast udifferech-larater is contuaittedt ini Mr. Chasse's article ott thse "InsstittutioutusiI listory of the tHigh Schoosu-,'" rhtichi taosbeeit aecepotedfor puliicationtibyu1the SehlssiReviewr df Chiceago Unirersity. tBasiudes these three, Mr. Chasse tits haul ses-eral short airtieles ticceptiedhhiy-the hisser moagsinies. NYZl A' respouse scto yur sit ataits you tti hue office if 'T'he 'iotis-ritie, If y-outwtto ur dev lesclointg andh pr htin tdoe right gYo to Listigtisi's. Spseciaul atteuttionitgiveut eactihutsmsir lalte. Call Liongmanit the phtotogrsphier. toyS J.forsc st earths ofyoustr hsomte, attest als-itte atid anywshlere. Fors sibe- Bite, choseuli uBritanniica. gts editionit cAtmericansuRevisioti. $to.0" Veioulin $1.00. Phionue uuu-L. Mofcdet- ui rnictishedH isue fuse Rent- onte year or miore, 7 roomts, oriental ruigs, fine piano. Short dlisstnce est osf camuutls. Callt at T243Wsltttcits. lig oxfosrudstile at .(hlhntutul tttu For- sythie. Big oxfoirudstile at A'llmaindislanda For- sythse. i1-12-13 Somte toteof thosetiew sailtedl hesa-s-' A oto~AlesloQNT H~ tluts. Cuositug's Phiseisiacy. CooknerFR EEto Agen , tt e Iretse larges tmauaturro mn u Coo kin t ensils i If you watut a nice fresh son of Gil- , witouageti. italreuledRehi beet's chocolates, go to Ctushitng's Pisar- UOntcansshisso'MnefuioiegCo. Dt. 22 I, innot,Mi macy. 10 ! Opp. D. U. R. Statteon. B1 W uronsB. G. NOYES. Prop. F OR photographic film and printing paper, cameras, pure chemi- cals and supplies of allkinds, come to this store and you will be certain of depend. able quality. We sell the c. which makes truer, better- balanced negatives, and Cyko Paper for deeper, softer, clearer prints. Let us show you our splendid a s sor toment of cameras. Pure chemicals, all phtgahcsupplies. eveloping and rining doute. Reasonable c orse, E.J. ISCHKIDT 30 S.State St Phn aBel 35L U U i i FAM ILY THEATRE This Afternoon Tonight The Big Laughing Show JEANETTEA, the Musical Kid Taylor and Taylor The Unbleached Americans Starting Monday, Aug. 22 Something Difterent MELVILLE FLOYD Introducing slides of Jeffries-Johnson bight-Note: These are NOT the nooving picturns Another strenuous act The Benabdics, Arabian Acrobats Soonu- Hulme and Brown As good as the Wells Mrothers i >>Smokeless Powder Shells The Patent Corrugated Head on Win- cheater" Leader" and" Repeater" shells absorhsathe shock of the powder explos- i on instead of localizing it, as the old English way of metal lining does. That's why Winchester shells, with their modern patented construction, are so superior to ones made according to - the English method of times-hong past. l If you want the best shooting shells --ASK FOR THE REDW BRAND. THE NEW CATALOGUE OF THlE Univcrsity of tMcigl Is ready for distribution at the Secretary's Office. It contains complete information concerning all of the Departments of the University. Fall semester begins October 4. i910. A copy of the Catalngue with special publications relating to any department wilt be sent on application to SH IRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary Ann Arbor, Michigan Portrait Studio- ,319 East lHuron .Street