cuE ,WOt,VERIN'f $25.00 -4 x 5 Cartridge Kodak (Shopworn) Price reduced 50c each day beginning Aug. th at $19.00 ,Se e i in our W1icsllne E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical" Dept fine Watch and Jeweery Repairin HIALER'S JEIW[LERY STOR 216 Sath Main St. TALE AN ARBOR PRESS lYi tes to the .Student Body Prietrt of:-The iWoverne.,The Michign SDaily The Alemnus, he LlevoiwlThe argyo. Ten ic- i~nTrciliie. I-ghi soo l mg, Americn yler - Keytone. Yst's lrcat Rooi; on intlili. tflieal te de' iireetory. Nes-tetr, . t.A. Steiiuoh. 5ourioSek, Unierrity tet-ioos in iteret languages. Press Buldng, Maynard St. Ann Arbr, Micigan All Lovers o Gooed Soila Waters fect that le Feelst ole rsity Phar- macy isone ideal tler fore iriioco e ore thirt ,ltner Tr u Dth ttoeollao oilotoroll East University Pharmacy 1:3i11 Soth Un ierity university School of Music Albert. A. Maenley. A. M., Diirictor Summer Sessiaon July 5-Aug. 26 5-Siglee eslhrot yer begies tOctobar 3. Coiirse inali bracesliefitStlui. AlliliaeoliWithiveiirrity. 30 Artist Teacersr. Cell, or sed Sue illel ret clendiitar. tISSAttIJuI- A. SINKt, Secretary hlynairil ;i. Ann Arbo, ichl. THE WOLVERINE Tri-wveekly publicatton of the students of the Untvereily of Michigall Suneoer Session. Editor-ini-Chief-DANA E. JOoco,. Managing Eitolr-3glT A WHT~rE. News Editor......Dioti S. Birney E;. R. Burton Edward IH. Robie Erwin F. Kicoh. HI. G. McGee Biurleigh Jacobis XW. Leoiy Perkiiis. II. M. Calkinls. eUttollst 5TAOF. Adivertisitng Mallager. .Richaril Simmotns 0. 0. Carpenter John oilila W. G. Beasley Aiddress: Tig WOLocERog, Press Bldg., Maynard Street, Ace Arlior, Michigan. Office Hoers : 1:Jo to 2:30 p. ie, daily. Boltphones, 96o. Subhecriptioll Rates: Local, fifty colnts for She summer; ecailed to aiiy ad- tress foe twently-five centse addhiticnal. Adveortisinig ratee: Furnished up~on ap- tlication to the Managing Editor. SAXTURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1910. Editor Today-Feevioc F. KOIcS. MICHIGAN UNION PLANS A BIG MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN. Officials of the Michtigain Union are actively enigaged ill periecting planis for h ig camcpaigin for moemherehip ill the comintg year. The prosecttus containl- ing these plaice is already nearly com- pleted, andtdhei men ill charge say thcat the campaigin is to hoe1110 larget in thie hiitory of the orgonizationl. Prinetd copies are to he distriheteid at thle sta- tions to the itncomcing sudeuts in Octo- tier, conltaincing the adlvanitagestolibehodo- rived ill heing a mcembher, etc. At annlounced, thore will he o c10o01 cert at the Unioii next Suniday, the ap- proachcing exams being thought suffi- cient excuse to prevent it. The -Mici- gan Uuion cluh houee is still opeu to all sunmmer school umeu, however, aiii they evill he welconce at any time. Priif. F. M\. Tayloir is speiidiiig the vacatiou at the Muskoka Lakes. i1e wiill reimaiii there tiitil the op~eiiig.if coilege ini the fall. Examiniationl schedules for the lter- arcy anid enlgineoeriing depairtmients itill lie priiited 011 the regulir prograiis for tie week whch are postedl oin the biuile- tin hoards aroiundllthieliilits huildiings. MNIC.;1-XN PRiOVES TONicFA OUS SOPRANOBBIES .1,. AERICANE LNIX 1RotIN Y. CII 1X, UI.lON CIICICI'S. The l Uivrsiy of VMichioiiciiiga los iMaudaiie Fraiiee sAlit, ie un ila tdon- stroiig at all 511All iiericaii uiitrsity iia tiopranto, e wi ill ei taeiChoral t Uion accoriniig1o statistics compililedt byNIMr. conlertsii licte fail . M\adaiie Aldas A. J. tiboitt of the ,tiuioiiuu I.ti- ihg- lutst stces tat inii:Ins duiriiig the tires shiosw anatumiiiiiireyriesentiioni iiin ecenitfciirtIecn teekshengagemeinI t o every slate inthte ttoii. F igiures ini the thle NMetriipiilitacnOpeia tio. Panriiaed office of ltce Auni A\oiciiol show over tier tsigig, anod uring lthilast a total of regitersic lumn ici of 211,3301. cvo years at the Mietrolitaneo,.\ie Thsisthla rgest 'i lllilloody of wschi\da lias beenu a favorite, lily unileersity caii ioasti. There tire Pracicet NAla, altlicipitof Finglishi also severa-ithloucsanid fur wh ick the piarenitagei, is a inative citfEce Zeaciil. CniviersiltI ty a o iidirestsat Ipresenlt. Shte stiudiediiin uttiioircie, alterhe The stile of NiMiiciat asthe tlargest irststuidies i trot-it v e untiiry, aiii repiresenitatiioiiiitiiatill, oriin31 theicicamelile a mliii if Marechesi ill icr cenitcithlie registerei latiuni resii- tanis. 11er deutittes made at the ig cwi11t1hince stile. Next coiiiiec liii- Optera Coiiue ii n l"aoon" a role fiir itiis with 3,li95,i131 rciit of lie wolte. whichthe.iwatstier sonially selecteid by Ohiic li-s ,c3ii Xlii1 graduates as Massenet. She ivas thteii eigageid fur resiideinlsEew NYorkli-s 1,834,andIn- i three seasiiis ii inTrles. One esons iiainacT,313.'ITle Iariweecriistileitftwas speticla t CoveniiIt Gardenii Iiitil, Calorniia lois a graniutttl of 1I9Oundiiirici 0 iiii 1 h h esh sangii ci th altniiiiiiresiiniig ther e. Xiithrough the Carusoii in"i t et liiiSue then iweint to iet siare large biiiiet if AtM i c i len.Italy andittheou iilticiiii Airesie- Nahiiigtnis estpecially itellisuiiedi turitie lngagi litPis. with cilizenis ivho hat c tiefiie its>it MadamN ot liii Xii ti hicuiiesit a Michigant instrucetiiin. .Nmiiiiitheiiedutu cciieof iperas is astromiiii i cviiioI clic westcrii ottes Nt'inneis~ti and Nit- gethuer owihiin etecdeduilist ofiFr ellh, The imorc ffcit ctut 010liiI t iiiiof igurelille ihter ieeitaltprogramis. tier lis great ibiiiy if gradtnicsti s t11cpronit streithiclies ini 1p11ityoif style, coiirlri leiii wichetiis attprese iiccupyinig the overcilegaltio,miarked t ii a neliec alteton iof theleallers if the aiiiiInii diiisoplenidcluipment alii s aioetr a socuiatucici. Ill oiiltlhei movtent lsinger. wicheiiis 011fouotlto seeure greater uni-i Tht ecewNork Press sans: iealuci ainiimiire etiraliiediceiiitrotl I"Thcre is tiiiietinigstraiigely appeial- teris aiiiiiemc nt tow Isant a imoire ing inithe tery oresnceif thutlittle ciimplreensiive urgaliai iii. XItIret wo san, whse iieadi harely reacedi eut, hesiides the gelner at atliiiiii asicil abotii e liwaiist if tItii tganlie tenioi hill, thecre are a iniiiibicr iof stronucalie i( Siezak I. Shei tang ehuarmiiinITly oo, iocdies. If preetuplans eaontie earrvedtaiii withi admiiurabcleatteiitioniitoiartistie itil ~ ~ ~ a oreecii i i igaizionii o f pirasig acoeil crii siuui." alumniill ei venyciut-ofiiecvery stile wetie Miciganu men 1are tiliit, acnd S t'iii c. r r iiF Ii ii iiiccc ligolios. that mceans evecrc statie.uand111ot of the TIi as Trumbiiiill, wliiihastieeii eouiiiIes. sup1erini11tiiide t fiiiildiiigs iiidI groundcus _______________________ Of the Uiversity fur the lastiyearlhlt siccoscs ell itsiglol li aeei a lioitiont withi the RepcortsfoIrinit\\atshiigtonlhl - htilts niisi Arbocr lRalriiii.Lu fccrc tbeoinlg the LUnives ity if Nticigiileadscithe ue inte ndilentlihetichccas oliitherail eillees aidivsersities in 111111essionaliroad'sltauff, miii lwls50.)licomtetenlt that1 rotpre setatiiin. Ili tie sitirst Ciiitgteroaidhaosiimade repeated offers hI rest Nlicetigunli hittwvic lii-111111 cprindiicee iiiitoiireiturn. Ile ccitt haoe seiitativeis, anditherv nearest coipito lr, cuirge ioilkepiegi lepauir all, the biiti Virgiciuc, 11:13 cteed. ego, tiridtgis, etc., loni thiesii f iitlie hi tie Seinaie NMichigani is repiresenitedcol l iy. by Shiielyeif tIndiaii.i, NieCuiiiier fi Utiultsoille permlainentlapinstmcenit is Niirthi 1Dakota, :iiiitStherlandilof P1t11. muaide, J. It, Nlarks cvi lbeaetiing super- leges wcceh hiave liiv ir oe mlimbers ini Ciiigress is us foiliiiws : hutiiigaiiiRIT DItNG J OhUTN XLISfS 24, Virginia 16, NYle :3, tHarvarid 13, NIE_.\[lkNdVINQUIRIES. Cumiicerlaiiii7.,tceirgiau 7. Vaniiiltl6f,- Daurt miouthi6f,.Missouri 6fIo110a 6, W is- My ilqi inearebeinig reeeiedeiat conlsuli 6, 1Itwoi iiiiyWNahitgonianid tileioffici ii I tluuu cii:niregent to lihe Lee 5. tess cuirses Mii i ltratiscot wiehi ire lto "For a delightful luncheona or excelet repast" Mack's Tea Room The proper p1 ye e t e your Service a La Carte 8 A. M. t 5 P.M., Saturdays to 9 P.1'M. p 0 u 0 0 l N RVlIGDS6 G JORNLBULDN GREYUROTHERSIDI GREYLBRTER anti Dry Cleaners 1112 S. University Ave. and 11 N. Vine Ave. GREY BROTHERS THE FARMERS AND NIEANIS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $550,000 Srpus and Prfttt$10,OSS GleneratIBanking tBusnes. a perent paid ae Time aed Saing, eaceaik. Safety De- teositkoeeato rerciat $2,ff ad upwards R. Seev, Pre. H. G. PETTYMAN,Vce-Pre. H. A. WLLIAMeS, Cashier F. T. STOWS, Ast. The Ann Arbor SavIngs Bank Capital Stock $50,00 Surts$290,00 tReources $2,800,000 A Oenerl Banking Busins Trnsated orliaetu Chas. E. Hcock, Prs.; W. D. Haurrleman, Vice Pres.u0M. J. FrltzCasher STATE SAVINGS BANK DIRROTORS: N. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wm., Areold Dr. V. C. Vaugha Ta. H. Wade E. F. Mis John H-arer Je. Koch Pret H. S. Cahedt Hery W. Douglas Chilstae Matie Dan F. Zmmermane German neican~aviln3jJ Comrmneri..1 ad So.virag. Cow. Me lm &aradLtbertv Street* FIRST NATIONAL BALK O ANN AsBOR, MICu, F. D. FtNNCE, HARRISON SOULE pre.Tice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier, Caiial, $uooooo. Suripies and Profile, ,eu,oo IFA CIAPhop 598~ Atihe lce elof 11cc Scucmmcer Sessioin Mr. 1. H. Scott of the G~ueogy depiart- mceict with joili Ir. Frankh Lecereltinii a Geological Survey i)f parts of the Uphper Pencicnsultaif Muichiganu. The ecnul drawcs iighc. tie giieniatithieeluivierstiy, f reich nuow on. Nplitcants trim altliciertie LUiteid Stls hiatt askeud furrinfo irmca- tion.abiiiitithie work. lice ioiiutokfur a lante class ini lie fail is cery goct. 'Mane () f lice studenlotsiutw ecurolledilii talc thutespialcoiurses arranugedifori newspapeicr ccei. EasmanKodaks----Photo Sup plies Eastman LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY Headquiarters for Anns Arbor is at LYNDONIS, 719 N. University We do more amateur fiishing thian all others put together, and we do it better. Tank method giveos host results. Uruiversity Muzsic Houise, Press B'u4lding Mayznard St. Cas-wia ct.. aetockh of Classic end Popular Music [ ~~And solicits patr-onage. of asmer s tndenats Spring Styles Hats, Suits, Overcoats, and Men's Furnishings. Drop In and see them F. J. WUERTU, COMPANY 211-SOUTH MAIN STREET ,: 121 a~sin too E. RANDALLI & PARK, Photographe