TPHE WOLVERINbt .I $25.00 4 x 5 Cartridge Kodak (Shopworn) Price, reduced 50c each day beginning Aug. 5th at $19.00 Neit in our1 JWindw E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S ptical' y Dept. Fine Watch and Jeelery Reparigt HIALLER1'S JIIWILIIRY S10ORE 2t6 south Main St. Prites ot:-The wolerrine. The DSitu ti,ntaDaily The Al attais,Th aw et en~. iTeiargaprTe Ti 11h- iean 'Tehnic,High ShoolOmega. Ameiclan Tyler - lPeystun, Yst' (tr at tealokiuon iietlall. Officia St dents'.Di rctory. Nws-trtter, S..(0. A. Hlandbooktu. Srosis Boo, tUniversity T'et-ilaehs i Ieua anugs Press Building, Maynard St. Anan Arbor, Michigan All Lovers at (testSoada Waters Lnd that (lie1?ast tatverity Phar- meay is an ideal plaeetr a dellicisellie eer a ttirst quencter. 7e'ry tt"u(tahoclat." htetoreeold Bast University Pharmacy '?t Seat tUaiverity University School of Muskc Allbart A. Stlanley. A. St., irtetar Summer Session, July 5-Aug. 26 Rogltir schoolt year be gins Otobatar 3. (eartealan all tisitIetStiiMSIC. Alliittdtwiti sity. 10 Art istTreacthera. Call, er sendtl ftr illuist ratedl calendtat. CttAlt, {S A. SINK, Secretary Mtaynartl St. AnnaArbor, Micth. THE WOLVERINE Tri-wseekly pbicaionl of the stdetts afthlia University of Michigata Smmer Session. Eiditor-int-Chief-DANA E. JaNES. Mantaginig Editr-Lt A WITE. EDITORS. News Editor .... . Din S. Birny E. R. Burtoia Edward IT. Rbie RRoTtES. H. G. McGee Idreigh Jacobs Erwin F. Koch IT. lM. Calis W. LeRoy Perkinas BUSINf',SSSTMT. Advertisinig Manager.. Rietard Simtmons 0. . Carpenlter JaittBoilaia W. G. Beasley Address: Tirt WoivrtisN, Press B1ldg., Maytard Street, Annt Artor, Mbiciga. Office Heoars: tI:0 to 2:30 p. it. daily. Bth phonses, 96o. Sutbscripliota Rates: Local, fifty cetts ftor the sniimier;aailed taneiy ad- dress for twenty-five ceits additiial. Advertisittg rates : Frnishaed upon ap- plicaton 1o the Managing Editor. TURSDAY, AUGUST i8, ioto. Edt/ar Today-E. RiBUT'ONt. THE COOL NAVAL TANK ATTRACTS HOT CROWDS. A large crowtt of itteresteit spect- tars visited tte iavatansuk ithte lnew ettgitteerittg buildig vesterda, tokedl over tmodels and imaig andt tesinlg thett. Thelankti is soite- tittg f a tnovety, tere beitg ittty onte ttter ikte it itt the cttntry. It is, thow- ever, a success ill every respect. Prf. Sadtter explattinleth te matntner of repar- tiiottof tetiodels, atal osste tests werte madte. A tttttl of ca is iist tmae, same wh at larger taa thtafinished model is to Ie. Thtetmitture f paraffutn1and1 beeswax is then unrinoto tis tstoult o, atit allowetd to ctitl. It is tett taktellott, andtat tiby mtanats of a mta- chitt, so arratngetd that ttelites of te ariginatl drawitg ay be floset. Te tmtatel is thetnplacetd ott atatleswhelree all tte rotigh lites are stmsothitt )t~, tfter swhichl it is readY to tar testei. Thte travelintg platforita say le rtt at allytdesired speed, ad tere is tl- waysa false bottotit by whicthle depta of the watreay e rgtlated at will. Prof. Satler extplaintteh lat te retlts here obtaned gave a 'basis for ascer ttainiitg the exact catdii011s of lar large ship tit sithiitote to two per cetu. Certaini laws are applied atd it is nti niecessary to runthle platirt attrly ast fast as the fitishaed sitt is to be rttt Phtoigraphs cata also etmade of te wase actiont follosittg the ttodels. Thte cool air inthle rtomintattvhicht ther tantk is located appeaet to te gests, atud the rooima sas crowded alt lte after- Classes ittEnglishlandttlAtmericatt LABELS ARE DECEITFUL ARCH lOl' TRAGAN 15 MOIVED) TO ARTl RIIOJIS ( Dean Schiotterbeck Tells of use tn TIe casisofitthle arch sot Truetus tttve NEW FOR Decoying Public tareit mttsced1fromitthle getteraitlitsrairy "The tatisial pture f-it attd drag aet to the airt gallery were:tey till hv is otte of ottr mtost es:eletlaliss, as a tlae othte italls. Jttst whrIe the far as i goes, bttit doesn't gss fatr casts itill tbe placedI tatsit lit-c i edii, eisiugh,"tdeclarediDeanst'.11. Sclttter- sit thetaris ttreadtiiess to twpticed. -S U M M E R helk Wedetltsdayaflerte, inithIis le- Thtese rests stere tAres ° tedtoItsthe itii- ttrr, -"Decetiont ill i'. iits andtut gstt esit ltassou t it e tivers agts by the "There i5 at Ipresetahlllpeitn in its I it andittit notierill.:classes of los Cottgress tIt atkerare (tf t tth arua to anditpsetple itlresteit ;,Ite tuiversity, tutrrtvho willfully lies itsLatilinghis1a1drost over a tlsotts testdoltatrs. Itte produtrs." east ts a repiresentattiont sf thte triumphatli Sittertte passiage of tir turefoossrchittof'Irtiganterectedtat Benevtori last iti tiafi tte aurily, so far a cul Itly, whichis intttwtone ofttlite lest itt hairmfutlness to thte cotsumer goesbi.hasistie rmiigRoman moumnts. Ther-spridts:ttlilaringthe is sr lis nholt FO LA TR II:S LE injurioaus, tut the pblitc-tisisguiedi Iathouh te Utniter sity is list pits- We are showing an exten- putrchasitng somtuhtlitug vhuch lsIithko essed5oitaacottnisneftutnd,"stirestill aive line of Sunmmer Fabrics. utothting itbittt. A let still tie astpro- 1aveto ettrgtizeidtlsootnif tlest sutdents h sotmn opie vidtet inithe ict, sutithire.stiltl betutufit onsieeasluttf lssuuautor fst two wsotrids, wsichtetssecitalljoers,"tht i llslttiettigtii. resitdet I lut everything that is new and are enitirely unituisletigtttte to sil t ithlsetthinssureeveilatiter frottt lacite nobby in design, color and writer oftemu. ELv ieniitg cloeiteth isstein hich waurs nclostedttisrlfteens quality. We can say with- trouttusill tue tarefltt7 eietedtutsrlouttees iitntisIta s tsayfotr a1laternt out exaggeration our' stock the "jutker"stiltlihe theirottucar'ssaret, t olenthiteltnighstuf thle Sentitrtem n., andthe puoait aroilundich aiill the the Itfirs titltis' of roituuter uneturt this year is the lOt than-d- tricktery hiitges. Fotr itustanie, itt teetraitwse.ThIIIe ltler stated liat thse nriter's some we have ever shown, of tlhe well-knownt utfacteucreamss telitnsiststn-eutihad tutimIittsitter tse and will readily apa o the pritil in tgreiet ist hstatus it puttytuoth lasnIttern, adtheoly ay ie t apa col tirluit iitottsi rg e u lditas sietolireiliev e teitactgs H moat particular patron. intsteatd of Littn-ildoil. Roc al Ihat msendulthur triceof the ltanterut itud tte tla olsyttiaitug tpowdtetrlusinug grtpeit ceamof ta trter."VisioIte fat itha sttISCoUSSi. tr lt 1ttil Bitt,. gacrttreamssoftarter (it arlti rotdutted I uintuhet remtaintdetr ofthetusitmittutu bsy antyoner tanywhe~rtui thtl ati ruiteIsrmtthlietutse in TariftfIhistory uutie tar comutpanyululs ito excltisit ve poers rofesori Sutaltes tautludisctuss than its its ctrotil. Neverthseless, thueir I I I sPaynetlrichtilarifff:set os altst s -e. waottlidseemttto stttietat ten tail theThis idiscttssions till Iii undteitfotut nwtrls rights its the us, ftt c tt tiltadsItlire asontifur a lit, at itis timse, eat. IfItis fatesrer knotsnutiit isotutdItthe inutttliititionui ati pssact of It the at, ______________________ te a stilte umattet ritutdowthhit h tdcit onatu haattrizaititttn(if thtt rst of ivinig, liy utixitigoutrownfoostatan a sigtlsutrveof tthersttts -n rsrpin.wihhv olwdi t ae u-D c c~ Onei-ofatesutrest tnnastaof SIt.apn.thetsfiust pirtftfhu tetitaute ls oatt thle etil if beautifhiies his byatuptiliths bsen stidili tefttudmtauutl Varsity Tailor dretly to te etditrs ift list if ltineprinilesttfttfreetrtitetariff urincitples, mtodeirnttewsapters. These so-ialled' antri itttstoirs. 117 E.Liberty St. aething moeta orle ss thaticlterly S'T UDNituis stilitutiutsrD letvisettavtil tisemetstot' uthethe tt eprult reactes.thits oithaIlt Hisstird sate of the tirticles rccomnetdita in L. W tle uti ws itrutwtntdlist teck sue lutatst get attttrIthe :psnittutningttttuing tatter. scttauicttttltIs Nutiglen liii tvas 23syetirt ol, gradui-- It is a w l-n w ati h rad tilt d 1 fr tlit hets sttai t i rma itscholttuih if fotuutiarltttle ictat thet-ptaotueti pstilti intatatit endietd-i tte itti-lJ wsaitt soirtltiti titatout swhichlitheyi nos rit y sla lst 5-tar. IIce wsu iedtlSiun-A L this tos iefrtauid, tidtiomstaustih ir I lt tand are a swosrk tafart ini the ceenssd Sr 55 t itln, 1it tuit ( wsitht whuichahlie adthtemlii isue. ShlayIsJ.IIHiii .eslhogradttuatled tint itelligetpersonutiats, tuthstprtug f rotm the te ladetutrtmuetit, D y G of thle ptnttletiicine-tis, hcheemst tsitglytasit ri eilthe fotirthioftathlis amonthl uswior stk l s eouttndrfuilcueth ers in til to Muss aWilcittiiuT: I Irus of Ssan 1112 S. University Ave. postid of abutl44Ytiercetilchlat40 DiegoCal. BTe ceremonyisIsitho paeeand tare ccit tettr, tndtiul . itite ttetrusherbait hetsbantecs homilurithe tresence itta 811 N. Vine Ave. tar idruig to give thieit a -settitna tent frieuits tatti rettii es. Nlis attrie taste auit crs. htiit tatoI-its :huigi his usssahlitt GRY BR ofThut-DOtant used as ilusrattion ie-t honetititndttheliitatst 1111wsTai . G E ite o h rteu lus tuoito0 titers a t hut ifficne tattls thtthte crib- Litt t I, slii u itts a eag it 1 I lV cisetd,usitthur"jokter"uudelrined sia that Ite tpsiutn tt vuldticlrear. ThurlIre titer trotvi edesyIteretiighutndte totdience intlertt edilh freqtuetlyt wist atpplaute. Chicago is reputeid to be thte greatest eduttationalh cits it thur strlet. Aoiut , boy s atid girls. attd youtng taeun ad womseti are eatrtdinugltar schtools atai colleges itt ther city. partnicr shiptitth Mr. Iligglinsuntuist gradutttatintthyestr. At the test tmeetitug of ltar Regents, RauymtonadEverettlwussappoitsetd as itt- struactor itt Descriptive Geotaetrsy atd Drawitag for the year igito-191 , to snceed W. P Vernter, seho has bett tratasferred to Mechtatiail Etngitneerittg. Ottly sevnceuttrektsset atad thent the regttltar gtrind tiegins agatin. Bhegintotitthiabt lotut those "rouse.1 Literature tate noted frotasUtniversits Hlt o seest Hell becausee of rettairs Neerls all thse colleges inth le country that tire beittg madentur te ld oirootts. unosegiveeanuael comuic operas. 210 L. Huroun TO M J.O'V LL, 1109 S. VUniversity First Class Boot anid Shoe RKepaiiring Tonm wants youar old high shoes Beat price givers ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS--French and Steam Cleaning For Pine (Gowns, Waists, Woman's Suits and Men's Clothing Till FARMEIRS AND MELCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STRB1ITS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,000 Grnrral Banking iBusiness. a peficent paid onitmot and Savings Deposits. Safety lie eania r Boxes to root it $2.00 sod upwards t. tEnFe, Pres. H. 0. PsarETraAN, VicerPres. H. A. WILLI~AMS as hier 10 T.OSrowE, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savin $ ,Bank Capital Stack $50,000 SurptuaaifM,owo Reaources $t,800,000o A Genera! Banking Business Transmuted OFFrICERSt Chas .E.Hliscoch, Pres.; W. 0. Haurrinman, Vitae Pres.:t M. J. Fritz. cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK IREC~TOS: N. J. Beath Jno. V. Sheehan Wm. Arnold Or.V. C. Taughan las. H. Wade E. F. Mills John Haarer Jno Koch Peof. H. S. tCarhart Henry W. Dougtas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmerman Conimues-ole.1 a:d Sa vtirag Ces-. Me.-. asad Llba.-tv Straesa FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Ares ARBOR, MICHt. P. D. KINNEI, HARtISON SOOLE Pros.Vice-Pres. S. W. OLARKSON, Cashier. Capuihtl,$Too,0oo.Surpluts and Profits, $00000o All Spots Removed. 204 E. Wsashinitou1 Ife yous are furriishitig rooms this fall be sure and consult uzs, as it will be to your advantage MARTIN HALLER Fix:-etss-a Carpets, and Drapasrles 112-122 E. Liber-ty 121 Washington t. RANDA.LL & PA CK, Photographers Pkhele 598